1084 - August 19, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1084 - August 19, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR:The great house at Collinwood

in the present time.

Only Barnibus Collins and Julia Hoffman are aware

that Collinwood is about to suffer a mysterious disaster

unless they can prevent it.

One of the clues they have concerns a mysterious place

called Rose Cottage.

They have been unable to learn what or where Rose Cottage is

but the two people who are in the greatest danger,

the children, have discovered that Rose Cottage

is a doll's house.

And to their horror, they have learned that two of the dolls

inside it represent themselves.


[ominous tonal music]

Do you think we've done the right thing, David?

They're burning, they're burning.

I know.

We have done the right thing, I can feel it.

Yes, I can feel it too, I feel free.

Now we have to go back to the west wing.


'Cause if it's true, if the spirits no longer control us

the playroom shouldn't be there anymore.

That's right.

[doorknob clicking]

Go ahead and open it, David.

Please be the closet, please.

I don't understand it.


HALLIE: David, they're back!

The dolls are back!

[ominous orchestral music]

DAVID: They can't be the same dolls, they can't be.

It isn't possible.

But they are, David.

They're the ones you threw in the fire.

They aren't even burned.

I know, and we're not free at all.

We're still under their control and there's nothing

we can do about it, nothing.

Don't say that.

But it's true, you know it's true.

You know they're always watching us

and they know we tried to break the spell

and they're probably going to be angry with us.

Especially Daphne.

Do you think Daphne will try and punish us?

I don't know what to think, but I do know

that something terrible is going to happen to us.

[light tinkling music]

The carousel music.

But look, David, the carousel isn't moving.

Then where's the music coming from?

I don't know, it sounds faint.

I don't think it's coming from this room.

It is coming from this room, I'm sure of it.

JULIA: But Elliot, I don't see why we have to

involve Sebastian Shaw in all of this.

Julia, the fact is you and Barnibus

have accomplished almost nothing.

When you returned to Collinwood, you had six clues to go on.

Three of those clues have become reality.

The Night of the Sun and Moon turned out to be

a lunar eclipse, it came and went and nothing happened.

It was the same as the other two clues, the picnic

and the unfinished horoscope, nothing happened.

Nothing that we know happened.

We must find out before it's too late.

There are only three clues left.

Somehow we must be prepared for them.


ELLIOT: I still think Sebastian Shaw could help us.

You really do believe in his psychic abilities?

If he's a fraud, he's an extremely clever one.

You know, when it comes to something like clairvoyance

I am not easily impressed.

I suppose it wouldn't hurt to see him

but we must decided what to tell him.

I say tell him everything, beginning with the transition

from parallel time into the future.

Do you think he might have a little difficulty

in believing the story?

Why should he if he himself can transcend time mentally?

He should be willing to accept the fact that it can be

transcended physically.

If he could enlighten us on just one of the clues,

the one I believe is the most important.

ELLIOT: And which one is that?

The night Rose Cottage was destroyed, I would

give anything to know where and what Rose Cottage is.

[light tinkling music]

I don't understand it, the music has gotta be

coming from someplace in this room.

David, I know where it's coming from.


There, inside of Rose Cottage.

That is impossible, how could music

be coming from inside of a doll's house?

I don't know, but it is.

David, look!

[foreboding string music]

This can't be happening, we must be dreaming it.

No, I saw the lights go on.

DAVID: But how could there be lights

inside a doll's house?

There's no electricity.

I don't know.

Well, I'm gonna find out.

No David, don't, please!

David, what is it?

A man inside.

You mean another doll?

DAVID: No, he's alive, come see.

There's no one else in there, there's only the dolls.

He's gone but he was there, I swear it.

I believe you, David.

I think I'd believe anything after all that's happened.

I just wish we knew what to do.

Maybe there is something we can do.

What ?

We can go downstairs to my room and write down

everything that's happened to us, that everything we've seen

or heard in this room, come on.

[tense orchestral music]

Try to relax, Julia.

I'm sure Mr. Shaw will come as soon as he can.

Sorry, Elliot.

I'd be a lot more relaxed

if I didn't feel Gerard's presence here in this house.

I wish you could describe your feeling to me.

I can't, I just know that his spirit is here

but it isn't as overwhelming as it was in the future.

Something to be grateful for.

It must mean that Gerard is not yet ready to strike.

[tense string music]

We'll begin with the music.

That's what made us go up to the west wing

and to the playroom.

David, I don't know whether we should start anyplace.

Writing it down is the same as telling it

and if we tell it, they'll be angry with us.

It isn't the same, this is something we have to do.

But why?

David, tell me why?

Because it's the only way they'll know what happened to us

after we're gone.

[ominous orchestral music]


Mr. Shaw.


We are very grateful to you for coming here

at such short notice.


Please, come in.

Julia, may I present Mr. Sebastian Shaw.

Mr. Shaw, this is Dr. Julia Hoffman.

How do you do?

Hello, Mr. Shaw.

Perhaps you can tell me what this emergency is about.

Your remarkable talents make it possible

for you to see into the future.

What would you say if I told you

that Dr. Hoffman has been to the future?

Well, I would say I'd like to learn a great deal more.

So you shall.

