1031 - June 7, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1031 - June 7, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[dramatic music]

ANNOUNCER: The great estate of Collinwood

in parallel time

where Barnabas Collins finds himself witness

to the terrifying deeds of the living dead

ignorant, for the moment, of the knowledge he needs

to combat this powerful and evil force.

But on this night,

part of the secret will be revealed,

but not to him.

As the father of Angelique Stokes

prepares to show her the source

behind her own mysterious return from the grave.

Who helped you?

If someone helped you to bring me back to life,

perhaps they know the key to stopping this terrible cold.

Take me to whomever it is.

You sure you want to know?

Do you realize what we've done?

Revenge can still come.

I'll take that chance.

Where is this person?

[dramatic music]

There, behind that curtain.


I did it for you.

So at last I've to meet the person responsible,

the one who is giving my chance to win Quentin back again.

Come with me, father.

No, you must go alone.


Yes, I must.

[dramatic music]

[eerie music]

[dramatic music]

The life force that flows in your body

once belonged to her.

Is she dead?

She is more alive than you, my dear.

That's why she's constantly trying

to call her life force back to her own body.

And that's why I feel that terrible cold.

I can think of no other reason.

Well, does it have to be like this?

I don't know how to change it.

Unless of course...


The body were destroyed.

Then the life force itself would die,

and both of you,

with it.

Well, then why is she here?

Someone could find her here.

Don't worry, I've taken precautions.

What kind of precautions?

Haven't you learned enough secrets for one day?

No, no, I haven't.

I know how you hate to be dependent on anyone but yourself

but in this case, my dear,

I'm afraid you'll have to trust me.

After all, I granted your fondest wish.

I gave you complete control of Quentin Collins.

You owe your dear father a debt of gratitude.

[laughs] Am I right?

[dramatic music]

Yes, yes, of course.

TIMOTHY: I was sure we'd be in absolute agreement.

[dramatic music]

Now are you convinced that Maggie left

of her own free will?


Barnabas, here's the letter.

She wrote it herself.

Isn't it possible

that someone could have forced her to write it?

Why do you keep insisting,

despite the fact that there's no evidence

that Maggie was kidnapped or something.

BARNABUS: Because I don't believe

that she wanted to leave you.

And, who's the better judge of that, you or I?

Quentin, I firmly believe

that something has happened to Maggie,

and that she may be in great danger.

You keep saying that, but you don't have a reason for it.

BARNABUS: How did she leave?

Is one of the cars missing?

This letter was mailed at Collinsport,

so, she must have got there,

which means...

she did get there somehow,

and I don't think she walked to town, do you?

But the fact is she got there,

so she must have some way of getting there.

All right, it's possible that someone was taking her,

but not to the place she wanted to go.

Why do you keep insisting that?

Who would have done a thing like that to Maggie?

Are you certain that she has no enemies?

Who, name one.

Yes, who can it be?

Someone who has been tormenting

and frightening her ever since she came back to Collinwood.

Barnabas, I don't understand you.

I know the way you're looking at me,

now, you think it's me, don't you?

I love Maggie.

I have never tried to do anything except help her!

I am the--

Oh, never mind.

I'm sorry, you'll have to forgive me.

I just don't know what else to say.

Barnabas, I thought we agreed

that you would stop accusing Alexis

of causing trouble between Maggie and me.

I accused no one.

No, not directly, but you're implying it,

and I'm asking you to stop it.

Quentin, someone has been tormenting

and frightening Maggie.

The voice from the portrait.

That was no voice.

What makes you so certain?

Because Maggie claimed to have heard it

another time before she left here.

I was there and I heard nothing.

Well, if someone has the power to communicate

with them in that way,

surely they have the power to communicate only with her.

Barnabas, I like you and I want to be your friend,

but I also want to be logical and reasonable about this,

and I want to maintain whatever shred of sanity I have left.

Now, this discussion is finished.

[suspenseful music]

Well, why didn't you go ahead

and tell him everything you know about me?

Is it because you knew

he would believe you even less?

Where is Maggie?

ALEXIS: I haven't the faintest idea.

I'm going to find Maggie,

and when I do, I will have that much more proof

to convince Quentin.

Mr. Collins, I would advise you not to interfere.

You have my solemn promise

that I will do more than interfere.

I will not rest until I find that Maggie is safe,

that I have proof to destroy you once and for all.

[dramatic music]

I don't know why you pay any attention

to what Barnabas Collins says.

Maggie left of her own free will.

Of course, I don't deny that we encouraged her departure,

but we didn't do anything to hurt her.

It's not as if we have her hidden away somewhere.

Why are you smiling?

No reason.

[dramatic music]

You know where she is, don't you?

Yes, Julia, I know where she is,

and I'll tell you all about it later.

That's not what concerns me now.

It's Barnabas I keep thinking about.

He's the only one, Julia, who can ruin all our plans.

Barnabas Collins must be destroyed.


Barnabas, no, no.

[dramatic music]

I know Barnabas Collins must be destroyed,

but don't forget

he has some powers.

Where do they come from?

I don't know.

I tried to find out.

You must try harder.

He has some secret, Julia.

What is it?

JULIA VOICEOVER: Barnabas, why can't I get through?

I've got to help you.

I've got to find you.

[tense music]

[dramatic music]

I know it's a rather late hour to come calling

but I haven't visited Collinwood in such a long time.

It is magnificent as ever.

I can't guarantee that Alexis

will be happy to see you here.

It's no secret that you two never got along.

All the same, she is my daughter,

and I thought it was high time we saw each other again.

Are you looking for anything in particular?

No, just admiring everything.

I can't tell you how much I enjoyed my visits

to Collinwood when Angelique was alive.

I seem to remember your enjoyment

with no trouble whatsoever.

