1101 - September 13, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1101 - September 13, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

CAROLYN:Collinwood in ,

a year in which the great house is destined for destruction

unless Barnabas Collins and Julia Hoffman

can find a way to prevent it.

The two children in the house, David and Hallie,

have become possessed by the ghosts of two children

who lived in the year .

They, in turn, have performed a strange ceremony

in order to give life to their dead governess, Daphne.

On this night, one other spirit hungers for life again,

the cruel and evil Gerard Stiles.

On learning that he has been betrayed by Daphne,

Gerard has decided on a course of revenge,

one that will bring total destruction

to all who cross his path.

[mysterious music]

[dramatic music]

[flames crackling]

[Daphne gasps]

[eerie music] [waves crashing]

[dramatic music] [flames crackling]

[knob rattles]

CAROLYN VOICEOVER:Something is happening in the house,

something terrible.


Someone is going to die.

I mustn't let that happen, I mustn't.

[flames crackling] [sinister music]


Gerard, if you can hear me, listen to me!

Please don't make me die!

Please Gerard, don't make me die!

Gerard, I know you're doing this to punish me

but please don't, please, for Carrie and Tad!

Gerard, I have to live.


What are you trying to do, Gerard?

[flames crackling]

[Daphne sobs]

You were doing something to the doll's house, weren't you?

You were trying to destroy it.

Well, I won't let you do that.

It isn't yours to do with as you please.

It belongs to Carrie.

I gave it to her for her birthday,

and she's so devoted to it.

I will not allow anything to happen to it.

Why must you always be so cruel, Gerard?

Why have you no feelings for others?

Poor Carrie never did anything to you.

Why would you wanna hurt her?

Or was it, was it someone else you were trying to hurt?

It was, wasn't it?

You've made a mess of this room, you know that.

You've knocked all the furniture over.

The little dolls, little darling.

Aren't you just a tiny bit ashamed, Gerard?

Now you stay where you are.

I know, I know all your tricks and they don't frighten me!

I am going to leave now, but you remember what I said!

You are to do nothing to Carrie's dollhouse!

[dramatic music]

[dogs barking and howling]

How did everything go?

Barnabas, there were no problems at all.

The children were surprisingly cooperative.

I briefed the staff on the children's case.

How long have you been here?

A few minutes.

Well, now that the children are safe

I suggest we go up and see Maggie

before her condition gets any worse.

Have you seen her tonight?

No, I waited to see you.


[sinister music]

[dog howling]

[bat chirping]

[dramatic music]

[Maggie sobs]

Maggie, Maggie, you've got to lie down.

Maggie! No, I have to go.

JULIA: No, you're much too weak Maggie, Maggie!

MAGGIE: I've got to go, I've got to.

Maggie, can you tell us who you wanted to see?

Please, I've got to go, I must!

Where do you have to go?

Can you tell us?

Barnabas, she can't answer any questions now.

Her condition is worse than it was last night.

That's impossible,

unless he's been back here in her room.

Perhaps he was.

There was nobody here when we came in, Barnabas.

She should not have been left alone.

Well, Mrs. Johnson told me that Carolyn was here with her.

I'll have to give her another transfusion.

You stay with her, Barnabas.

All right.

[dogs barking and howling]

[sinister music]

Carolyn, Carolyn, you were supposed to be watching Maggie.

Why did you leave her alone?

There was something urgent I had to do upstairs.

Nothing is more urgent than keeping Maggie out of danger.

The danger is not as great as you think it is.

And she is going to be all right, I feel certain of that.

I must be going now, please excuse me.

No, Carolyn, you're not leaving the house.

It's dangerous outside.


You could be att*cked the same way Maggie was.

CAROLYN: Oh no, nothing like that

is going to happen to me.

The possibility does exist, Carolyn.

Why can't you do whatever it is you have to do tomorrow?

You can do that, can't you?

I can't, it's most urgent.

JULIA: What is it?

Nothing I can talk about.

There's something very important

I have to do at Rose Cottage.

[dramatic music]

Carolyn, Carolyn, wait.

Now where did you say you were going?

To Rose Cottage.

But when I asked you about Rose Cottage before,

you said you didn't know what it was.

You'd never heard of it.

That's odd, why should I say a thing like that?

Well, perhaps you can tell me about it now.

CAROLYN: What do you want to know about it?

Well, whatever you wanna tell me.

Where is Rose Cottage, who lives there?