Please, sit down.

[ominous orchestral music]

We wanted so much to tell about Rose Cottage

but for some reason, couldn't.

Neither of us knew why, all we knew was that

everything had gotten out of control.

Oh David, please hurry and finish.

I want to tell the whole story, can't leave anything out.

JULIA: And that's how Barnibus

and I got back to the present time.

ELLIOT: Since then we've all been trying to prevent

the disaster that's coming.

Well, that is a most fascinating story.

ELLIOT: The question is do you believe it?

Professor, I have no reason not to believe.

But I don't know if i can help you.

You gave me a demonstration of your physic powers.

Is it possible that they could be applied to this?


Can you confirm whether or not

there are active spirits in this house?

I don't know.

I can try.

I am most intrigued by one particular clue,

the one about Rose Cottage.

I've never heard of such a place.

Nor has anyone in this house, but Julia is convinced

it does exist somewhere.

Could you possibly determine it's location?

I hope the two of you don't think of me

as being all-powerful, I'm not, you know.

There are many times when I concentrate

and absolutely nothing happens.

Could you simply concentrate on Rose Cottage

and find out what happened?

It may be a matter of life and death, Mr. Shaw.

Alright, alright, I'll do what I can.

[minimal tonal music]

Rose Cottage, Rose Cottage.

[light tinkling music]


I don't think I can help you.

Then you saw nothing at all.

I saw something, but it didn't look anything like

a Rose Cottage.

JULIA: Well tell us what you saw.

Very little, actually.

I saw a room, nothing more.

What kind of room was it?

MR. SHAW: I don't know, the vision wasn't clear at all.

Perhaps it was just a room in Rose Cottage

which really wouldn't help us at all.

I'm sorry, Julia.

Mr. Shaw, our immediate concern is for the safety

of the children, would you be kind enough to talk with them?


Because we feel a great deal more than they're telling us.

Perhaps if you talked to them you might have

some physic reaction to what's happening in this house.

Alright, I'm willing to try again.

But I can't promise you anything.

We understand.

I'll go upstairs and get them.

I'll get some tea for us.

Won't you make yourself comfortable?

Thank you.

[ominous string music]

Then just tonight, we saw lights go on in the doll house.

When I looked inside I saw a living man

no bigger than a doll.

But when Hallie looked in, he was gone.

You can stop now, David, that's all we know.

I just want to add one more thing.


Hello David, Hallie.

I'd like you to come downstairs with me.

There's someone I want you to meet.

[ominous string music]

[piano music]

JULIA VOICEOVER: That music, it's the same music Barnibus

and I heard in .

What do you take in your tea, Mr. Shaw?

Nothing, thank you.

That's a very interesting melody you're playing.

Well, I really wouldn't call it playing.

What's the tune?

Just something I made up in my head.

Just now, out of your head?

Yes that's right.

You've never heard it before?

MR. SHAW: Never before.

I don't believe you.

I beg your pardon?

JULIA: I said I don't believe you, Mr. Shaw

because it happens that I am familiar with that tune.

Well, I would merely call that a coincidence.

No, it is not a coincidence, Barnibus and I heard it

when we were in the year .

MR. SHAW: Dr. Hoffman I think you heard it

And I can tell you where you heard it before.

Earlier when you were concentrating

and you saw the vision of the room, you heard that tune.

I only saw the room, I didn't hear anything.

There is no way you could have just made up the melody.

You heard it during your vision and you know that it

has something to do with the spirits in this house.

I know nothing of the sort.

JULIA: Or does it have something to do with Rose Cottage.

I don't know what you're talking about, Doctor.

You either heard or saw more

than you're willing to tell us.

I did not.

When I first heard of you, I suspected that you were

a fraud, now I'm beginning to think you're something worse.

You're a man with genuine second sight who apparently

only uses it for monetary gain.

I'm not willing to listen to this claptrap, Doctor.

Goodnight, Dr. Hoffman.

[door closing]

Well the children can go back to their room, Elliot.

Mr. Shaw just left.

Run along, children, we'll talk later.

Julia, what happened?

I'm afraid I was too outspoken with him.


Mr. Shaw knows more than he told us.

When I came back with the tea things I found him

playing a tune one the piano.

It was the very same tune that Barnibus and I heard

in this house in .

ELLIOT: Are you sure of that?

I'm positive, I'd know it anywhere.

I just have to add one more thing, then I'll hide it.

It's gone, the notebook's gone!

But who could have taken it?

I don't know, maybe Aunt Elizabeth or Mrs. Johnson.

No, we weren't downstairs long enough.

Maybe Daphne took it.

Oh no, David, she mustn't read what you wrote!

I quite agree with your reasoning, Julia.

Mr. Shaw must have heard the melody while

he was concentrating, but what I can't fathom

is why he didn't mention it to us.

I shouldn't have been so blunt with him.

I still have the feeling that he can be enormously

helpful to us if we can get him on our side.



[ominous string music]

David, we don't know that it was Daphne

who took the notebook.

Well who else would have done it?

But if it wasn't, we've got to be careful

what we say in there.

We'll just look around, we won't say anything

about the notebook.


[dramatic orchestral music]

[spooky synthesizer music]
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