Well, hello, father.

Alexis, my dear.

Well, I'll leave you two alone.

I'm sure that there must be a lot

you'll want to talk about after such a long time.

You'll excuse me.

And what was it you wanted to see me about?

Nothing in particular,

I just wanted to renew my tasteful living,

Collinwood style.

Do you really think that's necessary?

There's no one listening.

You can stop pretending now.

What makes you think I'm pretending?

You've always been very fond of me.

We get along very well together.

And we shall continue to do so.

If I do as I did when you were married to Quentin.

Am I correct if stay away from Collinwood as I did before?

I do think that would be best.

TIMOTHY: I don't fit in here, am I right?

I didn't say that.

It's difficult for the mistress of Collinwood

to sustain her grand role

with her rather seedy father hanging around.

I never said that either.

You didn't need to.

You made it perfectly clear.

However, it's time for a change around here.

I've always admired Collinwood,

always felt it suited me better than most people realize.

Father, exactly what are you talking about?

In a little while, you'll be mistress here again,

only this time, you'll have complete control over Quentin.

No reason why I shouldn't take advantage

of my daughter's generosity, is there?

Oh, so that's the favor you were talking about earlier.


Well, why don't we put off my decision

until I am the mistress of Collinwood?

No harm in my getting used to it

in the meantime, is there?

You and Alexis didn't get along.

I want it to continue to look that way.

We were just reconciled.

I don't want to cause suspicion.

I like it here.

I intend to come here as often as I like.


But I can't guarantee that you'll be welcome.

I expect to be welcome.

I expect to be very welcome indeed.

[dramatic music]

Same impulsive child,

couldn't bear not to have her own way.

Well, my dear, it's about time I began

acting like a good father

and taught you a lesson or two.

[dramatic music]

QUENTIN: Barnabas, I was hoping to get to see you

again this evening.

I have some information about Maggie

that might interest you.

She's come home?

No, of course not.

But I found out that she had planned

all along to leave when she did.

How did you find that out?

She sent some of her things ahead of her.

Where to?

Heaven only knows.

But the fact is that her things are gone.

She's the only one who could have taken them.

I see that you don't accept that.

I'm going to resume the search.

Barnabas, she is gone,

and she left of her own choice.

And what's more, she was hypocritical about leaving.

The other night, she pretended that someone had stolen

some things from her room.

It turns out that she's the one who took them.

How could you be so sure?

QUENTIN: Barnabas, why do you insist

on forgetting one thing?

You saw her leave.

No one forced her to go, she left of her own free will.

I'd be willing to believe this

if I thought that it had any sense, but it doesn't.

I'm going to continue looking for her.

[suspenseful music]

[eerie music]


we'll see who's in control.

[dramatic music]

At this moment,

I unite my will with your will,

my life force with your life force.

Together, let us gather strength and power.

Let us try to recall what is gone.

Let us try to summon up that force of being

which is rightfully yours,

the two of us,


You're going away at this hour of the night?

I have some business up in Bangor.

I thought I would take tonight and drive up.

It'll do me some good, I'll be more rested in the morning.

You're going to Bangor?

Yes, why?

I wonder if you would...


[laughs] Never mind.

No, I can do it myself.

Well, what is it, I'll do it?

Some shopping, it would bore you very much.

I'll do it some other time.

No, look, of course, why don't you drive up with me?

You mean you wouldn't mind?

QUENTIN: No, of course not.

I think it would probably do you some good too

to get away from here for a day.

Oh, Quentin, you're so nice.

QUENTIN: No, can you be ready in an hour?

Oh, easily.

And the night drive, it would be so--

What is it?

What's happening?

You're trembling, are you cold?

I don't know, no.


No, I'm not cold.

It's as though all the strength

were being drained out of me.

No, no, this can't happen.

It can't happen!

[dramatic music]

I'm weak, I'm so weak.

Come on, sit down right here.

I'll call a doctor.

No, no.

It's gone away.

What was it?

It was just a passing thing.

It's much better.

Now look, I'll get Hoffman to help you up the stairs.

No, I just need some air.

Get some fresh air.

- Then, I'll come with you. - No.

I mean, I just need to be by myself.

I'm alright, really I am.

I just need some air, that's all.

Some fresh air.

[door opens and closes]

[dramatic music]

Why did you do it?

Answer me.

Do what, my dear?

You know exactly what I'm talking about.

I felt all the life being drained out of my body.

Did you, my dear?

It's as if you were trying to prove something,

then, you have proven it,

and it will not happen again.

Do you understand?

Are you trying to tell me what I can and cannot do?

ANGELIQUE: Don't you realize

you could have ruined our whole plan?

Nonsense, I simply wanted to make certain

things were perfectly clear.

Did I?

All right, you win.


I've been a loser for most of my life,

what a joy it is to win.

[dramatic music]

Hoffman, there's a letter out here on the foyer table.

I want it mailed at once.

[dramatic music]

Maggie should be pleased to hear

that I have no intention of coming after her

or trying to contact her in any way.

I'm sure it's what she wants.

So, why shouldn't I go along with it?

[dramatic music]

[door creaks]

[ominous music]


[ominous music]

ANGELIQUE VOICEOVER: He says he knows a way

to circumvent death.

I wonder if I can believe him.

Circumvent death?

Who is he?

[suspenseful music]

I think I have discovered something.

I may have found what I am looking for.

But this time I will not be disturbed.

I'll lock the door until I'm finished.

[dramatic music]

Barnabas, you're back, you're safe.

BARNABUS: I can't be.

But you are.

Barnabas, what's wrong?

I'm back in my own time.

And in that other time, Maggie is in terrible danger.

How can I help her, Julia, how?

[dramatic music]

[eerie music]
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