1042 - June 22, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1042 - June 22, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[foreboding music]

NARRATOR: In the strange world of parallel time

at the great estate of Collinwood the struggle to save

Quentin Collins and his bride, Maggie,

from destruction at the hand of Angelique

continues its tormented course.

Quentin was arrested for the m*rder of Bruno,

and on this night new complications arise

as the search continues for the first m*rder*r,

the one who brought death to Angelique.

Maggie, where are you going?

To see Quentin.

I made up my mind, I've got to go and talk to him

about everything.

But, Maggie, Quentin can't see you now.

MAGGIE: Why not?

Well, if you knew how I wish I didn't have

to tell you this.

What do you mean?

I went to see him.

I thought maybe I could help.

Maggie he was like a madman.

He forced me to call Inspector Hamilton into the room

where we were, then when Hamilton got in there,

he hit him from behind.


The inspector was unconscious for a few moments.

I tried to stop Quentin but I couldn't.

Maggie, he's escaped.

[waves crashing]

[eerie music]


I don't know what to say or do or think or anything.

I know, I don't either.

After all, he is innocent.


Well, Maggie, you don't believe that Quentin

really m*rder*r Bruno, do you?

He hated Bruno so much.

If only he hadn't threatened to k*ll Bruno

before he went to the cottage.

He was standing over the body

when Inspector Hamilton walked in.

Don't you think it's possible that when he got there

Bruno was already dead?

I don't know, I'm so confused.

Alexis, you've just been to the jail.

Do they know yet how Bruno died?

Maggie, why don't we talk about this in the morning.

You're very tired.

Alexis, how did he die?

ALEXIS: He was strangled.

I see.

But we mustn't believe that Quentin did it.

We mustn't.

We're not fools, Alexis.

We have to accept facts.

Oh, but if Quentin were able to m*rder Bruno

then it's possible that he might also m*rder...



I tried so hard not to believe that.

Why would he escape if he weren't guilty?

I think the time has come that we've just got to accept

what we've known for a long, long time.

Quentin k*lled Bruno.

As as much as he loved her, Quentin k*lled Angelique.

I hope with all my heart what you say is not true.

- So do I. - Where are you going?

MAGGIE: I just want to be alone for a while.

Maggie, you will be careful, won't you?

What do you mean?

Well, nobody knows where Quentin is.

I mean, it is possible that he's here at Collinwood.

But Quentin wouldn't hurt me. He wouldn't do that.

He wouldn't hurt me. I know that no matter what.

Maggie, you didn't see the Quentin that I saw.

He wasn't the Quentin that we know.

He was like someone we've never known before,

someone who was capable of k*lling.

If Quentin is here, then I want to see him.

I want to talk to him.

ALEXIS: Do you know what you're saying?

I want to see him,

and I want to talk to him

and I want to ask him again and again... why?

Why, Quentin?

She was your wife.

He loved her and she loved him.

Why, Quentin, why?

JULIA: Carolyn, where have you been?

Out walking along the cliffs trying to forget about

all the terrible things that have happened.

The police have just left here.

They were searching for Quentin.

They almost found the secret room.

Searching for Quentin?

Julia: Yes, he escaped from prison.

They thought he might be somewhere on the grounds.

Escaped, how?

Oh, it's a very curious coincidence.

He and Angelique were alone in the prison office.

Angelique says that Quentin forced her to send

for Inspector Hamilton.

When he came into the room, Quentin hit him from behind

and he escaped.

He should never have done that.

It only makes him look that much more guilty.

That's not the only thing we have to worry about.


If Angelique helped him escape,

then that's part of her plan.

That means that he is in greater danger from Angelique

than he would be in prison.

CAROLYN: Does anyone have any idea where he is?

No, we've got to find him so we can persuade him

to give himself up.

But Julia, if he did k*ll Bruno--

He did not k*ll Bruno.

CAROLYN: How can we be so sure?

If Angelique is involved, we can be sure that she

is the one that's caused all the trouble.

Julia, aren't you forgetting one thing?


Angelique was m*rder*d, too.

We can hardly blame her for that m*rder.

Who do we blame?

Even if Angelique m*rder*d Bruno,

there's still another m*rder*r.

Who is it?

Yes, who?

[knocking at door]

Come in.

Maggie, I heard about Quentin.

Is there anything I can do to help you?

No, everything's fine, really.

It's all so terrible.

Yes, Carolyn,

do you know what this is?

It looks as if it could have been used as a voodoo doll

to cast spells or...

Maggie, look the a monogram.

This is Bruno's ascot.


CAROLYN: A doll like this could even be used

to k*ll someone. Where did you get it?

I found it just now. It was in the drawer.

CAROLYN: With the ascot around its neck?

Exactly as it is now.

Carolyn, do you think that Bruno could have died this way?

I don't know.

How did it get here?

Who put it here?

Carolyn, you don't think that I could,

I mean, it seems I've done things like this before.

Maggie, you did not do it.

Quentin is convinced that I do things like this.

Maggie, you did not k*ll Bruno.

You had nothing to do with this doll.

But how did it get here?

Someone planted it there deliberately.


No, not Quentin.

Then who?

What about Alexis?

- Alexis, that's ridiculous. - CAROLYN: Is it?

Carolyn, I've struggled for a long, long time

to get over my fears of Alexis.

Now, don't start them again.

