1102 - September 14, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1102 - September 14, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

NARRATOR:Collinwood, the year .

Where the destruction witnessed

by Barnabas Collins and Julia Hoffman in the future,

seems to be approaching with a relentless stride.

Already the ghosts of Tad and Carrie

have possessed the bodies of David and Hallie.

And they in their turn have been able to return

Daphne Harridge from the grave.

Their assigned task:

to bring alive again the dreaded Gerard.

But the main concern of Barnabas

and Julia for the moment,

is the protection of Maggie Evans,

who on this night, is being threatened

by a creature with a thirst for blood.

[ominous music]

JULIA:Why am I suddenly so tired?

I was wide awake just a moment ago.

I mustn't go to sleep,

I've got to stay awake.

[theme music]

[ominous music]


Oh my God!

You caused it!

You caused it!

Maggie, stop it, stop it!

You're gonna be alright.

It's all right now.

Barnabas told me that you wouldn't be able

to help yourself.

I know that, come on.

You've got to let us help you.

There we go.

Come back, come back to me.

Come back.




Maggie what did that creature do to her?

Maggie, answer me.

MAGGIE: Nothing.

QUENTIN: Come on, wake up.

Oh, Quentin.

Julia, the vampire was in this room.


No, it's alright,

I got here on time.

You saw who it was?

No, no, no.

All I saw was a form, had a hat, a cape on,

and then I grabbed Maggie, then it was gone.

I fell asleep.

Julia, you were doing more than just sleeping.

I know, I don't understand what happened.

I suddenly felt so sleepy.

I couldn't keep my eye open.

I haven't been tired before.

But a Vampire has a great many powers.

JULIA: Yes, yes many.

We can't afford to leave Maggie here with anyone.

No, let me go, let me go ...

No, no Maggie,

no you can't go Maggie.

I got to go, they are calling me.

JULIA: Quentin, Quentin get my medical bag,

will you please?

I have to go.

JULIA: No Maggie, you can't.

Why do you stop me?

JULIA: Maggie, I am going to give you a sedative now.

I got to go.

JULIA: I got to give you a sedative now.

QUENTIN: You've got to let Julia

do whatever she thinks is best.

You'll feel much better, Maggie, yes.

Please let me go.

Maggie, Maggie.

Please, no!

Now you will rest.

It will be easier if you rest.

Oh, Quentin if you hadn't come in.

I had to see you.

JULIA: Why, what's happened?

Tell me something.

You got a call from Windcliff.

The children, something's happened to the children?

It was your head nurse.

She wants you to return her call as soon as possible.

[ominous music]

Oh, this house.

Can one more thing happen in it?

Why can't we ever find out what causes these things.

Maggie, the children,

I am partially to blame for the children and I know it.

I haven't told anyone the truth.

I have held Daphne in my arms.

Oh, I wonder where she is.

Where has she gone?

BARNABAS: Now tell me what happened at Windcliff?

Well, Hallie and David were fine.

For a while, and then about an hour ago,

the nurse went into David's room

and found him lying on top of the bed.

He had an incredibly high fever.

They checked Hallie in her room

and the same thing happened.


he is going to make them suffer.

There is seemingly no medical reason, that's true,

but we blame Gerard,

but none of us have seen him.

But you felt his presence in the house here.

JULIA: Do you think he's followed

the children to Windcliff?


He is not going to let us win, Julia.

He is going to even k*ll the children if he has to.

I am going to go to Windcliff with you.

No, Barnabas.

You have got to stay here and take care of Maggie.

If that vampire could cause me to go to sleep,

then you are the only one that can keep Maggie safe.

I will let you know as soon as I have

anything concrete to tell you.

But if it isn't a medical problem,

what can you really do?

With any luck at all I can stop the fever

from getting any higher.


Maggie, who is doing this to you?

Maggie, who?

I don't know what right I have,

to ask to you help yourself.

I am not very good at helping myself.



Julia told me everything.

Yes, well you certainly have

every right to reproach me.

No, I haven't.

Yes, I saw the vampire in this room.

I could have at least tried to discover who it was.

You couldn't.

Quentin, I want you to go downstairs.

Julia is on her way to Windcliff.

She will let us know if there is any more news.

You stay by the phone and I will stay up here.

You must be exhausted.

We all are, aren't we?

QUENTIN: Yes, but you have been searching all night.

Yes, and I've made a rather interesting discovery.

Rose Cottage.

You have been there?

That is rather an odd reaction, Quentin.

You sound as if you knew where it is.

No, that's ridiculous, how could I?


Well, you go downstairs.

It is the old McGruder place.

Carrie calls it Rose Cottage for one reason or another.

I followed Carolyn there.

QUENTIN: Carolyn?

Well, uh, did you see anyone or anything there?


Should I have?


No, Rose cottage.

Look, I think I will go downstairs

and wait for Julia's call.

Oh, did she say when she was going to call?

When do you expect?

Well, not for a half an hour or so.

Why Quentin?

Is there something else that you want to do?

No, no, of course not.

[dog howling in distance]

BARNABAS:Oh, Maggie.

How often I used to think of you.

How I wanted to make you mine.

And now,

now I know how much suffering I caused you.

[suspenseful music]

Rose cottage.

Of course.

Daphne is there.

[dramatic music]


Daphne, now I know you're here,

so don't hide from me.

And I am not going to leave this house

until you come to me.



May I ask why you disappeared?

Why have you come here?

There is nothing for me at Collinwood.

Daphne, I let you go to the children.

What happened there?

What were you trying to make them do?

Willie told me about the pentagram and the candles.

What were you getting them to do?

Does it have anything to do with why they are now sick?

Yes, they are sick you know?

You promised me that you wouldn't hurt them.

I didn't.

QUENTIN: Then who did?

