1054 - July 8, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1054 - July 8, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

SOLEMN VOICE: The great estate of Collinwood,

in parallel time,

and a night of treachery and horror for two women.

Elizabeth's daughter lies dead,

her body concealed within a window seat,

the victim of her brother Roger,

who m*rder*d her when she discovered

that he was the secret k*ller who terrorized Collinwood.

And, in another part of the great house,

Julia Hoffman learns that she has not fooled Angelique

as well as she thought she had.

[suspenseful music]

Still refuse to tell me the truth about Barnabas Collins?


Very well.

I could resort to black magic

to make you suffer in another way,

but I think I think I like this better.

What do you mean?

I'm going to leave you here, Doctor.

Oh, I'll come back from time to time,

to find out if you've changed your mind.

DOCTOR: You needn't bother, I won't.


Then, you'll spend the rest of your life here,

and it won't be a very long life.

Sooner or later, your candles will go out,

and you'll be left in darkness.

You may cry for help, but no one will hear you.

You have no food, no water,

and no chance to escape.

You're going to rot in this room, Doctor Hoffman.

[door creaks]


[suspenseful music]

[dramatic flourish]

[surf whispers] [eerie theme music]

[suspenseful music]


I must find a way to dispose of Elizabeth's body.

[suspenseful music]

Oh, I frightened you.

I thought you were upstairs.

We should all be asleep by now.

Yes, I know,

I was going to my room, and Barnabas interrupted me.

He was hunting for Hoffman.

Have you seen her?


Not for a very long time.

MAN: He said you'd gone upstairs with her.


I don't think she was feeling very well.

Her nerves.

But then, we're all nervous in this house.

With reason.

[suspenseful music]

How could I?

MAN'S THOUGHTS: You had to k*ll her, you had to.

My sister.

MAN'S THOUGHTS: She would have called the police.

Someone will, someone else.

This is never going to end.

I know.


Quentin k*lled her.

They could be made to think that.

Yes, they must be made to think that.

[suspenseful music]

[wind whistling] [suspenseful music]

Quentin, you shouldn't have come here.

I had to.

But, not in the daytime.

You should go back to the cave.

I overheard the servants talking.

Why didn't you tell me that Carolyn was m*rder*d?

[eerie music]

You think I k*lled her, don't you.


Maggie did it.

Don't be afraid to tell me the truth,

I'm strong enough to take the truth.

Maggie k*lled Carolyn, isn't that right?

I don't know, Quentin.

Don't you?

Don't you really know who

I'm not sure.

I can't say until I am.

I don't know what I'm gonna do.


I said that I'm strong enough to take anything.

I don't have any idea to stop what's going on around here.

Maybe you can stop it, Quentin.


You get Maggie out of this house,

before anything else happens.

Before anyone else dies.

You still love her.

QUENTIN: She's a witch.


She is, Alexis, you told me, and I know it.

Do you?

Do you?

Soon, everything is going to be different, I promise you.

Our lives will be free of all this.

[eerie music]

[suspenseful music]

Help! [palms pounding]

Help, somebody hear me, please!

Help! Help! [palms pounding]

[dramatic flourish]

[suspenseful music]

MAN'S THOUGHTS: I must look carefully,

make sure I left nothing.

[suspenseful music]

What are you looking for, Roger?


ALEXIS: Aren't you afraid to be in here?

Why should I be?

Well, the room keep changing, you know that.

Yes, I am rather afraid.

Perhaps I want to be in the room when it changes.

That might put me in that other time.

Would you like that?

Oh, I think so.


If it would change now, you and I would be together, there.

We could start over.

Yes. [eerie music box playing]

All over, you and I together.

None of this would have happened, none if it.

What is it, Roger?

Something's wrong, and I don't know anything about it.

What is it, tell me, please.

[distant sobbing]

WOMAN: Alexis!




What is it?

It's Elizabeth.

Where is she?

She's dead.

Oh, my God.

