1061 - July 19, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1061 - July 19, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[dramatic music]

ANNOUNCER: Collinwood,

as it exists in the terrifying world

of parallel time,

in the final moments

before its ultimate destruction.

For on this night,

Timothy Stokes,

crazed by the collapse of his plans

to ruin the Collins family,

has set fire to the great house,

and died in the flames.

Barnabas and Julia have made their way

to Angelique's room,

in the hope of reaching there on time

before it is too late.

Roxanne, however,

has not been able to enter the room

and join them.

How will we get out of here?

I don't know.

ROXANNE: Barnabas!


Roxanne, give me your hand!

Julia, I can't reach her!


ROXANNE: Barnabas!


ROXANNE: Barnabas!


We've come back

and Roxanne is still in her time.

Oh, Roxanne.


[dramatic music]

[eerie music]

[dramatic music]


I've got to go back, I've got to find her.

I've got to find out what's happened to her.

Barnabas, you can't go back.

Angelique's room does not exist

in parallel time any more.

It's been burned, destroyed.

[dramatic music]

I'll never be able to go back.

[dramatic music]

Barnabas, if there was anything I could do,

I would, but I'm just as helpless as you are.

Got to see her again.

She's the only woman who ever made me

forget my dear lost Josette.

The moment I saw her,

so still, so helpless,

I felt a love I haven't felt since I first met Josette.

I thought there was hope that I could be cured

and be happy and live the life

I wanted to live for so long.

A life of love and tenderness

with her.

Oh, Barnabas.

But it has been snatched away from me again.

Why is fate so determined

to offer me a chance for happiness,

and then destroy it right before my eyes?

We forget how rare

a life of love can be.

You're not the only one

who's had so little hope.

Something one learns to live with.

We can get used to anything if we have to.

[dramatic music]

For as long as I exist,

I'll despise this room for what it has done to me.

[lightning crashes]

It's so, it's so,

seems so different.


What is it?

So damp.

The smell.

It's the smell of decay.

[curious music]

Something's happened.

Julia, come here!

[lightning crashes]


[dramatic music]

[serious music]

What could have happened?

Where is everyone?

The place is deserted.

No lights.



Is anyone here?


Where's everyone gone?

BARNABUS: I don't know.

The wind in the corridor.

A w*r?

Or a hurricane?

Oh, Barnabas, look,

look this glass, it was left halfempty.

[serious music]

There was no w*r or hurricane here.

It's as though the house was simply abandoned.

This is in, in one month?

The house is so still,

quiet as a grave.


do you suppose that everyone we knew,

all our friends, Maggie, Elizabeth, David,

do you suppose they're dead?

I don't know.

[serious music]

Barnabas, Barnabas look at these papers,

these papers, I left them here,

the day I went to parallel time, look,

They look like they're untouched.

Possible that some kind of radiation

has sped up the process of deterioration.

It could be.

BARNABUS: What could have happened?

[serious music]


We must leave Collinwood

before the day is out.

We must.

What is that?

It's a note in Elizabeth's handwriting,

but it's not finished.

Then they did leave for a reason.

What is it?


I found something.

What is it?

Elizabeth's diary.

It's been burned.

There's nothing in it?


Only the, only the year at the top of the pages

that are left at the end of the book.

Why would anyone burn it?

It's as though they wanted everyone

to forget that they ever existed.

[door rattles]

The outside door, someone's there!

[loud banging]

BARNABUS: It's just the winds.

I'm not so sure.

[serious music]

[door opens]

No one,

except for the trees

that have grown right up to the door.

JULIA: In just one month?


do you think there was some disturbance

in the time period?

Some disturbance in the walk,

and we've come back to another time?

Our own time,

but it is some time in the future.

I don't know.

It's a jungle out there.

It would have grown,

but at a much slower pace.

It wouldn't have grown just in a month or two.

Barnabas, I'm frightened.

I feel like a child who's lost,

and I'll never find my home.

[serious music]

That's being silly.

We've got to find out what all this means.

Perhaps we'll find out,

some clue at the old house around the cemetery.


Then, then you think everybody is dead?

Not necessarily, but I must find my coffin

before sunrise.

Time, past or future,

our time, parallel time,

the curse is still with me.

We'll go there now.

[lightning crashes]


More than any cemetery I've ever been in,

this house is like a grave.

[curious music]

[serious music]

I wonder what happened to the coffin

in the basement of the old house.

With everything that we saw there,

with all that decay,

it's not surprising it's missing.

Barnabas, here, look!

Look, this earth!

A new grave.

Freshly dug.


Read what it says there.

JULIA: Henry Beecham,

to .

