1128 - October 20, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1128 - October 20, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

NARRATOR:Collinwood in the year .

Barnabas Collins and Julia Hoffman

have come to this time on a dangerous mission,

to change history and thereby avert the destruction

of the great estate in the year .

They have discovered, however, that events in this time

are mysteriously different

from what they'd expected to find.

On this night, three people will come to serious conflict

over a strange marital situation

and the repercussions will bring about a violent crisis.

[suspenseful music]

You look tired, Quentin.

Very kind of you to notice.

I guess I notice everything about you.

You've, uh, you've made up your mind then?

Is that why Gerard is here?

Yes, I know with whom I must spend the rest of my life.

[dramatic music]

[Dark Shadows Theme]

[suspenseful music]

I thought I had myself so well prepared

for this, but now...

Now what, Samantha?

I find I can't face the two of you together.

Well, why don't you speak to each of us separately?

Thank you, Quentin.

I would like to speak to Gerard alone for a moment.

I understand.

I'll be upstairs waiting in our bedroom.

[suspenseful music]

This has been the most painful and difficult decision

I've ever had to make.

Well, I'm quite aware of that fact.

I don't envy the choice that you have to make.

I decided what I had to decide.

Yes, I believe that's true.

I think you knew from the beginning, didn't you?


Because I did.

It was only a matter of facing up to

the realities of the situation.

Well, it's done.

You mustn't regret what you've done.

We've actually known each other for such a little time.

I feel as if I've known you all my life.

Nevertheless, I feel very strongly

that a woman must stay true to her first love.

SAMANTHA: Yes, I believe that too.

That's why I've chosen you, Gerard.

[dramatic music]

You've chosen me?

SAMANTHA: Gerard, you thought I had decided on Quentin!

Well, yes, yes, I did.

And you were ready to bow gracefully out of my life?

Yes, I, I was expecting the worst.

Oh, darling, I could never have sent you away.

You are my own love and my first love.

You're not unhappy about this, are you?

No, of course not.

What gave you that idea?

I don't know, I guess I expected

a more demonstrative reaction from you.

No, no, I was only thinking of you, your family.

Samantha, do you really think

that you've made the right choice?

I've never been more certain about anything in my life.

If I had decided the other way,

I would have still gone on loving you.

Even if I had been miserable for it

for the rest of my life.

I should go and speak to Quentin.

Yes, and I will go back to Rose Cottage

and await until I hear from you.

Until I see you there.

I'll miss you very much.

[suspenseful music]

Oh, Gerard, I'm going to make you so happy.

Yes, yes, I know you will.

[suspenseful music]

[Laughing] Aren't you glad you didn't

make that little wager, Gerard?

I told you what her reaction would be,

what her decision would be, didn't I?

And I was right.

All right, you needn't answer, Gerard.

The answer is right there on your face.

If you are here to gloat over me,

you are wasting your time.

No, no, no, I'm just a little curious to know

what you're going to do.

I know you're going to try and worm your way out of this.

But how, Gerard?

That's the fascinating question,

because Samantha is just as devious

and clever as you are.

I will tell you once, like I've already told you, Gabriel,

Samantha and I are very much in love.

GABRIEL: Well, I'm very deeply touched, Gerard.

But if that's true, why were you

the picture of doom when I came in?

Your brother Quentin, he and I are the best of friends,

I'm at a loss to think that the suffering

he must be going through.

What suffering, what loss?

As far as I'm concerned,

my brother Quentin is the winner.

You're the loser, my friend.

That's the beauty of it all,

you and Samantha together for the rest of your life.

It's marvelous.

Get out of here!

GABRIEL: Are you forgetting where you are, Mr. Stiles?

You don't leave here.

You don't own this house and you never will.

You're going to leave!

With pleasure!

Oh, incidentally, Mr. Stiles,

I still have that arsenic you obtained for me.

Just in case you're planning to give Samantha

some wedding present.

[suspenseful music] [laughing]

[wind howling]

[door closing]

I just saw Gerard leaving.

He looked very grim.

He's very concerned about you.

About me?


What is it you want to say to me?

Quentin, I want my freedom.

I've chosen Gerard.

[dramatic music]

Please say something.

I'm having a little difficulty believing what I heard.

I told you as plainly and as honestly as I could.

I know, I know.

I just wasn't quite prepared for it.

Yes, you were, Quentin.

You've always taken me for granted.

I was convinced there was only one choice open to you.

Then why did you leave the decision to me?

I just thought it was the proper thing to do

under the circumstances.

Quentin, our life hasn't been right for years.

We both know that.

Samantha, listen to me, I have tried to be good to you.

Being good just isn't enough.

You have everything you could ever want in this house.

Except love and happiness!

Just how many people do you know have that?

SAMANTHA: Quentin, this is my chance to get it.

I must take it.

Samantha, have you forgotten that four years ago

I also had the chance for happiness

and you denied me that opportunity?

I haven't lost sight about what happened four years ago.

Even though I didn't give you freedom to go

with another woman, I was grateful for you honesty.

I told you that then.

I don't think I understood what you were going through

but I do now, believe me, I do.

Do you love Gerard?

SAMANTHA: Very much.

Does he love you?


Please try to understand.

Don't hate me.

No, no, I don't hate you.

I know that I haven't made your life very happy,

but I thought that somehow you would want to go on,

as I do, for Tad's sake.

I must be with the man I love.

