1060 - July 16, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1060 - July 16, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

VOICEOVER: The great house at Collinwood,

in the strange, terrifying

world of parallel time.

On this night,

Quentin Collins has been exonerated

of the charge of m*rder.

But a very great threat still exists,

both to Quentin and to Barnabas Collins,

for Timothy Stokes has been prevented

from bringing Angelique back from the grave

a second time.

And now, he has vowed his revenge against

Barnabas and Quentin,

a revenge that is destined to end in tragedy.

[phone ringing]


WOMAN ON THE PHONE: Barnabas will be here

for at least another hour.

Has anything gone wrong?

No, no, but Quentin and I are both

waiting to make our final depositions.

I wanted you to know that Maggie

will be back there before we will.

Quentin didn't see any need for her to wait here.

I should have stayed with her until,

until I was ready to go.

WOMAN ON THE PHONE: Oh no, you had no way of knowing.

We'll be here about another hour or two,

and then we'll be back.

All right. We'll be waiting for her.

Maggie's coming back; I'll wait for her here.

And then I will deal with Stokes.

[sinister music]

[muffled screaming]

There is no longer a first Mrs. Quentin Collins!

Soon there will be no second!

[muffled yelling]

[dramatic music]

[creepy music]

[muffled yelling]

It's no use resisting;

you're coming with me, and don't try to scream

or you'll be very sorry.


Where is your husband?

Why do you want

Just answer the question!

You'll find I'm very easily provoked,

so just answer the question.

He's in town! He's with the police!

Angelique? Where is poor Angelique?

She's dead! You know that.

She's dead, but is she gone?

Has he had her body cremated yet?

I don't know! Please, just let me go!

He never loved her, never understood her,

never appreciated her!

If he had, she wouldn't have died!

In some strange way, his failure

was even greater than mine!

Please, I don't understand anything you're saying!

His was negative, brought about by his

indifference and stupidity,

which he will pay for now.


Come with me!


- Come with me! - Let me go!

[intense music]

[suspenseful music]

[suspenseful music]

Soon, my darling.

Very soon,

we will be in another time.

A time you never knew existed.

A time that belongs to us.

I will take you there.

But I did know that time existed.

I don't know how.

Just as I knew that you existed,

even though I'd never seen you,

never heard your name.

Oh I knew that we would meet someday, Barnabas.

And I

Barnabas, where are you?

Where did you go?

Don't leave me!

ROXANNE: Barnabas!

Barnabas, where are you?


Where are you?

[crackling flames]


BARNABAS: Roxanne! What's the matter?

Oh, you're here!

You're all right!

Of course I'm all right, why?

I had a dream.

You were in a burning room.

I thought you were trapped there!

Oh, I thought I had lost you!

No, you haven't lost me,

and you never will.

[suspenseful music]

You're insane!

If only Angelique could see you now!

But her spirit will rejoice tonight.

MAGGIE: Why have you brought me here?

What are you going to do to me?

There comes a time when one must

pay the piper, Mrs. Collins.

Tonight your husband will pay

with his life.


[dramatic music]

What are you thinking about?

That dream I had.

You mustn't dwell on it.

I can't help it.

Barnabas, you told me about that other time.

You said you were going to take me to it.

I am. Very soon.

Oh Barnabas, tell me about the other time.

What is it like?

Who will I meet there?

BARNABAS: Well it doesn't appear to be like

any different from this time,

but it is.


Well the people that exist in this time

have counterparts in the other time.

They look the same,

but their personalities are different.

Their destinies are different.

For example, Timothy Stokes is a

college professor in that time.

Kind, gentle man.

Oh, it's all so hard to understand.

It sounds too good to be true.

Well it is true.

You'll be much happier in that time,

I promise you.

What is it?

It's been over an hour since Julia called;

Maggie should be here by now.

I'll go, but I'll be back very soon.

[door opening]

[ominous music]

[door opening]

[door closing]


I didn't think it would be you.

Roxanne, this is Quentin Collins.

Roxanne Drew.

ROXANNE: How do you do?

How do you do?

Where are Maggie and Barnabas?

ROXANNE: Maggie didn't come back after you called.

She didn't come back?

ROXANNE: Barnabas got worried about her.

He went out to look for her.

Something must have happened to her.

Would she have any reason to go to Collinwood?

No, no, she told us she'd come directly here.

[phone ringing]


Quentin, I didn't expect you to answer.

Stokes. What do you want?

TIMOTHY: I'm calling to extend you an invitation.

