1038 - June 16, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1038 - June 16, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[dramatic orchestral music]

VOICEOVER: Collinwood in parallel time

and Alexis's plot to ruin all the Collinses gains momentum,

for this night she has convinced Quentin

that Maggie is the which who has been causing

the trouble on the great estate

and after accusing his bride,

Quentin has run from the room,

leaving her completely alone.

[crying] I'm not a witch. I'm not.

Quentin! Quentin, come back!

[creepy music]

No, Maggie, he will not come back.

Not even if he wants to,

he won't be back.

[creepy music]


she is the witch.

You have seen it now with your own eyes

and you will leave this house, Quentin.


Yes, you will leave now and not come back

until it's too late,

too late for both of you.

You will leave Quentin.

[door slams]

And now, I have much, much more to do.

[creepy music]

[creepy music]

[creepy music]

Maggie, something wrong?


Oh, Maggie, I'm your friend.

You can tell me.

Have you had another fight with Quentin?

Oh, I don't mean to pry of course,

but sometimes talking it over does

give one some perspective.

Maggie! My locket!

What's wrong? What is it?

[crying] I went to your room.

I took it.


I don't know why I did it.

I just felt that I had to,

that it was nothing wrong,

that I was destine--

it doesn't make any sense.

It doesn't make any sense at all.

I know it doesn't.

I don't know why I do these things.

I don't either.


I don't know what I'm going to do.

Maggie, somebody is using you.

I'm certain of that.

Somebody is forcing you to do these things.


No, yes, I'm sure of it.

If they're not here in this house,

then there's someone near enough

to have caused all this trouble.

Alexis, I thought that it might be Cyrus.

No, Cyrus is dead

and these things are still going on.

Tell me this.

How much do all of us know about Barnabas Collins?

It couldn't be Barnabas.

Barnabas has no reason.

He doesn't seem to have,

but might he?

This is some kind of a master plan

and we've got to find out who is behind it

for your sake

because you can't take much more of this,

I know that.

Alexis, there is somebody in this house who does hate me.

But it's not Barnabas.

It might be Hoffman.

Oh, no, it isn't Hoffman, I'm sure of that.


Well, we do have to watch him very closely.

I'm going now to find Quentin.


But I must.

I can convince him that there's some kind of a plot

against you.

Alexis, please.

You've been very kind and understanding,

but please.

Please, don't interfere between Quentin and me, please.

You're probably right.

You feel so strongly that you must be.

But I will find out who is doing this.

I can do that for you,

if you'll just let me.

[ominous music]

[ominous music]

[ominous music]


So you found me out!



It will be the last thing you will ever do.

No, no, no.

Barnabas, it's me,

it's me Julia.

I'm dressed this way for a reason.

Do you expect me to believe that?

You must, Barnabas.

Barnabas, I was in the room.

I waited for the room to change,

just as you did.

I was so afraid for you.

I had a terrible premonition

and it seems to have come true.

Barnabas, look.


Hoffman had them,

she was at your coff-

she's dead now.

You k*lled her.

She had the stake at your heart, Barnabas.

She meant to destroy you.

You did this for me.

Thank you, Julia.

I'm grateful to you again.

[ominous music]

Now we must find a way to get you back to your own time.

Oh, do you think I would leave?

No, you need me here.

Angelique thinks that I'm her Hoffman.

No, nothing could be more dangerous for you.

I can find out all about her plans

before she starts them.

She and Hoffman were so close.

There are any number of details that could catch you up on.

Barnabas, I will stay here.

I will keep to this plan.

Perhaps I like being a spy.

I always wanted to be.

Who hasn't?

Barnabas, perhaps I can even find out

how to destroy her.

I doubt that.

She is dead.

Some power is keeping her walking, talking.

It will be enough, for you Julia,

to find out what her real intentions are here.

[ominous music]

I believe they're more than merely trying

to separate Quentin and Maggie.

There's more, much, much more.

I better be getting back to her.

I just wanted to see you.

Be a friend.

You would have done the same for me.

Yes, of course.

I'll be back later.

Barnabas, be careful.

[ominous music]

[ominous music]

Where have you been?

On an errand.

I sent you on none.

I have other duties.

Yes, they always seem to keep you away from me

when I need you.

Do you think you should be using these cards here?

Oh, no one's going to discover me.

Quentin's out of the house and Maggie's in her room,

crying probably.

I thought this might be the perfect time

to find out whether or not I shall succeed.

And I shall.

[ominous music]

I know my m*rder*r, Julia.

You see what you miss by not being around?

Who m*rder*d you?

Tell me.

I was k*lled by someone who adored me.

By someone who was so jealous.



But how do you know it's true?

Cyrus left something.

I'll show it to you later.

What are you gonna do about it?

Everything, dear Julia.


But what? What specifically?

Oh, I have so many plans

and each one is better than the last.

Well, tell me.

[ominous music]

I wanna help you.

But of course you shall.

Just as you always do.

Oh, you are going to enjoy this, Julia.

You just wait and see.

Wait, what is it?

What's wrong?

Tell me, what?

I don't know.

What is it?

My father.

Wait, wait, Alexis.

My father.

[ominous music]

[ominous music]


My father.

Why haven't you gone?

He's causing this, go!

I didn't know.

Don't you remember?

The last time that I told you.

What's wrong with you?



Yes, yes of course.

[ominous music]

Her father.

What does she mean?

I don't even know where he lives.

The phone book.

[ominous music]

[ominous music]


[ominous music]


How formal you've become, Julia.

Especially since I was expecting you.

Angelique has fainted, I suppose.


And she blames me, of course.

She should trust me more.

What happened?

What we hoped was a merely singular occurrence

was obviously something more.

There's no explanation of course.

