927 - January 12, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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927 - January 12, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[spooky, eerie music]

VOICEOVER:In a hidden maze beneath the GreatHouse,

a young woman has learned the meaning of fear.

The same fear that has forced Barnabas Collins

into a life of terror.

Locked in a seal room, Maggie Evans knows that she has

a tormentor who has led her a terror filled chase

through the darkened secret passageways of Collinwood.

Although she has no certain idea of who he is,

she does know with fearful certainty that he is

far from finished with her.

[slow footsteps echoing]

Maggie are you in there?

Maggie answer me, if you can hear me.

I've come to get you out of there.

[door latches clicking]

[door creaking]

[sharp thud] [ominous music]

[waves crashing] [spooky, eerie music]



I didn't mean it!

I didn't!

[door creaking]

Hello Dr. Hoffman.

How did you get in there?

David showed me, he showed me all the secret panels.

Oh did he, did he show you the secret panel

in Maggie Evans' room?

Those secret panels are really neat.

This whole house is neat.

Michael I asked you a question.

Do you know about the secret panel in Maggie's room?


Did you use it to get into her room?

Did you see her after David did?

Grownups sure ask a lot of questions.

I'm asking only one thing Michael.

Do you know something that none of us know

about Maggie's disappearance?

Of course not.


Oh Julia!

JULIA: Maggie, What happened?

I've been through a nightmare!

Come and sit down here,

and try to tell me exactly what happened.

It's over Maggie, Maggie it's all over

and you're safe here, you're with me.

It's just begun.

What do you mean?

I spent the night in a maze under the house.

I was lured there and, I was trapped in a room.

Someone tried to k*ll me!

Do you know who it was?

I thought it was that friend of David's.



He was here just a minute ago.

He denied knowing anything about you,

but I knew he was lying.

He was telling the truth Julia.

It wasn't Michael, it was Phillip.

Phillip, why?

I don't know!

I'll never know.

I k*lled him!

[ominous swell]


You k*lled him?

But where is he?

I'll show you where he is.

But I can't look at him, not after what I did.

JULIA: Maggie listen to me you had no choice.

He's dead because of what he was doing to you.

Oh, hello Michael.

Hey you should have on a heavier sweater.

This time of year the weather's treacherous.

You didn't do what you were supposed to do.

I couldn't.

There were reasons.

Reasons don't matter.

What does matter is what I want.

And I wanted him dead.

Michael, you're very dear to me.

But you're very new.

Phillip and I have been in love with

each other for a long time.

Well that's all over now.

What do you mean?

You're right about the weather.

It is treacherous.

David had on a nice new sweater today.

Let's go to Brewster's and get me one.


What were you talking about just now?

What's over?

What did you mean?

I mean we don't have to worry about

Mr. Phillip, the traitor, Todd anymore.

I mean he's dead.

[alarming musical swell]

Phillip can't be dead.

He's dead alright.

He can't be!

He deserved to die.

MEGAN: You did it!

I had it done.

MICHAEL: What do you think you're doing?

I'm going to

I don't like the way you're acting Megan!

Phillip's part of your old life, it's over now!

You can't rush off and leave me alone like that,

I don't like it!

[metal clattering]

[slow knocking at door]

I wanna see him, tell me where he is!

Oh Megan you can't

I've got to see him, I've got to see Phillip


Megan, Megan.

The shop is closed, there's no use in coming in.

[ominous music swell]

How could you have done it?

I don't know what you're talking about,

I didn't do anything!

Yes you did.

You terrorized Maggie Evans.

You tortured, you told her you were gonna get her.

It was only joking.

I didn't mean it.


You meant for her to get me, it's called k*lling

two birds with one stone, Michael isn't it?

k*lling two birds.

Well you might've gotten away with it if that girl

had been stronger and if that w*apon had been sharper.

You almost succeeded, almost but not quite.

Because I'm here now.

Now I'm going to take care of you.

You can't touch me, you know it.

You know who I am.

In this house you're just a little boy

whom I'm responsible for.

I'm not just a little boy everywhere in this house.

You're not going to get to that room until I'm finished.

Let go of me!

If you hurt me you'll be sorry

No you're gonna be sorry, very sorry!

Phillip, Phillip, let go of him!

PHILLIP: No not yet

I said now!

I'll do what has to be done.

Oh, there, there, there, my little darling.

Oh there.

Now, you go to my bedroom and I'll be up there

in a little while, that's my darling.


Do you know what your little darling did?

Yes, yes I heard the whole story from Dr. Hoffman.

