1021 - May 24, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1021 - May 24, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[creepy music]

NARRATOR:This is the Collinwood of parallel time

in which Barnabas Collins is trapped,

and into which he has brought his terrible curse.

On this night, helpless against the dark

forces that control his fate, he will

find an innocent victim who will not only add

to his grief and guilt, but also to his immediate peril.

I always meant to fix this place up more, but--

What a lovely picture.

Do you honestly think so?

I don't know,

I don't know that I like it or not.

I keep changing my mind.

Someone gave it to me, and I guess when I think

of him, I don't like it.

Well, you didn't come here to hear about my problems.

Can I give you a drink?


Are you sure?

Strange eyes you have.

Like they could see through me.

[dramatic music]


[knocking on the door]


[suspenseful music]

[eerie music]

[suspenseful music]

What happened?

I don't know.

I had just left her after bringing her home,

and when I heard a scream, I came rushing in here and

found her just like this.

I heard a scream, too, when I was just outside.

BARNABAS: Are you all right Ms. Harrington?

Ms. Harrington, can you hear me?

CYRUS: You'd better let me have a look at her.



She's coming to!

MS. HARRINGTON: What happened?

You must tell us, Ms. Harrington.

CYRUS: We heard you scream.


Yes. What was it?

Something in the room?

Something at the window?


I thought I saw someone at the window looking in.

Cyrus, is there anyone there?

No, there's no one there.

I didn't see anyone when I came in,

when I was outside, either.

Are you sure you didn't imagine it?

I guess I did.

I do these silly things sometimes.

I've been a little upset lately.

I hope I haven't caused anybody any trouble.

No, no trouble.

I'm just very happy that, that you're all right.

You are all right, aren't you?


Just a little shaky, still.

Perhaps you would allow me to stay with you

until you're feeling better.

That's very kind of you.

You'd better let me examine you.

No thank you, Doctor, I'm fine, really.

Besides, you have your unfinished buisiness to attend

I beg your pardon?

Well, the business that brought you here.

Surely there was some special reason for your being on

this particular street at this particular time of night.


Yes, you're right, I,

I guess I forgot.

Then good night.

Yes, good night.

[footsteps leaving]

What, what happened?

Why do I feel like this?

Why didn't I ask for help?

You know the answers to that as well as I do.


You will do exactly as I tell you, won't you?


BARNABAS: And you will not

go anywhere near Cyrus Longworth, will you?

Whatever you say.

Whatever you want.


Sleep now and rest.

You'll, you'll be back?


We shall see each other very soon.

[eerie music]

[ominous music]

Why didn't you ever mention it?

Why should I have?

Quentin, I know you don't like talking about Angelique.

And I can respect that.

But couldn't you have told me that she was m*rder*d?


MAGGIE: Why not?

Why should I tell you something that isn't true?

Why would Alexis tell me something that isn't true?

QUENTIN:Because Alexis believes it is, but I don't.


QUENTIN:For the simple reason that

Angelique was not m*rder*d!

MAGGIE:Alexis said that she believes--

QUENTIN:Let Alexis believe what she likes.

Just because Sabrina became hysterical in a seance

does not mean that someone k*lled Angelique.

So please stop talking about it.

MAGGIE:Of course, Quentin.

If that's what you want.

QUENTIN:I'm sorry, I, I shouldn't have let

myself get angry.



Oh, there you are!


Aren't they glorious?

Good morning, Quentin.

Look what I brought your wife.

They were so beautiful, I couldn't resist picking

a whole armload.


Here, take them, they're for you!

They're lovely.

Thank you!

I'll get Hoffman to get a vase and some water.

Oh, no, no, I'm going that way myself.

I'll get one.

Wait til the two of you go outside,

it's the most incredible morning!

That was very thoughtful of her.

[slamming on the door]

[door opens]

QUENTIN: Cyrus, Good morning.

Yes, good morning, Quentin, I just--

MAGGIE: Good morning, Cyrus.

Oh, good morning.

Uh, lovely flowers you have there.


Well, I can tell you wanted to talk to Quentin alone,

so I'll be upstairs if anybody wants to see me.

All right.

[suspenseful music]

QUENTIN: What is it?

We've just performed the autopsy on Morris Chase's body.

QUENTIN: Yes, and what's the cause of death?


except for one thing.

One incredible thing.

The temperature of the body was so low,

so cold.

Well, what's so incredible about that?

The man was dead.

Oh, no, no.

No, if I were to list the cause

I would have to say that the man froze to death.

[suspenseful music]

[light, cheery music]

ALEXIS: Dear, sweet Maggie.

What is it about you that makes something

peculiar happen to such lovely flowers

so soon after you've held them?

And what will Quentin think when he sees what's happened?

[suspenseful music]

If there are any new findings, I'll let you know.

Cyrus, you don't think that what happened to

Larry is any way related to what happened to me?

You mean if there are any unseen forces

at work in this house?

QUENTIN: Exactly.

I don't know.

I wish I did know, though.

I wish I knew a lot of things.

