1046 - June 28, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1046 - June 28, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

VOICEOVER: The great house of Collinwood

in the dark and forbidding world of parallel time,

in which the evil plans of one woman

have produced an atmosphere of terror.

On this night, Barnabas Collins has made a desperate attempt

to penetrate the secret of how this woman

was able to return from the grave.

He knows that she exists by using a life force

of another, nameless woman.

- Was I wrong to bring you here?

Were my motives for bringing you to life again false?

Why am I so obsessed with the idea

of your opening your eyes, looking at me, speaking to me?

Is it only for the experiment?

Is there some way I could reach you?

I want to embrace you.

Do stand up.

Let me help you.


[dramatic music]

[eerie music]




The only one.

- Just keep walking.

There's nothing to be afraid of.

You are a very lovely.

Can you understand what I'm saying to you?

Can't you tell me who you are?

Can't you communicate with me?

If not, try in some way

to tell me where you've come from,

what it is that Stokes has done to you.

Perhaps you recognize this?

Are you at least aware of looking at yourself?

You are capable of reacting to something.

Yes, yes, you recognize the name.

Claude North is important to you.


Can you tell me who he is?

I want to take you out of the house

and take you someplace that you may recognize.

Don't be afraid of me.

I only want to help you.

- Alexis!


- Can you help me, please?

- What's happened?

- My heart.


Who are you calling?

- I'm gonna call Dr. Ford. It's...

- No, I don't need a doctor.

- Alexis, if you have a heart condition...

- Put down that phone, Maggie.

- Alexis, Alexis.

- I don't think you should be... - Call my father.

- Your father?

- He'll be able to help.

- Alexis, I don't think you should be moved?

- No, I've had these seizures before,

and I know what to do.

- What can your father do that the doctor couldn't do?

- There's a medication.

- Do you recognize this place?

- I got you, we'll go inside.

You mustn't be afraid. No harm will come to you.

You have been here before, haven't you?


You know where you're going.

And there's something about that that frightens you.

Now we're going inside,

only because I must know more about you.

I'll be by your side.

Nothing will happen to you.

No one's here.


Someone else has been in this room since I was here.

I'm certain this wasn't here before.

Do you recognize this?

Does it mean anything to you?

You know who it belongs to.

Then you who has been here.

Is it the man named Claude North?

I've got to find a way to make you speak to me.

- The moment Roxanne speaks.

- The moment she speaks what?

- Well, I'm afraid it will be the end for you.

- The end? What are you talking about?

- If she recovers her powers of speech,

she'll be in complete control of her faculties.

It means the life force will have left your body

and returned to hers.

- And I will die? - Yes.

- What are you going to do about it?

- I told you before.

I combined medical science with black magic

to make this experiment work.

The medication I gave you a few minutes ago

should be of some help.

Meanwhile, I...

must invoke those powers of darkness

that have guided me so successfully in this experiment.

You will exist in a world beyond

the scope of mortal view,

beyond the realms of time and space.

Hear me as you have before

and again make your unique powers available to me.

- Let me put it back.

What's the matter?

You're getting weaker.

Come, I'll take you back to Loomis' house at once.

- Your strength returning?

- Yes, I'm feeling much better.

But we must find some way to make sure

this never happens again.

- The only way to do that is to find the body

and hide it in the safest possible place.

- Well, then, find it.

There is one way to find the body

without even going to look for it.

- How can you find it?

- By contacting Claude North, wherever he is.

- Claude North? Who is he?

- A man you're better off not to know.

I promised myself I'd have nothing further to do with him.

- Well, you're going to break that promise, father.

You're going to get in touch with Claude North tonight.

[eerie music]

[door opening]

[automobile approaches]

- Will, I'm back.

Will, you here?

- Oh, hi, there.

- Carolyn, I have to talk to you.

- Ooh, I'm exhausted.

I visited some friends in Portland last night

and then shopped all day today and then drove back.

Is Will here?

- No.

- I hope he hasn't gone out for the evening.

- Carolyn.

- Bought some things for him in Portland.

We seem to have done so little for each other

in the past few years.

Our lives have changed so much since you came here.

I'd like to think there is still some love between us.

Barnabas, what's wrong?

Something's happened to Will. He's had an accident.

