1105 - September 17, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1105 - September 17, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

NARRATOR:Collinwood in the present time.

Barnabas Collins and Julia Hoffman,

have been searching desperately for a way to head off

a catastrophe destined to destroy the great house.

But so far, they are fighting what seems

to be a losing battle.

On this night, as they continue the search

for the missing children, they are unaware that

still another tragedy has occurred.

One that could cost the life of Maggie Evans.

I'm going up to see Maggie.

Why don't you come up with me and then go to the Old House?

All right.

[ominous music]

Maggie's gone.

Mrs. Johnson!

[wolves howling]

[eerie music]



Do you see her?


I was hoping that she might hear my voice

if she was still on the grounds.

How's Mrs. Johnson?

She's been hit on the back of the head.

It may be a concussion.

We're going to have to take care of her.

I must find Maggie.

I'll take care of her.

She probably shouldn't be moved anyway.

How did she get out of here?

The window was locked inside.

The secret tunnel.

Where does it lead to?

Through the door at the far end of the house.

It leads to a tunnel that goes to the beach.

[spooky music]

CAROLYN: Yes, I understand.

But you know how bright they are.

I was about to come looking for you.

Who were you talking to?

- No one. - I heard you.

You must have imagined it.

Gerard was here, wasn't he?

I have no idea what you're talking about.

But I would like to ask you a question.

Just why didn't you inform the family

that the children are missing?

Well, I meant to.

But I thought I should tell the police first.

CAROLYN: That was not your decision to make.

Now, wait a minute.

How did you know that the children were missing?

That's no concern of yours.

JULIA: Gerard has been here.


You're not making any sense at all.

Carolyn, listen to me.

Something terrible is about to happen here.

Now, you know about it.

Now, what has Gerard told you about it?

I don't know this Gerard you keep talking about.

I've seen him.

He is responsible for the way you're behaving, Carolyn.

I refuse to listen to you any more.

But I suggest you take me to the children immediately.

JULIA: I've no idea where they are.

Oh, yes, you do.

And you'll tell me too.

Because if you don't,

I won't help you and Barnabas find Maggie.

[dramatic music]

Carolyn, Carolyn, do you know where Maggie is?

You won't tell me what I want to know.

Did you see her leave the house?

I had a vision of her.

Where was she?

I don't understand all this concern about Maggie Evans.

Her life is in danger, Carolyn.

I don't really believe that you have second sight

that you've been talking about.

If you did, Carolyn, you wouldn't have had to ask me

where the children were, you'd know.

I tried to have a vision of the children, but I failed.

I don't understand why.

Then you didn't see Maggie either.

CAROLYN: Yes I did!

Where was she?

I can't tell you that.

JULIA: Please, you've got to--

I want to help you, Julia, but I--

JULIA: Carolyn, you've got to!

I can't!

I can't, I can't!

[mysterious music]



Is everything all right here?

Yeah, yeah, Daphne's up in her room.

What's wrong?

Well, go and lock her door and then come with me.

You're gonna leave her alone?

I've no choice.

Maggie has disappeared, and we've got to find her.

Maggie? Well, what's happened to her?

She's been lured away from her room by a vampire.

Oh my God, somebody was--

There's no time for the explanations now.

Now just get out there and search the woods.

But first, go to Collinwood and see Julia.

Find out if she's learned anything from Mrs. Johnson.

Mrs. Johnson? What--

There's no time to discuss it now, now, do as I tell you.

♪ I want to dance with you

♪ Wanna dance my cares away

♪ I'll be so close to you

♪ In your arms

♪ I'll always stay



Oh. Oh, you gave me a start.


What are you laughing about?

Ain't you heard what happened?

I just can't help being amused.

What about?

Julia and Barnabas.

Well, what's so funny about Julia and Barnabas?

They're the ones that are so concerned about Maggie Evans.

And yet, I know more than they do.

Don't you find that amusing?

What is it you know, Carolyn?

Wouldn't you like to know?

You're right, I would.

Now, if you know where Maggie is,

you're gonna tell me, you hear?

You have no right to order me about!

Well, do you or don't you know?

Yes I do!