All right, suppose I give you your freedom

and then some time in the future you discover

that you were wrong, then what?

Quentin, I know I'm right in my mind and in my heart.

Then there's no point in discussing it any further.

Is there?

No, there isn't.

Please give me your answer.

Are you in such a hurry?

All right, I'll talk to my attorneys tomorrow.

Oh, thank you, Quentin.

I'm sorry.

I guess there's nothing more to say.

No, no, there's nothing more to say.

I'll go and speak to Tad.

I'll have Hortense get him ready.

Get him ready for what?

SAMANTHA: Well, I'm taking him with me.

You're not going to do any such thing, my dear!

[door slamming]

You're insane, Quentin.

He belongs with me.

Tad belongs here in this house with me.

He belongs at Collinwood!

SAMANTHA: But I wouldn't leave this house without my son!

Then I guess you're not going to leave this house.

SAMANTHA: Quentin, please be reasonable.

Be reasonable?

You want to take the one person who means more to me

than anyone else in this world and you're asking me

to be reasonable.

What is that supposed to mean,

that I don't love him?

Tad has been my whole life, my whole reason for living.

You tried to keep him away from me

by taking him away for months on end!

He's always gone with me by choice.

I demand that you give me my son.

It's my right as his mother.

Samantha, he's my son just as he is yours.

That's not true!

[dramatic music]

What do you mean that's not true?

I meant what I said.

You're not Tad's real father.

[dramatic music]

Just what are you talking about?

I never meant for you to know that,

but you gave me no choice just now.

Tad is not a Collins.

He's not your son.

QUENTIN: I never quite thought

that you would stoop this low.

You mean you don't believe me?

That's right, I don't believe it!

You're used to having everything your own way

that you'd resort to anything.

Do you think I'd made something like this up

just to have my own way?

It's true, he's not your son!

Well, if I'm not his father, than who is?

SAMANTHA: I have no intention of telling you.

Now, you're going to tell me who it is!

No, you'll never know!

You're lying.

He's mine!

He's not! He's not!

There was someone else, someone you don't know about,

and he's Tad's real father!

[dramatic music]

All right, Samantha.

As far as I'm concerned you can go

anywhere you please any time.

What about Tad?

Tad, I'm telling you for the last time,

is staying in this house with me.

I love him and he loves me,

and I'll do anything in my power to make sure

that he stays here with me!

And if you dare say one word what you have

just now told me, I'll k*ll you.

So help me, God, I'll k*ll you.

[suspenseful music]

My, my, my, he has a terrible temper, doesn't he?

Don't tell me the reason Samantha, I think I know.

I think you went upstairs under the assumption

that Quentin would be destroyed by your decision,

but he wasn't, no, he reacted quite calmly.

So now you are absolutely furious.

Well, Gabriel, as usual you are wrong.

I just told Quentin what I had decided.

He refused to grant what I had decided.

He's refused me!

He's refused?

SAMANTHA: Yes, he's refused me my freedom.

Does that surprise you so much?

You're lying.

Ah, what a pity,

I've undone all your preconceived notions.

Hortense, I want to see you in the drawing room immediately.

Yes, ma'am.

Well, we finally have something in common, don't we?

We're both destined to rot in this house.

[doors slamming]

Hortense, where is Tad?

Upstairs in his room.

Now, listen carefully to me.

I am going to be leaving Collinwood.

Leaving? Leaving, ma'am?

But you just told Mr. Gabriel...

I told Mr. Gabriel what I wanted him to hear.

I am going and I am taking Tad with me.

I want you to go and pack his clothes.

You must do it secretly, do you understand?

Do you mean you're taking the boy

without Mr. Quentin's knowing?

That's exactly what I mean.

Tonight at o'clock I want you to go to Tad

and tell him that I will be at Rose Cottage.

Do you understand?

And I will go there sooner,

and I will wait for you to bring him to me.

But Miss Samantha, suppose I get caught?

Hortense, I've always been very kind to you.

Miss Samantha, no one has been

as good to me as you have, but ...

Please stop worrying and do as I say.

I want you to bring Tad to me as soon as it's dark.

[dramatic music]

[suspenseful music]

What do you want, Gabriel?

I'm here to do you a favor, Quentin, a very big favor.

What are you talking about?

There is intrigue in the palace, old boy.

Someone is plotting to abduct the crown prince.

Will you please speak plain English?

GABRIEL: All right.

Samantha is going to take your son away from you, Quentin,

at o'clock tonight.

How do you know that?

Because I overheard them talking.

Hortense is getting his things.

They're leaving just after dark.

[dramatic music]

[clock chiming]


Good evening, Mr. Quentin.

Where are you going, Hortense?

Just, just upstairs.

To do what?

Look over some of Tad's school things.

He's had so much catching up to do, you know.

Yes, yes, I know.


And I also know that you're a lying little sneak!

Please, Mr. Quentin, let me go!

You're going to tell me what you were

going to do with Tad.

I don't know what you're talking about!

You're lying to me and don't deny it!

I know that you and Samantha

were planning to do something and I know what it is!

Mr. Quentin, you're hurting my arm!

You're lucky I'm not breaking your neck!

Now you tell Samantha, wherever she is,

that Tad is going to stay in this house with me!

And you tell her that I'm going to do everything I can

to make sure that she never sets eyes on him again!

And while you're at it, you pack your bags

and get out of here because you're through!

[door slamming]

[dramatic music]


[suspenseful music]


[Dark Shadows Theme]
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