1069 - July 29, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1069 - July 29, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[creepy music]

ANNOUNCER: Collinwood in , a ruined, deserted house

where Julia and Barnabas cannot discover what

catastrophe occurred in and destroyed

the Collins family.

But this night, there is hope

that they will finally uncover the secret,

for a mad Carolyn has sent Barnabas a note

telling him to meet her at Collinwood

because now she remembers what actually happened.

[dramatic music]

Barnabas, nothing but terrible things have happened

every time we've come here.

Julia, we've been trying to get Carolyn to talk,

and now that she's willing, you're against it.

I'm not against it, I just think it might be a trap.

Barnabas, Barnabas, forgive me,

but I'm too frightened to go in there again.

You can stay here.

[dramatic music]

Carolyn, I can't tell you how much this means to me.

I know it must've been difficult for you, but...




[suspenseful music]

[creepy music]

[dramatic music]



Julia, Carolyn's dead!


What are you staring at?


Come, you must examine the body.

Carolyn, dead?

Her eyes, such fear in them.

What could she have seen?

That man, the man that we saw.

Where is she, Barnabas?

By the desk.

Well, she was here!

She was sitting at that table with a pen in her hand.

Well, where is the body, Barnabas?


What is it?

This is her writing.

That note that she gave me.

She remembered.

She was trying to write down what she was trying to tell us.

She was afraid she might forget.

Tonight, the sun and the moon.

That doesn't make any sense, Barnabas.

The night Rose Cottage was destroyed.

Rose Cottage, there's no house here by that name.

Carolyn was mad, Barnabas.

The unfinished horoscope, the night I sang my song.

The picnic, the m*rder.

All of these are clues!

Really, Barnabas, that other note that she

sent to you fooled me, it sounded coherent,

Regardless of what you say, these are obviously

very significant things that she wanted to tell us.

We've got to find the body.

I want you to go to the nearest telephone

and call the sheriff.

The sheriff, but what will I say to him, Barnabas?

You know as well as I do that we're not supposed

to be in this house.

But in her note, she told us to come here.

The sheriff will think I'm mad, Barnabas.

Barnabas, we shouldn't be here.

I know she's in the house somewhere here, I know it!

Barnabas, I don't think we should involve

the sheriff in this, he'll ask too many questions.

Julia, what is wrong with you?


BARNABAS: Something is.


Well, you disagree with everything I say.

Whatever suggestion I make,

you don't want to do it.

Well, I'm just putting myself in the sheriff's place,

getting a seemingly mad telephone call from somebody.

Julia, Carolyn is dead!

Now I want you to go and find a telephone.

[curious music]

JULIA: All right, Barnabas, I will.

Now what will you do?

Well, I'm going to start looking for her.

JULIA: Where, alone?


[eerie music]

Barnabas, be careful.

Be very careful, Barnabas.

[suspenseful music]

[dramatic music]

Why would he take Carolyn's body?

For what reason?

Is this some sort of hideous joke?

Where has he put it?

Poor, dear Carolyn.

If only I could get back to my time,

I might be able to save her from this death.

The secret panel in the living room.

I should've tried it first.

[dramatic music]

What have you done to Carolyn?

Let me have her body!

Let me bury her at least as she should be!

Well, take me to her!

Is there no trace of decency in you?

If there is, you will take me to her!

[door slams]

JULIA: Barnabas?

Come back, take me to her!

JULIA: Barnabas?

I saw him, I saw his face.

I never have seen such an evil face.

Where is he?

He was here.

He intends to keep her body.

But why would he do that?

I don't know.

Barnabas, Barnabas,

if he was here and if he is

as evil as you say, why didn't he try to harm you?

He can't and he knows it.

Where's the sheriff?

He'll be here soon.

We have looked everywhere downstairs.

I'm going to go upstairs.

Now bring the sheriff up with you

unless you'd prefer not to be left down here alone.

No, I'm not afraid.

Julia, what is wrong?

Barnabas, do you think I'm not fazed by all of this?

I remember Carolyn when I saw her last in our own time.

Oh, if we ever get back to our own time, Barnabas,

how will I deal with what I know now?

We can stop the cause of what's made

all this happen if we go back.

Now you're sure that you want

to be left down here alone?

The sheriff will be here any minute.

[dramatic music]



Gerard, did you have to k*ll her?

Did you?



[dramatic music]

[door rattles]


I'm outside of the playroom.

The door's been locked inside.

Mr. Collins?

Oh, good evening, sir.

Sheriff, we're gonna have to force this door.

Mr. Collins, I have some questions.

Not now!

Now look here, if you two are in the foyer,

no one could get a body out of the drawing room.

It's not possible.

No one knows what's possible

or impossible in this house.

Now Sheriff, you try it.

There must be some reason

why this has been locked.

It was open earlier.

Just how much of this is your own imagination,

Mr. Collins?

[dramatic music]

[suspenseful music]

[dramatic music]

Who put those flowers there?

What a grotesque sense of humor!

She was a lovely woman.

I remember her when I was young.

I never thought she'd end like this.

You knew her before she changed.

What caused that change, Sheriff?

I don't know what happened here, I told you that.

Well, whatever happened in is still happening here.

