1120 - October 8, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1120 - October 8, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR:Collinwood in ,

where Barnabas and Julia have come,

hoping to change history and avert the tragedy

they were unable to prevent in .

On this night, Gabriel Collins forces Gerard

to pour a drink for Quentin's widow, Samantha.

A drink, which will in two hours time end her life.

After that Gerard and the unsuspecting Samantha

leave for the village, and Gabriel feverishly waits

for six o'clock, and Gerard's return, alone.

[clock chiming]

[suspenseful music]

[wheels rattling]

If you tell me that anything went wrong...

GERARD: Nothing went wrong.

Then it's done?

It is done.

GABRIEL: Everything went exactly as planned?

Step by step.

Oh, come in, come in and tell me all about it.

I want all the details, I want every detail.

We first went to the police station,

where Samantha wanted to take care of the business of Ben.

GABRIEL: It didn't happen in front of the police station?

No, it didn't happen there.

Although that would have been quite interesting.

Then we took a stroll over to the bank where we had

a nice little talk with her father for a few minutes.

It happened in the bank?

GERARD: No, Gabriel, it didn't happen there.

Now stop rushing me.

Just forget all the details.

Just get to the end, the end.

I am getting there.

We then went to the courthouse.

What, it happened there?

It happened in the courthouse?

It happened in the courthouse.

GABRIEL: [chuckling] Beautiful, how fitting.

Were there many people there?

No, not too many.

GABRIEL: But there were witnesses?

Yes, there were witnesses.

Oh, splendid, splendid!

Where is the body now?

GERARD: I was just getting to that.

[door clicks]

[ominous music]

Oh, I thought you were here alone.

I take it you've told him then.

I was about ready to, Samantha.

Gabriel, Samantha and I were married this afternoon.

[dramatic music]

[spooky music]


What a surprise, Samantha.

SAMANTHA: I knew it would be a shock to you.

Oh, you don't know how much, does she, Gerard?

SAMANTHA: I know it seems sudden.

GABRIEL: It does, yes, very sudden.

And I don't expect you to understand, Gabriel.

I do, I understand absolutely everything.

SAMANTHA: Since Tad's gone--

What about Quentin?

Are you going to mention him?

Since Tad and Quentin, there's been no one.

GABRIEL: Oh, but now you have someone.

You've got Gerard!


You know you don't mean that, Gabriel.

I do mean my congratulations, Samantha.

Yes, yes, you and Gerard

could not have done me a better favor than you have.

What do you mean by that?

Tell me what you mean by that.

You have more to worry about than what I mean, much more.

Hold me.

Welcome me, Father.

I thought it time I paid you a visit.

Are you comfortable here?

It's time for my dinner, where is Ben Stokes?

Ben won't be bringing your dinner tonight, Father.

Not tonight, nor tomorrow night.

Ben's dead, Father, k*lled by his own hand.


I don't believe it.

He's dead all the same, Father.

The funeral's going to be tomorrow.

Do you think you could attend?

You haven't been to many funerals in many years.

You didn't even go to Mother's.

EDWARD: Get out of here!

I can't, Father.

I can't because I need you too much.

I don't want you here!

I want to grieve for Ben alone.

Why do you hate me so much, Father?

Why was I never the son you wanted?

Was it because I couldn't run like Quentin?

Was it because I couldn't sail off in ships like Quentin?

Stop grieving for Ben, Father!

I'm alive, he's dead!

I'm the only son you've got.

I'm the one, and my children,

my children are your only grandchildren,

and they're the only ones that are going to

carry on the Collins name, you know that.

Quentin and Tad are dead.



GABRIEL: And Samantha married, again.

Oh, yes, yes, Samantha married again this afternoon.


She married Gerard Stiles, so now all of the Collins money

is completely out of the family.

Don't you understand what I'm saying, Father?

Samantha married someone--

EDWARD: I know, he asked me for her hand.


EDWARD: He tried to save Quentin and Tad.

You agreed?