She was shocked.

PHILLIP: Well so was I!

You shouldn't be!

Darling you shouldn't expect him to behave

the way other children behave.

You should be proud that he doesn't.

How could I be proud of what he did

to Maggie Evans, it was vicious!

It was but, but remember how new he is

and how much he's learned since he's been here.

A little while ago he was lying in a cradle.

And in a little while longer he'll know what to do

with his skill and cunning and energy.

In a little while?

What about now, how can we keep these things from happening?

There is a way.

There has to be.

Oh darling, darling.

I thought you were dead.

Megan, I can't help but think back

to a time before he came.

Forget those times.

Forget them, they're over.

The time of the Leviathan people is growing closer.

And everything that must be done will be done.

And I will take care of the child.


I'll tell you what you want to know.

And then I'll go to the boy,

and tell him what he needs to know.

Mine is the only way.

For it is the Leviathan way.

The way it must be.

[eerie, suspenseful music]

VOICEOVER:She took my side against him.

That's the way I like it.

But I didn't like her being nice to him at all.

Well she won't be when I get finished working on her.

I suppose you're going to punish me for doing this.


I could never punish you for anything.

You don't even care what I did to Maggie Evans.

Do you.

Of course not.

But I do care that too many people notice you.

Too many of them are asking questions.

I like it when people notice me.

And they all will, at the right time.

But it's not that time yet.

And that's why, for your own good,

something is going to happen that

you may not like at all.

Don't tell me about it, I don't wanna hear!

You must hear!

And you must accept.

So must I.

No matter how lonely it makes me.


I'm glad to see you're not hurt too badly.

No thanks to me.

I can't tell you how ashamed I am.

Forget about it.

The only thing you could do under the circumstances.

I just wasn't thinking clearly.

That's the thing.

I keep thinking how I could possibly imagine

you could responsible for this.

I might have been.

You don't know me very well.

I suppose you're wondering about the boy

and why he did what he did.


I am thinking about him.

You must understand, he is not like other children.

Ever since his parents were k*lled in the accident

he's been angry all the time.

Angry at the world.

He wants to strike out at anyone because of what's happened.

And I just happened to be there.


I'm sorry.

I had no idea.

Perhaps you could talk to Dr. Hoffman.

Maybe she can do something.

No, no, you can't do it to me!

You think I want to?

Then don't!

I must.

MICHAEL: Megan, you're the only one

who really loves me aren't you.

Perhaps I am.

And you're the only one I love.

So let's not do what they want.

Let's do what we want.

Let's run away, then we can be together for a long time.

We can't run away.

And we can't be together.

Not anymore.

I don't care what you say.

You don't love me.

But I do.

That's why I'm willing to let you go.

Because I know that what is to happen to you

is best for you.

It's not!

And if you do what you're supposed to do,

I won't love you anymore.

I know you won't.

But you will love Carolyn.


Think about her Michael.

That proves it.

There's no choice anymore.

It must be done.

[alarming music]

[clock chiming]

Didn't realize it was so late,

I should get back to Collinwood.

Thank you for being so understanding.

No thank you.

MEGAN: Phillip!

Phillip! PHILLIP: What's the matter?

MEGAN: It's the boy, something terrible

has happened to him.

Dr. Hoffman?

It's Megan Todd.

What's the matter?

It's the boy, Michael.

I found him unconscious.

I can't bring him to.

Please, will you hurry?

Yes I'll be right there.

[Megan sobbing]

Darling, darling, pull yourself together.

I don't wanna be my normal self,

I don't please!

You say he didn't look right to you

when he came back from Collinwood.

No, like something was coming on.

You know how you can tell that with children.

I asked him to lie down but,

he didn't want to so I asked him

to lie down here in my bedroom.

And then [sobs] I came back and found him

lying on the floor unconscious.

Shh, shh.

He's conscious now.

Yes he is but I still don't like it.

His heartbeat is very irregular.

And his vital signs are much weaker

than they should be.

I think he should go to the hospital immediately,

I'll arrange for an ambulance.

No, please.

I don't wanna go, I'm afraid!

Darling, you musn't be afraid.

Oh please darling, it's what's best for you.


What's the matter?

I can't get a pulse.

He's dying.

Maybe I can shock him back to life.

Yes please you must, you must save him.

Don't let him die, please, please doctor

Megan, Megan.

Now the Doctor knows what she's doing.

We just have to wait and see.

[glass bottle clinking]

[ominous musical swell]

[spooky, eerie music]
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