1076 - August 9, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1076 - August 9, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[mysterious music]

NARRATOR:The moon over the great house of Collinwood

is darkened now in full eclipse as the earth's shadow

makes fateful progress across the path of the sun.

This phenomenon has struck a deep terror into the hearts

of Barnibus Collins and Julia Hoffman.

For this may be The Night of the Sun and the Moon,

the first sign prophesying the destruction of Collinwood.

And also on this night, Hallie Stokes and David Collins

make a strange discovery of their own.

This has gotta be the right place.

We shouldn't have run away before.

Read me the note again.

I can hardly see it it's so dark.

Look, there's no light coming through the window.

The eclipse.

[light tinkling music]

David, listen.

Read me the note again.

When the music stops, the play begins.

I wish it made more sense.

I'm getting frightened again, I can't help it.

If only we could find out where the music's coming from.

Let's go back, I don't want to know.

It sounds like it's coming from behind this door.

Why'd it stop?

When the music stops, the play begins.

Something else is supposed to happen, but what?

David, I don't think anything's going to happen.

We'll come back and look in the morning, I'm going.

Hallie, wait.

[door creaking]


[light tinkling music]

[waves crashing]

[eerie music]

The playroom, just where the note said it would be.

But it can't be.

It is.

But that door leads to a closet,

we looked in here before.

This isn't real.

It is real, this is where the music was coming from.

Yes, you're right.

You know, it might be the ghost of the room.

Ghost? Rooms don't have ghosts.

Well I know, but this one seems

to disappear and appear just like one.

What does it matter?

We wanted to find the room and we have.

It doesn't scare you at all?

Why should it scare me?

I don't know, a few minutes ago you didn't even

want to come in here, now you're acting

like it's the most normal place in the world.

Ordinary? No.

It's the most marvelous place there is.

An old playroom that shouldn't even be here.

Look, there's Dapple and Charger and Jules

and all the others running a race no one will ever win.

DAVID: Who are Dapple and Charger?

The horses, Silly.

And I suppose you knew them when you were a kid?


What an odd term to use.

I wonder whose room this was.

For the moment, certainly it's ours.

Yeah but all these toys, who did they belong to?

Strange questions you're asking.

I don't see anything so strange about them.

All this junk must have belonged to somebody

at some time or another.

Junk? I don't understand.

Would you stop acting like the world's number one weirdo?


What does it mean?

You know perfectly well what it means.

The word weird is not unfamiliar, but the addition

of the letter O makes it completely incomprehensible.

Come on, would you cut it out?

Now I'm completely at a loss.

I don't know what kind of game you're trying to play

Hallie, but it's not very funny.

Hallie, why did you call me Hallie?

I'll call you a lot worse if you don't cut it out.

But my name isn't Hallie.

Then I'd sure like to know what it is.

Why, its... it's

What's the matter?

Nothing, I just don't seem to remember.

You don't remember your name,

is that what you're trying to tell me?


What's the matter?

This room, we shouldn't be here.

What were you saying about your name?

What about my name?

You said it wasn't

The scent.

The scent of lilacs, do you smell them?

DAVID: She's here, she must be here someplace, but where?

I don't know but we better get out of here, quick.

No, Hallie, wait.

[light tinkling music]

[clock chiming]



Huh? Oh, Quentin.

I must have fallen asleep.

Julia, it's over, the sun's up, it's morning.

I'd better go and see if the children are alright.

No, no, no, I've just been upstairs.

They're sound asleep, apparently everything's alright.

Thank Heaven.

You know something?

Collinwood never looked more at peace than last night.

Quentin perhaps something happened

that we don't know about.

Oh that's possible, but I wish you would consider

one other thing.


Caroline's cryptic warning about

The Night of the Sun and the Moon.

Perhaps it meant nothing at all.

Quentin, it was the last thing she did before she died.

She wrote those clues.

Julia, you said yourself that Caroline was mad.

Now perhaps the warnings of disaster

came out of that madness.


But there's one important thing that we cannot

let out of our sight.

What's that?

This room was in ruins, the whole house was in ruins.

Everybody was gone except for you and Caroline

and you were both insane, I saw it, it was horrible.

Now perhaps those clues aren't really clues

and perhaps we'll never get anywhere with them

but we've got to try to prevent that total disaster

and those clues are our only guide.

[tense orchestral music]

[clock chiming]


Come in.

Hey, you alright?

I don't know.

Why'd you run away like that last night?

Wasn't it obvious?

I was scared half to death.

But she was gonna appear to us.

I don't want here to appear to us.

I want this whole thing to end once and for all.

That room really shook you up, didn't it?

I don't know what happened, it was so strange, so weird.

