1022 - May 25, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1022 - May 25, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

ANNOUNCER: Collinwood, in parallel time.

Its stone towers rising into the night sky

proud, and apparently, invulnerable.

On this night, however,

the power of the living dead

shapes a dream in the mind of Maggie Collins,

that points to not only death, but m*rder.

[eerie music]

m*rder, m*rder!

No,no, Quentin, no!

She's your wife!

She's your wife!

[dramatic music]

[eerie music]

No, Quentin, no!


No, stay away from me.

- What is it? - Don't touch me!

- Maggie! - What?


Now, I heard you calling me, what is it?

I did.

And you're trembling.

Maggie, you're not afraid of me, are you?

[serious music]

Oh, Quentin!

I had a dream.

- It's all right. - It was terrible.

- It's all right now. - I was so afraid.

What about, tell me.

It's all right, I just as soon forget it.

Is it something that you don't want to tell me.

Of course not,

it's just that I just as soon forget it.

Really, it's like it never happened.

You want me to stay here with you?

No, you have work to do.

Really, I'll be all right.

Are you sure?

I'm sure.

All right.

[serious music]

[door closes]

How could I think he could harm anyone,

it was only a dream.

He could never do a thing like that, never.

[suspenseful music]



What are you doing up so late?

ALEXIS: Why, I couldn't sleep.

I thought I'd come down here to find something to read,

and you?

I couldn't sleep either.

ALEXIS: Are you alright?

You look so worried.


No, I just couldn't sleep that's all.


This is the table where Angelique was k*lled,

wasn't it?

Quentin was sitting here and Angelique was sitting there,

and then just before she was k*lled,

Quentin got up and he went over to her and he--

No, he couldn't have!

He couldn't have.

Maggie, you're talking as though

you were there at that seance,

as though you saw Quentin strangle Angelique.

No, I...

I had a dream,

and in the dream,


He couldn't have k*lled her, he couldn't have.

No, of course, he didn't,

and you've got to stop thinking about it.

How can I stop thinking about it when I even

dream about it.

Where could that dream have come from?

How could I dream something that actually happened?

Why, I don't know.

Do any of us know where our dreams come from?

I suppose not.

Alexis, perhaps you know,

why did Quentin attack Angelique that night.

There was a voice that kept saying something

about Angelique and Bruno.

Well, everyone knew it wasn't true.

Everyone knew that Angelique was devoted to Quentin.

Quentin loved her with a love that drove him insane.

Even the idea of her with Bruno,

made him almost mad.

If he'd loved her less, perhaps...

We really shouldn't talk about it Maggie.

Quentin didn't k*ll Angelique.

He loved her far too much.

Oh, oh I am sorry.

I shouldn't have said those things to you.

I hope you'll forgive me.

I was just trying to convince you--

No, it's all right.

I understand.

ANGELIQUE: Well, why didn't you stop me?

Well, why should I stop you?

You were telling the truth.


[evil music]

[clock chiming]

I told Elizabeth I didn't want

a costume ball held this year, and what does she do

but send out invitations, and everybody's accepting.

Quentin, I'm afraid it's partly my fault.

Well, I helped her with it.

Well, now she knows that there's

trouble enough around here.

All the more reason she said that we should have the ball,

when everyone looks forward to it so much.

And besides, she thought it was the perfect time

for Maggie to meet all your friends.


I'm not so sure she's up to that.


Well she's had trouble enough, don't you think?

And a party now, that's absurd!

[dramatic music]

Maggie, Angelique was not m*rder*d, she died of a stroke.

I signed the death certificate myself.

Maggie, what is the matter?

It is frightening.

I don't know who to believe anymore.

Would you at least believe me?

Oh, I'm sorry, of course, I do.

Maggie, I just hate to see you this upset.

I'll be all right, really.

How you've...

...just been through so much.

I just wish there were more that I could do.

Cyrus, just talking to you has done more good

than you could ever imagine.

I do believe you.

[forlorn music]

I'm glad to hear it.

I wonder if you know how kind you really are.

Thank you again.

You're welcome,

and don't hesitate to come back here

and visit me, if there's anything

more that I can do, will you?

I won't forget.

Thank you again.

Is there something wrong?

No, why?

It's the way you keep looking at me.

Oh no, I'm sorry, that's just me,

absent-minded Cyrus along with

staring at something without knowing what he's staring at.

I am sorry.

Well, thank you again.

Goodnight, Cyrus.


[serious music]

Oh, Miss!

[serious music]

[dramatic music]

You're always working,

and I'm always interrupting you.

Listen here, when I get something on my mind,

I can't get it off.

I mean, not until I've settled it at least.

What is this thing that's on your mind?

You know where John Yaeger is.

I'm afraid I don't.

You know a lot more

than you're letting on, and for some reason,

you won't tell me.

You must think I'm some kind of a fool.

What kind of work could John Yaeger do for you?

If he picked up a test tube, he'd break it.

Ms. Harrington.

You use to call me Buffie.

All right, Buffie.

Now listen, whatever association

John Yaeger and I have, is strictly between us.