While you sat in this house,

he risked his life for theirs.

GABRIEL: Father, you agreed that he would--

I shall adopt him, I think.

- You're mad, you're mad! - I should have a son.

A son who can sail the ships.

Father, Father, you don't know him the way that I do.

I've had a complete report, I've had him investigated.

He's a smuggler, he's a fortune hunter.

He's probably a m*rder*r.

Father, I have proof-- You're jealous, Gabriel.

You always were, even as a child.

I have a complete dossier on him.

I'll show that to you, then you'll believe me.

You're jealous of his happiness.

So they are married?

Well, someone is happy in this house.


It's time.

It's time.

Poor Ben Stokes.

He couldn't have taken his own life, never.

Will Flora be pleased?

Of course she will, darling.

Will she be jealous of me?

When she reads this,

she will be very happy for both of us.

Only a few hours ago I wrote her a note

telling her about Ben's death.

She'll think we're very callous for not waiting.

Now, Samantha, you must stop thinking

that people are against us.

[suspenseful music]

Ben Stokes dead?

It was as if he tried to decapitate himself.

Why should Ben k*ll himself?

Why in such an insane way would he try

by cutting off his own head?

There's no connection, is there?

They told me to get rid of it.

The Artifice of Anti-Saints.

Master Desmond, read the book and you will know

why the head must be destroyed.


[dramatic music]

Don't be a fool!


GABRIEL: Hello, has the bridegroom left you already?

He's moving his things into my room.


For more insults?

No, for something more important.

For the truth about your husband.

I know the truth.

But I'll wager that you don't know

any of the things that I know about him.

I have no intention of listening to you, Gabriel.

You'd better listen for your own good.

[Samantha laughing]

I've got a complete report on him.

An investigator's report!

Wouldn't you believe what you read?

Well, I see you're still trying.

My wife is a remarkably loyal woman.

I admire loyalty in women.

Her loyalty is going to be tested.

Why don't you just relax,

and accept the fact that it happened?

Because I know you've been scheming,

and plotting, and talking to my father,

and pretending to k*ll Samantha when you wouldn't.

I only went along with you because I was afraid

that you would try to k*ll her yourself.

I saved her life, Gabriel.

I saved her life at very little cost to me.

Well, you just watch what you say.

May I give you a word of advice?

You had better listen to me.

Why don't you just be a good boy from now on?

It'll prove beneficial to you in the future.

Samantha and I may even be a little charitable

on your unfortunate situation.

Let go of my chair!

How's it going?

Desmond, Desmond, just come here, come here.

Desmond, I need your help.

What's wrong, Gabriel? Can I have your help?

Yes, yes. I can't do it myself,

because of these legs.

You'd better explain.

There's been a marriage today.

And we must do something about it.

[dramatic music]

So Samantha married Stiles.

Yes, now don't leave until I come back.

Promise me.

I promise.

I understand you're to be congratulated.

Will you have a glass of champagne?

No, thank you.

I see, you don't approve.

Quentin was my friend.

GERARD: He was mine, too.

I see that we have the same admiration for him.

The storm at sea,

the storm that washed Quentin and Tad overboard,

where were you on the ship when it happened?

I tried to save them.

You tried to save them,

yet you come back and break this house apart.

That is your impression, yours and Gabriel's.

However, Quentin would not want

Samantha going on mourning forever.

Or have you forgotten that, Mr. Collins?

What is it you want me to do?

- Will you help me? - Yes.

Oh, good, go to the bank.

Samantha's father is there.

They're having a board meeting,

but I've said there's an emergency.

I need my safe deposit box.

They'll give it to you and just bring it back here.

DESMOND: What's in it?

You'll see.

Yes, indeed, everyone in this house will see.

Come in, come in, I've been waiting to see you.

I thought you would be, sir.

What an unusual man you are.

Well, I do hope you mean that as a compliment.

Oh, indeed I do.

Coming to see me on your wedding night.

I've been remembering my own wedding night.

