1121 - October 11, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1121 - October 11, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[mysterious music]

NARRATOR:Collinwood in ,

where Julia and Barnabas have come,

in an attempt to head off the tragedy

they were unable to prevent in .

It is a fateful night in the great house,

for Gerard Stiles has married Samantha, Quentin's widow,

and Gabriel thwarted at every turn,

has tried to reveal Gerard's past to the family,

but the safety deposit box in which the evidence is kept,

turns out to be empty,

and so the happy couple are ready to start their new life,

unaware that fate has other plans for them.

We're beginning a new life.

The past is gone, dead, gone forever.

Yes, we will be happy, we will.

I only wish we could get out of here.

This house has too many bad memories for you.

When I'm with you, I never think of them.

Not even of Quentin?

Not even of him.

[gasps] Oh!

Samantha, I'm home.

[dramatic music]

[mysterious music]



Is Tad--

He's all right.

Oh no.



-Samantha! -Quentin wait.

SAMANTHA: Tell him, tell him.

-Tell me yourself. -Quentin, listen.

QUENTIN: Oh, so that's how you look forward

-to my homecoming. -Listen,

she thought you were dead, so did we all.

When the boat docked here, I came as soon as I could.

My friend.

I thought that you and Tad had been lost in that storm.

I didn't want to send a stranger here,

I was afraid, so I thought I should come myself.

And so she has been very happy.

GERARD: No, no she grieved.

Oh ho, you call that grief?

I understand your coming to tell her,

I appreciate it very much.

Quentin, how did you escape the sea?

I'll tell you, later.

No wait.

There is something else you don't know.

Well out with it man.

It's hard to explain.

Come on, speak up.

Samantha and I were married this afternoon.

Well didn't you hear what I said?

I said Samantha and I were married.

[Quentin laughs loudly]



[Laughs loudly] It has become a comedy.

I thought when the storm came

it would end up into a great tragedy,

but no, fooled again [chuckles], congratulations.

[mysterious music]


QUENTIN: Samantha.

Quentin, where is Tad, somethings happened.

QUENTIN: He's all right, he's--

-You lied to me. -He's in Boston.

What's he doing there, why didn't you bring him with you?

QUENTIN: Now listen to me.

-Somethings happened, tell me. -Will you listen.

It's just a fever, he got it in Brazil,

and it just keeps reoccurring, but he's all right.

You left him in a hospital.

Why did you leave him in a hospital?

I didn't leave him in a hospital, and he's not alone.

He's with Luke Sims,

the man who saved our lives practically everyday.

Now believe me, honest, he's all right.

SAMANTHA: You must hate me.


SAMANTHA: Don't pretend Quentin.

I never pretend.

All you did was think I was dead,

and I very nearly was.

I can't believe it, why didn't you write?

I did, from Brazil, Chili, the letters didn't get here,

then you can blame the towns I was passing through.

There must've been some way you could've let us know.

Not the way I was traveling.

No money, no friends,

all I could do was try to get through everyday,

get enough food for Tad and myself, that's all.

There was this one night,

I concentrated very hard and tried to reach you.

I thought I did,

I thought that I could make you understand my thoughts.

You always fall back on the occult don't you?

I thought I had reached you, that you knew.

I wanted to believe that so very much.

Oh what are we doing standing here talking like this?

SAMANTHA: What else could we do now?

There's so much you've got to tell me.

So very much.

QUENTIN: Aren't you ready to talk about us?

Are you?

How's father?

Oh Quentin, what am I going to do?

What, tell me what I'm going to do.

You tell me Samatha,

because your the one

who's going to have to make the decision.

[dramatic music]

I have to decide?

You married Gerard, you must have a feeling for him.

But that doesn't mean that I don't have a feeling for you.

I know that.

My decision.

Samantha, you've made a lot of decisions in our marriage.

So have you,

to stay in that room in the basement

with those experiments of yours.

QUENTIN: While you coddled our son.

Coddled him, if I coddled him,

he wouldn't have gone with you.

Well that time I won.

And look at the results, just look at it.

Oh I'm sorry.

Samatha, believe me, I want what is best for you,

but I certainly can't make the decision,

consider our marriage.

Obviously, you have some bitterness.

So do you.

Your decision depends upon

whether you feel like starting over with me,

or starting with him.

He's a good man, he's been a very good friend.

Let him speak for himself, the way I want you to do.

And my dear, just what do you want me to say?

Tell me that you love me Quentin.

You are the mother of my son, I chose you, I love you.

Of course.