There must be.

She told me not to come back until I knew.

You must understand that in experiments like this,

we're dealing with the completely unknown.

She did tell you about the body, didn't she?


Aren't you going to congratulate me?

I've given you back your Angelique.

[ominous music]

Well, yes, you know how glad I am.

Not when you...

You can never stand the sight of me.

I shouldn't expect more than cursory compliments

on my one great triumph.

She was so vague.

I'm afraid I don't really understand.

Neither do I.

I must check the body,

I was trying to calm it when you interrupted me.

The truth is, I suppose,

that I underestimated the human spirit.

Come in!

Come in.

See for yourself.

[ominous music]

A corpse.

That's what you'd think, wouldn't you?

And we no different.

One thing I overlooked was the strength

of the continuing will to survive.

Even now, she still struggles to regain her life force.

How incredible the human spirit is.

What do you mean struggles to get back?

She wants to be alive, to walk and talk as we do.

But you have taken her life force away?

Oh, Hoffman. Don't pretend to be surprised.

Surely Angelique told you that her existence depends on

the life force of another.

I didn't understand.

I thought I removed the life force completely,

but apparently not.

When she uses her will,

Angelique, poor Angelique, becomes as she was

when she sent you here.

But if anything happens to the body...

Angelique would die.

But nothing will happen.


Tell Angelique I have given it an injection,

an injection which should stun what remains

of the life force.

When you return to Collinwood,

I'm sure you'll find Angelique completely recovered.

How lucky you are, Hoffman.

You live in the best of all possible worlds.

You enjoy the luxury of Collinwood,

wealth of companionship

with none of the responsibility of being a Collins.

But I don't have the money, either.

That's a situation which may change.

I'm sure Angelique will reward you lavishly.

I however may have to remind her that I am the one

to whom she owes her existence

when that moment comes

and she alone represents the Collins family.

I better be going back.

Tell me, has Angelique had any more trouble

with Barnabas Collins?


Why do you ask?

She will, that's all.

I know he is the enemy.

[ominous music]

Maggie, I can't believe what you're saying.

Barnabas, don't you think it's possible

that I could have done these things in my...

Unconsciously that I...

That Quentin's right?

That you're a witch?

No, my dear.

You are not responsible for what happened at Collinwood.

Now, that will be clear to everyone.

You sound so assured.

I am confident.


My dear, trust me.



[ominous music]

Are you sure?

You know my father so well.

Are you sure he was telling you the truth,

or is he just trying to teach me another lesson?

No, he was telling the truth, I'm sure,

but you do neglect him frightfully.

Neglect him?

All he wants to do is sit around here

and drink Quentin's brandy.

But why not let him?

Why not really make him your friend,

he's someone you need more than you need anyone else,

and you know that.

Invite him over tonight.

Talk to him.

I could persuade him to go on with his work.

There must be some way

that he can stop these terrible att*cks.

Yes, and tonight would be perfect because Quentin's

out of the house

and Maggie's having her dinner in her room.



[ominous music]

You bring me so much information

that I don't know what to do with it all.

Is it possible we found a way to defeat Angelique?

Yes, yes it is.


It's incredible.

All the pieces begin to fit together, don't they?

Angelique thinks Quentin m*rder*d her.

Revenge, yes.

I don't believe he did,

but the important thing is that she does.

Well, we can end it now.

[ominous music]

We can destroy the body.

And Angelique will die.

And then it will be all over.

Then we can go back to our own time.

We must plan this very carefully.

We must make no mistakes.

He will come to Collinwood at eight.

She knows that I'll be out of the house

for the evening.

Half an hour from now.

Are you sure that no one will be with the body?


[ominous music]

What are you looking for?

Something that Will showed me once.

[ominous music]

This will end the reign of terror Collinwood...


[ominous music]

[loud knocking]

Oh, come in, father.

I don't approve of your answering the door, my dear,

when there are servants, one should use them.

Well, Hoffman's in the village.

What a pleasure it is every time I visit this house.

Are we alone?

Yes. And we have much to discuss.


Yes, several I think.

Anything you want, father.

And what do you want from me?

I want to encourage you.

I want to convince you that you must continue

with your work.

I didn't come here to discuss that.

Let me entertain the illusion

that I am to the manor born.

I cannot go on having these att*cks, father.

There must be something you can do.

I don't see what.

Well, you can find some way to control that girl.

I'm almost content to rest on my laurels.

No, I won't let you.

You can't.

It's too important.

Momentary faintness seems a small price to pay for life.

I can't take the chance of even a momentary faintness.

- Not anymore. - Why?

Never mind.

No, no.

I insist upon knowing.


You who love this house so much,

take a long, last look at it, father.

Because it's going to be different,

very different.

The people who own this house are going to get

what they have deserved all along.

And not a member of this family will remain untouched,

I promise you that.

The Collinses will be a family that is finished.

[ominous music]

So we must work very hard, father,

because it all depends on me.

[ominous music]

Dr. Eldgleg's key.

Where's the missus?

Oh, no.

No, she has it only in her drawer

and keeps in for emergencies.

Where's the body?

[ominous music]

In here.

It's all so easy, isn't it?

Are you having second thoughts, Barnabas?

No, no, no. Of course not.

But it's just that, well,

I've spent so many hours trying to find a way

to defeat Angelique.


[ominous music]

So that body has made Angelique live again?

Another innocent must die.

Oh, Barnabas, I know what you're feeling,

but she's not truly alive.

And she will destroy other people.


I'm convinced of that.

Yes, yes.

It must be done.

Then we must decide what to do about Stokes.

He could find another body

and have Angelique live again.

It never ends, does it,

when one begins to unravel evil.

Now, Barnabas.



[ominous music]

[ominous music]
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