1133 - October 29, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1133 - October 29, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

NARRATOR: A new danger is soon to be let loose

upon the great house of Collinwood in .

Leticia and Julia,

under the influence of the evil head of Judah Zachary,

make secret preparations to join the head to the body.

But, others around them are oblivious to this new threat,

for they are caught up in their own hidden dramas.

Barnabas is distracted by the return of Angelique,

and Quentin by the appearance of a mysterious letter

from a lost love he knows is dead.

Another note!

From Joanna and it is her writing.

Now who left it for me?

[suspenseful music] [paper crinkling]

We said it was over, that we had no chance for happiness,

that your wife would never allow

what we both wanted so much.

But for so long now, I have asked, ached to see you,

to hear your voice, to feel the touch of your hand.

Now, I will again.

This time, we will not let your wife ruin it for us.

This time, we will be together.

Oh, my darling, we've been given a second chance.

But she's dead!

She can't be dead, she can't be, it's got to be a mistake.

But, Mrs. Purdy said she was.

But, she can't be, how could I have this here, how?

[eerie flute music]

[waves crashing]

[spooky violin and flute music]

[quizzical flute music]

Am I disturbing you, Mr. Collins?

I had hoped to find you at home,

but I was afraid I would not.

I had intended to come earlier,

but poor Mrs. Waddleford has been called

to the great beyond, and my services were needed.

Mr. Trask, you sometimes work at Roxbury, don't you?

Yes, I do, my professional reputation is

not limited to Collinsport.

Yes, tell me, did you ever perform services

for a woman named Joanna Mills?

Mills, Mills.

That's not an unusual name.

QUENTIN: Well, it was within the last year.

- Yes, there was a Mills. - Yes.

Frank, yes.

He was k*lled in an accident near Corner's Bend.

It was a most unusual accident.

QUENTIN: Now, listen, I'm really not interested

in Frank Mills.

BOTH: Joanna Mills.

No, I think not.

But, actually, I did not come here to discuss the dead,

but, rather, the living.

Well, I'm afraid I cannot give you

too much time tonight, Mr. Trask.

Well, perhaps you will change your mind

when you hear what I have discovered.

As you may or may not know, Mr. Collins,

I am most interested in the original Barnabas Collins,

for I'm convinced that he had something to do

with the disappearance of my late father.

What makes you think he's not still alive?

I have spoken with my father from beyond the grave.

Yes, Mr. Collins.

His death will be revenged.

What, uh, what does this obsession have to do with me?

I am leaving no stone unturned

to find out what actually happened on this estate in .

Mr. Collins, I am afraid

that my news may discredit some members of your family.

It seems that there is no record of the death

of a Barnabas Collins in London in ,

the year given me by his daughter Julia.

Then he died somewhere else.

She specifically said London.

She was wrong, obviously.

You're a very trusting man, Mr. Collins.

Too trusting, perhaps.

For example, would it interest you to know

that there is no record of the present Barnabas Collins

owning a house in Cadogan Square?

Obviously, he sold it because he has no intention

of going back to England.

You won't even admit to the possibility

that the man may be an impostor?

[laughs] Well if so, he looks amazingly like his father,

as you can see from the portrait

that we just took out of Stokes' room and hung in the foyer.

Yes, he looks almost too much like his father.

Mr. Trask, I have no idea what you mean by that,

and as fascinating as I find all of this,

I am also disturbed by the idea

that I think that this all has something to do

with the rivalry between you and Barnabas

for the hand of Miss Roxanne Drew.

Whatever research I am doing is in behalf of a great

and illustrious family, your own,

and I am perfectly capable of handling

my own relations with Miss Drew.

I am very glad to find that out.

Now, I have to go.

Oh, and can I walk you to your carriage?

No, as a matteroffact,

I should like to speak with your dear wife.

I will let the servants know

and they can tell her immediately

that you are waiting here, Mr. Trask.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

[sparse percussion and flute music]

TRASK: Oh, oh, do we know each other?

Oh, you certainly do resemble someone I used to know.

TRASK: Indeed, I'm Lamar Trask.

Well, I am pleased to meet you.

I'm Valerie Collins.

Valerie Collins?

Another new member of this ever increasing family,

I wonder we've not met before.

Well, you've probably met my husband, Barnabas.

Barnabas Collins!


You're married to Barnabas Collins?

Good heavens I had no idea that

That he was married?