Love for you is something I do not understand.

Love is a word that is very much misused.

Not in this house.

You know, I don't understand you,

I'm giving you the chance for you to make your own decision

about your own destiny.

Now that should prove to you

that I do have some feeling for you.

You always want brute force,

and then when you get it, you're always unhappy.

Don't explain me to myself.

Someone needs to.

So you're leaving.

I'm going to Boston to be with Tad.

And the decision is postponed.

I can think of no one but Tad.

Now look, if you're going to leave,

I do think it's better

that you start in the morning, it's safer.

No tonight, I must go tonight.

All right, then I'll get you a carriage.

Then I'll go see father.

You can't, he's not well, worse than he was.

We had to keep him up in the tower room.

He seems all right, then suddenly he goes mad.

His heart is worse,

he's only recently got used to the fact that your dead.

Quentin if he sees you now, it could k*ll him.

Ben Stokes will know how to deal with it.

Quentin, so much has happened.

So much that you don't know.

Ben Stokes k*lled himself.

[dramatic music]

[mysterious music]

[door thuds]

UNDERTAKER: May I be of service sir.

Yes I come to view the body of Ben Stokes.

I'm sorry,

but there is no viewing of the bodies after dusk,

it is a rule.

But one that must be broken.

It can not sir.

It must, I have no other time to come.

My dear sir, please lower your voice,

we are conducting a special service

for another dear departed this evening.

The services for Ben Stokes

will be tomorrow at four o'clock.

But I'll be out of town, I must see him now.

UNDERTAKER: Are you a relative?

Barnabas Collins, at you service.

Barnabas Collins, I've waited a long time to meet you.

My name is Trask, is that familiar to you?

Should it be?

Your father Barnabas Collins knew my late father,

the Reverend Trask in seventeen hundred and ninety-six.

My father was an emissary of the Almighty,

sent to strike the cloven hoof

from this poor retched village.

And was he successful?

I don't believe my father ever thought of Collinsport

of being particularly sinful.

Indeed sir, he did not.

I'm afraid Mr. Collins,

your father was blind to the devils work.

The Reverend Trask was a martyr to his cause.

He disappeared,

and only the Almighty knows where his bones rest,

but someday, I shall find out.

Be that as it may, I want to see Ben Stokes.

You must know that he was a faithful friend to my father.

Now take me to him at once.

I will show you more courtesy

than your father ever showed mine sir.

Dear friend,

I can't believe you would have k*lled yourself.

There is no doubt of that, Mr. Collins.

Isn't there?

In all my days of preparing souls to meet their maker,

I have never seen anything like it.

What do you mean?

It was as if he tried to cut off his own head.

The devil spoke to him in a loud voice.

He wouldn't have listened.

You seem to know him so well

for one who has been in the village such a short time.

My father often spoke of him.

Evidently, but you may cease you doubts about his death.

I was brought to the body as it lay in the woods,

the knife was still in his hand.

Who discovered the body?

TRASK: Why a certain Gerard Stiles.

Why of course, you must know him.

Yes indeed I do.

A most earnest and heroic young man,

although I must admit to a certain disappointment in him.

Oh, why?

Oh I am not one given to gossip Mr. Collins.

I'm sure of that,

but please do give me your opinion

of why you say that about him.

It is not for me to judge a fellow mortal,

I leave that to a higher authority.

And quite rightly.

The Almighty works in mysterious ways,

perhaps this is one of them.

Although it does seem a bit callous

for him to discover this body,

and marry in the same afternoon.

[dramatic music]

You are quite right on going to Boston,

and being with your son.

Am I?

Oh Gerard, I want someone to tell me what to do.

No, no, let me touch you.


I have the right.

The right, that's not what I wanted to say.

Samantha, I will have our marriage annulled.

Why can't I even say that with conviction?

But you don't want to hear how I feel.

SAMANTHA: I know how I want you to feel Gerard.

Trapped in a cage, unable to move.

This afternoon, this evening,

the first time in my life I felt my love and yours.

What happened to those psychics, psychics?

Why didn't I have a premonition that through that door

the one thing that would ruin my life,

and everything I wanted would come?


Oh Samantha, don't cry.

I can't bare it when you cry.

Gerard, there's someone there.

Someone's watching us.

[dramatic music]

GERARD: Who is it?

[dramatic music]

Are you sure you saw someone?

I thought so.

A man or a woman?

I don't know, something shadowy, oh Gerard.

I must go and pack.

Yes, and you must ah,

you must let me see you before you leave.

