1030 - June 4, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1030 - June 4, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie theme music]

NARRATOR: A stormy night

on the great estate of Collinwood.

A night which will long be remembered

though the inhabitants of the house do not yet realize it.

But Maggie Collins has run from the house

after a fight with her husband,

and has gone to meet Cyrus Longworth,

only to find John Yeager waiting.

And Yeager has carried her off to a deserted farmhouse

by the sea.


Everything's in here.

Everything you're going to need.

Cyrus, where is Cyrus?

Don't you talk about him, he's not going to help you now!

Let me go, let me go!


Alright. Never mind seeing a woman cry.

Please, please!

Maggie, you're gonna learn to like it here.

Oh, you will.

No, let me go! Let me go! Let me!

[door rattling]

[dramatic crescendo]

[eerie theme music]

[somber music]


[loud banging]

Oh, you should've changed your clothes,

you're all wet, my dear.


No, no, no.

Such an unwilling guest, my dear.

Get back there.

[door rattling]

I brought us some supper.

Curry. I know how fond you are of it.

You know anything about me?

Oh, I took the trouble to learn, Maggie.

You've stolen my things.

No, I didn't steal them, that's the wrong word.

I brought them over.

How do you, how long have you planned this?

Ever since I met you, Maggie.

It's a bit dry,

but quite presentable, quite presentable.


I thought I would take the trouble

of making your change here less traumatic.

Some of your own things always adds a bit of security.

You've got to let me go!

Oh, I will!

At the proper time.

When? When?

When you and I walk out that door together.

When I know that you won't escape from me.

That day will never come.

Maggie, I seem to be more confident

in my charms than you are.

You're gonna love me, I promise you that.

MAGGIE: You're mad!


I'm in love.

Maggie, I'm not going to force myself upon you, don't worry.

You have!

Time will change you.


and this room.

And Maggie, let's be civilized, let's be sensible.

Let's have some supper.


Do as you're told!

You're not going to get away with this,

they'll be looking for me.

Maggie, you left the house of your own accord.

Well, yes.

After a fight with your husband.

You know that?

How do you know that?

I know everything that goes on at Collinwood, Maggie.

Somebody at that house has been telling you.

Somebody at that house knows!

I'm not a man that needs any help, Maggie.

Let's have some dinner.

Oh, you've just got to listen to me, please!

Just open the door and let me out of here,

because we're not gonna get away from this, and,

they're going to know, Cyrus is--

Oh, no one one thought the good Doctor Longworth?

You know, I was supposed to meet him.

Of course.

He's going to go up to Widow's Hill

and I'm not going to be there,

and he'll go to Collinwood.

Sad fantasy that is, Maggie.

Cyrus isn't going to Collinwood.

Why? Why isn't he?

You've k*lled him!

JOHN: Did you find him attractive, Maggie?

He was my friend!

And he stood in my way.

I had patience with Cyrus, just as I have with you.

But patient wears very thin,

and when it does, I'm not responsible for my actions.

Yes, I k*lled Cyrus.

You're mad!

I don't believe he's dead.

Maggie, you won't miss Cyrus as much as you think.

He and I have a lot in common.

No, no.

Cyrus had, he was very honest in his own way,

just as I am in mine.

Maggie, I'm not trying to do this to frighten you

or make you cry.

I'm trying to do this so you'll be realistic

about why you're here,

and why nobody's going to come here and find you.



Get away from me, don't touch me!

You're gonna regret that.

You're gonna regret!

[door rattling and slamming]


How could Quentin let Maggie run out of the house

in the storm?

Well, Barnabas tried to stop her.

Why isn't Quentin out looking for her now?

I know, it's very sad.

I can't understand why they're so unhappy.

ELIZABETH: Can't you?

Why, no, Mrs. Stoddard.

Maggie does love him so much, she told me that herself.

ELIZABETH: But who does Quentin love,

that's the question.

Is he capable of loving anybody now?

No use my expecting an answer from you.

You didn't know Quentin when Angelique was around.

Mrs. Collins, I want to go and find Maggie.


Well I don't know,

I somehow feel that she must be around here, near.


I really want to go.

But I don't think you should.

I'll get Roger, he can go with you.

No, no, no that'll take too long.

Just let me trust my instincts, please.

ELIZABETH: I'm going find Quentin

and talk some sense into him.

It's time he stopped acting so immaturely.

He'd be out looking for her himself

if I had anything to do with it.

She'll never love me, the whole thing's a mistake.

I don't know why I ever thought I could pull it off.

Oh, you should see her eyes when she looks at me.

Well, you knew she would look at you like that.

You told me yourself that tonight would be very difficult.

She has more spirit than I thought she had.

And you have less than I thought you had.

Yes, you knew that it would be hard,

you knew that it would take patience and time.

JOHN: A lot more than that, please.

You're right, it will.

Every time she has with Collinwood must be broken.

She must be made to feel completely alone,

that she has no life to go back to at all,

because that life doesn't exist for her anymore.

Do you understand?

You must rob her of every defense she has.

Then, when she's completely vulnerable,

then she'll turn to you,

because you'll be all that she has,

don't you see?

This is right.

MAGGIE: There must be a way.

There must be!

No windows.

If only I knew where I am. Where?


He left the house, I'm sure of that.

This is my chance.

[door rattling]

What can I do?


[door rattling]

Resting, my dear?


Oh, well sorry.

Is it comfortable enough for you?

You've got to let me go!

Oh Maggie, there's so many things I want to do for you.

