1099 - September 9, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1099 - September 9, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[ominous orchestral music]

NARRATOR: The most crucial night

in the History of Collinwood.

For Carolyn has sung her song.

And Barnabas and Julia are desperate since

this is another clue, to the mysterious

disaster that threatens the great house.

At the same time in David's room,

two possessed children

take another step toward their own doom.

They stage a ceremony which will

bring one of the two ghosts alive.

Either Gerard or Daphne.

The children know not which.

And now, the ceremony over, the children come downstairs,

waiting for Gerard or Daphne to appear.

[mysterious orchestral music]

But what if it's Gerard?

Don't worry.

He won't be angry this night.

Maybe not in the beginning.

Oh, Daphne, please!

Let it be Daphne.

It's not up to us.

CARRIE: Who is it up to?

I don't know.

We could be so happy if Daphne was here with us.

The house is so different.

It's the same house we once knew.

Oh, no David!

It's so strange.

So ugly.

Do you remember how it used to be?

With the candles and the sound of the spinning.


CARRIE: What's the matter?

Do you hear something?

I don't, are you sure?

Oh, Tad!

Don't be frightened, Carrie.

I am.

If it's Gerard.

[loud knocking]

[dramatic orchestral music]


[wind howling] [dramatic orchestral music]

[waves crashing]

[ominous orchestral music]

Oh, Daphne!

Come in, come in.

[wind howling]

Oh, Daphne, thank goodness.

[suspenseful orchestral music]

What is it?

Why don't you look at us?

[suspenseful orchestral music]

She doesn't recognize us.

We're Tad and Carrie.

[suspenseful orchestral music]

[exhales] Oh. Oh, Daphne.

Oh, I am so glad it's you.

We missed you so.

Everything is going to be all right now.

Don't be frightened.

[mysterious orchestral music]

No one.

What is it?

What are you trying to say?

She's gotta sit down.

[mysterious orchestral music]

Are you all right?

Are you?


Are you sure?


[mysterious orchestral music]

No one must know.

CARRIE: But they'll know.

TAD: You're here.

CARRIE: You can't disappear again.

No one must know.

TAD: We'll hide you.

CARRIE: We'll bring you food.

TAD: In the play room.

But why?

Why are you shaking your head?

No one will ever find you there.

Gerard will decide.

CARRIE: Gerard is coming?


Yes, we must go.

We must bring him here.

[door creaking]

Hide, quick!

Behind the draperies.

[suspenseful orchestral music]

She can't stand!

Please try.

Daphne, try.

[suspenseful orchestral music]

Now what are you two up to?

TAD: We're playing a game, Mr. Loomis.

Mr. Loomis?

Ooh, you're indeed playing, master David.

What's wrong with you?

Nothing's wrong.


Willie Loomis, he got a nose for trouble,

he smells somethin' around here.

You know it's enough we had stuff going around

this house here, without you two spooking around.

Spookin' yeah, huh?

You recognize that word?

I saw you looking at each other.

Are you gonna fool old Willie Loomis?

Now, what's happening around here, David?

We heard something.


You better tell me, you hear.

A week ago Barnabas told me to keep an eye on you.

I'm not here just sitting for Maggie.

I'm waiting, David.

CARRIE: Come on, David tell him.


TAD: We heard someone.

[mysterious orchestral music]


CARRIE: We were in the hall.

WILLIE: Where you shouldn't have been.

CARRIE: We thought someone was at the door.

TAD: So we came down.

CARRIE: But no one was there at all.

You two are lying to me.

I'm gonna sit in this chair here.

You're going to sit in that chair there!

Go on!

[mysterious orchestral music]

That's right, we both sit until you guys tell the truth.

[dramatic orchestral music]

All in the family ask me the same question.

When did I get my second sight?


Everyone else here is allowed to change.

I am the one who's supposed to stay the same.

Carolyn, I don't feel that way.

I'm perfectly willing to accept your second sight.

Are you?

Even if I were to tell you.

QUENTIN: Come on, try me.

[mysterious orchestral music]

Even if I were to tell you.

That there is someone in this house tonight.


Who should never be here.


Don't you feel it, Quentin?


Carolyn, who?

CAROLYN: Don't you feel the stranger?

You must tell me who it is you think is here?


Don't know who it is.

But I.

QUENTIN: But you feel a presence?

Not a presence.


Not a spirit.

I can feel the breathing.



[mysterious orchestral music]

That's all.

Oh, no.

No, that's not all, Carolyn.

If there's a stranger in this house,

then we have got to find him.

[dramatic orchestral music]

Oh, are we just gonna stay here all night?

If you won't believe the truth Mr. Loomis.

WILLIE: Now, you just cut that Mr. Loomis stuff, hear?

[Carrie yawning]

Yes, Willie.

Please, can't we go up to our rooms and go to sleep?

WILLIE: Well, all right then.

You can bet your bottom dollar,

I'm gonna tell Barnabas about this.

- It's all right. - WILLIE: I'm gonna take you

up to your rooms too.

It's all right with us.

Isn't it, Helen?


Yeah, you know I kept a few secrets in my time.

I know enough about all these secrets.

But I'll find yours out.

You can bet your life on that.

Now c'mon, both of you.

I don't want any of you coming down here again tonight.

No matter what you think you hear.

CARRIE: We won't.

Daphne. Wait here.

We'll come soon with clothes.

WILLIE: Come on, now David, I'm waitin'!

CARRIE: He's just turning off the light.

