1126 - October 18, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1126 - October 18, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR:Collinwood in ,

and Barnabas and Julia have arrived

in an attempt to change what will happen in .

But there is a drama being enacted

of which they know nothing.

Where Desmond Collins is the possessor

of a strange, legendary head.

A head cut from its body centuries ago

to stop the evil it caused.

The head, still alive,

demands that Desmond find its body

so that it can regain all its powers.

And following the dying words of an aged man,

Desmond starts his search.

[loud thunder] [ominous music]

The noose on Gallows Hill.

I'm in direct line with it.

Now if Gabriel is right,

I just keep walking until I come to the unmarked stone.

[ominous music]

The unmarked stone!

And the ring!

But what about the stairs?


[whimsical chimes]

[eerie music]



I've got to get help.

[loud thunder]


[heavy scraping]

Why couldn't Leticia see which one of us

Samantha would choose?


Trying to read your own future?

I see nothing but happiness.

I certainly hope that's true.

Who could deny me anything?

A woman with a husband and a child.

Dear Gerard, do you love her so much?

But Samantha must remain with Quentin.

Yes, you must be prepared for it.

But of course you'll stay on here with us, won't you?

After Samantha tells you her choice.

Flora, your son resents me being in this house.

FLORA: Nonsense.

No, I'm not imagining it.

Desmond does not like me here.

I will speak with him, don't worry.

I can handle Desmond.

Thank you so much.

[throat clearing]

I beg your pardon.

FLORA: Oh, Mr. Trask.

Has someone died?

You do look so mournful.

If I do, Mrs. Collins, it is because I am under

considerable stress.

Oh well, I'm sorry to hear that.

In this house we always combat stress with levity.

What can I do for you?

I must speak with Leticia Faye.

She's resting, I think.

Wake her, if you will. It is most important.

FLORA: Well I didn't know you'd even met.

Yes, indeed, a most fateful meeting.

She has changed my life.

She has opened a new door for me,

a door to the hidden past.

I must find out what is through that door,

and only she can tell me.

[suspenseful music]

Leticia opened a new door for you.

Gerard, did you hear?

She never even told us.

Oh, do you know each other?

This is Gerard Stiles.

Lamar Trask from the Trask Memorial Chapel.

At your service, sir.

Well, I hope not yet, please, thank you.

Would you give Ms. Faye my message, please?

Oh, of course.

You are responsible for bringing Ms. Faye

to this establishment, aren't you?

Yes. Yes, I am.

She has many powers.

Powers which should be used for the good of man.

Well, I'm sure that she would agree with you there, sir.

Do you know if Barnabas Collins

has talked to her recently?

GERARD: Why would he?

There are many things, perhaps,

that Barnabas Collins does not want brought to light.

He might try to dissuade her

from doing what she should consider her duty.

My father's last remains must be found.

You seem a good judge of character, Mr. Stiles.

What is your opinion of Barnabas Collins?

I have made none, sir.

You are in an excellent position

to find out much about him.

Only if it is worth my while.

It can be.

You have a simplicity, sir, that I admire.

Then we do understand each other.

I do find Barnabas Collins quite odd.

There are certain questions that lie unanswered about him.

I can answer one of them for you.

He told me he came from England on a certain boat,

but there is no Barnabas Collins on the passenger list.

Now, why did he lie?

I have no idea.

However, I could guess for you.

I am not interested in guesses.

Facts are what I pay for.

Then I shall go out, sir, and get the facts.

Mr. Trask.

Dear Leticia isn't in her room.

I do hope she didn't go out in that storm.

Well, I am surprised she has gone out at all,

considering the vicious att*cks in the village.

Now, Flora, you mustn't worry.

Leticia is quite innocent.

There is no harm that can come to her.

Yes, I tend to agree with you.

Our maker looks after those whose eyes are as his own.

Would it be inconvenient if I waited?

Well, not at all.

You two shall have tea, and I shall have a brandy.



Wake up, Tim!

Do you know what this is?


Ah, you've still got your faculties, good.

Do ya want this, Tim?

Do ya?

What do you want me to do?

[suspenseful music]

That's right, Tim, dollars.

But what I want you to do

you may not like.

You want somebody beat up, that it?


You Collinses ain't got no reason

to want me to steal anything.

This is an errand of mercy, Tim.

TIM: Just lay it out. I'll do it.

Ah! Come on.

I got to know what it is.

Hey, no questions now or afterwards.

Now, if you're gonna do this, Tim,

you'll never be able to tell anyone.

You game?

Maybe I better have another drink first.