Maggie, someone is doing these things.

- Who else could it be? - It could be anyone,

- that's what's so terrifying. - Nevertheless I would

advise you to treat Alexis with caution.

Do you know something about her that you haven't told me?

No, no, I don't know anymore about her than you do.

MAGGIE: For just a minute there you looked

like you were going to say something else.

- What was it? - Nothing, just let me repeat,

be especially cautious with Alexis.

And Angelique gave you no idea where Quentin might be?

No, not a word.

She's enjoying one of her more

coy moods.


I know how Angelique m*rder*d Bruno.


With a voodoo doll

and an ascot that belonged to Bruno.

- Well, how do you know? - She planted it

in Maggie's drawer to confuse her

or make her think that Quentin m*rder*d Bruno

by black magic or I don't know.

I very nearly came right out and told Maggie

the truth about Angelique there and then.

- No, you mustn't. - Why not?

Because if Angelique has any suspicion that Maggie

or anyone else suspects her secret, she will destroy them.

No, Maggie's better off being completely ignorant.

Isn't Angelique destroying Maggie as it is?

Believe me, Maggie is safer in not knowing the truth

[sighs] for now, anyway.

CAROLYN: Julia, I don't think we can afford to wait

very much longer.

Oh, I know.

Carolyn, I've been thinking about what you said before

about there being another m*rder*r,

the one that k*lled Angelique.

We've got to find out who that is, so that we can

clear Quentin from the suspicion of Angelique's m*rder,

and then it'll be easier to persuade him

to turn himself in when we find him.

We have no idea of knowing who k*lled Angelique.

Tell me at the séance, who went to Angelique

in the confusion?

I mean, after Quentin.

Bruno, Roger, Cyrus, my mother,

Buffie Harrington who was working for us at that time,

and Trask.

But who was the first to go to her after she fell?


No, it was my mother and then Quentin,

if I remember correctly.

It could have been any one of them, couldn't it?

Yes, and I'm convinced we'll never know which one.

MAGGIE VOICEOVER: But I closed this door.

I'm sure I did.

The doll, it's gone.

Maggie, I thought I'd go out for a walk

just to get away for a while.

Will you be all right?

Alexis, were you in this room just now?

I beg your pardon?

I mean, did you happen to come in to this room

sometime this evening?

Why on earth would I come in here?

Well, there are some things missing, and I,

I was just wondering if you happened to have come in here

sometime and perhaps saw something unusual or someone--

I'm sorry, no, I didn't.

I hope you don't mind my asking.

What is it, Maggie?

There's some things of Quentin's missing, too.

Why then Quentin is in the house.

If he is, I've got to see him and talk to him.

Maggie, are you sure that's wise?

MAGGIE: I'm not going to be afraid, Alexis.

It's not a matter of fear, it's a matter of safety.

You're not deliberately doing this

to frighten me, are you?

Frighten you?

Well, how can you say that?

I'm trying to help you.

Maggie, has somebody said something to you about me?


Where did you ever get that idea?

Alexis, I'm sorry.

I seem to be confused about a lot of things.

I'm sorry.

I really am, please forgive me.

It's all right, I know how upset you are.

But listen, if you do think that you'll be all right,

I would like to take that walk and get a little fresh air.

Yes, of course, please.

Well, all right.

MAGGIE VOICEOVER: I ran out of this house once before.

I swore I'd never do it again.

If Quentin is here, I've got to see him.

I do, I really do.

- [clock chiming] - [thunder rumbling]


[wind howling]


Quentin? Quentin?

[soft piano music]

MAGGIE VOICEOVER: Someone's playing Angelique's music.

It's coming from her room.


[doorknobs rattling]

Quentin. Quentin, is that you?

Are you in there?

Quentin, please, please.


JULIA: Mrs. Collins, what is it?

The music, the music it stopped,

but these doors, they were locked.

- The music. - Music? What music?

The music, the music that Bruno played for Angelique.

You must have heard it, you must have.

There was somebody in there and they were playing it.

They wouldn't let me in. The doors were locked.

They wouldn't let--

No, they were locked!

The doors were locked.

They were.

It's empty.


Well, that can't be.

There was somebody sitting there playing the piano

and those doors were locked, I swear it.

I'm not going mad, I'm not.

Mrs. Collins, you've been going through a great deal--

Don't touch me, there was somebody at the piano playing!

Mrs. Collins, you really shouldn't be in this house

all by yourself like this.

Why don't go to Loomis' house and see Carolyn and Will

just for the night.

MAGGIE: Leave here?

Yes, you could rest over there,

and Carolyn will take care of you.

Well, maybe I should.

Maybe I shouldn't be here alone so much.

I agree, that's why I came back from my walk.

Mrs. Collins will be here with me.

Thank you, Hoffman.

You see she won't be alone at all.

[thunder rumbling]

CAROLYN VOICEOVER: What difference does it make

who k*lled Angelique?

They'll get Quentin for the m*rder of Bruno anyway.

Why can't we all forget about that dreadful séance

and put it out of our minds completely?

No, Quentin must be cleared of both murders,

cleared completely.

Julia is right.

We've got to find out

who k*lled Angelique.

Yes, find out.


Carolyn, Carolyn, what is it, what's happened?

I remember it now.

Remember what?

I know who m*rder*d Angelique.

[eerie music]
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