1065 - July 23, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1065 - July 23, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR:Collinwood, in the year ,

where Barnabas and Julia, escaping from parallel time,

have found themselves in the future.

To their horror, they have discovered

the great house in ruins,

and the family mysteriously vanished without a trace.

The few people they have met have been unable or unwilling

to tell them what happened.

They know only that the catastrophe, whatever it was,

occurred in the year .

Carolyn alone, remains, but she has gone mad,

and cannot, or will not, reveal the truth.

I don't ever remember seeing this room.

[lullaby music]

Listen, music.

And more than music.

[mysterious whistling music]

How dare you come here!

Get out!

Get out!

Barnabas, did you see them?

Yes, I saw something, but I'm not sure what it was.

CAROLYN: Go away!

Barnabas, it looked like two people,

but they disappeared so quickly.

Look at this room, Julia.

It's not in the same condition as the rest of the house.

Nothing's happened to it.

What about that music that we heard?

Get out of this room, both of you!

Carolyn, try to understand.

We're trying to help you.

CAROLYN: You can help me by going away.

Carolyn, Carolyn.

We saw something when we came in.

What was it?

You saw nothing, because there was nothing to see.

Was it the same spirit that we saw staring at us

through the window in the living room earlier?

Spirits, ghosts, that's all you seem to talk about.

BARNABAS: Because they exist there,

and you know they exist.

Carolyn, when we were outside the door, we heard voices.

Who was it?

I was talking to myself.

I often talk to myself because I'm alone so much,

and I don't like being alone.

I ask myself how long will it be before they all come back?

Before who comes back?

CAROLYN: Everyone.

Do you know where they've gone?

Who are you talking about?

If you do know, you must tell me.

You mustn't keep it a secret from me.

It isn't fair.

Carolyn, we want to know where everyone is

just as much as you do.

Won't you help us?

CAROLYN: How did you find this room?

We followed you here.

No, no, someone's been giving away secrets.

Someone's been telling secrets!

BARNABAS: Carolyn, please listen.

I'm sorry, but you may not stay here any longer.

You must both leave.

Carolyn, I'm not going to leave without you.

You must.

If you do not, I will have the sheriff arrest you.

He is my very good friend,

and he will protect my property from trespassers.

Alright, Carolyn, but if you change your mind,

come and find us at the old house.

I won't change my mind.

You wouldn't like it, would you, Tad?


Tad, you can come out now.

It's alright, they're gone.

Tad, please come back.

You're angry.

It's all their fault!

It would have been a lovely party, and they spoiled it!

I hate them!

My dear Professor Stokes,

I am writing to inform you that there has been a change

in Quentin Collins' condition.

I am sorry to report that it is not

a change for the better.


What do you want here?

JULIA: I'm sorry to bother you, Eliot,

but we must speak with you.

I have nothing to tell you.

You know that.

It's been a long time, Eliot.

I might have expected a friendlier greeting.


In heaven's name, Julia,

why didn't you take my advice and leave?

We're not leaving, Eliot,

until certain things are explained to us.

We were at Collinwood earlier.

I warn you, you must stop going there.

Your lives are in danger.

We already know that.

You mean something happened to you there?

Yes, we saw the face of a man in the living room window.

JULIA: An incredibly evil-looking man.

And before that, Eliot, something fell from the foyer

and almost k*lled Julia.

Eliot, who was that man?

Many people have seen things in or near Collinwood,

but that doesn't necessarily prove they exist.

We didn't imagine that man.

Now, Eliot, how often have you been to Collinwood,

and what have you seen there?

Nothing, absolutely nothing.

Julia, what are you doing?

I'm sorry, but I couldn't help seeing it.

Seeing what?

The name Quentin Collins in that letter.


Then you know where he is.

I don't know.

Yes, you do know.

Let me see that letter.

Julia, good Lord, he's in a mental institution.

The astounding thing is that he looks exactly

the same as he did when he was committed in .

He hasn't aged.

It's as if he were frozen in time.

Julia, we must go and see him.

You won't find him there.

I received word yesterday afternoon that he had escaped.


And even if you could see him,

he wouldn't be able to help you.

That seems to be the case with everyone.

Why, why is everyone frightened to speak?

How could you possibly stand by and do nothing,

and say nothing?

Now you've got to tell us what you know, Eliot.

Barnabas, as God is my witness,

I know very little more about this than you do.

How is that possible?

Weren't you here when it happened?

No, I wasn't here.

Always regretted that I wasn't.

Where were you?

In the fall of , I was traveling in Europe.

When I returned I found Collinwood

just as you two have found it.

I asked questions everywhere with as little success

as you've had.

Can't understand this.

ELIOT: If you feel frustrated after just a few days,

you can imagine how I feel after years.

I don't understand why you didn't tell me this

when we ran into each other the other day.

I was terrified for your safety,

but what is the truth?

Shortly after I returned, I heard rumors of

strange happenings in Collinwood.

I thought if I could undo what had been done,

I might at least restore poor Carolyn's mind.

I attempted an exorcism,

and very nearly paid for it with my life.


I saw the ghost, but that wasn't what terrified me so.

It was the overwhelming sense of evil that surrounded me.

It seemed to be smothering me to death.

I turned and ran.

I never saw the ghost again after that.