But ufortunately, you keep asking me the one thing

that I cannot.

Come here.


There's something I want you to do.

I won't do anything!

Well now, why don't you wait and hear what it is

before you say no.

Now sit down.

[sword cane clicks]


I think you will.

Now sit down!


I'm most concerned about your husband.

Yes, I think a note for him

would be of a great comfort to him, don't you?

Well now, you don't want him to worry, do you?

He's such an emotional man.

I won't write to him!

You mean you don't want to give Quentin

any peace of mind at all?

You can k*ll me now, but I won't write to him, I won't!

No, no, no, I won't k*ll you.

Not you, Maggie.

But if you don't write what I say,

I'm walking out this door,

and I'm going to Collinwood,

and your husband's about going to bed now, isn't he?

Well, if he isn't, I'll just sit there,

and I'll wait for him.

And you know, Maggie,

there's a theory,

that one knows when a loved one dies.

Will you?

Will you feel the pain

when this enters his body?


Will you?

Pick up the pen, Maggie!

Now, write. Write Quentin.

Not darling Quentin or my dear Quentin,

just Quentin, and don't change the handwriting.


Now, what else should we say?

Something, something properly incoherent.

Tonight. Tonight was the end,

I think.


That's good, that's good, I like that.

That has the proper finale.


You want me to go to Collinwood?



Don't try to find me,

I don't want to see you


Why do you want me to do this?

Because I'm forecasting the future, Maggie.

Write those words,

because every one of them

are going to come true.

I'm sure you'll hear from Maggie.

Will you please call me when you do?

Thank you, Jennifer.

Her sister in New York hasn't heard from her.

Oh, don't go reading tragedy into that.

I'm worried about her.

Really, why should you concern yourself so?

The girl was terribly out of place here.

You always were unfair to her.

Well, I'm not going to fight with you now,

it's good riddance, believe me.

How can you be so callous?

When she ran out of here, she had no purse, no money.

Where can she have gone?

She has no other relatives, no friends in the village.

It seems to me that Quentin

should be the one concerned, not you.

Quentin is terribly concerned.

Only he won't admit it.

Really, my dear sister,

you see exactly what you want to see.

What Quentin wants now, I'm sure,

is to forget that he ever met her.

So, please stop this crusade about

trying to get her back into the house,

let the house settle down to normal.

ALEXIS: Oh, no. It's starting again.

I'm so cold,

so cold.

I must find someone, I must.

ROGER: Unless you keep bring her name up,

within a month everyone will have forgotten her.

The only ones who will forget her

are those who didn't acknowledge Maggie when she was here.

Has there been any news?


I went to look for Maggie.

I thought that she'd be in the gazebo.

You're not interested, are you.

I'd be lying if I said I were.

How extraordinary.

You're standing there just as Angelique did.

Well, you needn't have moved.

I don't like to think about my sister.

And I think of nothing else but.

If you're so guilty about her,

when I came here, I,

I was determined to find out who her m*rder*r was.

Now I, I haven't done anything at all.

I don't even know why someone would want to m*rder her.


I just keep hoping that I'll find something, some clue.

You know, I think my own life ended

the night that she died.

I hate thinking about that night

and the days that came afterwards.

What is it, Roger?

A chill, that's all, a terrible chill.

There now, it's gone.

No. No, I feel it too.

It's cold.

Hold me Roger, hold me.

You know, somehow, since you've been back,

it's as it was before.

Looking into your eyes, it's like looking into hers.

Kiss me, Roger.

Kiss me.


I'm cold.

So cold.

[dramatic crescendo]

Kiss me, Roger.


I'm so frightened,

and I don't know why.

Oh, help me, please.




Oh, oh excuse me!

I feel so cold.

So very cold.

As though I touched death.

I had no idea.

Well, now you know.


Somewhere out there,

someone is finding a body

of a man that I never even saw before!

A man I only met tonight.

And his body is so cold that it's as though

he has been dead for days.

I won't take it any longer.

I never know when it's going to happen,

and when it does,

I must touch someone and take their warmth,

or I'll go back to that tomb.


You were responsible for bringing me back.

Surely there's something that you can do about this.

[anguished gasping]

But there must be!

With all the secrets that are known to you.

What I did to bring you back,

that's all I can do.

What exactly did you do?

There's no reason for you to know.

But there is!


Look, maybe if you can't help me, I can help myself,

but you've got to tell me exactly what you did.

Why won't you tell me?

Because I am a scientist, you are not.

Won't I understand?

No. I am far beyond your level of thinking.

I am a most unusual man, Angelique.

The first modern scientist to use the black arts.

Yes, yes, you're the greatest scientist in the world.

Flattery worked when you were alive.

That was before I did this.

You're only an element, my dear.

An element mixed with another element.

ANGELIQUE: What did you do?

I went back to an experiment I started long ago.

An experiment that terrified me.

But when I saw you lying dead before me,

I had a reason to finish it.

I was ruthless.

ANGELIQUE: How, father, how?

Don't ask me.

Please. Share it with me, please.

I did not do it alone.

That is all I will say.

If there was someone else,

then perhaps this person knows

how to stop this terrible cold.

Yes, take me to whomever it is.

Are you sure you want to know?


You realize what we've done?

Revenge can still come.

I'll take that chance.

Take me to this person.


Behind that curtain.

[suspenseful music]


I did for you.

So. At last I can meet the person responsible.

The person who has given me another chance

to win Quentin back.

Well, come with me, father.


You must go alone.



Yes, I must.

[dramatic crescendo]

[eerie theme music]
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