1039 - June 17, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1039 - June 17, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[ominous music]

NARRATOR: Collinwood in parallel time.

And at last, Barnabas Collins has an ally

to fight the evil of Angelique,

for Julia has come from their own time

and has saved his life.

And now, masquerading as the Hoffman she was forced to k*ll,

she has discovered the secret that keeps Angelique alive,

the body in the hidden room at Stokes' cottage.

So she and Barnabas, knowing they have little time,

go to destroy the body and end Angelique's reign of

terror on the great estate.

Are there any second thoughts, Barnabas?

No, of course not.

If you knew the hours I had spent

trying to find a way to end Angelique.


So this is the body that has made Angelique live.

So another innocent must die.

Barnabas, I know what you're feeling,

but she's not really alive, and if she stays the way

she is, many more will die, I'm certain of that.

Yes, yes.

It must be done.

Then we must decide what to do about Stokes.

So that he doesn't find another body

and have Angelique live again.

It never ends, does it?

Once one begins to unravel evil.

JULIA: Now, Barnabas?

Yes, now.

[ominous music]

[creepy music]

JULIA: Barnabas, what is it?


She's so beautiful.


I've never seen another face like hers.

I cannot do it.

JULIA: Because she's beautiful?

In a world where there's so much ugliness,

have I the right to destroy her?

We're destroying Angelique.

We'll have to find another way.

JULIA: There is no other way.

There must be.

Angelique would k*ll you if she had the choice.

I know that, I will deal with Angelique.


Tell me a way, Barnabas.

We've been given this one opportunity.

I feel as sorry for this girl as you.

Sorrow is not what I feel.

What is it, then?

It doesn't matter.

It does.

Because whatever you feel

condemns everyone at Collinwood

to more of Angelique's plots.

They're all in danger, Barnabas,

you're maintaining that danger.

Julia, I want you to examine that body.

You haven't been listening to anything I've said.

If we're able to bring her back to life,

Angelique will be in that state.

Now you said yourself that Stokes told you

that Angelique exists on the strength

of this girl's will to live.

Yes, I told you that.

But I haven't the vaguest idea how he accomplished it.

Julia, you're a doctor.

If you examine her, surely you'll have some idea.

Barnabas, I'm not as confident as you

that we even have the

time for all this delay.

If I could take her to a hospital and make tests,

it would be different.

You can come here anytime you like.

You can tell him that you're here to help him.

Hoffman is a housekeeper, Stokes would laugh at me.

I am determined to bring this girl back to life.

Barnabas, in the past, I always thought you

knew what was best.

But this time, you are wrong.

As we delay, whatever happens at Collinwood

is your responsibility.

I will see that nothing happens at Collinwood.

Now begin the examination.

[ominous music]

Must be quite a shock to you, Roger,

to be having drinks with me again in this room.

No, not at all.

That's what I like about the Collinses.

They have more manners than sense.

They believe in their manners, even if nobody else does.


Don't be nervous, Alexis,

I'm not gonna launch into one of my tirades.

I noticed Roger was a little uneasy.

Thought I'd admit to being the reason.

No, you are not the reason.

The fact is, I've had rather a shock today.

Cyrus Longworth has made me

the executive of his estate.

I would've thought that he would've chosen Quentin.

But Quentin doesn't need the percentage

that executors get.

Neither do I, Mr. Stokes.

If you'll excuse me.


What fools they are.

I always admit it when I need money.

He and Elizabeth Stoddard are living in a dream world.

Well, there'll be no dream world left soon, father.

For any of them.

I've suddenly discovered I've quite enough to drink.

What did you mean by that?

They'll find themselves in a world

like one they've

never known before.

Every one of them.

Except for my son, of course.

All the adulation

they've received

simply because

they're Collinses.

There'll be no more of that.

MR STOKES: What do you intend to do?

Nothing, father.


You are going to make someone else do the dirty work.

Tell me everything.

Why, there's nothing to tell.

Nothing at all.

I'll simply be an

innocent bystander

who can't believe all the

evil that surrounds her.

Her heart is barely beating.

Her pulse is the lowest

it could possibly be.

If this were a normal case,

I would say that she only

had a few minutes to live.

And if she does live, there

will be permanent brain damage.

BARNABAS: But she's not a normal case.


How did he ever do it?

I know that her mind sleeps as the rest of her does.

And that when she wakes, she will be the same

as she was before

Stokes did what he--


Her fingers moved.

JULIA: I don't believe it.

They did.

Her hand moved.

JULIA: Hold it tighter.


And you, father, will be the audience, just as I am.

MR STOKES: What is it?

My eyes.

Father, the body.

The body!

Nothing could be wrong, before I left the house,

I administered the serum.


Unless someone is in that room.

Can you see me?

I can't tell.

Keep trying.

Your hand moved.

If you can hear me, move it again.

JULIA: She can't hear.

Speak to us.

Tell us who you are.

Speak to us.

You must speak.

I need to hear your voice.


Try, for my sake.


Something's happened to Angelique.

He's back!

[dramatic music]

Barnabas, go.

BARNABAS: And leave you?

You must.


Oh, thank god, it's you.

What are you doing here?

I was so afraid, her hand moved,

I was about to call you at Collinwood.

You haven't answered my question.

Isn't it curious, a situation like this

puts us all so on edge.

Why did you come here?

JULIA: A premonition.


I was on my way back to Collinwood,

when I suddenly had the feeling that

that something had happened to Angelique.

I came here, I had the key.

