924 - January 7, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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924 - January 7, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

VOICEOVER:A strange day at the

great estate of Collinwood.

A day of discovery for one woman who has journeyed

to a house on a remote island,

seeking the owner of Quentin's portrait,

which is now covered by another painting.

But while she waits for the woman who owns it,

she makes an astonishing and unexpected discovery.

Do you mind if I wait for your wife?

MAN: Well,

You obviously do.

Well tonight's our anniversary.

Six months married, how about that?

WOMAN: Would five minutes matter so much?

Five minutes always matters.

But you are here, and if I don't have to entertain you

until she arrives.

I'm sorry, that's rude.

The truth is, I have some business calls.

I want to get them over before she comes.

WOMAN: I understand, go right ahead.

There are some other pictures here you

might be interested in seeing.

Including one of Mrs. Rumson,

the most beautiful of all of course.

That's her.

That's my Angelique.

[dramatic music]

[theme music]

[dramtic music]


MAN: The name suits her, doesn't it?


It's strange though.

The portrait looks so old.

Whoever painted it did a good job, didn't they?

She's dressed just as she was at a costume ball

before I met her.

You know he even painted this on an old canvas.

She's, she's very beautiful.

That's the best model we ever used.

You know that's how I met her,

I saw her picture in my magazine.

Fashion, you probably read it.


MAN: I decided to do a layout, just of her.

You haven't known each other very long then.

I went to the city myself and supervised it.

It was unheard of, a publisher taking charge,

but, I met her.

You know I,

I never believed those popular songs.

Love at first sight.

It only takes a moment.

You've got me talking on my favorite subject, doctor.

Yes, I see I have.

[phone ringing]

Excuse me.

Rumson here.



Her plane's landed on time.

She's on the launch now, she'll be here in minutes.

So, if you'll excuse me.

Of course.

There are magazines there on the table,

all mine, naturally.

Amuse yourself, doctor.

Don't worry about me.

[dramatic music]


Do I have to do all of this right now?

Yes you do, David.

And your handwriting better be more legible

than it was last time.

How come I never get to do anything I want?

[laughing] David, you know that's not true.

Well then why couldn't I go to Michael's house to play?

Because you're coming down with a cold.

Yeah, and staying here's going to make it go away.

And you had work to do.

David, you can't spend all your time at the antique shop.

Well I don't see why not.

Well for one thing, Megan and Phillip don't want

you two boys underfoot all the time.

They like it.

WOMAN: You must get underfoot some of the time.

You just wouldn't understand.

What wouldn't I understand?



WOMAN: Something.


I was just thinking, that's all.

Well I wish you'd think about finishing your theme.


It's done.


David, when are you going to

learn that schoolwork is important?

I know exactly what is and what isn't important.

You don't have to worry about me.



You didn't come to my house.

DAVID: Well, she wouldn't let me.

It doesn't matter.

I've come here.

DAVID: That's great.

Michael, I didn't want David to play with you

today because he's coming down with a cold.

MICHAEL: I don't get colds.

Well I'm still surprised that Megan and Phillip

told you to come here because

I think they knew that I wouldn't let David go out.


You're not going to make him go home, are you?

You wouldn't go that, would you Miss Evans?

DAVID: Come on, Maggie.

Well I certainly should, for your sake.

For his sake, Miss Evans?

Well if you two boys start running around

and David gets overheated

We won't!

We'll just sit down and play quietly.

Won't we, Michael?

I know lots of games we could play.

DAVID: And while we're playing, you can grade my theme.

We won't go out of the house or anything, Maggie.



Michael if you two boys start roughhousing then

you'll have to go home.

David really is coming down with something.

You can stay.

What do you want to play?

[quiet music]

Michael, is something wrong?

What could be wrong Miss Evans?

MAGGIE: You keep staring at me.

[dramatic music]

I've got it.

We can play Wall Street.

Do you like Wall Street, Michael?