But why should I help you, or anyone else find Maggie Evans?

After all, she never did belong in this house.

Neither did Barnabas for that matter.

I never did understand that.

I don't even know why I'm here listening to ya.

You don't know what you're sayin'.

You're crazy!

And you don't have the sense to know

the truth when you hear it!

You know what you are, Willie Loomis?

You're stupid!

Stupid, stupid stupid!

And I can prove it!

I can prove you're not smart enough to find Maggie Evans.

Do you hear me?

Yeah, yeah, I hear ya.

Well go on, go on, prove it!

If you really want to find Maggie Evans,

I'll tell you what I'll do.

I'll play a little game with you.

Ain't no time for games--

You won't even listen to what I have to say.

Well, come on, yes. Go on, say it, say it!

Do you like riddles, Willie?

Now, what riddles?

What are you talking about?

I'm gonna give you a riddle,

and if you're smart enough to figure it out,

then you'll find Maggie Evans.

If you're not, you won't.

Now, what could be simpler than that?


Come on, come on, give it to me.

Just give me a minute.

I'll think.

Where the North Woods path is narrow,

you'll be at sixes and sevens.

But look for the H, and follow the arrow,

that points to Maggie Evans.


Do you think you can figure that out, Willie?

I don't even know where to begin.

In the North Woods, stupid!

But, can't you just make it a little clearer?

Then it wouldn't be a riddle.

Anyway, we're doing this to find out how smart,

or stupid you are.


All right, all right.

Riddles, huh?

[wind howling]

Where the North Woods path is narrow.

Okay, so the path is narrow. What do I do now?

You'll be at sixes and sevens.

How am I supposed to figure this out,

I don't even know what it means!

I must be stupid even to have listened to her.

I know she ain't got all her marbles.

What's the matter with me?

Maggie isn't anywhere near here.

I'm just wasting time.

[wolves howling]

Path goes off to the right.

Well, I might as well see where it leads to.

The Eagle Hill Cemetery.

Well, she could be here.

Maybe Carolyn ain't so crazy after all.

Look for the H and follow the arrow.

What H?

What arrow?

It's a big cemetery, I don't know where any stinking,

lousy arrow is!

Oh, what's the use?

I ain't gonna figure it out.

Carolyn didn't mean for me to figure it out,

she was just teasing me.


I'm sorry, I don't know.

I did what I could.

I don't know any more,

I can't do it, I'm sorry, Maggie.


Look for the H, follow the arrow.




Follow the arrow which points to Maggie Evans.

[dramatic music]

[door clattering]

So, this is where he stays during the day.






Left there on the floor to die.

That's what would have happened if Willie hadn't been there.

How is she doing?

She's still very weak.

I think she'll have to have more than one transfusion.

WILLIE: We gotta pull her through this night, Barnabas.

We shall, Willie.

By tomorrow, she'll be all right.

You don't know how much I'd like to have been in that crypt,

and drive the stake into his heart myself.

Why, that's impossible.


Then one of you will have to do it.

There must be someone guarding the crypt, during the day.

Then both of you go.

If only Mrs. Johnson could have seen who att*cked her.

We'll know who it was soon enough.

[wolf howling]

JULIA VOICEOVER: Keep sleeping, Maggie.

It'll be dawn soon.

It'll all be over then.

Then you'll be yourself again.

[eerie music]

It's ready, Barnabas.

- Barnabas, it's almost dawn. - Yes, I know.

You know what you have to do.

Yes, yes, I know.

I only regret that I can't be there to do it myself.

Come Willie, we'd better get started.

[suspenseful music]

[door clattering]

[wind howling]

Looks deserted, Julia.

Yes, but, I'm sure somebody's there guarding the coffin.

[door clattering]

There's nobody here guarding it.

I don't understand it.

Julia, I don't like this.

It must be done, Willie.

Yeah, for Maggie's sake.

For everyone's.

I just keep thinking if this were Barnabas' coffin,

and if we were two other people.

We are not, Willie.

Don't think about that.

Now, get the hammer and the stake.

Who do you think is in there?

Well, if we gotta do it we might as well get it over with.



Oh, no.


[eerie music]
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