Whatever caused them all to run away

caused her death, I'm sure of it.

Can you help us, Sheriff?

I'd be willing to if I could.

BARNABAS: Sheriff, have you ever heard of a Gerard?


BARNABAS: Think back, Sheriff.

Did she ever mention Gerard to you?

SHERIFF: No, no.

'Cause I saw him in this house tonight.

A spirit, a spirit capable of materializing

and dematerializing.

He could be in this room right now listening to us.

You will not go unpunished, Gerard, you will not!

Mr. Collins, you say this, this spirit k*lled her.

I've got to be more logical than that.

We're going to find out how she died.

Then maybe I'll have some questions to ask you two.

I know how she died, she was frightened to death.

I'll run my own investigation, Mr. Collins.

Well, whatever you intend to do,

I'm going to have this house exorcised tomorrow.


I'm going to get Eliot Stokes.

He'll tell me who is the best person to have this

exorcise conducted.

Do you have any objections?

As long as my men can come in here tonight

and do their work, take pictures, no.

If I can get them to come into this house.

It won't be any easier for them than it was for me.

Well, I better get to the telephone.

Look, no one is to touch that body, you understand?

You two coming?

Let's go to Stokes, Julia.

I want to stay here, Barnabas.

SHERIFF: You're crazy, lady.

I am going to stay here, Sheriff.

I knew Carolyn when I was young.

The least I can do is sit with her body

until your men come back.


You will not be able to change my mind, Barnabas.

You shouldn't!

I will be safe as long as I am with her.

We won't be long.

[dramatic music]

[suspenseful music]

JULIA: Leave this house.

Leave this house, please.

There will be an exorcism, I know it.

[eerie music]

All right.

All right.

What must I do?

[eerie music]

[wind howling]

Carolyn is dead?

Heart failure, that's the autopsy report,

and that's it as far as I'm concerned.


No, he k*lled her!

Mr. Collins?

He did, Barnabas Collins made him do it.

Mr. Collins, what are you talking about?

'Cause he did, Barnabas made Carolyn

go to that room.

He wasn't satisfied.

He had to try and find out for himself.

Find out what?

Mr. Collins, this whole situation is very hard,

coming here and finding you looking like this.

He'll k*ll me,

he'll k*ll me, too!

SHERIFF: Who will, Mr. Collins?

A certain Gerard?

Oh, don't you mention that name!

Don't you ever mention that name, do you hear me?

I don't know any Gerard!

Now you just calm down and answer a few

other questions then.

Why didn't this Mr. Barnabas Collins

tell you that Carolyn died, or Miss Julia Hoffman?

Oh, now I wonder where they are.

I'll k*ll him, he made her go to that room.

He made her go to that house!

I'm asking you where they are, hmm?

I don't remember.

I don't remember anything.

I know, the woods!

That's where they found me,

they found me in the woods.

SHERIFF: Mr. Collins.

The woods.

Where's Elizabeth?




Oh, I did.

I did, you know, I saw him there.

Yes, I saw him.

At Collinwood, I saw him.

SHERIFF: Saw who, Mr. Collins?


No, no.

You see, he made me go there.

They did, they made me go there

just like they made Carolyn go there.

And I saw him.

Oh, I wonder what I was doing in the woods.

Why was I in the woods?

Why couldn't I stop him?

Why couldn't I stop him?

Mr. Collins.

Carolyn, I've got to find Carolyn.



You, you!

Yes, you were with him there, weren't you, weren't you?

No, no, no, no, don't you come near me.

Don't you come near me.

Sheriff, I am a doctor.

Would you hold him, please?

No, no, now you keep her away from me!

She's not gonna touch me!

I've got to give him a sedative, he's been ill.


No, she's not going to touch me, no!

I don't think he's gonna let you.


Listen to me, Quentin.

Now you know this is for the best.

It is for the best, Quentin.

Sit down.

[eerie music]

Really doesn't matter.

It really doesn't matter at all, you know.

'Cause he always wins.

He always wins.

I wanna go back there.

Will you take me back there?

Back where?

QUENTIN: Just away from here.

Oh, I just want to go far away from here.

That might be a very good idea.

[dramatic music]

Mr. Collins has been in a sanitarium for some time.

- Stormcrest? - Yes.

Will you take me back there?

Sure, Mr. Collins.

Good, I'll get my things.

Carolyn knew that she should never go back to that house.

She knew that, I know it.

No one should ever go back to that house.

[dramatic music]

He believes this Gerard exists.

I'm a sheriff, not a witch hunter.

I don't know what to do.

Why didn't you tell him about Miss Carolyn?

I didn't come back to the house last night.

I went to Carolyn's house at the beach.

Morbid of me, perhaps.

Why didn't Mr. Barbabas Collins tell him then, huh?

Well, I haven't seen him to ask.

SHERIFF: Where is Barnabas Collins now?

You could help me if you wanted to.

JULIA: Could I?

[dramatic music]

All right.

All right, Sheriff.

After you take Quentin, come back here.

Come back just before dusk, and I will help you.

[dramatic music]

[eerie music]



I know all about you, Barnabas Collins!

[dramatic music]

[creepy music]
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