1080 - August 13, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1080 - August 13, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR:In this present time,

Barnabas Collins and Julia Hoffman

have returned to Collinwood after a terrifying experience

in the year .

There, they learned that a disaster occurred at Collinwood

in the year .

But since their return, there has been no indication

of an impending catastrophe.

Unknown to them, however,

strange things have begun to happen

to the two children in the house.

On this night,

in an attempt to find out what these things mean,

the two children have decided to hold a seance

in a strange playroom.

The important thing is not to break contact.

Do you understand?



We seek the spirits who know about this room.

The spirits who will tell us what we want to know.

There're questions that must be answered.

If you're here, please give us a sign.

If you're here, give us a sign.

Why are you so disturbed?

What is it you want from us?

Give us a sign, please, give us a sign!

[wind, theremin]


Let us live.

Let us live.

Let us live.

[suspensful, theremin-driven music]

David, that voice we just heard, it was your voice,

but your lips weren't moving.

How can that be possible?


David, speak to me.

Tell me why you're staring at me like that.

David, speak to me.

David, please.

David, what happened?

David, can you hear me?

You're being very religious

about reading that horoscope everyday.

I still don't know who's right about the future,

Barnabas or Sebastian.

I thought you were convinced that Sebastian was.

He has been up to now.

The horoscope has been amazingly accurate.

BLONDE WOMAN: What does he say about today?

That it will pass without incident.

Well, that's accurate.

It's been a thoroughly boring day.

But, he says to be weary of tensions and crises

during the night.

BLONDE WOMAN: What do you suppose that means?

I haven't any idea.

I haven't felt any tensions, and it's been a quiet evening.

If there is a crisis somewhere,

I don't know anything about it.

Well, obviously Sebastian has made a mistake.

He said that might happen, and not to be upset

if everything didn't go exactly as the horoscope predicted.

Maybe I should call him and have my horoscope done.

No, I don't think you should do that.

Why not?

You know perfectly well why not.

BLONDE WOMAN: Mother, if you can have your horoscope --

Carolyn, you've never been interested

in horoscopes and astrology, and you're not now.

Well neither have you been until now.

I went to see Sebastian because I was terribly upset

by what Barnabas said.

I sincerely wanted my horoscope done.

Your reasons for wanting to see Sebastian

are quite different, and have nothing to do

with your horoscope.

That's not true.

MOTHER: Carolyn, his name is Sebastian Shaw

and it always has been.

How do you know that?

I see no reason to believe anything else.

In the first place, you heard him tell you he wasn't Jeb.

In the second place, if he is Jeb,

why wouldn't he admit it to you?

Because he may not know that himself.

MOTHER: What on Earth does that mean?

Mother, soon after Jeb died, I had a dream.

In it, I saw Jeb, and he told me that one day

he would come back to me.

He said I might not be able to understand it,

but that it would happen, and when it did, I would know it.

MOTHER: But that was just a dream.

And Sebastian's appearance in Collinsport

is a wild coincidence, I just don't believe that.

Well, I don't see how you have any choice

but to believe it, because that's all it is,

a wild coincidence, and obviously, and unfortunate one.

Carolyn, I must insist that you stay away from Sebastian.

Mother, are you forbidding me to see him?

No, I'm thinking what is best for you.

Let's leave it at that.

[phone rotor]

I'd like to speak with Sebastian Shaw, please.

David, you've got to wake up.

David, can't you hear me?

What happened?

The seance, don't you remember?

Yes, we heard that voice.

GIRL: It was your voice we heard.

How could it be, I wasn't speaking.

But we both heard it.

There was something so frightening about it.

DAVID: I know.

David, we're going downstairs right now,

and we're going to tell your Aunt Elizabeth about this room

and everything that's happened in it.

Hallie, you can't be serious about telling Aunt Elizabeth.

I am, David, I am.

Don't you realize how much trouble we'll get into?

I don't care, this thing has gone too far.

We can't bring it to an end.

David, don't you understand?

Whatever is happening up here, it's dangerous!

We don't know what might happen to us

if we don't tell someone.

David, we've got to, we've got to get it under control.


Let us live.

Let us live.

No, Hallie, we can't say anything to anybody.


[door knocking]

Come in.

Mrs Johnson said you wanted to see me.

Yes, I've been trying to figure out

what happened last night.

I think that's impossible.


I don't know, I just think it's beyond our understanding.

Everything that's happened has a meaning.

That woman from the room, this ship,

the way it appeared in my room,

and the clothes that we've both gotten.

And then the seance, and that voice,

my voice, coming from nowhere.

Do you remember what it said?

Yes, "let us live."

"Let us live," what does it mean, what?

I don't know, I wish I knew.

Well, I've been thinking about what you've said,

about going to Aunt Elizabeth.

I think that's what we have to do.

I think it's time that Aunt Elizabeth

knows everything that's happened.

Oh, David, you don't know how glad I am

to hear you say that.

Come on, we'll do downstairs now.

She's in the drawing room.


[longcase clock / chime sequence]

Morning, mother.