No, it's not.

You know what I think, I guess what

he does for you, he lives.

CYRUS: What?

That's right, he lives while you work.

He's having a ball, while you're making pretty colors

in those test tubes.

You wouldn't need John Yaeger at all,

if you just let yourself go.

Come on, try.

No thanks, Ms. Harrington.


Ms. Harrington again, and no thanks.

You wouldn't have said that to the person

who owns these, would you?

Put those down.

Why, who do they belong to?

Ms. Collins.

Oh, she visiting you?

She just dropped by.

You don't have to get so defensive about it.


I knew her when she was growing up here,

before they moved.

She comes back, marries Quentin Collins,

and I meet John Yaeger.

Did you know her well when she was a child?

I always knew she would be someone special,

so bright, so pretty, so ladylike.

I bet when she looks in the mirror before she goes to bed,

she doesn't hate herself.

And there, Dr. Longworth, you have a vital clue

into Ms. Buffie Harrington,

who is no lady at all.

Look, Yaeger, he tried to make me into a lady.

I thought he was kidding and only he gave me these.

First time I wore them, he grabbed me and broke the string,

that's what kind of gentleman he is.

I just had them restrung.

Only I'll never be a lady.

You've reminded me of that.

Give them back to him when you see him.

I'll stay in my league and let Maggie Collins stay in hers.


[serious music]

[door opens]

QUENTIN: Maggie, have you seen Elizabeth?

I think she's in town for the day.

Coward, she's probably hiding from me.

Quentin, what are you talking about?

Oh, that costume ball.


Never mind.

[dramatic music]

You reading this?


Well, you can stop it right now.

I've told you time and time again,

I want this subject ignored and forgotten.

How can it be, considering everything

that has been happening around here lately.

The way you suddenly got ill and then suddenly recovered,

and everything else that's been happening here.


I want this obsession with the occult ended,

once and for all, and I mean it.

[serious music]

[knocking on door]

[eerie music]


Come in.

Just for a minute.

Um, you left these this morning.

I was just driving by and I thought...

That was very dear of you.

It was nothing.

It was very thoughtful of you.

I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.

Well, as I said, I was just driving by.

And you can't stay for a while?

Oh, I better not.

I have so many things to do.

As usual.

Thank you anyway.


[dramatic music]

[door opens]

[door closes]

[curious music]

[clock chiming]

[door opens]

[door closes]

[curious music]


I know I mustn't, she's Quentin's wife.

Quentin's my best friend, has been all my life.

Buffie's right, so soft,

so quiet, so special.

What did Yaeger achieve with Buffie,

nothing, nothing at all,

but with Maggie, oh.

No, I wouldn't do it,

there have to be limits even for John Yaeger.

No, there are no limits for John Yaeger.

He would never give in so easily.

He would never keep saying over and over,

"No, no, no."

His word is yes.

Nothing stands in his way, nothing.

[curious music]

[dramatic music]

[phone ringing]


Mrs. Collins, we've never met,

but I thought it might be valuable

if we introduced ourselves to each other.

MAGGIE: Who is this?

I heard that you have an interest

in knowing the exact details of what happened

at a certain seance.

MAGGIE: Will you please tell me who this is?

As a matter of fact,

I understand there were two seances that interested you.

I'm sorry, but unless you tell me who this is--

john: please Mrs. Collins,

isn't this an opportunity that you've been waiting for.


No, the seances are no longer of any interest to me.

Oh, perhaps, perhaps, but if that isn't the case,

you can meet me at the docks at six o'clock,


The docks?

I have no intention--

Oh, would you rather

it be a place where we can be seen and overheard?

Six o'clock, Mrs. Collins,


[dramatic music]

BUFFIE: Well, look who's back.

Oh, if it isn't Ms. Harrington.

You always walk the streets this time of night alone?

I was on my way to work at the Eagle,

and I saw you walk down here.

Oh, well now that you've satisfied your curiosity.

I expect that you're eager to continue on your way.

As a matter of fact, I certainly am.

Oh Ms. Harrington,

thank you for returning that necklace.

Now I know what a mistake it was

to give it to a person such as you.

I didn't want it anyway.

Of course, you didn't want it.

It wasn't cheap enough or vulgar enough for you, was it?

Well, I tried to make a lady out of you,

but I reluctantly, concede my defeat.


[sinister music]

[wind blowing]

Well, Mrs. Collins, good evening.

Are you the gentleman that phoned me?

At your service.

Who are you?

Your friend, Mrs. Collins, your friend.

Please tell me what you have to tell me.

Yes, I'll tell you.

I was only going to say that

I find you, inescapably charming.

MAGGIE: Oh well, in that case, good night.

Your husband...

Your husband was seen choking his wife at that first seance.

[curious music]

Go on.

I'll go on,

but I hope you know

that you're doing me, that I'm doing you, a very big favor

in giving you all this information.

I was wondering

if you'd give me a favor too.

[sinister music]



Let go of me!

Oh, soon enough, Mrs. Collins,

soon enough.

[sinister music]


[dramatic music]

[eerie music]
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