[suspenseful music]


I thought there was a vase in our bedroom, but,


what happened to the flowers?

I don't know.

I hope this vase will be large enough I--

Alexis, look.

Oh no.

Why, that can't be!

I picked those flowers myself less than half an hour ago!

And just minutes ago when Maggie was holding them they were,

they were so lovely and fresh.

Now it's,

they're so cold, it's as though they've frozen and died.

How sad, they were lovely.

We shouldn't worry, I can pick some more in the garden.

[suspenseful music]

[clock chimes]


I just came by to check and see if you were all right.

There was nothing wrong in the first place.

I just have an overactive imagination sometimes.

Now, Doctor, I've got things to do.

Well, then

I can remember the time

when I thought you enjoyed my company, Ms. Harrington.

Please, Doctor.

Do you find Barnabas Collins very interesting?

Please, like I said, I have things to do!

As you wish.

Have you heard anything from John Yaeger?

[suspenseful music]

CYRUS: Do you, do you miss him?

No, I,

I'm just curious.

Well, I haven't heard from him, but,

but if I do, you'll be the first to know.

[suspenseful music]


John Yaeger still interests you.

MS. HARRINGTON: You were standing out there

all that time?

Tell me about John Yaeger.

Tell me everything you know.

I, I don't know hardly anything.

Besides, the Doctor can answer all your questions.

He knew him better than anyone.


Yaeger used to help him with his experiments.

I bet he could tell you where Yaeger is right now.

That would please you to know that, wouldn't it?



I never want to see him again.

I, on the contrary, want to see him as soon as possible.


Because I have some questions to ask him.

Some important questions.

That concern a certain basement room, not too long ago.

I want you to find out from Cyrus Longworth

everything you can about John Yaeger.

But you told me to stay away from Cyrus.

Well, that was before I knew there was a connection

between the two of them.

Now make sure that he does not find out our secrets.

I must find that man!

[suspenseful music]

[door opens]


ALEXIS: All alone, Maggie?

Yes, Quentin is in his study working.


You know there's something I've been meaning to mention to

you all day.

I've been thinking about Angelique, and what happened,

and I think I may have the way to find out

who her m*rder*r was.

Now, if you had m*rder*d someone, what's the most logical

thing that you would do?

Blame it on someone else.

Well, possibly, but there's something that might

work much better than that.

MAGGIE: What is that?

Deny there was a m*rder to begin with.


Well, yes, it's so perfectly simple.

Why if you could convince everyone

that there wasn't a m*rder, you'd have nothing to

worry about, would you?

I mean, if there is someone who should deny

that a m*rder was committed, shouldn't that be the

first person to suspect?

I don't know.

ALEXIS: Well, it's so logical.

Yes, but just this morning Quentin said that

he didn't believe that Angelique had been m*rder*d.

Oh, Quentin, of course.

Oh, I'd forgotten all about him.

Yes, he did say the same thing to me just after the seance.

He's convinced there wasn't a m*rder.

Oh, but Maggie, of course I didn't mean Quentin!

Why, he's the last person in the world I'd think of.

Why, he couldn't have done it.

We both know that, don't we?

Yes, of course.

Why, Angelique was his wife and he loved her.

He couldn't have k*lled his wife.

Not if he loved her.

Could he?

[suspenseful music]

[suspenseful music]

Coming to bed?

Well, no, uh,

I have some things I have to do downstairs before morning.

If you don't mind.

It won't take long.

No, I don't mind.



I just thought I'd like to tell you that I,

I'm very happy I'm back.

QUENTIN: I'm very happy you're back, too.

I'm very sorry that I went on and on

about Angelique this morning, and the m*rder.

I promise I'll never mention it again.

And I shouldn't have blown up the way I did.



And I don't want you to be upset about what happened

to those flowers.

I wasn't upset.

Puzzled, maybe, but I wasn't upset.

I'm sure it didn't mean anything.

It was stupid of me to bring it up.

I won't be long.

I'll be waiting.

[suspenseful music]

I must admit, Ms. Harrington, I was a bit surprised to

receive your invitation.

I didn't mean to sound so unfriendly before.

Well, you had said last night that you'd been

upset lately.

Yes, and that's one of the reasons why I asked you

to come up here.



I have some things that John Yaeger gave me,

and, um,

well, since I don't really want to see him again,

I'd like to send them back to him.

I had thought maybe you could give me his address.

So it is John Yaeger that you've been thinking about.

Only to give the things back, and then forget about him.

Are you so sure it isn't because you don't

want to see him again?

Now why would I want to do that?

I don't want to see him again.

I want to forget about him, I really do.

So could you please tell me where he is?

I have a feeling, Ms. Harrington,

a very distinct feeling that

if you wait long enough,

you'll be seeing John Yaeger

fairly soon.

[suspenseful music]

MS. HARRINGTON: He knows more than he's telling me.

I'm sure of that.

But why is he protecting Yaeger?

I've got to try again.

[eerie music]



No, Quentin, no!

She was your wife!

She was your wife!

[eerie music]

ANNOUNCER:Dark Shadows has been a Dan Curtis production.
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