Good morning, darling.

What's in store for us today?

According to Sebastian, it's going to be uneventful.

No crises, no tensions?


Good, then it should be a safe day

for me to go into town and do some shopping.

I don't see why not.

If anyone calls, I should be back by late afternoon.

Alright, Carolyn.

Aunt Elizabeth?

David, Hallie, I didn't even hear you come in.

Can we speak to you for a moment, please?

Yes, of course.

Something wrong?


Something terrible has happened

that you should know about.

Do tell me what it is.

David, you'd better tell her.

Well, you see, it happened in the west wing.

We went up there, sort of exploring, and...

David, speak up.

You were going to tell me something.

You mentioned something about the west wing.

Yes, that's right.

You know you're not supposed to go there.

Yes, we know.

We had an accident there.

What kind of an accident?

Well, I was chasing Hallie through a room,

and I knocked over a table that had a vase on it.

It looked like it might be a family heirloom,

so I thought I should tell you about it.

Are you sure that's all you wanted to tell me?

DAVID: Isn't that enough?

Well, I suppose so.

I appreciate your honesty, David,

but nothing like this must ever happen again.

Neither one of you to ever go to the west wing.

Is that understood?


Very well, and consider the incident closed.

Thank you, Mrs Stoddard.

I couldn't tell her, I was too scared.

I knew, so was I.

Soon as I saw that.

How did it get down here?

It was in my room, both of us saw it.

Someone must've brought it here to the drawing room.

But who?

You and I and Aunt Elizabeth were the only ones here.

I don't know,

but it was someone that none of us could see.

Well, I'm gonna take it out of here.

I'm gonna put it in the play room and leave it there.

Do you mind if I ask you,

why do you want to get your horoscope done?

Must one have a specific reason?

Well, people are usually motivated

by more than just a whim.

Oh, this is not just a whim.

Like everyone else at Collinwood,

I'm interested in the future.

I wonder if you really know the exact nature of my work.

What do you mean?

I'm not a prophet, I'm just a simple astrologer.

I cannot shape the future as you would want it to be.

I'm not asking you to do that.

You see, I'm totally guided by the stars and the planets,

and whatever they have in store for you,

be it good or bad, cannot be changed.

Yes, I'm willing to accept that.

Tell me, Mr Shaw, where are you from?

SEBASTIAN: New York City, why?

Just curious.

How long have you been in Collinsport?

Uh, just about two months.

CAROLYN: Sounds as if you plan to stay.


I, um, I'm curious as to why you chose

this particular town.

No special reason.

It's a bit aboard as the sea.

I've always loved the sea.

So have I.

Yes, well, if we're going to do some work,

I suggest we, I ask you a few questions.

Please sit down.

DISEMBODIED VOICE: You didn't tell her.

You want me to live.

You do want me to live.

[carousel music]

I appreciate your giving me so much of your time, Mr Shaw.

At my kind of work, one must not hurry at all.

When will the horoscope be ready?

Well that is difficult to tell.

I never know whether charting the stars will be easy

or difficult or how long it will take.

I can't think it will be difficult with me.

I've always thought of myself as a very simple person.

Well, the astrology's quite different.

You see, you may not know

how complex a person you really are.

Well, if you could give me some idea,

I could make plans to stop by and pick it up.

Oh no, that's not necessary.

I'd be happy to take it right over to Collinwood.

I would, uh, I would rather come here,

if you don't mind.

I see.

Do you mind if I ask you a question?

No, go right ahead.

Is your mother aware of your coming here today?

It was mentioned in passing, yes.

And my guess is that she didn't approve of it.

Am I correct?

What difference does it make whether she did or not?

It makes a difference to me,

you see I'd rather not be involved in the middle

of any family quarrels.

Mr Shaw, I am well over the age of consent.

My mother and I have had disagreements before,

and we're still quite close.

We'll survive this disagreement, and so will you.

I see.

I'll be happy to call you tomorrow, if possible.

I will look forward to hearing from you.

[door opening]

Mrs Stoddard.

Hello, Hallie.

Have you seen David?

I thought he was up in his room.

No, I looked there, I can't find him anywhere upstairs.

I do hope he hasn't decided

to go exploring the west wing again.

Oh, no, he wouldn't do that.

He felt terrible about what happened there.

Maybe we'd better go look for him.

Oh, no, I'll look for him.

I'm sure I'll find him soon.

[door opening, closing]

Hello darling, how was your day?


Or so it would seem, I thought you were going shopping.

I did.

I, I guess I just wasn't in the right frame of mind

for it, I, I didn't see a thing I liked all day long.

I think I'll lie down for a while before dinner.

Excuse me, mother.

David, what's the matter with you?

You know you're not supposed to be here.

You gave your Aunt Elizabeth your word.

And what are you doing in those clothes?

David, this is no time to play games.

Let's get out of here.

David, are you coming, or aren't you?

Alright, but don't say I didn't try.

If you're going to stay here,

you'll just have to pay the consequences.

David, are you coming?

Alright, then!

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