Oh, no, I want you sober for this.

You don't need any more.

I say I do!

You want me to come with you,

you better buy it for me.


Just one now, that's all.


Where do we have to go to do this?

The Gallows Hill Cemetery right near the town of Bedford.

An errand, huh?

An errand of mercy,

in a cemetery that ain't been used in centuries?

I told you before, no questions.

I thought I could trust ya.

You can.

You can.

Then come on.

Where could Ms. Faye have gone?

The dear child has no sense of time.

Well, fortunately, she has other

far more important senses.

Well, I am glad to see that she

has made a convert out of you, Mr. Trask.

A convert?

GERARD: Mmm-hmm.

Hardly a word I would choose, sir.

She is merely aiding me to

implement our maker's will.

That sounds so fascinating.

Whatever did she do for you?

She had a vision.

My late father,

an esteemed man of the cloth, disappeared in .

He was last seen as he entered the gates of Collinwood.

I am convinced he was the victim of foul play.

Ms. Faye corroborated my opinion.

When I asked her to locate my father's last remains,

she had a vision of the Old House.

But that is when the original Barnabas

lived there, wasn't it?

Before the main house was built?

Yes, that's true, but I don't think...

I do think he had something to do with it.

You don't think he had anything to do with it.

What I think is my business.

But I've always been told that he was a very gentle man.

Why, even Daniel himself told me that the original Barnabas

was remarkably like his son.

Well, then I feel that I must warn you

to beware of Barnabas Collins,

for he is here for a reason.

What it is, I know not.

But when I went to the Old House,

following Ms. Faye's vision,

he refused to let me search

though he knew I wanted nothing more

than my father's earthly remains.

I can't imagine why he would object to your finding them.

He has a reason.

Unknown, but it exists.

There is no reason for it to be unknown.

Not at all.

If you would like to speak with the spirit of

your father, Mr. Trask,

I can perform a seance.

That's a marvelous idea, of course we'll do it.

But what do you know of such things?

Well, I have sat with Leticia for many, many times.

I am quite well-versed in the ritual.

Believe me, this mystery interests me as

much as it does you.

Listen, maybe this ain't a good idea.

You're not scared, are ya, Tim?

You won't tell me what we're doin'.

This ain't like you, Desmond.

I've changed, Tim.


[heavy scraping]

What's that?!

What's happening?

DESMOND: Go down the stairs and see.

Into a grave?

It's not just a grave, Tim.

You just come on down the stairs and see for yourself.

TIM: I didn't sober up enough.

I ain't seein' this, it ain't real.

DESMOND: Oh, it's real, Tim.

It sure is.

Why would anybody build all this here?

I told ya back at the bar, no questions!

Now we've got to get that coffin back to my house.

Well, we can't carry it.

It's just too far, we'll be seen.

How are we gonna explain

carryin' a coffin around?

I'm on my way now to the livery stable.

I've already hired a cart.

But we've got to get that cross off that coffin first.

Now you start.

You're gonna leave me?

Well, you've got nerve to do anything, haven't ya, Tim?


Right, and nothin's going to happen to ya here.

I'll be back soon.

You aren't gonna run out on me, are ya, Tim?

I said I'd do it and I will.

All right.

[ominous music]



This must be worth a fortune.

If I could just get my hands on it.

[loud thunder]

Reverend Trask.

Reverend Trask.

Is your spirit at rest?

There is a person here who wishes to speak to you.

It is your son, Lamar.

He has come here to speak with you

and to avenge your death.

Speak to us, Reverend Trask.

Speak and show us the way to your grave.

Speak so that justice can be done.


NARRATOR: Justice.



If you are here,

appear to us now.




In this room.

LAMAR: Where, Father, tell us!

Yes, tell us.

NARRATOR: I can feel evil.

You are surrounded by evil.

Father, who m*rder*d you?

Name him for me.

Tell me what I must know.

NARRATOR: The cross.

The cross.

Beware the cross.


[howling winds]


[glass crashing]

No, no.

The circle must not be broken.

If you are here, show yourself!

NARRATOR: Evil is joining evil.

Evil will walk again.

Evil will walk again now!

[loud bang]

We have learned no more this evening.

Whatever evil he was talking about,

he didn't want the seance to continue.

It is finished.

But what is starting?

[suspenseful music]

A fortune.

A fortune.

And it's all mine!

My god!

There's no head!

I tell you, we must continue.

We must discover the evil!

I'm sorry, it's all over.

It is too late.

We must try, we must.

A fortune.

And it's all mine.

[fast paced music]



[loud thunder]

[eerie music]
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