1095 - September 3, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1095 - September 3, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR:Terror slowly builds on the great estate

of Collinwood, for the children,

knowing their fate is to end in Rose Cottage,

make a doll of someone who will join them.

It is Carolyn who enters the playroom,

meets Gerard, and begins to live on two levels.

One in the present,

and the other in a past she herself never knew.

And this night,

she prepares the surprise which she has promised.

I can start now.

Start what?

My concert.

Please sit down.

For my first number,

I would like to sing my very favorite song.

ELIZABETH: No, Carolyn, no.

You must be quiet.

How can I sing my song if you're not quiet?

You'll ruin the concert for the others.

♪ I want to dance with you

♪ Want to dance my cares away

♪ I'll be so close to you

♪ In your arms I'll always stay

♪ Our hearts will beat in two

♪ To the rhythm of our love

♪ It's always been said that life is a song

It's cold!

♪ So why don't we both just dance along

♪ Around and around

Stop! Carolyn!

Carolyn, stop!

Julia, what's the matter?

♪ I wanna dance with you

CAROLYN: Didn't you like my song, Julia?

It's too late.

It's too late.

It's over.

The children.

The children, I've got to check the children!

♪ I want to dance with you

♪ Want to dance my cares away

♪ I'll be so close to you

♪ In your arms I'll always stay

♪ Our hearts will beat in two


[dramatic music]

[eerie music]

Julia! Julia!

Yes, what's wrong, what happened?

It's Carolyn!


What's happened?

She's just fainted, that's all.

What happened?

You fainted.

I finished my song.

Yes, dear.

I feel so weak, so, very weak.

Why don't you just lie here and rest a while?

You didn't like my song, Julia.

Carolyn, why did you sing that?

You were very rude and interrupted me.

I shan't forget that, Julia.

Barnabas and I came back from with clues, Carolyn.

One of them was the night you sang your song.

CAROLYN: Those clues are ridiculous.

You haven't thought so before.

- I do now. - Why do you?

- Why? - ELIZABETH: She wasn't herself,

Julia, that's all.

JULIA: Why wasn't she herself?

That's what we've got to find out.

ELIZABETH: We're certainly not going to find out now.

JULIA: Yes, this is the only time.

Carolyn, you have seen Gerard.

CAROLYN: Gerard?

Your ghost?

That imagined creature?

JULIA: Now don't hedge, Carolyn,

he is making you act this way, Gerard is.

No, no.

ELIZABETH: Enough of this, Julia, not now.

Alright, Elizabeth, alright.

I'll go and see if David and Hallie are all right.

Thank you, Mother.

It's all beginning.

Just like I knew it would, David.

Why do you think Carolyn is Leticia?

She isn't acting like Carolyn at all.

She's someone else.

Oh David, don't you want Carolyn

to live with us in Rose Cottage?

[knocking on door]

Well, how are you two?



Why, what's happened?

Oh, the Middle Ages.


Why do we have to work in the summer?

Can't they wait 'til we get back to school?

We're not very good at history, anyway.

Did you hear the music from downstairs?

DAVID: What music?

Carolyn was singing.

Carolyn, singing?

She must've flipped out.

What page were we supposed to stop on?

, Carolyn said.

No, we didn't hear any music.

Well, I'll see you later.

If only she knew.

David, do you remember how,

how once we wanted to tell someone, anyone?

Sometimes I wish we had.

Maybe we can.

Maybe there is a way.

[strong wind blowing]

[door creaking]

JULIA: Barnabas!

BARNABAS: What is it, Julia?

Barnabas, Carolyn has seen Gerard.

How do you know?

Because tonight, she sang her song.

[dramatic music]

Barnabas, why doesn't anything happen?

Or, or did it happen and we don't know?

When did she sing the song?

Well, just now.

I just went up and checked on the children,

and then came right here.

Barnabas, Barnabas, she is possessed.

I'm, I'm certain of it.

She's convinced that she has second sight.

She's become a different person.

Did you hear any spirits in the room while she sang?


No, even when I went up to David's room

everything seemed normal.

Something has to happen now.

Did you try to stop her from singing?

Of course I did, but I couldn't.

What was the song?

I don't know.

The words, Julia, try to remember the words.

I, I want to,

I want to dance with you.

I want to dance with you.

Dance all my cares away.

JULIA: How do you know that?

Do you remember Pansy Faye when we

were here in Quentin's time in ?


That was her song.

But Barnabas, Pansy Faye couldn't have

Did Carolyn know what the song was?

I don't think so.

There's got to be some connection.

JULIA: What can we do?

I want to talk to Carolyn.

We may have the clue that will help us,

that'll make everything clearer.

Gerard has made his one mistake, I think.

He doesn't know that I was in

and that I knew Pansy Faye.

[door creaking]

Mother, I know you don't understand

the way I've been acting.

ELIZABETH: Now, darling.

No, I, I want you to know.

I feel so different now.

I think after Jeb.

Oh, don't talk about Jeb now.

No, but I want to.

All those months after his death,

I was so inside myself.


But now, I'm changed.

But change just for the sake of it isn't.

Isn't good, Mother?

But it is.

I know that it is.

Good evening Elizabeth.

Good evening Barnabas.


So Julia ran to you, Barnabas,

and now you've come to question me.

Well, you should be very pleased another of your

clues has come true and we're all still alive.

I thought you took our situation seriously, Carolyn.

Barnabas, please.

Carolyn's been questioned quite enough by you.