No one did, it seems.

My poor girl, I

I'm, I'm sorry, please,

I shouldn't have said that.

It's just difficult for me sometimes,

I hope you'll forgive me.

Yes, of course.

I have just remembered

a most urgent business appointment in the village.

I wonder if you might tell Mrs. Samantha Collins

that I'm sorry I could not wait.

VALERIE: Yes, of course, Mr. Trask.

Mrs. Collins, you can't imagine

what a great pleasure it has been for me to meet you.

[door shutting]

[mysterious music] [birds warbling]

Joanna Mills born January st. .

Died November , .

The candle burned brightly, then died.

Then, it's true, she's dead.

How, how? [paper crinkling]

How can you be leaving, my dear Roxanne,

when I have just arrived?

Well, I didn't expect you.

I promised Samantha I would spend the evening with her.

At Collinwood?

Of course.

Does Barnabas Collins know you will be there?

ROXANNE: I have no idea, Lamar.

You've been seeing him?

He's been very kind to me.

Has he, has he indeed?

Wait 'til you hear how kind he has actually been.

ROXANNE: What are you talking about?

His secret life.

And, have you invented one for him?

I did not have to go to that trouble, my dear.

No, it seems that all the while he was smiling at you,

he was concealing one very important fact about himself.

He's married, I have just met his wife.

[discordant piano music]

I don't believe you.

Barnabas Collins is not married.

LAMAR: Oh, but if you could have seen

the anguish in his dear wife's eyes.

It seems he neglected to tell anyone of his status.

I told you, when you first met that man,

there is evil in his face.

I don't need a lecture on the subject, Lamar,

but why don't you tell Father about it?

I'm sure you want to.

Goodnight, Lamar.

Roxanne, you're not still going there?

Samantha expects me.

Roxanne, Roxanne, you can't leave now, Roxanne!

[moody piano and flute music]

[eerie violin music]

[door closing]

You've come to call.

On Quentin.

You'll have to settle for me.

You and I still have a great deal to discuss, Barnabas.

I think we said everything to each other,

everything that we can.

No, you still haven't told me

about my new sisterinlaw, Julia.

[ominous music]

I never knew I had such a close relation.

I knew you had a sister, uh,

Sarah, but she's dead, remember?

You caused her death.

I will never forget it.

Perhaps I shall be equally kind to Julia.

BARNABAS: Angelique!

Valerie, please, Barnabas.

You mustn't give me away.

You'll give yourself away, as well.

I'm quite aware of that.

So, you have found yourself a sister?

Where did you find her, in the woods?

Make up any story that will satisfy you.

Well, nothing will satisfy me except the truth.

It seems that she came here to meet you,

saying she received some kind of a note,

but it was several days before you arrived,

and she became quite concerned.

Where were you hiding?

Does she know what you are?

I wouldn't trust her if I were you.

BARNABAS: I do implicitly.

[drums pounding]

Are you in love with her?

She's a friend, that's all.

Where did you get such a good friend, hmm?

Where did you get such a good friend

and how long have you been out of the coffin?

I don't think it's wise to discuss these things here.

[ominous music]

- Do you plan to answer me? - No.

Do you think that's wise?

So, you intend to thr*aten Julia?

Is she in your power?

Do you plan to make her what you are?

No, absolutely not.

Then, you are not in love with her

which means she is in no danger, whatsoever.

Can I have your word for that?

Yes, indeed, of course, you can.

That is, if you decide to have a cup of tea with me.

You were going to wait for Quentin anyway.

Perhaps he'll be here by then.

I'll get the tea.

[tense violin music]

[door closing]

BARNABAS: Roxanne.

Excuse me, Mr. Collins.

Mr. Collins?

Roxanne, what is it?

Is is true?

Are you married?

Yes, it is, I am.

[gasps] I, I must go to my sister.

Roxanne, forgive me.

There's no possible way for me to explain this.

No, there is not, is there?

I've enjoyed your company so much.

We've had such, such understanding.

Yes, I thought so, too,

but I was wrong, terribly wrong.

Roxanne, this is my wife.

Roxanne Drew.

Well, how do you do, Miss Drew?

Mrs. Collins.

ANGELIQUE: Won't you stay, and have some tea with us?

No, no thank you, my sister is waiting for me.

[tense violin and flute music]

So, she is the one!

[ominous music]

Don't bother to deny it, it's obvious.