MICHAEL: It doesn't matter what game we play, David.

You know that.

David, you remember now.

MICHAEL: We know.

Miss Evans.

We know.

[eerie music]

[quiet music]

RUMSON: I missed you.

I missed you too.

Worst luck, we're not alone.

There's a woman here to talk to you about the Tate painting.

Get rid of her quickly.

There's champagne on ice and I have plans

for the day.

I won't let a thing interfere with them.

[laughing] Well where is she?

The gallery.

Do you know how much I love you?

Nearly as much as I love you.

[quiet music]

[suspenseful music]


Hello, Angelique.

[dramatic music]

Why did you come here?

Not to find you.

I don't want to have anything to do with you.

Any of the Collins, anyone at Collinwood.

Do you understand?

I've changed.

I'm different.

I have everything in the world I want.

Do you indeed?


And I won't let you or any of them take it away from me.

WOMAN: Why would try to ruin it?

You'll tell them.

No one there will believe that I've changed.

Barnabas would never believe that I'm in love,

that I'm loved.

WOMAN: Barnabas might surprise you.

That's one thing he would never do.

Barnabas always laughed at me when I spoke

of being human.

You've given up your powers?

Of course, willingly.

You don't believe me?

Oh! Do you think I'd be standing here begging you

if with just a few words I could wipe this meeting

from your mind and be safe again?


That was part of the agreement.

If I could find a man who would honestly love me,

then I could live as a human.

And I am.

I knew this would happen.

I knew I'd see one of you,

one of you would find out I was here.

This house, Sky loves it so much,

I couldn't bear to make him sell it.

He knows nothing about me,

nothing, and he mustn't.

The past means nothing to me now.

If it means nothing then why do you have

the portrait of Quentin Collins?

[dramatic music]

I have it because Sky gave it to me.

Why did he happen to choose this particular picture?

Was it chance?

No, no.

When Sky asked me to marry him,

I wasn't sure.

I didn't know whether I could give all that up.

One day as I was trying to make up my mind,

I was wandering through a gallery and I saw that.

You knew that Quentin's portrait was underneath.

I'd been at Charles Tate's studio the night he covered

Quentin's portrait and began work on that picture.

So the picture came to mean for me

everything my life had been up until now.

All those weeks I was trying to make up my mind about Sky,

I would go to the gallery,

look at the painting,

and remember.



All the rages I felt, all the unhappiness,

how every plan I'd made had gone wrong.

One day Sky picked me up at the gallery.

He knew the owner.

The owner took him aside and told him

that it was my habit to come to his gallery

and sit there everyday and look at that picture.

He bought it for me,

as a surprise,

a surprise wedding present.

Now if I ever have a single regret,

I come and I look at it.

I'm very glad to be as I am now.

Julia, we became friends in the past.

Please let us be friends now.

Don't tell them I'm here, please don't.

All right, I won't, if you

would give me the picture.

But I can't.

Angelique, Quentin is in trouble.


Is it Collinwood?

A man I assumed to be Quentin arrived a few weeks ago,

but he's lost his memory.

I know that the painting,

the portrait of Quentin,

will help him regain it.

Angelique, he's just as he was, he hasn't aged at all.

Don't tell me those things,

I don't want to hear them.

Let me take the picture,

A View of South Wales,

and let me have it transferred to another canvas.

Your husband need never know.

If you ever felt anything at all for Quentin,

you must do this, Angelique,

you must.

[dramatic music]

MICHAEL: One, two, three, four.

I saw that Michael.

MICHAEL: Saw what?

I saw you take some money from the bank.

No, you didn't, David.

DAVID: Yes, I saw you take it.

Why'd you do it, Michael?

Because I have to win.

You have to?

Then there's no point in playing the game.

Sit down, David!

You haven't finished your move.

I'm not going to.

Look at me, David.

You will sit down

and you will finish the game.

And you will win.

And I will win.

David, if Michael would excuse you for a few minutes

I'd like to talk to you about your theme.