Oh Mother, go to David and Hallie, so that Barnabas can

know once and for all that his fears are needless.

When this night is through and nothing has happened,

I hope you both will forget

this ridiculous fantasy of yours.

First question.

Where and when did I meet Gerard?

No, Carolyn.

I want to know about the song you sang.

Where did you find it?

In a book.

In a book of songs.

But you've never been interested in music that much.

Well, I didn't think so either, but I,

I found the book and, found the song and I liked it.

JULIA: Enough to arrange impromptu concerts?

I overheard you reading from Quentin's diary

that there'd been a concert this day in .

I thought it would be amusing.

Carolyn, have you ever heard of Pansy Faye?



But I love the name.

Should I know her?

BARNABAS: The old Carolyn wouldn't,

but the new Carolyn with second sight would.

You don't believe that, either.

Well, it's difficult to believe that anyone

with second sight, with a talent like that

could get it that quickly.

CAROLYN: Perhaps I've always had it

and I simply didn't realize it.

Could you demonstrate this talent for us?

Or do you prefer to keep it a secret?

It's no secret.

Prove it.

I don't have to!

Barnabas, I can see the past.

It's as real to me as, as what's happened this day here.

Carolyn, you were always willing to help us.

Are you now?

I must know why you want that song.

Can you see into the past?

Carolyn, if you do, you can help us.

Where did you learn that song?

In some other time?

In some other life?

I think, I think so.


Where, Carolyn?


In this room, Carolyn?

This room?

CAROLYN: There's a carousel turning.

[mysterious music]

Toys, so many toys.

I sang.

Go on, Carolyn.

Carolyn, you were in the playroom.

What playroom?

The playroom that, that Julia and I saw in .

The playroom that doesn't exist in this house now.

Then how could I have been there?

Because you found it, Carolyn.

You must take us there.

You're mad!

Both of you are mad!

I simply described a room.

But a room with a toy and a carousel.

Now you must've seen it.

Yes, I saw it in my mind.

Is that all?

Now you must be honest.

I am being honest, I am.

Why do you keep after me?

I've helped you all I can.

Why do you keep bothering me like this?

Leave me alone!

Please leave me alone.



We must get David and Hallie out of this house tonight.

[dramatic music]

You actually think if we, if we put this doll

in Rose Cottage, that Barnabas will find the room?

Carolyn did.

Oh, David.

Why not let him know about the room?

Rose Cottage.

David, you scare me sometimes.


Do you think Barnabas will be able to help us then?

Is that why you want to do it?

Well he won't be able to.

Gerard sees to it that no one

ever tells when they go in that room.

They can't tell.

You know that.

But he's different.

HALLIE: From Carolyn?

From us?

How different?

I don't know, he just is.

HALLIE: What will he be able to do against Gerard?

I don't know.

But it's worth a try, isn't it?

[dramatic music]

How is she?

She seems calmer.

Have you finished with Carolyn?

I've just taken her to her room.

I certainly hope you'll leave her alone after this.

Elizabeth, I should think you'd be

more concerned about her than this.

I am concerned.

You should be, Elizabeth.

You should realize now that her condition proves

that something's happening in this house.

Elizabeth, with your permission,

I would like to take David and Hallie to Stokes tonight.

Absolutely not!

Carolyn is not herself for a reason, Elizabeth.

The reason is not for your ghost.

She is the way she has lived since Jeb died.

Do you really believe that?


All the children and everyone in this house,

their lives hang in the balance.

Are you willing to risk them?

I wonder if Gerard knows that

we put the doll in Rose Cottage.

He can't be everywhere.

Just don't talk about it once we're in the room.


Gerard, are you here?

Will it work?

Will Barnabas find the room?

[dramatic music]

I don't know why I ever let you talk me into coming here.

We want you to see the children.

I've seen them, they're perfectly alright.

Is it worth the risk, Elizabeth?

What is this, a convention?

ELIZABETH: Where have you been?

DAVID: In Hallie's room.

HALLIE: David wanted to read my history notes.


JULIA: What is it?

BARNABAS: Do you feel something in the room?

DAVID: What is it, what are you talking about?

JULIA: It's so, so cold.

BARNABAS: Elizabeth, you feel it, too.

What cold?

I don't feel any cold.

Neither do I.

The two of you better go to Hallie's room.


Come on, David, let's go.

Alright, Elizabeth,

you cannot deny that the cold exists in this room.


An unnatural cold.


I want your permission Julia, uh Elizabeth,

to take the children here now.


We must call Stokes.

HALLIE: Barnabas didn't have a chance to come.

I knew something was wrong the minute

I felt Gerard's presence in my room.

David, look!

Gerard didn't want Barnabas to come here.

He doesn't want him to know.

How stupid of me.

Of course Elliot's not there, he lectures tonight.

BARNABAS: We'll take the children there anyway.

He should be home by .

Barnabas, I want you to promise me

that you won't alarm the children.

I don't want them frightened.

Don't worry, Elizabeth, we will handle them.

Gerard is angry with us.

Go to your room and stay there no matter what.

Will you stay here?


David, I don't want to be punished again.

I should tell them myself.

But I don't know what to say.

We'll take care of it for you, Elizabeth.

Barnabas, I'll go to Hallie's room.

Gerard, are you here?

I didn't know what to do, Gerard.

I didn't know what to do.


He's gone!

[dramatic music]



[distant chattering]

[wind blowing]

Are you gonna punish me, Gerard?

I know.

I know.

I must follow.

[dramatic music]

[eerie music]
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