BARNABUS: And this grave was just dug.


Then there was some disturbance in the time warp.

[serious music]

years have passed.

[serious music]

No, I don't believe it.

Believe what?

This, this grave here,

it's not new, it's old.

Read it.

David Collins,

born ,



[dramatic music]




David died?

[dramatic music]

Flowers on the grave, fresh flowers.

Put them down!

Leave them alone.

What are you doing here?

Disturbing the peace of this poor child.

Mrs. Johnson!

Wasn't his life a torment enough

without your coming from the grave itself

to disturb his rest?

JULIA: Mrs. Johnson, don't you recognize us?

I've always

tried not to believe in ghosts, but now

JULIA: Ghosts?

We're not ghosts, we're alive.

You disappeared years ago,

and you look the same as you did then.

How can you tell me you're still alive?

It's too difficult to explain.

No, It's too easy.

You, you disappeared,

and you died,

and now you've come back,

to disturb his rest.

JULIA: No, Mrs. Johnson, we have

I won't let you!

I was with him at the end.

If ever a child deserved peace,

it was David.



I won't let them trouble you.

I couldn't save you at the end, no one could!

But maybe I can help you.


What are you talking about?

I beg your pardon.

BARBABUS: Did David die?

Yes, he just died, that's all.

Mrs. Johnson,

we've been to Collinwood

and we know something terrible happened.

Tell us what it was.

Did it have anything to do with David's death?

I don't know what you're talking about.

BARNABUS: Mrs. Johnson,

you do know what we're talking about.

Now tell us what happened.

Nothing happened.

Now that's not true and you know it.

Please, please don't hurt me.

I never hurt anybody, you know,

I only tried to help.

We're not going to harm you, Mrs. Johnson.

But you must tell us what you know,

what happened to Collinwood and what happened to David.

Please, I can't talk about it.

Mrs. Johnson, now you were our friend.

You know how we loved everyone at Collinwood.

And now they're gone.

Gone, yes, all gone.

JULIA: But where, and why?

You mustn't ask and I mustn't tell.

JULIA: Why not?

Because it was too horrible.

Why do you think I come here at night

to put flowers on his grave?

Why can't I come in the day

and see the sun and the grass

and the flowers around where he's buried?

Because nobody is supposed to have anything to do

with anyone named Collins.

You're not even supposed to mention the name.

[wind blowing]

Mrs. Johnson.

You haven't answered the question.

Now tell us.

What has happened?

Is there anyone in the family still alive?

Still alive?

The Collins family,

the Collins family's alive.

[suspenseful music]

Well, are they alive or not?

Oh, yes, they're, they're all alive and quite well.

JULIA: They are!

BARNABUS: Then where are they?

Oh, oh, let's see.

Mrs. Stoddard is in Europe.

She went to Rome.

And, Mr. Rogers with her there, yes,

and they're quite well, and she writes to me,

and from time to time, and Mr. Quentin,

he, he went to South America,

and he got married and he's happy,

and he's fine, and let's see

Mrs. Johnson, are you telling me the truth?

Yes, I'm telling you the truth.

The gospel truth, every bit.

It's hard to believe that those who have gone through

this change can, can leave some unspeakable tragedy

and go off and be as happy as you describe.


maybe I exaggerated a little bit.

Mrs. Johnson, please tell us why

Please don't torment me! [sobbing]

I'm trying to forget.

years, I tried to forget.

I don't know.

I don't know whether you're real or not,

whether I'm imagining or dreaming,

but leave me alone, leave me be.

I've suffered enough.

I'm old and I'm tired.

I can't tell you anything.

All right.

But isn't there someone who can tell us something?

No, no one.

JULIA: Barnabas,

Barnabas, let her go.

All right.


[serious music]


Fredericks, at Billy's Cove.

The old shack, Billy's Cove.

The old shack?


MRS. JOHNSON: Billy's Cove, the old shack.

Billy's Cove.

Old shack?

Billy's Cove?

[curious music]

[knocking at door]

[knocking at door]

[knocking at door]

[door opens]

[door closes]

This was always empty,

it was deserted.

No one lived here.

In parallel time,

Roxanne lived here.

Is she still there, is she all right?

[dramatic music]

I'm sorry, I couldn't help thinking about her.

These, these are all things from Collinwood.


[dramatic music]



whoever lives here knew Collinwood.


but how did they know it?

What, what are you saying?

Perhaps these are the spoils of disaster.

Perhaps the person who lives here is the one who caused it.

We should know in a minute, Barnabas, look.

[doorknob rattling]

[dramatic music]

[eerie music]
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