You know that as well as I do.

No, I don't.

You know perfectly well

that no one has lived there since she died.

Since who died?

Why are you asking me all these questions?

What do you want from me?

JULIA: Just some information, some important information.

Why, why are you suddenly so curious about Rose Cottage?

I'm, I'm not really.

If you don't wanna discuss it we can just drop the subject.

CAROLYN: Yes, I think it might be best left alone.

Carolyn, Carolyn, will you be passing

the front gate on your way out?

Of course I will.

I wonder if you'd do me a favor?

I've written a letter to Windcliff.

Would you mind mailing it for me?

It's very important, it's about the children?

The children?

Yes, I would mail it myself,

but I've got to attend to Maggie.

All right, I'll mail it for you.

Well, thank you very much, I'll go up and get it.

I won't be a minute.

[eerie music]


Look at me.

Do you recognize me?


Maggie, try and tell me who it was you were trying to see

when Julia and I came in the room.

Please, Maggie.


Barnabas, I've got to talk to you, it's very important.

- What's the matter? - Hush.

Carolyn's downstairs.

She's on her way to Rose Cottage.

- Rose Cottage? - Yes.

I couldn't find anything else out

except that she's on her way there now.

I asked her to please wait.

It really does exist.

Yes, and we've got to find out where it is.

I asked her to wait and mail a letter for me.

I said it was very important.

Now I want you to take this letter

down to her

and follow her.

There, and follow her,

and I'll stay here and attend to Maggie, right.

[ominous music]

[wind howling]


Oh Barnabas, where's Julia?

She's up with Maggie, she told me to give you this.

Is Maggie feeling any better?

I'm afraid not.

Oh, I am sorry.

[dogs barking and howling]

[Maggie gasps]

JULIA: No, no, no, Maggie, you've got to lie down.

No, you can't keep me here.

I don't wanna stay, please!

JULIA: Maggie, all this is for your own good.

You have to realize it.

No, no, no!


Where are you, can you hear me?


Please answer me.

You know I'm your friend, I only wanna help you.

[door rattles]


So this is Rose Cottage.

You followed me here!

Carolyn, who is your friend?

Who were you talking to just before I came in?

That, that really is no concern of yours, now is it?

Carolyn, you must tell us everything you know

about this place,

who lived here and who it was you were trying to find.

Why are you and Dr. Hoffman so interested in this place?

We've told you before one of the events

that's to happen before the disaster at Collinwood

is the destruction of Rose Cottage.

Rose Cottage.

[eerie music]


Now, that's a strange name for a place like this, isn't it?

I know now why it was so difficult to find.

How did it get such a name?

Oh, it happened a very long time ago,

when Carrie was very small.

Carrie lived here?

CAROLYN: Are you going to be quiet and let me tell you?

I'm sorry, go on.

Carrie, Carrie always dreamed of having a doll's house

which she would call Rose Cottage.

So for her birthday I asked Quentin to build her one.

Quentin was so good with his hands you know,

and so terribly inventive.

He actually built a replica of this house,

and I gave it to Carrie for her birthday.

[laughs] I told her she would have to find

another name for it,

but she said no, it would always be Rose Cottage to her.

So she kept calling it that, and before very long

people called the mansion itself Rose Cottage.

When was all this, Carolyn?

CAROLYN: I'm not going to answer

any more of your questions!

You were very rude to follow me here, very rude indeed!

[ominous music]

BARNABAS VOICEOVER: We finally know where

and what Rose Cottage is.

Now we'll be able to find out more, much more.

Barnabas, what happened?

Julia, I've seen Rose Cottage.

Well, where is it?

It's the old Magooder house.

Well, why is it called Rose Cottage?

That's what it was called in the past.

I couldn't find out much else from Carolyn.

I asked her when it happened and she wouldn't tell me.

What about Maggie, how bad is she?

Well, tell me, Julia.

Barnabas, she's so weak that if she's att*cked

one more time it'll be the end.

[dogs barking and howling]

He's out there now somewhere,

waiting for another chance to get back at her.

Julia, I am doing no good staying here.

I'm going outside again.

I must find the person who is doing this and destroy him.

I'm the only one who can.

[wind howling]

[ominous music]

[dramatic music]

JULIA VOICEOVER:Why am I suddenly so tired?

I was wide awake just a moment ago.

I mustn't go to sleep, I've got to stay awake.

[dramatic music]

[eerie music]
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