Weird as in weirdo?

What are you talking about?

DAVID: Oh don't tell me

we're gonna go through this again.

Go through what again?

Last night when I called you a weirdo.

You called me what?

You pretended you didn't know what it meant.

And then that bit about forgetting your name.

David, I don't know what you're talking about.

Oh, come on, Hallie.

I swear I don't.

Are you trying to make me more afraid than I already am?

Now why would I want to do a thing like that?

You mean I really acted like that?

I really said those things?

You honestly don't remember?

I remember going into the room and being

so terribly afraid and seeing all those things

and then the scent of lilacs.

You don't remember anything about forgetting your name

or anything like that?

Nothing, but that settles it.

Where are you going with that?

Back into the attic, into a trunk where it belongs.

Don't do that.

David, a dress I put on without knowing.

Music that comes from a wall.

A ghost of a woman from another time.

A playroom that materializes out of nowhere.

I don't know what it means

and I have no intention of finding out.

It may have been a little scary, but wasn't it fun?

Not for me.

You seemed to be having fun just about until you left.

I should have been terrified the entire time.

And the fact that I wasn't frightens me most of all.

This dress is going back and that's the end of it.

Hallie, wait.

[ominous string music]

Oh, trying to combat tonight's fatigue?

Oh, far from it, at least last night's excitement

took my mind off it's favorite subject.

Which is?

Me, or at least my life.

It's been pretty drab lately.

JULIA: Well I hope we don't have much more excitement.

Oh I don't mean that, Julia.

Right now I'm very lonely, there's no woman in my life.

I think you're really looking for a drinking partner

rather than a woman.

Well if I'm giving that impression I don't mean it.

And I'll stop immediately.

Going to town?

Yes, I want to see if I can find out anything

about Gerard Stiles, his birth, his death, anything.

Before you go may I complement you on the way you look?

Well you certainly may.

And I am particularly impressed

by that lovely perfume you've got on.

Thank you but I'm not wearing any perfume.

Well there sure is a lovely scent in this room.

JULIA: Strange, I don't smell anything.

No, it's beautiful.

Could you try to describe the scent to me?

No, I really couldn't do that.

I see.

Well, goodbye.



I'm sure I know.

Of course, it's lilac.

The whole room filled with the scent of lilacs.

[ominous string music]

Quentin, what are you doing here?

I'd ask you the same thing.

Oh well, I was walking home from town, I thought

I'd take the shortcut and I saw you.

Oh I often come here to think, very quiet here.

How was your luck in town?

Not very good, I'm afraid.

There's no record of Gerard Stiles.

I just don't understand it.

Why should there be records?

Because he's buried here.

This is his grave.

Gerard Stiles, , .

In darkness he did live and die.

What does that mean?

I don't know, Barnibus and I saw it the other day.

And we tried to figure it out but we couldn't.

I'm sure I don't understand.

Quentin, Quentin, look at that tombstone.

Does that mean anything to you?

Daphne Harridge, she died in .

I don't think it would mean much to me.

But you talked about her in the future.

I saw her, she was a ghost.


Yes, in you were deeply involved with her.

Some how.

You were fascinated with her

and she's had some kind of hold over you.

What did she look like?

She was very beautiful, she was impassive.

And wherever she went there was the scent of lilac.


JULIA: Yes, does that mean anything to you?

No, no, no, it doesn't mean anything.

Shall we go?

[ominous orchestral music]

The dress is back where it belongs

and that's where it's going to stay.

Alright, just as long as we stop arguing about it.

[light tinkling music]

David, listen.

Listen to you tell me how afraid you are?

No, the music.

DAVID: What music?

The music from the playroom.

I don't hear any music.

HALLIE: Yes you do.

If you're trying to scare me, it's not gonna work.

You go on ahead, David, I'll be along in a while.

We were gonna go boating, you know.

Don't worry, I'll be there.

I'm not gonna wait for you.

I'll be there.

Oh I don't believe you hear music.

You're just making it up.

[mysterious orchestral music]

[light tinkling music]

Why did I come here?

[door creaking]

[light tinkling music]

I knew you'd be here.

How did you get that dress?

No, I don't want it, I put it back.

I don't want it, please.

Tell me who you are.

Why do you want me to have that dress?

I won't take it, I won't.

[mysterious orchestral music]


The scent of lilacs.

[spooky string music]




No wait, don't go away.

Daphne, Daphne.

That was just a dream, of course, stupid of me.

[tense orchestral music]

Lilacs, Daphne.

I knew it was you, I knew it, you were in the same room

and your name is Daphne.

Appear to me, please.

Please appear to me.



[ominous orchestral music]

[eerie music]
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