[teacups clanging]

You're imagining it.

I have seen that look in your eyes before.

I've seen you with Josette.

BARNABAS: I barely know Roxanne.

She's only been here three, or four times since I was here.

Oh, but you have been to visit her, haven't you?

And, if I pulled that lace from around her neck,

what will I find there, wounds?

No, you are so transparent, to me at least.

I knew it had to be someone.

It was just a matter of time until I found out who it was.

You must leave her alone.

You must do nothing to her.

A loving husband has a right to give his wife orders,

and you are not a loving husband.

I don't think I care for my tea now.

Angelique, promise me.

I will promise you nothing!

[eerie violin and flute music]

Barnabas, good evening.

Something wrong?

[doors closing]

You haven't heard any report

of a headless man missing have you?

No, no.

Well then, what is it?

I came here to discuss him with you, but...

Is it your wife?

There's little I can do about her, or this m*rder*r.

Quentin, look.

BARNABAS: That wasn't there when you came in?

Joanna! [sparse percussion music]

[doors slamming]

Barnabas, please, you must leave me.

Well, what is it Quentin?

Please, just go!

[paper rustling]

I cannot live without seeing you tonight.

I will be at the oak tree.

I will wait, please come to me.

It has been so long since my eyes saw yours.

Tonight at last my arms will hold you, Joanna.

[dramatic trumpet music]

LAMAR: There, you didn't stay very long at Collinwood,

did you my dear?

Samantha, Samantha was busy with the new governess.

Well, did you meet Mrs. Barnabas Collins?

Do you believe me now?

Yes, yes I do Lamar.

She's very beautiful.

[eerie music]

Roxanne Drew, you wanted to be Mrs. Barnabas Collins.

I could see it in your eyes,

but he is mine, and he shall remain mine.

Oh, my dear Roxanne.

You must pay for loving him.

[eerie music]

Of course, she is beautiful, my dear.

What did you expect?

Barnabas Collins has exquisite

[Roxanne shrieks]

- Roxanne, Roxanne! - Oh!

[dramatic music]


[tense jarring music]

BARNABAS: Quentin, I don't know what this is all about,

but if there is anything I can do to help you.

Barnabas, you know, once I had a mad scheme.

At least, others thought it was.

I had the idea that I could build a staircase,

not the usual kind of staircase,

but a staircase that could, well, with each step I went

I could go further and further

from the time we live in, now.

The stairway that would lead us to other times,

the future, the past.

You know, there are theories on time

as a dimension in itself.

I have given it a lot of study and experimentation

and I believe a person could go back

and change what has already happened.

I don't know how to explain it adequately,

but I feel so strongly about it

that I just have the feeling

that everything could be so different.

But, the staircase is not built.

- I've got to go. - Where?

You must let me help you.

You must tell me what the trouble is, Quentin!

[door slamming]

[eerie flute music]

[birds warbling]

Are you here?

Joanna, Joanna?

How many times we met here.

How often I waited.

Sometimes there would be a note.


[paper crinkling]

She was here.

I don't understand why you didn't come.

I waited so long, Joanna.

She's alive!

No, no, I must get back.

Mr. Drew simply wanted me to inform Roxanne's sister.

Well, what could have happened to her?

The doctor doesn't understand.

The wounds from that vicious animal were nearly healed

and yet they opened again

and he's unable to stop the bleeding.

She is very weak.

She could have died.

We shall pray that that does not happen.

Well, I'll send my sister over

to give her treatment right away.

[door creaking and slamming]

BARNABAS: So, you are responsible

for the wounds in Roxanne's neck opening again.

Where is the doll?

Where are the pins?

Hidden, Barnabas, safely hidden.

BARNABAS: You must get the doll,

and you will remove the pins.

So that Roxanne may live?

BARNABAS: She must!

Why, because you love her?

BARNABAS: Because she has done nothing wrong.

Why do you want her to live?

Why don't you want her to die?

Then you can spend eternity together.

No more.

You love her that much?

Then, her fate lies entirely in your hands.

BARNABAS: What must I do?

Come and live with me,

as man and wife, because that is what we are

and because that is what I want.

And, if you do refuse

BARNABAS: What then?

Then, she will die from your attack.

She will become as I am.

ANGELIQUE: Yes, a vampire.

Make up your mind, Barnabas, now!

[ominous orchestra music]

[spooky violin and flute music]
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