1049 - July 1, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1049 - July 1, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie theme music]

NARRATOR: Parallel time at Collinwood.

A dark, hazy morning.

With the fog rolling in from the sea.

And the great house with its many secrets,

seems more ominous than ever before.

For there are many who want

to know what its secrets are.

Secrets that may mean

the difference between life and death

for the person who knows them.


Wouldn't you like to know?

Wouldn't you just like to know some of the things I know?

I'll bet you'd even give your last cent to hear some

of the things I can tell you.

You're drunk, you don't know what you're saying.

I may as well leave you to your misery.

Uncle Roger!

If you stay, I'll tell you the biggest secret of all.

I'm in no mood to play your games!

Oh, it's no game, dear uncle.

This particular secret concerns someone you love very much.


What would you say if I told you I can prove,

that Alexis is really Angelique?

[tense music]

I said I can prove that Alexis is really Angelique.

[waves crashing]

[eerie theme music]

ROGER: It's the most ridiculous thing I ever heard.

Alexis is Angelique.

But true, also true.


It's really quite funny.

You loved Angelique so, and yet when she comes back

you don't even recognize her.

Stop that laughing!

If you will check dear uncle, you find the place beneath

her skull where that

Don't talk like this!

You have never liked the truth uncle Roger.

It's too real for you.


I don't believe it at all.

You better Uncle Roger, I have proof.

ROGER: What proof?


Tell me!

Oh, I can't, to tell you how

I know would mean revealing another secret.

And one more would be too many for you,

you're upset as it is.

I think you've lost your mind.

Oh, no.

The dead do not come back.

Don't they?

You better stop trying to convince yourself

that I'm lying or joking.

You'll be much better off if you believe me.

You see, she has come back for a reason.

Oh, and I suppose you know that too.

I can guess it.

Can't you?

ROGER: You're drunk.

You're only saying this to upset me.

CAROLYN: No uncle.

To warn you.

ROGER: Warn me?

CAROLYN: Everyone in the house should be warned.

Don't you think everyone should know?

ROGER: If you go around spreading this vicious gossip,

you will only succeed in making me put you in a sanitarium.

AMY: Trask.

What are you doing here?

Well I just wanted

Leave me alone!

CAROLYN: Why are you threatening me uncle Roger?

I should think you like knowing what I told you.

Anyone who watched her die would never believe your story.

Oh, but you do.

You won't admit it, but you believe me.

I'll tell you what I believe!

I'll tell you exactly what I believe.

There's no shred of logic to what you're saying.

Not a bit.

If Angelique came back here she would want revenge.


And isn't she getting it?

Where is Quentin now?

Escaped from jail, charged with m*rder.

Doesn't that seem like revenge?

Or, don't you think he m*rder*d her?

I know he did.

Do you?

[tense music]


Something interesting, Trask?

What's wrong?

Why are you looking at me like that?

I'm sorry, Ms. Stokes.

No one would have k*lled her, but him.

No one had his temper, his v*olence.

[glass clatters]


Oh, uncle Roger.

Oh, Alexis.

Do come in.


We were just talking about


About your sister's m*rder.

A subject which Trask seems to find quite interesting.

He was just eavesdropping outside the door.

Was he indeed?

I will have a word with him.

No, don't go uncle, stay.

Tell Alexis your theories about Quentin.

I'm afraid I find the whole subject much too upsetting.

Oh, yes you must.

Mustn't she, Uncle?


ALEXIS: I've caused so much unhappiness here.

CAROLYN: Well, it's a house full of secrets.

You simply brought some of them to light.

But there are many, many more.

Oh, so many more.

More than even you know about.

But now I know them all, every one.


What a funny feeling, to know all the secrets.

Well, I must go home now.

I keep thinking that Will, will be there waiting for me.

He isn't.

I suppose I'll accept that eventually.

You see how right I am, don't you?


That poor, poor girl.


Is there something wrong with the way I look?

- No. - You're staring at me.

I'm sorry.

[tense music]

[dramatic music]

Why are you here?

Answer me!

I heard you in the drawing room.

I already know that.

Is it true?

Is she Angelique?

Do I have to say it again?

But I was with her when she died.

She remembers that I'm sure.

What do you mean?

Pour me a drink Trask.

Have one yourself, you look as if you could use it.

Or are you too much the perfect butler to drink with me?

I didn't come here to make drinks.

Should I guess why you came?

You'll have to tell me how you know.


Why does it interest you so much?


You were in love with her weren't you?


Even you.

She can't be in that house!

Ah, but she is Trask and you never even knew it.

You and Roger, her two faithful devoted servants never knew.


How funny that is.

It isn't funny!

You don't know, you can't see.

And you're so afraid, all of you.

So afraid.

You tell me how you know!

Don't you touch me!

Don't you ever touch me.

You're causing trouble, and you're gonna regret it.

Am I?

Are you going to make me regret it, Trask?

Are you?

[dramatic music]

I haven't been sleeping well.

Last night I thought I heard footsteps

in the corridor outside my room.

Mrs. Stoddard, we've all been under a terrible strain.

It sounded like Quentin to me.

Why no, that's impossible.

Quentin would never come here.

ELIZABETH: Wouldn't he?

Oh, no.

I don't think he is that mad.