- Carolyn.

Will is dead.

[dramatic music]

- Oh, my God.

You can't mean that.

- I'm afraid it's true.

I'm sorry, Carolyn.

- Did you k*ll him?

- No. No, I did not.

- Then how did he die?

- He jumped out of the tower window at Collinwood.

- I don't believe you.

Will would never do a thing like that.

- It's true.

He was with Angelique.

You see, she found out that

he really knew she was Angelique.

- Don't tell me any more.

It's not just her fault.

It's yours too.

You changed his life when you came here.

You made him your servant and took away what little pride

and self-respect he had left.

You can't just blame it on her!

You're as guilty as she is!

I hate you, Barnabas!

I hate you! - Carolyn.


- Father, you're wasting

valuable time just sitting there.

- Listen to me, Angelique.

I've tried to find Roxanne on my own once more.

I've failed.

I'll contact Claude North.

- What are you so afraid of Claude North for?

- It's not that I'm afraid. - It is that you're afraid.

And what is his relationship with this Roxanne?

You still haven't told me that.

- And I don't intend to.

I told you we'd be better off

to have nothing to do with Claude North.

- All right. You do it your way one more time,

but if you don't succeed, you're going to go and find him.

I've come too far to have everything destroyed by some--

by your fear for some ordinary man.

- Claude North is not an ordinary man, my dear.

You'll know that at once if you meet him.

[dramatic music]

- Carolyn.

When did you get back?

- I don't know. A few minutes ago or an hour.

Time doesn't mean very much.

The house is like a funeral parlor, isn't it?

- Carolyn, I'm so terribly sorry.

- Yes, everyone is very sorry.

And I don't know why.

What did Will and I have, really?

What did we bring to each other's lives?

When you think about it, there wasn't very much.

And yet despite everything that was missing, I loved him.

And I guess he loved me.

- Carolyn, have you been to see Will yet?

- No, no I'm not ready for that yet.

I'm not ready to see him.

If I looked at him now it would only remind me

of all the things that are wrong with Collinwood

and the people in it.

- I don't understand.

- There's...

such a fearful unreality about this place.

No one in it is what he seems to be,

or pretends to be.

And right at the top of the list

is Mr. Barnabas Collins.

- Barnabas?

- Oh, you think Barnabas is just an ordinary man, don't you?

- Yes.

- Well, you're very wrong.

Barnabas is a long way from being ordinary.

- Carolyn, I don't understand what you're talking about.

- Then let me spell it out for you.

Let me tell you about the real Barnabas Collins,

the one very few people kn--

- I believe I heard my name mentioned.

- I'm afraid it will have to wait, Maggie.

We seem to have an eavesdropper.

- Carolyn! - Maggie.

It's understandable that Carolyn is not herself.

- You needn't worry about my condition, Barnabas.

I've decided I'm going to survive.

I have good reason to.

- Carolyn, what you're doing

isn't going to help your sorrow.

- What I am doing is my business and none of yours.

- Why don't I take you back to your house?

- I'm planning to spend the evening here at Collinwood.

- I won't have a better opportunity than this.

Barnabas and Carolyn here,

I can search for Roxanne at Loomis' house.

- Maggie, do you mind leaving us alone for just a minute?

- Maggie, I suggest you do what he wants.

If you don't, he has a way of forcing you to do it.

- You know it would be easy for me

to put a stop to what you're doing to me.

- Well, why don't you?

I'm not afraid of you, and I don't care about myself anymore.

- I'm not trying to hurt you, Carolyn,

any more than I ever wanted to hurt Will.

- But you did.

- But it was beyond me.

I was helpless to prevent it, and you know it.

Now I always considered Will a friend.

And if you trust me,

I will try to see that his death his avenged.

- Will that bring him back? - No. No, it won't.

But it will give you some small measure of satisfaction.

After all, you and Will were very happy together until

Angelique came into your lives.

- Yes.

Yes, we were.

- Come.

Let me take you back to your house.

- I haven't seen Will yet.

Let me go and see him.

And then I'll go.

[eerie music]

- Carolyn?

- Yes.

- I promise you, I will send Angelique back to her grave.

I found a way of fighting her. It's only a question of time.

[dramatic music]
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