Michael won't.

What did you say, Michael?

Nothing Miss Evans.

I think you said that you wouldn't excuse David.

But this is about his homework and it doesn't concern you.

We're playing a game, Maggie.

David you can stop playing your game.

This theme is illegible.

There are whole sentences here that I can't make out.

You really should let us finish, Miss Evans.

DAVID: Yes, I think you should Maggie.


Please don't tell me what to do, Michael.

MICHAEL: David's little lecture can wait, can't it?

Besides, I don't know what's

so important about handwriting.

I've never seen a grown-up's I could read.

Neither have I.

That includes yours, Maggie.

So why don't you just go back to your room?

Apparently you didn't understand what I said earlier.

You do not give me orders.

David is in my charge, not yours.

I don't know what you're getting so upset about.

We said we'd come to you as soon as we've finished.

[suspenseful music]

All right.

David, I'll give you five minutes,

and then I want you to come to my room.


It's your turn, Michael.

I hate her!

DAVID: Why, Michael?

And she hates me!

DAVID: Well, if you hadn't have said

But she'll be sorry!

Come on, Michael, let's just play.

The game is finished.

You go on, listen to her lecture,

and then

Then what?

Then we're going to have some fun.

DAVID: What are you going to do?

Fun for us, anyway.

I won't do anything to hurt Maggie, Michael.

I won't.

Who said anything about hurting her?

As soon as it gets dark,

we've just got a nice new game to play.

That's all.

[dramatic music]

I'll send someone to pick up the painting,

the day after tomorrow, after you've gone,

and it'll be back here before next weekend.

Yes, please.

[sighing] I'm deceiving him already.

The influence of Collinwood.

Why don't you tell him that you want to

lend it for an exhibition?

He'd want to know where.

He has that kind of mind,

he's a very thorough man.

No, I think

we'd better do as you said.

You pick it up.

And, Julia, please keep my secret.

Don't even tell Quentin.

I promise, Angelique.

I keep my promises.

I don't want you to misunderstand this,

I don't even want to see you again.

I think that can be arranged.

Well, haven't you two settled it yet?

Yes, everything's all arranged.


Thank you very much.

Goodbye, Mr. Rumson, you've been very kind.

Not at all, let me take you to the lawn.

Oh, no, you don't have to do that.

[quiet music]

Well, did she get whatever she wanted?


What's wrong?

What's wrong?

What's wrong is that you're too sensitive.

You know me too well.

I don't know you nearly well enough.

Yes, you do, Sky.

You know me as I am now,

that's all you have to know.

[thunder claps]




[thunder claps]

[dramatic music]

You shouldn't have taken the fuses out.

I just wanted to see if she's scared

of the dark, that's all.

I don't like this game, Michael.

Can't we stop?

We're not going to stop, David.

She's coming.


[thunder claps]

David, are you in here?

[suspenseful music]

[door slams]

[thunder claps]


David, is that you?

Answer me, David, I know it's you or Michael.

Now if you don't answer me...


DAVID: What's the matter, Maggie?

You know perfectly well what the matter is,

now open this door, do you hear me?

[suspenseful music]

The fuses have blown and I want you to help me

find the fuse box.

I didn't do it, Maggie.

Well, then, I know who did.

Michael, I've had enough

of your tricks for the day.

I'm going to call Megan and Phillip and have them

come to get you right away.

You don't need to, Miss Evans.

I'm ready to go home now.

I'll call them myself.

[suspenseful music]

[thunder claps]

You shouldn't have done that, Maggie.

David, I don't know exactly

what you mean by that, and I don't care.

That boy is not a suitable friend for you

and I hope you'll realize that.

Really, David, as far as I'm concerned,

he can never come back here again.

No, Maggie, don't say that.

Please don't say that.

[thunder claps]

[suspenseful music]

[heavy breathing]

[door scraping]

[dramatic music]

[theme music]
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