1079 - August 12, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1079 - August 12, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR:In this present time

Barnabas Collins and Julia Hoffman have returned

to the great house at Collinwood,

after a terrifying experience in the year .

During that time they learned that a disaster

occurred at Collinwood in the year ,

but since they have been back they have seen

a Collinwood which seems on the surface

to be calm and serene.

But unbeknownst to them, strange things

have begun to happen to the two children in the house,

and on this night Quentin Collins has seen a spirit

of a long-dead woman,

and spellbound by her beauty,

has been lured to her grave.

This is where she wanted me to come.

But why?

Daphne, Daphne where are you?

[leaves rustling]

I don't know why you brought me here.

All I know is that you are very beautiful,

and I want to hold you as close as I can.

[waves crashing] [eerie instrumental music]

I almost know nothing about you

but I feel as if I've known you all my life.

You can tell me why your spirit cannot rest

and why you cannot be at peace.

Perhaps there's something that I can do for you.

No, wait!


Please try and tell me.

I'd do anything for you.

I'd do anything to put you at peace.

I don't understand why,

it's just that you mean that much to me, I.




Come back!

I want to help you.


HALLIE:Come in!

Close the door before someone sees us!

You mean before they see you!

Why are you wearing that dress?

Do you like me in it, David?

Whether I like you or not has nothing to do with it.

I thought you were gonna put it in the attic.

HALLIE: Why does my wearing it upset you?

I'm not upset, I'm just--

Just what?

Has something happened that you haven't told me?

Something has, hasn't it?


I found clothes from the same period as yours on my bed.

Put them on!

I don't want to.

Please, David!

I want you to,

and she wants you to.

I can't explain it but I just don't think

we should have anything to do with those clothes.

You don't want to make me happy!

You don't wanna make her happy!

DAVID: Hallie!

Hallie, wait!


Quentin, Quentin, I've been looking for you.

You said you'd be working in your study.

Yes, I just went out for some fresh air.

What do you want, Julia?

Maggie told me that a group of you

had gone on a picnic this afternoon.

What about it?

Quentin, that was, the day of the picnic,

that was the second clue in Caroline's note.

Oh yes, I'd completely forgotten about that.

JULIA: Well did anything unusual happen?

No, we had a very pleasant afternoon.

I don't understand it.

So far, two of the clues have taken place--

And nothing whatsoever has happened.

Nothing that we can know of.

I still feel Gerard's presence in this house.

It isn't as strong as it has been, but it's here.

Julia, tell me, do you feel anything else?

Like what?

Oh I don't know,


Nothing, nothing except the fear

that as each clue happens,

even if it, even if it doesn't have an incident,

we are becoming closer and closer to catastrophe.

Julia, if there are spirits in this house,

we not only owe it to ourselves,

but to them to put them at rest once and for all

by exorcising them from this house.

Quentin, when we were in the future,

Professor Stokes said that he had performed an exorcism

and nearly lost his life.

Well he may have been inadequate,

or he may have tried it after it was too late,

but so far we've had no signs of a coming disaster,

so our plan may very well work, and we must do it tonight.

I figured this is where you'd be.

You shouldn't have come here.

I had to, I'm going to be punished.

Punished for what?

You haven't done anything wrong.

Oh yes I have.

I went to his ship today.

DAVID: Whose ship?


Who's Gerard?

I saw him in one of the cabins with Daphne.

I saw him take her in his arms and kiss her.

I didn't mean to see them,

I was just walking by.

They're both very angry with me.

Nothing you're saying is making any sense.

Hallie, what's happened to you?

HALLIE: You called me that name again!

Why do you do that?

It is your name.

No it isn't!

Then what is?

You know perfectly well what it is.

This is no time to play games with me.

I'm not playing games with you,

I just wanna get you out of here.

[door hinges squeaking]

Come on, let's get out of here.

I didn't mean to see the both of you!

He said I was spying, but I wasn't!

I just wanted to explore the ship,

I didn't even know anyone was aboard!

That's the truth!

You don't believe me, do you?

All right then, punish me.

DAVID: Leave her alone!

You do believe me.

Oh Daphne thank you, thank you.

She wants you to take her other hand.

JULIA: Don't you think we ought to tell Barnabas?

No, we don't need him.

I know what to do.

The ceremony itself is quite simple.