She's in the tower room, she's dead. [sobbing]

[melancholic music]

Oh, Quentin. [sobbing]

Quentin, why?

Alexis, she was strangled, just like Bruno.

[suspenseful music]

[clock chiming]

No, the police have just left.

[sighs] Yes, it has been an incredible shock to all of us.

You understand, I can't talk anymore.

You've been very kind, thank you.

[melancholic music]

The village newspaper, someone had to talk to them.

[melancholic music]

Oh, Roger.

I know we've had our difficulties

in adjusting to each other.

I resented you, yes.

MAGGIE: Roger,

I just want you to know that I can understand

the pain you're in.

Do you?

[sobbing] Oh, Quentin.

Quentin, how could you?

He loved Elizabeth.

Quentin Collins is insane.


Yes, he must be.

I can't talk rationally about it.

I just keep thinking, how long has he been that way?

Why didn't we see it before...

After Angelique was m*rder*d?

If only we had known,

all of those other deaths would have been avoided.

Oh, it's my fault, as well.

Every member of the family was aware of his vicious temper,

but it seemed merely that, temper.

Oh, we were very wrong in our judgement.

[heartbroken sobbing]

[melancholic music]

She was strangled?


Just as Bruno Hess was.

What about the doll, did you go Maggie's room?

No, I haven't had a chance.

The police were here.

They searched the house.


Yes, for me, they must have done that.

I was so frightened.

I was afraid that you hadn't taken my advice,

that you'd stay here, instead of going back to the cave.


Poor Elizabeth.

She was Maggie's one friend.

And Maggie was in New York.

Elizabeth wanted me to send for her.

She even went to New York to see Maggie.

This is her reward.

Quentin, Quentin, you

Yes, I know what you're going to say,

stop tormenting myself, is that it?

No, you must go back to the cave.

And will that stop me from what I'm thinking?

No, but the police have been here.

I should never had said my father phoned you.


Go back to the cave, Quentin.

Sit there and think.

And, the same thoughts keep running through my mind.

How was I ever fooled by Maggie?


[melancholic music]


Roger, I'll take care of the funeral arrangements.

Would you? Thank you.

Yes, I will.

There's one other thing I want to do, first.

I would like to take David and Amy away from here.

Yes, of course.

I could take them to the Inn.

Until Quentin is caught.

Yes, until Quentin is caught.

[melancholic music]

Roger, I think you and Alexis should go away, too.

Oh, Maggie, I

We should close this house completely.

I don't know.

He could k*ll you, Roger.

Roger, excuse me.

I just want to have Hoffman pack the children's things.

[melancholic music]

Good morning, Doctor Hoffman.

Ooh, it's cold, aren't you cold?

Aren't you hungry?

You must be thirsty.

Would you like a glass of water?



Then, tell me Barnabas' secret, Doctor.

[dramatic flourish]

Yes, tell me all you know about Barnabas Collins.

And then, you can come out.

You'll never let me.

But, I would.

Barnabas Collins is the only contention between us.

After he is gone,

I would even let you go back to your own time.

If you still can, Doctor.

[suspenseful music]

But, it's your choice.

You don't have to decide now.

No, you can stay here, in this room.

Barnabas will be looking for me.

I told him all about you.

It seems that Hoffman got quite nervous.

Decided to leave.

JULIA: He'll never believe that.

In a few more days,

it won't matter whether or not he believes it.

Have you ever really been hungry?


Without food or water?

You know how you feel right now.

Imagine how you'll feel tomorrow.

Or, a week from tomorrow.

It's not a pleasant death.



[feet scuffling]

[low thumping]


[door thunks]

[palm pounds]

Oh, no. [palm pounds]

Oh, no. [sobbing softly]

[door creaks]

Roger, I can't find Hoffman.


I looked in the kitchen, and in her room,

I wonder where she went.

Well, she must be with Alexis,

they've become very good friends.

Who has?

You and Hoffman.


I've been trying to find her.