WILLIE: Don't bother about no lights.

You just come on ahead.

You shouldn't have left Maggie alone.

WILLIE: Mrs. Johnson's with her.

Why does someone always have to

stay with Maggie Evans at night?

WILLIE: Because she's sick, that's why.

I don't want you kids asking a million questions.

You are lot better at that, than giving some answers.

[mysterious orchestral music]

Carolyn, can't you tell me where the stranger is?

Quentin, why are you doing this?

Because you really believe my saying

there's someone in the house tonight?

Or merely so that you can say later,

that you pretended to take it seriously.

Carolyn, I'm being very honest with you.

I really do believe that there could

be strangers in this house tonight.

You know a good deal more than you're willing to admit.

Don't you?

I think we ought to start in the drawing room.

You search behind the draperies.

No one would hide there.

It's much too obvious.

Well, then where else should we look?


Carolyn, tell me.

Do you feel a person in here now?

The person.

Has, has been here.

But is not here now?

I don't know.

[mysterious orchestral music]

Not here.

Then I, I was wrong.

It's not clear is it?

You're troubled?

Tell me, why isn't it clear?

Why, Carolyn?

[mysterious orchestral music]

The lilacs.

Can't she smell them?

Am I the only one who can?

Carolyn, there's nobody here, why don't we go

check out the rest of the house?

[mysterious orchestral music]



I must be with them to bring you back.

Give me time, Gerard.


It will be tonight.

[dramatic orchestral music]

It will be tonight, Gerard, I swear.

You will be here with me.


[door opening]

[mysterious orchestral music]


Daphne, are you the stranger?

No, you cant be.

Carolyn told me that you were alive.

You're not a spirit.

Oh, how I wish that there true.

How I wish we can meet.

We can touch.

We could love.

And the children.

You wouldn't bother them.

Don't think about me, they'd be safe.

I'd be all yours.


Who's that?

Who is it?

[dramatic piano music]


You're alive.

Please let me go.


You must. Never.


You know, I must be dreaming.

I really am.

I never.

I never walked into this room.

I never felt your warmth.

Don't touch me.

Why? I want you to.

But you can't.

But why?

After finally finding you, why?

Tell me.

But I can't, Quentin.

So many things I cannot do now that I could do before.

You cannot love me now?



You must not ask me these questions.

This is why I shouldn't have given in.

I should never have appeared.

I have no answers for you.

I won't ask any questions.

But why can't I hold you?

[mysterious orchestral music]

Oh, yes.

This is as it should be.

If words get in the way, then there will be no more words.

You make it so simple.

I'm going to keep it that way.

You cannot.


Why did you come back here if not for me?

Is it for the children?

Is that why?

Did you come back for them?

You're going to help us?

You're going to release them?

They'll be David and Haley again.

Oh, Quentin.



Who were you talking to in there?

Now, something strange is going on this house.

Who are you talking to in that room?

Who is in that room?

[dramatic orchestral music]

No, no, I wasn't talking to anyone, Willie.

I heard someone.

The children heard someone in there before.

Yeah? Tell me, has Barnabas put you in charge of this place?

What do you know?

You know he hasn't.

Then I wish you would stop acting as if he had.

I think you better get back to the old house, Willie.

All right, Quentin.

I'm gonna tell Barnabas about the mighty strange

odd things going on in here tonight.

That's what I'm gonna do.

[mysterious orchestral music]

Gotta get you some new clothes.

Please don't, you mustn't even think about me.

That's all I think about.

I must go to the children now.

To end their possession?

I cannot do that.

You must.

I have no power.

Well, then who has?

Why have you come here?

[mysterious orchestral music]

They cannot remain as they are.

Why do you ask this of me?

You say it's enough for me to be here

and yet you demand things of me.

C'mon I'll take you to them.

No, no, I must go alone.


I must see them.

Because I love them.

I have been afraid to go downstairs.

I think they're still up.

I brought her these ridiculous clothes.

Where did you get them?

They belong to a governess that was here once.


Her name was Victoria or something.

Maggie and Haley were looking at them once.

She left them here.

I don't know why.

[mysterious orchestral music]

TAD: Did anyone see you?


Quickly, we've no time.

[mysterious orchestral music]

Stars still in the sky.

What are we gonna do?


Oh, must we Daphne, must we?

We could be so happy.

Make the star.

[mysterious orchestral music]

Terrible things are happening in this house tonight.

Carolyn, don't talk like that.

We found no stranger, because we were blind.

Will you stop it?

You know.

You know!

I don't know anything.



Yes, Gerard.

You are very near.

[suspenseful orchestral music]

Why do have to bring Gerard back?

Because it will be worse for us if we don't.

Now light the candles.

It's all going to start again, when Gerard comes back?

No, you mustn't say that.

You mustn't even think it.

It will be different.

CARRIE: I don't want to.

The three of us must.

Oh, I still have the ship of Gerard.

Carrie, come.


Feel the Earth turning through eternal space.

Let it turn itself now.

Towards the stars that guide the destinies of our soul.

Let the light of the star.

The star that guides the destiny of Gerard Stiles.

Touch this plane, we have lighted in his name.

[suspenseful orchestral music]

The light of the star must touch the light of the candle.

Then his spirit that waits to live

again then, only then will it happen.

So that Gerard may breathe again.

[mysterious orchestral music]

He's coming!

He's coming!

[eerie music]

[dramatic orchestral music]

[ominous orchestral music]
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