The reaction to it may be something else, indeed.

JULIA: What do you mean?

If the ceremony is a success,

there may be a severe disturbance

in this house after it's over.

Whoever you are,

and for whatever reason you've come here,

the time has come!

I abjure thee, contemptuous and evil spirit,

by the judge of the quick and the dead,

by the maker and the maker of all things,

by him who hath power to put thee into hell,

depart in haste from the confines of this house.

Why are you so frightened?

She just wants you to take her hand.

I don't want to hold her hand.

I wanna go downstairs.

Don't you wanna know about Gerard

and all about his ship?

DAVID: Yes, I would like to know.

Then just join hands with us and you'll know everything.

Thou restless and unquiet shades,

creatures of that nether-most pit

where the fire is not quenched,

return to thy winding sheets and set the living free,

in the name of the lord!

What's wrong, what's happening?

David, you should've taken her hand,

now we're gonna be punished!

She's gone now.

Daphne's gone!

No, there's someone else here!

There's nobody else here.

There's someone else here who's angry with us,

who's going to punish us!

There's nobody here!

We're the only two people here, just look around.


[shrill screaming]


Alien spirits, defilers of innocence,

persecutors of virtue!

In the name of the lord, cast thyselves back

into the outer darkness from whence ye came.

Quentin, what's wrong?


Well, why'd you stop?

I don't know, I,

cast thyselves back

into the darkness from

which ye came.


You wait here.

Hallie, can you hear me?

David, what happened?

-Oh! -What's wrong?

My arm, oh it hurts!

You must have bumped it when you fell down.

No, it's worse than that.

What am I doing in this dress?

I don't know,

there are a few things that we have to find out.

What do you mean?

Like where this room came from,

and who Daphne and Gerard are.

HALLIE: How are we gonna do that?

I don't know,

but I'd better take you down

and let Doctor Hoffman look at your arm.

No, what are we gonna tell her?

I mean, how it happened.

Don't worry, I'll think of something on the way down.

Quentin, what's wrong?


There's nothing I can do now.

You know, I thought there'd be a reaction

to the ceremony, but,

I never thought that there'd be this kind of disturbance.


if there are spirits at large in this house,

well I think that they don't mean anyone any harm.

Well, what do you think that means?

QUENTIN: Just what I said.

I don't think that any spirits in this house

mean anyone any harm.

Quentin, Quentin when you stopped out there,

did you stop for any reason?

Now why do you ask that?

Because I felt that you might have felt something

that I didn't.

No, nothing.

Doctor Hoffman,

Hallie hurt her arm.


Well, we were running and,

and she fell.

I think I twisted it when I fell.

Dear, let me look at it.

Is it broken?

I don't know yet.

David, why don't you take Hallie into the drawing room,

I'll be along in a moment.

You said that you didn't feel the spirits meant any harm.

You were wrong, and your proof is right in there.

Oh, you don't know what you're talking about.


Those spirits must have been aware

when you did the exorcism,

and they committed a minor accident.

Julia, you're letting your imagination

run away with you.

Whatever happened was a pure coincidence.

Nothing happened!

Quentin, I don't know that I have any proof at all,

but I have a strong conviction that I am right

and you are wrong.

How's your arm feeling?

It hurts.

David, you promised to tell me

why we had to come here again.

Well, remember when I told you that there were

some things that we had to find out?

Well there's a way that we can.

We are going to hold a seance.

HALLIE: A seance?

Yes, just the two of us, here in this room.

But I don't know anything about seances!

You don't have to, I know all I need to know.

I've seen the grown-ups do it a lot of times.

I don't know whether I want to.

I'm scared!

There's nothing to be afraid of

if you do exactly what I tell you.

HALLIE: But can't we do it someplace else?

Everything started to happen once we first

came to this room, right?

Yes, but--

Well, than this is the logical place to hold it.

Now, you sit there and I'll sit here.

Put your hands on the table and let them touch mine.

The most important thing is that we don't break contact.

Do you understand?



We seek the spirits who know about this room,

the spirits who will tell us what we must know.

There are questions that have to be answered.

Why are you so disturbed?

What do you want from us?

Can't you please give us a sign?

[wind whooshing]


Let us live.

Let us live!

Let us live!

Let us live!

[spooky instrumental music]
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