Angelique had given it to me this afternoon

when I came.

I thought perhaps there was something

I might be able to do.

Are we going to begin

doubting each other?

Now that we should be friends.

So the hands moved.

Yes, yes, and the eyes started to open.

They're closed now.


Whatever happened is past.

I must call Angelique.

Make certain she's alright.

No, father. No, I'm quite all right again.

Yes, thank you.

But father, you must perfect what you've started.

You must.

Because I intend to go on doing here what I must.

Look, I'll have to call you later.


Quentin hasn't come back?

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude,

but you were looking for him, weren't you?

I can't sleep. I think I read once, or

perhaps someone told me, that after a fight, a

couple shouldn't go to bed without making up.


Then I'm afraid you shall have to stay awake

for quite some time, won't you.

I can't imagine what you can possibly

know about this, Roger.

Oh, it isn't necessary, it's all too obvious.

I won't have you picking on Maggie.

Alexis, please.

I'm picking on no one,

I'm simply helping myself to some of Quentin's

excellent brandy.

Do you mind?

Why don't we go upstairs to your room, Maggie?

Thank you, Alexis, I prefer to stay here

and wait for my husband.


Please, Alexis.

Will you join me?

No, thank you.

No weaknesses, eh?

Oh, Roger, I have many weaknesses.

Where did he go tonight?

That's none of your business.

Oh, but everything that happens here is my business.

You see, I keep track.

I do, really.

Now why don't you tell me?

Before one of the servants does.

What have you done this time?

Leave me alone!

Get out of this house,

this house is as much

mine as it is yours!

And get out of here

and leave me alone!

Your house?

I wonder.

And for how long?

[dramatic music]

[upbeat piano music]

You didn't have to stop.

You enter rooms the way Angelique used to.

One moment I'd be alone, and the next...

She'd be by your side.

You liked having her by your side, didn't you Bruno?

I was just thinking of her as I was playing a song.

How could Quentin m*rder her?

What did the police say when you brought

that rather curious diary of Cyrus's to them?

What'd they say, hmm?

Two idols destroyed.

The eminent Doctor Longworth

leaves proof that he had

falsified Angelique's autopsy

to save his friend, the

illustrious Quentin Collins.

When are the police gonna come over

and arrest him for her m*rder?


You did go to the police, didn't you?

I paid you $ for that journal.

It's mine to do anything

I want to do with it.

You want your sister's

m*rder*r punished?

Well the journal says that

Quentin is the m*rder*r!

Cyrus saw the hatpin in

the base of her skull.

Yes, but there's no proof

that Quentin put it there.

Cyrus only assumed that he did.

Well, they don't hang

criminals on supposition.

I want more proof before

I go to the police.

Absolute proof.


You aren't going to go to the police, are you?


Well you must!

You must!

[dramatic music]

Don't you ever touch me again, do you hear me?

I am in charge!

You sold me the right to be.

Now go over there and

get yourself a drink

to calm your rather

tattered nerves.

Do you know what your

trouble is, Bruno?

You're bored.

And you're much too

young to be bored.

Do you know that?

Imagine, the great Bruno Harris,

spending the evening

playing a melody

he wrote for a woman

who died six months ago.

What else is there for me to do?

More than you see.


Ever since Angelique died, no one around here

wants to see me.

You're such a child.

Such an innocent child.

Why, only this afternoon,

I heard someone say

how attractive you were.

How she couldn't understand

why you made yourself so



This woman needs someone, Bruno.

Someone very understanding.

She needs you far more than Angelique ever did.

BRUNO: Who are you talking about?

Someone at the main house.

Someone who is much more innocent than she seems.


She fooled you too, did she?

Oh Bruno, what is it

about you that makes you so irresistible to

Quentin's wives.

I don't know.

I guess we have the same taste in women, that's all.

No no, I don't mind at

all that you stopped by.

As a matter of fact, I rather enjoy your company.

I'm beginning to think lately I've spent entirely too

much time alone here.

We'll have to see that you get out more often.

You know that your husband wouldn't appreciate

my being here.

Quentin is not here.

Then he doesn't have to know, does he?

Bruno, I heard one of your recordings today.

You play brilliantly.

Thank you.

Just one of my many talents.

You're a very self-confident man.

Do you mind that?

No, not at all.

I think I rather envy it.

Do you?

I've never had much confidence.

BRUNO: All you have to do

is do something well just once,

then you'll know nothing

is really very hard.

Yes, you may be right.

But then, I have no talent.

Not even for loving?

Oh yes you do.

I can see it in your eyes.

You not only have a talent,

but you have a need for

someone who appreciates it.


Someone's here!


Now, aren't you lucky.

It's not Quentin at all.

Only me.

Only me.

I have to go after him

and tell him what happened.

Who cares what he thinks?

Who cares?


You just had too much to drink.

Frightened her.

After all, I never said she couldn't be frightened.

She was probably reacting to Roger.

Oh, he would dearly love to

tell Quentin what he saw.

Just calm down.

Quentin Collins.

Why does everyone live in fear of him?

Well, for good reason.

He has the money and the power.

Yeah, well not for very long.

Why, what are you going to do?

I found the journal, so

I'm going to call the police.

No, you can't.

BRUNO: Don't you try to stop me.

Look Bruno, it won't do any good now.


Well, you just wait and see.

No, I won't let you.

I won't let you!

Get out of here! No, Bruno, No!

Get me the police.



I want to report a m*rder.

[ominous music]

[creepy music]
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