1097 - September 7, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1097 - September 7, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie dramatic music]

NARRATOR:Collinwood in the present time.

Only Barnabas Collins and Julia Hoffman know

that a terrible catastrophe will befall the great house

unless they can prevent it.

An important clue is Rose Cottage.

And only David and Hallie know that Rose Cottage

is a dollhouse that is also a replica

of an old abandoned mansion.

On this night, the two children have been lured

by spirits from the past to a room in the mansion

where a strange ceremony is about to take place.

A ceremony which will bring Collinwood

one step closer to total disaster.

HALLIE: David, I'm so frightened.

DAVID: You mustn't be frightened, Hallie.

You mustn't be.

[soft eerie music]

DAVID: Goodbye, David.

HALLIE: Goodbye, Hallie.

[dramatic music]

[eerie theme music]

We're alive.

Carrie, we're alive!

Yes, Daphne kept her promise!

I can't believe it's true.

But it is.

But where are Daphne and Gerard?

I don't know.

You, you don't suppose they've gone, do you?

Carrie, you do become alarmed so easily.

She hasn't left us.

Don't you remember she promised she never would.

But then where is she?

She's our governess, isn't she?

Carrie, you've got to be more careful than that.

CARRIE: Whatever do you mean?

She was our governess.

That was a long, long time ago, in a different life.

Yes, you're right.

I'm sorry, I mustn't forget that.

There's so many things that we must get used to.

Like these clothes that I'm wearing.

I'm afraid I shall never be accustomed to these.

And the way we talk, we must change that.

And our names.

You must always answer to the name Hallie.

And I to David.

Oh, it's going to be hard, Tad.



Why are you giggling?

The thought of calling you David all the time,

the name doesn't fit you.

You shall always be Tad to me.

And you shall always be Carrie to me.

Nevertheless, we must always call each other

David and Hallie.

Do you understand?

Yes, I understand.

It's almost like a secret game.

We only play it in front of others, though.

When we're alone, can't we act as we really are?

Perhaps, but even that can be dangerous,

because if we were overheard,

one little mistake like that and the game would be over.

Remember that.

Yes, I'll remember it.

Are you ready to begin?

Yes, I'm ready.

We're together again.

Oh Tad, it's so good to be alive.

Julia, I've been all over Collinwood

and there wasn't a trace of either one of them.

You searched all the buildings, Barnabas?

Up and down from top to bottom.

How is it possible for them to vanish so completely?

Barnabas, we've been assuming that they were

taken somewhere on the grounds.

Perhaps we were wrong.

Are you thinking they're somewhere off the grounds?

JULIA: Why not?

Well, it doesn't make any sense, Julia.

When they were alive, Daphne and Gerard

were a part of Collinwood.

So their spirits would necessarily

be confined to Collinwood.

Or to someplace close by.

Remember, we don't really know what Gerard's

function was in the Collinwood of .

Julia, do you have a place in mind

where they may have been taken?



Rose Cottage.

But Julia, Rose Cottage doesn't exist.

Or if it does, nobody knows where it is.

Barnabas, I'm convinced that it does exist.

And I was thinking about it earlier this evening.

It occurred to me that it could be a place

that's known by a different name.

BARNABAS: What do you mean?

Well, we're dealing with spirits who go back years.

Isn't it possible that somewhere nearby

there's a house that's, that's old,

that doesn't have a name.

But that was known in as Rose Cottage?

QUENTIN: David, Hallie?


Listen, if you two can hear me, please answer.

[eerie dramatic music]

QUENTIN:Whole house is deserted.

I must have been wrong.

And yet, why did Daphne have this drawing?

This place must have some connection

with what's happening.

But what is it?

What is it?

[eerie dramatic music]

[door closing]

[eerie dramatic music]


You found something?

Oh, not about Rose Cottage, no.

Perhaps you're putting too much importance on it.

I don't think we are, Barnabas.

Barnabas, don't you remember the clue?

The night Rose Cottage was destroyed.

That's got to be a major event, doesn't it seem so?

Yes, I must admit it does.

JULIA: Carolyn, how are you feeling?

Quite well, thank you.

But both of you look so terribly distressed.

Whatever's the matter?

Well, hasn't anyone told you?

CAROLYN: Told me what?

Well, the children are missing.

Oh, that.

Yes, I know.

Well, aren't you the least bit concerned about it?


Why, Carolyn?

Why aren't you concerned?

Carolyn, do you know something about David and Hallie

you're not telling us?


Well, you must tell us.

Do you know where they are?

They're gone.

David and Hallie are gone.

Who told you that?

Carolyn, we believe they're in some terrible

danger, the children.

The children, in danger?

No, no, that's not true.

JULIA: How do you know it's not true?

Because I know the children are alive and well.

If you know that much, then you must know where they are.

No, that's all I can tell you.

They're alive and well.

Now, you must excuse me,

I'm really very tired.

Do you think she knows what she's talking about?

I have no idea.

What are you doing?

We've had nothing but bad news all night.

I thought perhaps if we looked at Elizabeth's horoscope,

perhaps that there's something better.

Well, whatever that tells us won't help us

find the children.

How curious.


The forecast for this date.

It says the night will end in peace.

I don't see how there can be anything peaceful

about this house with the children missing

and Carolyn behaving the way she is.

Could it possibly mean that somehow

David and Hallie will come back to the house tonight?

I doubt it very much.



Do you suppose it's possible that the children

have found the playroom?

Oh, it seems very unlikely.

