1009 - May 6, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1009 - May 6, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

NARRATOR:The great estate of Collinwood,

as it exists in the strange and disturbing world

of parallel time.

A time in which each person follows a new destiny.

On entering this world, Barnabas Collins hoped to find

an escape from the curse

that has plagued him for so long.

Instead, he became trapped in a chained coffin,

the prisoner of a half-mad author named William H. Loomis.

But in recent days, evidence has come to the surface

that something mysterious is going on in the Loomis house.

On this night, Quentin Collins tries to solve the mystery

by holding a séance.

Barnabas Collins,

come to us.

It's no use.

Something was here,

but it disappeared when Hoffman broke the circle.


No, whoever you are, whatever you are, don't leave us.

[eerie music]

ALEXIS: Quentin!

Quentin, look!


[eerie music]

QUENTIN: Are you Barnabas Collins?

I am Joshua Collins, the master of Collinwood,

father of Barnabas.

QUENTIN: Can you tell us about Barnabas?

You know all there is to know about him.

Then why did you respond, why did, why did you appear?

JOSHUA: You must be warned.


Warned about what?

There is an evil coming this house,

an evil that has disturbed the graves of all those

who once lived here.

I don't understand.

What evil?

You have not seen it yet, for it has not yet appeared.

But it exists.

And it will appear.


How? You've got to tell us how.

I cannot tell you.

I do not know what form it will take.

QUENTIN: You've got to tell us more!

You are of the living.

I am of the dead.

But this evil of which I speak is both.


Living and dead?

How can that be possible?

QUENTIN: Tell us more.

I can tell you no more.

I can do no more than warn you.

You are the master of Collinwood now.

I implore you to remember the dead.

Allow them to rest in peace.

Find this evil and destroy it.

Restore pride and honor to this house,

before it is too late.

QUENTIN: No, wait!

Don't leave us!

JOSHUA:I have warned you.

Now heed that warning!

Now, where are we going to begin?

And how?

ALEXIS: I don't know.

There's got to be a connection

between the original Barnabas Collins

and the events we've witnessed in your room.

But Quentin, the original Barnabas Collins has been dead

for nearly years.

I don't know why,

but I have a feeling that Will Loomis knows something.

In fact, he may even hold the key to all of this.


Because of that book he's writing?

Alexis, he wrote one book on Barnabas Collins.

What reason would he have for writing another one?

Well, I don't know.

But it is strange why the name Barnabas Collins

keeps reappearing.

And that portrait, the effect it had on the children.

Maybe we should keep the children

away from the Loomis house.

Yes, that's a good idea.

What was it the spirit said?

There was an evil in this house.

The evil has disturbed all those graves

of all the people who once lived in this house.

Oh God, I wish I knew what it meant.

Well, you must talk to Will Loomis right away.

I intend to.

The problem is finding him.

[door opens]

Well, what have we here?

QUENTIN: Hello, Roger.

Dare one ask why all the lights are out?

QUENTIN: We've been holding a séance.

Just the two of you?

Hoffman was here.

She got frightened and left.

Oh, frightened of what?

Well, we contacted someone beyond the grave.

The spirit of Joshua Collins.

He once was the master of this place.

Yes, I know.

Will wrote endlessly about him in his book.

You've spoken to Will?

I haven't even seen him.

I understand that he's attempting to

I'll believe it when I see it.

I'm very interested in that book.

It's about Barnabas Collins.

Good lord, is he going to make a career

out of that man's life?

I can't imagine why you're interested

in anything about Barnabas Collins.

According to Will's first book,

his life was singularly dull.

In fact, I find the book an improvement over sleeping pills.

I think there's more to the life

of Barnabas Collins than any of us have ever known.

And I'm going to find out all I can about that man.

[eerie music]

[knocking at door]

Good evening, Dr. Longworth.

I told you to use the front entrance, Gladstone.

I don't know why.

This one is so much more accessible to your laboratory.

Well, what's been happening, doctor?

Usually when I arrive, everything's all cluttered.

I haven't been doing too much work, lately.

Oh, you've run out of the compound, didn't you?


Well, you'll be able to get back to work, soon.

I've brought you a fresh supply, just as I promised.

Gladstone, I--

I trust you have the payment ready?


In cash?


I don't.

I don't want your compound.

I'm not going to let you blackmail me, Gladstone.

Now will you kindly get out of my laboratory,

and never come back!

[dramatic music]

[suspenseful music]

I hope this isn't your idea of a joke.

No, it isn't.

I've been thinking it over very carefully, Gladstone,

and I'm not going to give you a penny.

Come to your senses, before it's too late, doctor.

Before certain people find out who John Yaeger really is.

You know, Gladstone,

you don't really have as strong a case as you think you do.

Oh, why not?

In the first place, John Yaeger has gone away for awhile.

And he doesn't plan to come back.

Now there's no possible way you can prove to anyone

that I am Yaeger, or that Yaeger is me.

GLADSTON: Ah, but I can, doctor.


John Yaeger has not really gone away, not completely.

A very small but very important part remains with me!

I don't know what you're talking about.

I am talking about the signatures.

I told you that I compared the handwritings.

Yours and John Yaeger's.

[suspenseful music]

Go on, take a look at them.

Any competent handwriting expert would testify

that they were written by the same man.

I don't agree with you.

Don't be a fool!

Your career is at stake!

I'm not gonna let you blackmail me!

Why do you insist on calling it blackmail?

I provide an invaluable service for you.

You enjoy being John Yaeger.

He's everything that you could never be!

You can't live without him!

I can, and I will!

Very well, doctor.

I think I'll extend my patience another hours.

Give you a chance to reconsider.