It turned out so badly.

Oh, you must have had a good few times, sir.

I don't remember.

I only remember the feeling of relief when it was over.

When she was...

She's dead, you know.

Her ghost sometimes appears.

Oh, not in this room, in other rooms.

In the playroom the last time.

Everyone says I'm mad.

Perhaps they're right.

Well, I don't think you are, sir, not at all.

EDWARD: You mustn't say that before too many people.

They'd lock you up, too.

I'll say a great deal more than that, sir.

Will you come downstairs?

Come downstairs?

GERARD: Join Samantha and me in a glass of champagne.

Do you mean it?

Of course, I do.

No one wants me downstairs.

Well, I do.

No one's wanted me since Quentin left.

How like him you are.

I try to be, sir.

Yes, yes, I will come downstairs.

And I shan't misbehave either.

GERARD: Of course, you won't.

Yes, yes, it's a party.

Parties always brought out my best manners.

I shall be delighted to join in the happy occasion.

Are you expecting someone?

Yes, as a matter of fact,

I'm expecting my wedding present for you.

I'm anxious that it arrive tonight.

[dramatic music]

Knowing how you feel about me, Gabriel,

there's no need for any present.

I hired Gerard to k*ll you, you know.

SAMANTHA: What an incredible thing for you to say.

And he agreed to do it.

SAMANTHA: Oh, Gabriel, you and your lies.

You're as mad as your father is.

You sicken me, Gabriel.

I do?

What do you think you do to me, with your spitefulness

and your deceitfulness, and your tears over Tad?

You're not thinking of him tonight, are you?

I'm always thinking of Tad, always, Gabriel.

But he would not have wanted me to be alone.

EDWARD: Samantha?

SAMANTHA: Father Collins.

Don't be frightened, my dear.

I've just come to kiss the bride.

You don't know what you're doing, Gerard.

You don't know what risk you're taking.

If you were in charge here, I'd be locked in a cell.

We all know that.

How like your mother you are.

Now, now, now, now.

Why don't we sit right over here?

Oh, I think you're going to have

to suffer me a few moments more.

My wedding present has arrived.

SAMANTHA: Hello, Desmond.

I should offer you best wishes, I know.

And I still do, Samantha.

I'm sorry, Father, but you're going to

thank me for behaving the way I did this evening,

after you read what I have in this box.

Right, Gerard?

Are you nervous, Gerard?

Are you trying to figure out a way

to get out of what I know about you?

What all these papers say about you?


GABRIEL: You can leave tonight, right now if you wish.

They'll all understand later.

Because there's something in this box

that's going to incriminate you.

SAMANTHA: There's nothing in the box, Gabriel.

What did you do with it?

GERARD: What are you talking about?

What did you do with all the papers I had in this box?

Papers, what papers?

GABRIEL: Where are they?

You can see the kind of man he is.

- He'll stop at nothing. - Gabriel!

And you married him.

You left Quentin after he was dead six months, for him.

For him!

Stop him, stop him before I do!

- Calm down! - He's got his mother's face!

Calm down, calm down!

Now we're all upset, and I am sorry to be part of it.

Come now, I'll take you to your room.

Yes, just like her.

He'll spoil anything, anything!

I'll let you two be alone with one another.

That should be punishment enough for both of you.

What did he have?

What did he think he had?

Does it matter?

He's mad, isn't he?

Only why did we go to the bank yesterday?

Why did you spend so much time alone with my father?

Do you think I took what was in that box, Samantha?

Do you think your father, the eminent banker, would let me?


Of course not.

Now, darling, we mustn't start off like this.

We have a brand new life ahead of us.

The past is gone, dead, gone forever.

Yes, yes, we will be happy, we will.

I only wish that somehow we could leave here.

I'm afraid this place has too many memories for you.

When I'm with you, I never think of them.

Not even of Quentin?

Not even of him.

[Samantha gasping]

Hello, Samantha, I'm home.

[dramatic music]

[spooky music]
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