And you never found out what happened

to the rest of the family?

No one has.

They vanished.

For all we know they may all be

buried somewhere in the house.

The night it happened, Quentin Collins was found

wandering in the woods totally incoherent.

Carolyn was found cowering in the tower room.

They both had gone mad.

I've always suspected that Carolyn was the only person

who knows what really happened.

The secret is buried, perhaps,

forever in the darkest corner of her mind.

Eliot, there are certain things that we must find out,

and you're going to help us.

I don't know how, but I am willing to try.

We'll be in touch with you soon.

You're the one!

You told them about the room!

ELIOT: No, no I didn't, my dear.

I don't believe you.

You must.

You must do something else for me as well.

Please sit down, and let me talk to you.

Barnabas, what if Carolyn is still here?

I doubt if she would have stayed here this long.

What do you expect to find?

I have no idea, but this room is obviously important.

Why is it not in the same condition

as the rest of the place, Julia?

Any clue could be helpful.

Barnabas, look!

A birthday card.

And it's brand new.

Happy Birthday to my dearest Tad, from your loving Carrie.

Who in the world could Tad and Carrie be?

Well, Julia, which way now?

I don't know.

Barnabas, do you think Stokes was telling us the truth?

About how much he knows?

Yes, he was frightened and confused,

but he wasn't lying to us.

If we could only find Quentin.

Barnabas, if Quentin has been in a mental institution,

he can't help us.

Well, I would still like to question him.

Poor Stokes.

He's so baffled by the fact that Quentin is as young

as he was in those years.

Obviously, Quentin's portrait is still intact.

If anything has happened to it,

he would have grown old by now.


We do have a visitor.

There won't be another birthday party for a whole year.

Will it be that long before I see Tad again?

I don't know, Carolyn, but it isn't very,

very important, is it?

Yes, it is, it's very important.

Please, search your mind again.

Try to remember what happened on that night in .

It isn't good to dwell in the past.

We've been good friends for a long time, haven't we?

We've always confided in one another.

That may no longer be possible.

What do you mean?

You have new friends now, haven't you?

Carolyn, they're your friends, too.

Julia and Barnabas are trying to help.

They spoiled my party.

They should never have come into the room.

Why did you tell them about it?

- Oh no, no! - Quentin!

QUENTIN: Let me k*ll him, let me k*ll him.

Quentin, do you know what you're doing?

QUENTIN: He deserves to die.

You're talking about yourself, Quentin.

You had no right to stop me.

Who are you, anyway?

Well look at us, don't you recognize us?

No, no you can't be.

You can't be who you look like.

They went away a long time ago.

But we are.

I'm Barnabas and this is Julia.

No, it's one of his tricks.

Yes, the attendant is always playing tricks on me.

Barnabas, we better get him downstairs.



You've often said that everyone would come back

to Collinwood once.


Do you really believe that?

They will all come back.

Does that mean you know where they went?


Can you tell me?

They never said goodbye.

I always thought that was very strange.

Has it ever occurred to you that their coming back

depends upon you?

What I mean is you've never been able to remember

what happened on that night in .

Perhaps if you could remember,

it would be possible for things to change.

Collinwood could be as it was.

Do you really think so?

ELIOT: Yes, yes I do.

Please try to remember something, anything.

It's so strange.

There are times when I think I remember.

Times when I dream and seem to relive it all.

Times when certain things jar my mind.

A song, a stillness in the night,

a child's toy.

But I can never put all the fragments together.

I just can't do it.

Come my dear, I'll take you home.

I still don't understand how you got here

and why you look the same.

But you do accept that we are here and who we are.

Oh yes, yes, I accept anything and everything, except--

JULIA: Except what?

My own innocence.

I will never accept that.

Tell us what you mean.

Oh, I came here to do something.

Yes, yes, and I failed.

I failed again.

I've got to go now.

You must stay here, Quentin, and help us.

Help you?

Yes, something happened here at Collinwood years ago.

Do you remember what it is?

I don't want to talk about that.

I think about that too much.

I don't want to talk about it.

BARNABAS: Do you remember what happened?


BARNABAS: Are you sure?

Anything, any clue would help us.

I should have prevented it.

I should have prevented it, but I didn't,

and I deserve to die.

Quentin, what were you doing in the woods that night?

I don't know.

BARNABAS: Then you never actually saw what happened?

I should have prevented it.

But you couldn't have prevented it.

You weren't even there.

Now Quentin, what do you know about

the playroom that exists at Collinwood?


How did it get there?

I don't know what you're talking about.

You know very well that there was no such thing

there in .

Oh yes, yes, there always was, yes, always!

Would you be willing to take us there now?


BARNABAS: Why, are you frightened of it?

Why should I be frightened?

Well, then, let us take you there.

No, no, no, no, no, no, it won't do any good.


JULIA: Barnabas.

Barnabas, it might not be wise to take him there.

I'm telling you it won't be of any help.

But listen now, alright.

If going there will help prove it to you, then I'll go.

[lullaby music]

JULIA: Barnabas, that's the same music

we heard the other night.

Yes, before we saw that figure in the window.

I don't want to go in there.

Are you frightened?


Then we must go in, Quentin.

Quentin, we must go in.

No, no!


[mysterious whistling music]
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