What made you think of that?

Well, the fact that they vanished so completely.

I concentrated my search on the outside of the house,

but, supposing they, they disappeared inside the house.

Where, Barnabas?

We couldn't find the playroom in the west wing.

BARNABAS: I know, but we found it in .

And we found the ghosts of David and Hallie there.

That time.

Perhaps, we can't rule out any possibility.

Precisely, and I'm going up to the west wing

to find out whether I'm right or wrong.

[door opening and closing]

Any luck?

No, no, no, I thought I knew where they might be,

but, they weren't there.

What's wrong?

You tell me.

I don't know what you're talking about, Julia.

You lied to me earlier.

Hallie did not escape from you.

You let her escape.

I found this on the floor.

It belongs to Daphne.

She was there in the room when Hallie ran out

and you saw her, didn't you, Quentin?

[dramatic music]

Julia, I've never seen this handkerchief before.

But you recognize the scent of lilac, don't you?


Daphne was in the room and you saw her, didn't you?

No, I didn't.

I do not understand why you won't admit it.

I can't believe that you're willing to have

the children come to any harm.

Of course I don't want them to come to any harm.

Then why not admit what really happened?

You were watching Hallie, and then Daphne appeared

and you were distracted and Hallie got away.

Is that true?


Are you accusing me of deliberately endangering

David and Hallie?

I am asking a question and only want an answer.

No, no I did not see her, and she was not here.

[eerie dramatic music]

BARNABAS:How is it possible for a playroom to be here

in , and not now?

I don't understand.


BARNABAS: Carolyn, what are you doing up here?

What, I just went to get something from my room.

Your room?

Yes, just down the hall.

But your room isn't up here in the west wing,

it's downstairs in the house proper.


Don't be absurd.

You know perfectly well I've always lived in the west wing.

I do think it the most enchanting part of the house.

BARNABAS: Carolyn?

May I ask why you keep calling me that?

Because it's your name.

[Carolyn laughing]

CAROLYN: You know very well my name is Leticia,

and I live in that room just down the hall.


Of course.

Well, Leticia, perhaps you can tell me

where the children are.

Can you do that?

What an odd question.

What's odd about it?

Do you realize how late it is?

Where else would the children be but in bed?

You're a strange one.


[eerie dramatic music]

QUENTIN:Why can't I understand my own behavior?

What stopped me from telling Julia the truth?

Oh, maybe Julia was right from the beginning.

Maybe Daphne does have some kind of a hold

over me that I'm not even aware of.

Daphne, wherever you are,

don't you let any harm come to those children,

or I'll never forgive myself.

[eerie dramatic music]

[dramatic music]

JULIA: Quentin?

Quentin, are you still down here?

What is it?

The children are back in the house.



Where did?

Where were they found?

Barnabas went into David's room and he was

asleep in his bed.

And then Barnabas called me and I went to Hallie's room

and she was asleep, too.

I don't understand, Julia.

Neither do I.

Did you wake them?

I woke Hallie and I brought her into David's room.

Barnabas is there with them now.

What's happening to them?

I wonder where they went when they left the house?

JULIA: Barnabas is trying to find out.

I'm going to go upstairs and talk.

No, Quentin, no.

Barnabas doesn't want either of us to go up.

He thinks the children will get too upset

if there are too many of us there to question them.

BARNABAS: There's something that I want to

go over again with you.

You say you were both upset when Julia wanted you

to go to Professor Stokes with her, is that correct?

Yes, that's correct.

Well, running away was rather a drastic way

of reacting to that.

Yes, I suppose it was.

But when we realized how foolish we were,

that's what made us decide to come back, isn't that right?

Yes, when we realized how worried everyone would be,

we felt very bad about it.

Hmm, and you really did leave the house

of your own volition?

I mean, there was no one else involved?

DAVID/TAD: Who could there be?

Gerard and Daphne.

Gerard and Daphne.

Well, I don't believe we've ever heard those names before.

Do you think we have, Hallie?

No, we haven't.

Well, they were two spirits of two people

who lived here long ago at Collinwood.

And I feel that there's been more than one person here

whose felt their presence.

Oh, they must be the ones that Dr. Hoffman mentioned once.

But, we don't know anything about them.

BARNABAS: Hmm, I see.

We felt very bad about what happened

and we're terribly sorry if everyone was worried.

Yes, we figured everything would work out for the best.

What do you mean by that, David?

Well you see, we were very frightened.

Everybody had been telling us things to make us worried.

Oh, about spirits and the house and,

and dreadful things that were going to

happen to the house.

And Hallie and I never thought anything wrong

was in the house.

And with everyone talking like that,

well, we began to wonder.

And then I guess we got frightened.

Yes, but we're fine now.

I'm sure you can see we're all right.

No harm came to us.

And I feel that if everybody would stop worrying,

everything will be as it was.

I thought I heard voices.

You see, I was right.

Didn't I tell you the children were well?

Yes, you did.

Well, I'm glad to see you both back again.

I wish I could share your feelings about things

are going to be better, but I'm afraid I can't.

I'm going to go to Dr. Hoffman,

because I feel it's wise for the both of you

to leave Collinwood, at least for the present.

CAROLYN: Goodnight, Tad.

Goodnight, Carrie.

DAVID/TAD: Goodnight, Leticia.

HALLIE/CARRIE: Goodnight, Leticia.

[eerie dramatic music]

You are possessed!

You're both possessed!

[dramatic music]

[eerie theme music]
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