SAMANTHA: I can think of no one but Tad.

[mysterious music]

[door thuds]

GERARD: Mr. Collins.

Did you by the chance see anyone on your way over here?

No why, is something wrong?

GERARD: Samantha thought she saw somebody

through the window, that's all.

I must congratulate you Mr. Stiles.

Thank you, but I'm afraid the congratulations

are a bit premature.


I don't really wish to discuss it further.

Of course.

[ominous music]

I just came from viewing the body of Ben Stokes.

GERARD: Most regrettable business.

Yes, did you know him well?

Well we lived in the same house for several months.

But had you had much actual contact with him?

No more, no less than anyone else.

Why all these questions?

Well you discovered the body.

By chance.

I see, how long do you think the body had been dead?

Well I don't know Mr. Collins, I'm not the county coroner.

Now why are you asking all these questions?

I don't believe that Ben Stokes committed su1c1de.

Are you accusing me then?

Be careful because I am not in the mood.

If you have any reason to believe that Ben Stokes

would have k*lled himself I wish you'd let me know.

That's all I meant.

Is it?

Your concern over a gentleman that you just met

is a bit excessive, isn't it?

He was a wise old man, I respected his wisdom.

Hmm, I find your relationship rather strange,

it's as almost as though you've known each other for years.

You know that wasn't possible.

My father knew him well.

I wished I had seen more of him.

Yes, I do too.

That way you would have found out

that he gave in quite a bit to depressions,

because of his health and his age.

If you'll excuse me.

[mysterious music]

BARNABAS: Quentin!

[dramatic music]

Well now, I recognize you,

because you so resemble your father's portrait.

But eh, how do you know me?

[dramatic music]

I eh, don't remember our having met before.

Well I saw a drawing of you upstairs,

the one done by Ben Stokes granddaughter.

It bares a remarkable resemblance to you,

but I'm so astonished to see you, I thought--

You thought I was dead,

but I'm going to have to put a notice

in the village newspaper

announcing my miraculous survival.

Well I'm sure that you two must have much to talk about.

Well uh, certainly you'll stay cousin,

if I may call you cousin.

After all, we could certainly use

an impartial third party here tonight.

GERARD: Quentin--

Ah Gerard, this is my house,

we shall do as I think is best.

After all, we do have a rather scandalous

and idiotic situation here,

Wouldn't you agree cousin Barnabas?

Well a rather unfortunate one.

Well Gerard and I have been through a lot together.

Quentin, I'm leaving this house.

Not before the good woman

has a chance to make up her mind

as to what she's going to do with her own life.

Do you mean that?

I shall make no demands on her.

And I shan't either.

I will leave tomorrow morning and go to the inn,

or perhaps to Rose Cottage.

Flora Collins often invited me there,

and whatever decision Samantha makes, I will stay with her.

[chuckles] Well I must say

that we have handled this situation like gentlemen.

Oh Quentin.


You are the most important friend I have,

you must believe that.

It is with the greatest difficulty

that I must say this one thing,

whatever the decision Samantha makes,

I have lost a friend.

Don't trust him too much.

You make quick character readings cousin.

I speak frankly because I think the situation demands it.

I've know the man longer than you have,

after all, I have sailed around the world with him.

Oh my dear, you're already I see,

and I shall see you to the carriage.

BARNABAS: I hope that you'll find you son better.

Thank you, goodbye cousin.

BARNABAS: Goodbye.

Ah, you wish to say goodbye to Gerard?

SAMANTHA: No, I don't have time.

[ominous music]

Mr. Collins, do you have psychic gifts?

No, why would you ask that?

Well, you seem rather comfortable here,

and you know so much.

Well my family has made me that way.

I see, but tell me,

I didn't know that Ben Stokes granddaughter was an artist.

Does she have a great deal of talent.

For a child, yes.

I see, well maybe I ought to have her

draw something for me.

Well eh, Samantha has gone.

GERARD: And may she have a pleasant trip.

Now I must say good night to the both of you.

Good night.

And eh, certainly you're going to stay here with us.

No, my sister is, but I'm quite comfortable

at the inn for the moment.

Ah Samantha told me

that father gave you the use of the old house.

I certainly don't envy your repairing it.

BARNABAS: I'll enjoy doing it.

I'll see you in the morning.

Unfortunately I won't be in the morning, I'm out of town.

I regret that I'll be unable to attend Ben Stoke's funeral.

QUENTIN: Yes, good night.

Good night.

[mysterious music]

who's that?

Who is it?


[dramatic music]

[mysterious music]
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