Oh, well, she told me last night that she was,

that she was leaving.


She doesn't want to stay in this house anymore.

Well, that's incredible,

she should have told me, or Maggie.

She was afraid that if she did,

you would try to convince her to stay.

I certainly wouldn't do that.

[suspenseful music]

Alexis, I've taken the children into town,

and I think, perhaps, you should go along, too.

It's not safe here anymore, you must realize that.

Well, whoever is causing all this has nothing against me.

MAGGIE: These murders have been irrational.

I'm not afraid.

MAGGIE: I don't understand you,

why would you want to stay here?

Well, perhaps you're right.

Perhaps I should leave.

Well, I'll be up in David's room if you want me.

If you'd like to ride into town, it's fine.

Thank you.

[receding footsteps]

Do you want to?

Are you going?

I don't know.

You have no fear of death, have you?

[suspenseful music]

Why did you say that?

Tell me, why did you say that?

You weren't at the seance that started all this,

were you?


[suspenseful music]


I shouldn't be back here.

I should go back to the cave.


Find the doll.

Find how Maggie k*lled Elizabeth.

Take it. Destroy it.

[suspenseful music]


[suspenseful music]

[door clanks]

[dramatic flourish]

[suspenseful music]


This is Elizabeth's handkerchief.

Give me the doll.

You k*lled her.



I'll k*ll you,

if that's what it takes

to stop whatever's happening in this house.

I'll k*ll you.

[ragged screaming]

[suspenseful music]

[eerie music box playing]

Why can I talk to you and not to her?

You're one and the same.

Oh, my God, you saw me k*ll my sister in this room.

You know how I feel.

You know the hate that I have inside of me.

Oh, Alexis! Alexis!



Oh, he's there!

Quentin is there.

He tried to k*ll me.

He can't get in here.

Yes, he can.

Maggie, he won't be able to get in here.

He will, [sobbing] he's mad.

I don't hear him coming.

He's mad. [sobbing]

He will.

Oh, Roger!

Tell me exactly what happened.

The children, I took them into town,

and Chris was supposed to get them,

and then I went into my room to start to pack,

and he was there.

His eyes, his eyes are all horrible,

and so full of hate, he could,

we've got to call the police, we've got to.

There's a phone in Alexis' room.

Be careful, he'll k*ll you, Roger.

Roger No, he'll be afraid to stay.

He'll know.

He'll know that we're calling the police.


I don't hear him out there.

Please be careful.

Please be sure.

[suspenseful music]

He accused me of k*lling Elizabeth.


Roger, [sobbing] Roger, what am I going to do?


We should leave here.

We should leave this house, and let it stand deserted.

And, let him stay here until he's gone.

We must. [sobbing]

We must leave.

I will never come back to this house again.

Never, even when it's over.

This room, this room that has meant so much to me...

I will never see it again.

Oh, Elizabeth.

Why did you ever come here that night?


You would still be alive.


Elizabeth didn't come here.


No, of course not.


No, because Elizabeth was found in the tower room.

Yes, that's right.


Yes, unless...

Unless somebody took her there.

Oh, no.

Quentin k*lled her, there.

MAGGIE: Roger,

what were you just talking about now, then?

[scoffs] I don't know, I was just rambling.


No you weren't.

You know something, don't you?

It's something you haven't told?


[suspenseful music]



Roger, we should get some help,

because Quentin is...

[door rattles]


[suspenseful music]


Please give me the keys.

[suspenseful music]

Why, Maggie, aren't you afraid Quentin will be out there?



I'm sure you're right, I'm sure that he's gone away.

I'm sure that he's gone away.

No, please, just

You weren't going to call the police, were you?

What were you going to tell the police?

That I k*lled Elizabeth?

No, just that

And Carolyn? And Angelique?

Please, no! [screaming]

Well, you don't like me, do you?

- But, they'll never know, - No! [sobbing]

will they?

Roger! [sobbing]

[dramatic flourish]

[eerie theme music]
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