If I don't hear from you by nine o'clock tomorrow evening,

your secret will no longer be a secret,

and your career will be over.

Goodnight, doctor.

How many more?

Just one, the agreement with Barnes Construction.

What happened to the Conway contract?

Hasn't Chris sent it back?

Ah, he did, I completely forgot about it.

It must be somewhere in my briefcase.

You know, he threw everything at me when he left town

so quickly that I just misplaced it, somewhere.

[suspenseful music]


Larry, what's this all about?

What's that?

Oh, that's,

that's the new will that Cyrus asked me to draw up for him.

That's very odd.

What do you mean?

It's just that Cyrus is a very methodical man.

His life is very fixed.

I find it very strange that he would go about

changing his will.

Well, you know I can't answer that.

Yes, I know.

It's just that Cyrus's behavior has been very strange

ever since he hired a man to help him with his experiment.

A man by the name of John Yaeger.

Yes, I know.

I tried to persuade Cyrus

to have nothing more to do with him,

but he just won't listen to me.

Then your opinion of that man is the same as mine.

He's the lowest possible form of humanity.

But I tried to convince Cyrus to get rid of him,

but apparently he's some use to him.

I don't know why.

Larry, one more thing.

Do you think Cyrus's changing his will

has anything to do with John Yaeger?

[phone rings]


HORACE: May I speak to Mr. Chase, please?

Yes, just a moment.

It's for you.

For me?

Oh, fine, thanks.


HORACE:Mr. Chase, my name is Horace Gladstone.

LARRY:What can I do for you, Mr. Gladstone?

I have a document

which I believe you will be greatly interested in reading.

Now, Mr. Gladstone,

I'm conducting a business right now,

and listen, why don't you call me

when I get back to my office?

HORACE:Can you meet me in Collinsport?

Well, look, I don't even know who you are.

Mr. Chase, the matter I wish to bring to your attention

concerns a man you know as John Yaeger.

[dramatic music]


What time?

o'clock in front of the Eagle.

I can expect you?


Yes, I'll meet you at o'clock.

Thank you, Mr. Chase.

I'll be looking forward to it.

[suspenseful music]

Why, Roger.

How long have you been standing there staring at me?

Oh, just a few minutes.

You know, I could actually feel you staring at me.

Do you believe that?

Then you must have the same sixth sense

that Angelique had.

It was uncanny.

May I ask why you were looking at me?

I'm afraid that's the cross you must bear,

the fact that you look so much like her.

At least no longer people think I am Angelique.

I found that terribly disturbing.

I never doubted you for a moment.


Oh, I mean no offense, of course,

but you see Angelique was one of a kind.

I take it that you were quite fond of her?

[eerie music]

That, my dear, is an understatement.

I worshiped her.

I remember the day she crossed that threshold

for the first time, as Quentin's bride.

I was standing here by the fireplace,

and I turned and looked into those exquisite eyes,

and my heart stopped.

Here, I thought, was an irreplaceable woman.

Oh yes, she belonged to Quentin.

But I knew, and she knew, that no man would ever understand

or appreciate her as I did from that moment on.

I sometimes think I loved her

more than it was possible to love.

Well, I seem to be rambling on quite a bit, don't I?

I'm sorry.

Actually, I'm quite relieved to know how you felt

about Angelique.



One of the reasons I've stayed here is Angelique.

I am determined to find out who her m*rder*r is.

ROGER: Do you really think that she was m*rder*d?

Why, don't you?

Well, I was in the séance with her.

I believe she had a stroke.

Well, I am convinced that she was m*rder*d.

And I need someone, desperately,

to help me find that m*rder*r.

Someone who loved her and understood her.

And I believe that someone is you.

[suspenseful music]

Well, Cyrus, here you are.

Drawn up just as you asked.

Now, in the event of your death or disappearance,

everything you own will go to John Yaeger.

I don't know why.

Thank you Mr. Chase.

Thank you very very much.

Cyrus, for your own sake,

won't you reconsider what you're doing?

I may not have any choice.

What'd you say?


Oh yes, maybe, I'll think about that.

Oh well fine, well now you're talking sense again.

Thank heavens.

Have you and Yaeger parted company, I hope?

No, not exactly.

He's gone away for awhile.

Oh Mr. Chase, would you like to have dinner with me?

I'd like to discuss something.

Oh, I'd like to very much,

but I'm afraid it'll have to wait.

I have an appointment with a man

at o'clock tonight in front of the Eagle.

You're meeting a client in front of the Eagle?

Yes, well I don't know exactly what he looks like,

but he called me this afternoon.

Said his name was Gladstone

and that he had something urgent to discuss with me.

So, well look, I'll call you tomorrow.

Maybe we can have lunch. [suspenseful music]

Yes, tomorrow will be just fine.

Goodnight, Mr. Chase.

Goodnight, Cyrus.

[door opens and closes]

[eerie music]

JOHN: You were right, Mr. Gladstone.

I do like being John Yaeger.

I thought you ran out of the compound.

I had enough.

Just enough.

I've got your payment for you, Mr. Gladstone.

No, no, we'll settle that another time.

I'm on my way to meet someone.

Yes, I know all about that.

You ran out of patience, didn't you?

Well, I've run out of patience too.


What are you going to do?


Don't come near me!

Stay away from me!

You know, maybe Cyrus Longworth

can tolerate the likes of you, Gladstone.

But not John Yaeger.

Help me!

Somebody help!


[Horace whimpering]

I'll give you anything you want.

How about peace of mind?

Bye, Gladstone.

Good riddance.

[Gladstone groaning]

What's happening?

What's going on out here?


I see you hiding behind there.

Who are you?

Come out here so I can see your face!

[eerie music]
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