Oh, don't ask me that.

Daphne, you tell me the name, say the name.

Go back to Collinwood, Quentin.

Leave here, you'll only make things worse.

QUENTIN: How, by being with you?

By asking questions?

- Please, Quentin, please! - No, I won't leave.

I am not going to leave until you tell me

what is going on.

Why have you come here?

What are you going to do?

You know,

I am very foolish,

also vain.

because I thought that the reason that you had come here

was for me.

I see that is not true, is it?

Quentin, if they are sick you must leave.

You must let me think.

Think about what?

About whom?

Daphne, say the name.

About Gerard.


Do you love him?

Is that what all of this is about?


No, I don't believe it.

Not when I see the love in your eyes for me.

You see no love.

Why do you keep denying?

Quentin, I can't explain anything, I told you that.


Are you so terrified of Gerard?

Every moment you stay here, Quentin,

the worse it is for the children.


Believe me, go.


If I believe you,

if I leave,


will I find out what's going on around here?


If you leave me now,

but I must think, I must decide what I must do.


I will help you fight Gerard.

Oh, Quentin, don't say that here.

Why, is he here?

Do you feel his presence in this room?

Go, just go before you make things worse.


Gerard, I sent him away.

I am trying to do what you want me to do.

But Gerard, please don't punish the children!

Not for what I've done.

Oh, Gerard, don't k*ll them.

I'll do anything if you'll just let them live.

I mustn't sleep, I mustn't sleep.

JULIA: Why, why?

What will happen to you if you sleep, what?

Go away.

You're not my doctor.

Dr. Whitaker is my doctor.

He and Gabriel ride,

ride just to see me from the village, on their horses.

JULIA: Who is Gabriel?

You mean you don't know?

There are so many things I don't know.

So many things that you could tell me

if you only would, please.

Go away.

Go away.

Alright, alright, I will go and check on Carrie,

and see how she is, Tad.

You stay here, I'll be back.

[ominous music]

We must.

We must bring Gerard tonight.

[dramatic music]

[door shutting]

QUENTIN: Daphne?

Quentin, are you alone?


DAPHNE: Is there anyone else home?

QUENTIN: Yes, yes come on.

DAPHNE: Quentin, you must help me.

Well, I think I should be much wiser than that,

helping you.

It doesn't seem to help anyone else, anymore.

But you are the only one who can.

Quentin the children will die unless you do.

Can you stop it?

How, By changing them back to David and Hallie?

No, you know I can't do that.

QUENTIN: Well, what can you do?

Quentin, I can't tell you.

Oh, and you really expect me to help you?

You must!

You must take me to Windcliff.

No, that is impossible.

Quentin, I must be alone with them

just for a little while.

Daphne, it is a hospital.

There are doctors and nurses there.

Julia Hoffman is there.

You will be discovered.

We must take that chance.

QUENTIN: No, Julia Hoffman will see you

and she will know who you are.


QUENTIN: She saw you as a ghost.

She will never let you go.

My dear, you are the proof they need.

You are the enemy.

Oh, and you would be too,

because Julia would know you helped me.

Daphne, I am not thinking about myself.

If you are discovered,

if they find out that you are alive,

I will never be able to help you again.

Quentin, we must hurry.


Alright then, I will go by myself.

I am going to save those children's lives, Quentin,

with or without you.


I must get the candles now.

David, what are you doing up?

Now get back into bed.

What, what are you trying to do?

What, tell me.

[dramatic music]

There was a pentagram in your room at Collinwood,

with candles.

Now, Willie told me.

Why, why?

Now tell me, tell me.

Let me get you back into bed here.

[door opens]

What happened?

Well he, he collapsed.

Look, he drew that.

QUENTIN: A pentagram?

JULIA: Quentin, Quentin why are you here?

Has something happened at Collinwood?

No, no, I was just very worried, that's all,

so I came here.

Well, look good.

You stay here with him.

I will go and check, and check Carrie.

Hallie, to see if she is all right.

Usually if one thing happens to one,

the same thing happens to the other.

QUENTIN: Alright.

See if you can find out what's happening.


You are going to be all right, soon.

I knew you'd come.

It's all right.

Will you make me better?


Leave us.


Oh, but you must, Quentin.

QUENTIN: Julia will be back soon.

Just give us time, Quentin.

To do what?

Practice your black magic with the pentagram here?

Quentin, if he lives,

if Carrie lives what difference does it make what we do?

I may have a lot of trouble keeping Julia out of here.

But you will do it, Quentin, you must.

Do you feel well enough to help me?

Are we going to perform the ceremony tonight?

Yes, we must hurry.

But how can we do it without Carrie?

It won't be as easy, but we have to try.

Hold this.

How is she?

Well, the nurse just stopped her from leaving her room.

She kept saying that she had to go and see Tad.

Was there a pentagram in her room?

No, no, but when I told her about it she wasn't surprised.

She thought it was funny.

Well, why don't you take me to see her?

JULIA: I don't think that is a good idea now.

Well, now you know, come to think about it,

I have never questioned her and I really think I should.

JULIA: Well, not tonight.

Julia, Julia.

Barnabas and you when you were in ,

you found David's grave.

David died in .


I think we've got to find some supernatural means

of curing this.

What is it?

Nothing, I just thought I heard something, that's all.

That is ridiculous.

I told you David is sound asleep.

Now look, I think we ought to go back to your office

and phone Stokes.

He may know of some way of battling

this supernatural thing.

It's worth a chance.

Alright, but let me just check on David first.

There's no need.

Quentin, I'm the doctor, now let--


Quentin, what is wrong with you?

I am going into the room!

Now let him alone, Julia.

Let the earth turn in eternal space,

until the candle is touched by the light of his star.


[dramatic music]
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