ELIZABETH: The footsteps.

Besides, the police have searched the house thoroughly.

The footsteps were real.

It is as if he were spying on us.

To see which one of us is guilty.

Well, I'm afraid that his escape from the police,

is almost proof that he's the guilty one.

To the police perhaps, but not to me.


You don't really believe that

Quentin k*lled your sister, do you?

I don't want to.

ELIZABETH: Or Bruno has.

Well, I'm afraid the proof there

is rather conclusive, isn't it?


Quentin has a violent temper, yes.

But Bruno Hess couldn't

make him lose it to that extent.

He was too weak a man.

[door opening]

Well, well, well.

Here you are, the two graces.

And now, we are three.



You should try drinking before lunch mother,

it makes the day just sort of float along.

Especially, if you don't eat lunch, at all.


Ooh, she's shocked.


Are you shocked?

I can't imagine much of anything shocking you.

Alexis, if you'll excuse us.

I'd like to speak to Carolyn alone.

Yes, of course.

No lecturing, mother.

I am a recent widow and I do as I like with my life.

I'm only sorry now, that I let Will's drinking bother me.

I should simply had joined him.

Carolyn, I realize

No, no mother you don't.

You don't realize,

a lot.

I know how upset you are.


Actually, I'm kind of relieved.


Oh, not about Will.

I'm just so relieved about you.

About me?

You have no idea how upset I was when I thought.

Thought what?

That you had m*rder*d Angelique.


I did believe that mother.

Honestly I did.

ELIZABETH: How could you?

CAROLYN: I was trying to remember

everything I could about that seance.

I remember I found the head of a hat pin.

Your hat pin.

The hat pin that k*lled her.

But darling that didn't I know.

I know mother, I know that now.

But I thought that you had done it for me.

For me and

for Will.

No matter what I thought of Angelique,

I never could have k*lled her.


But I know who did.


Yesterday and today have been very interesting.

I've even talked with him.

You must call the police.

Oh, no!

But you must!

No, no mother.

Why not?

Because it's my secret.

I have lots of secrets,

I've even seen Quentin.


And if I tell one secret,

then another secret will come out.

And then another, and another.

Carolyn you're drunk.

You're making this up.

You can believe that mother,

if it makes it easier for you.

Where did you see Quentin?

Where is he?

CAROLYN: One secret leads to another secret.

ELIZABETH: Stop saying that.

CAROLYN: So many secrets.

The poor, poor police could never believe.

No one could ever believe.


Stop talking like this.

CAROLYN: Yes, mother.

I will be your good little girl again.

Except, I do know who the m*rder*r is.

And tonight, when evening comes, I do something about it.

Why this evening?

Evening brings another secret.

One that speaks and tells me what to do.

Carolyn, Carolyn, what's happened to you, what?


[tense music]

[door shutting]

ROGER VOICEOVER: Who else heard?

Trask, or was it Quentin?

[dramatic music]

[knife scraping]

What are you doing?


Are you still mad at me?

You were this morning.

I mean you yelled at me.

I'm sorry.

AMY: Are you truly sorry?

Yes I am.

Because I almost wasn't going to tell you

except I didn't know who else could help me.

I mean, no one else will believe me.

Believe you about what?

Will you?


I promise.

Well, Uncle Will said he'd take care of things but,

he had that accident before he could.

I heard the footsteps again.

What footsteps?

AMY: The man!

What man?

The man who lives in the tower room!

Honest he does!

I found all sorts of things.

Amy, have you seen this man?


I hid, I was afraid.

Why haven't you told Roger Collins

or Mrs. Stoddard about this?

Mr. Collins, he wouldn't believe me

and Mrs. Stoddard would just be afraid.

Okay, Amy.

I'll see who it is.

I'll see.

[dramatic music]

I wish you would please settle down and listen to me.

Carolyn is making absolutely no sense at all.

Isn't she?

I called Dr. Blummin he said this kind of behavior

often falls after severe shock.

No, she certainly had that.

Will you stop pacing?

Elizabeth, if I thought being still would

bring a solution to Carolyn's problems,

I would be perfectly quiet.

But it won't.

- I think she's gone mad. - Roger!

She should be hospitalized immediately.

I won't even consider it.

You're always asking for my opinion,

but you never take my advice do you?


[dramatic music]


Don't you ever come here again.

You're always snooping around aren't you?

Get back downstairs Trask.

Do you hear me, I said go!

I have a right to be here Trask.

The spirit of my husband is in that room.

When I am in there, he is with me.

Now go!

[tense music]


Oh, where is he?

What happens to everyone in this house?

I saw him.


About an hour ago, he was coming down the stairs.

It's almost dinner time.

And Carolyn.

Where is she?

I want her to stay.

The secret.

Evening will bring another secret.

AMY: What did you say?

Nothing dear.

I wonder where the knife that Trask was sharpening is.


Well it was right here.

Oh, he probably put it away.

[dramatic music]

[dreamy music]


Will, do you mind my lying about you?

I know he must come.

If I stay here long enough, he must come here.

[door opening and closing]

[loud footsteps]

I'd almost given up on you.

I'm not afraid you see.

Before yesterday I would have been.

You must tell me really why you k*lled her.

I have to know.



[dramatic music]

[eerie theme music]
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