QUENTIN: How did you know I was here?

Your wife was on her way to Loomis House.

I assumed it would be just a matter of time

before you joined her there.

But of course, she didn't get there, did she?

You know where Maggie is?

TIMOTHY: She's with me.

Where are you?

I've done nothing to her,

and I shall do nothing more to her

until you get here.

Stokes, where are you?

I have her at Collinwood.

Now listen carefully, Quentin.

You're to come here alone and unarmed.

Is that clear?

Yes. Quite clear.

[intense music]

Quentin, Barnabas will be back soon.

Wait for him and take him with you.

No, Stokes said come alone and unarmed.

But that's insane.

Julia, if I don't do what he wants

he may k*ll Maggie.

If you do what he wants he may k*ll both of you!

I've got to go, I don't have any other choice.

[door opening]

[door closing]

Tell me, how long ago did Barnabas leave

to look for Maggie?

About a half an hour before you got here.

Well we better hurry before we're too late.

[ominous music]

You're going to k*ll him, aren't you?

Let's just say that once this evening is over,

all our little scores will be settled.

[door opening]

Quentin, no, don't come in, he's got a g*n!


Are you all right?

Yes, I'm all right.

Stokes. Whatever differences we have,

it's between you and me.

You let her go, I'll stay with you.

No, Quentin, no!

You're both staying.

Has Angelique's body been cremated yet?


You must feel very satisfied.

I don't feel anything.

I'm just glad it's over.

TIMOTHY: It's not over yet.

I intend to finish what Angelique started!

What are you talking about?

To come back to life.

She was determined to resume her rightful place

here again as mistress of Collinwood.

Unfortunately, now it's not possible for her

to be here with you.

But it's quite possible for you to be with her.

Quentin, he's going to k*ll you.

Stokes, don't be a fool.

Now you know you'll never get away with it.

I'm not trying to get away with anything.

You see, I have nothing to lose,

and very little to gain

except the satisfaction of

seeing you dead.

They say a man's life is judged by his achievements!

My crowning achievement was the restoration of Angelique

and you destroyed it!

I live now, Quentin,

only to see you die.

[dramatic music]

[ominous music]


There has been enough k*lling, Stokes.

Don't come near me!

I know what you are!

I know about you!

Stay away from me!

One twist! [cry of pain]

One little twist, Barnabas,

and I can break her neck,

so stay where you are.

[door rattling]

We've got to get out of here and catch him.

Take care of Maggie!

[door unlocking]

He's taken her out of the house.

That's what he wants us to believe.

- I'm going to look upstairs. - We should search outside!


No, no, no, I'll take you to the Loomis House.

You'll stay with Julia.

Take the p*stol you may need it.


[running footsteps]

[suspenseful music]

[muffled screaming]

[eerie music]

[crunching footsteps]


Have you seen Quentin or Maggie?

They're at Loomis House.

They told me that Stokes has Roxanne!

Yes. They saw no sign of him?


He must be out here somewhere.

Perhaps we'd better go back to the main house

and search there.

Do you think he would keep her there?

Well, he's out of his mind.

He's capable of doing anything.

[ominous music]

Why are you waiting here?

They'll all be coming back soon, my dear Roxanne.

And when they do, I'm planning a little surprise for them.

What are you going to do?

No, I want you to be surprised too!

[door opening]

[muffled screaming] [door closing]

You see? I was right!

They're here!

We'll begin with the west wing.

Barnabas Collins and Dr. Hoffman.

We needn't wait for Quentin!

Destroying them will be revenge enough!

[intense music]

[muffled screaming] I've lost everything.

Now, Quentin will lose everything too!

His beloved Collinwood reduced to ashes!

Barnabas, Julia, they'll be trapped upstairs!

Precisely! [Muffled screaming]

And burned to a cinder!


Very well, go!

[crackling flames]

None of you will leave this house alive!

[crackling flames]

[intense music]


If I can find them I will deal with Stokes

and bring you and Roxanne back here

and wait for the room to change.


What is it?

I smell smoke.

Julia! The place is on fire!

It must have been started by Stokes!

Yes, but my Roxanne is with him!

Barnabas, look!

How will we get out of here?

I don't know.

[crackling flames]

[muffled yelling]


Roxanne, give me your hand!

Julia, I can't reach her!


[muffled yelling]


JULIA: Barnabas!

[crackling flames stop]


We've come back!

And Roxanne is still in her time!



[sad dramatic music]

[eerie music]
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