1137 - November 2, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1137 - November 2, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

NARRATOR:Collinwood in the year .

Barnabas Collins and Julia Hoffman

have returned to this time,

hoping to alter the course of history,

and thereby avert a terrible tragedy

at Collinwood in the year .

But one dangerous obstacle stands in their way,

Judah Zachery, a man decapitated

for witchcraft in the year .

for Barnabas does not know

that Julia has fallen under the control of this enemy

and on this night, is ready to perform an experiment

which could unleash the reign of terror

that will eventually destroy Collinwood.


BLONDE: When is something going to happen?

BRUNETTE: When the lightning touches the body.

[thunder crashes]


It did touch, didn't it?


Suppose it doesn't?

It will.

Julia, it's got to!


[thunder crashes]

More lightning and still nothing's happening.

It's not gonna work, Julia.

I tell you, it's not gonna work!

[thunder crashes]

[blonde gasps]


It's happened, Julia.

Just like you said it would.

What is it?

Julia, we haven't failed, have we?

Tell me!

The heart is beating.

Judah Zachery, is alive.

[eerie music]

He's alive, Julia.

He's alive.

Soon he will be able to talk with us.

Julia, what is it?

All the vital organs are just barely functioning.

We must be very careful.

If everything continues to function,

then the body will be alive.

And what do we do now?

We just keep watching and checking his pulse

and his heartbeat to see that there's no change.

How long will he stay like this?

What I can tell of his body,

probably all through the night in any case.

Now, I want to teach you how to do some of this work.

Oh, I've never done anything like that.

I don't know if I could.

Well you have to because I can't keep doing it all myself.

Now, it's a very simple procedure.

Just watch the way it works.

She's in that cemetery somewhere.

But where?

She vanished so quickly.

Well, she'll have to come back sooner or later.

[eerie music]

October, .

Otis Green tells court of jeweled mask.

Today in the country court, Mr. Otis Green

added a new element to his already bizarre story.

He told of a strange jeweled mask

which he estimated to be of considerable value.


Well, well.

Our favorite governess, won't you come in, please?

What a pleasant surprise!

Good evening, Mr. Stiles.

Mr. Stiles?

I thought I told you you may call me Gerard.

Won't you have a seat?

Is there something I can do for you?

Well, I'm here to see Mr. Desmond Collins.

GERARD: Well, I'm afraid he's not in.

Oh, I see.

Oh, is his mother here?

No, no, Flora went to Boston to pick up Carrie Stokes

and bring her back here to Collinwood.

As luck would have it,

I am the only person in this house

and totally at your service.

I'm afraid you won't be able to help me, Mr. Stiles.

I came to pick up some old newspapers from Desmond.

Old newspapers?

Yes, I loaned them to him when I was working at

the Collinsport Star,

and then when I began my job at Collinwood,

I completely forgot all about them.

But I got a letter from the editor this evening,

he's quite annoyed with me.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Tell me.

How old are these papers?

They're all from October of .

What do you suppose Desmond would want

with these papers?

I hardly see how that could be

of any interest to you, Mr. Stiles.

Well, you see, it is.

Desmond and I share a great many of the same interests.

I'm surprised he hadn't told you.

Well, that's why I'm so curious about it.

You see, Desmond Collins

has been acting very strange recently.

Flora and I have been very worried about him.

I thought perhaps that you might be able to

shed some light on the matter.

Oh, well, of course I'd like to,

but I really don't know Desmond very well.

Tell me.

What happened to him when he came

to borrow the newspapers?

Nothing happened, really.

I got the back issues for him

and he read them for a moment,

then he signed for them but.

Oh now, that was a curious thing.

GERARD: What was?

Well, he had a mental lapse and he didn't sign his own name.

GERARD: What name did he sign?

Judah Zachery.

[dramatic music]

He signed it Judah Zachery?

Yes, he said it was a pseudonym

he uses in his writing.

I see.

DAPHNE: Does that mean something to you, Mr. Stiles?

No, not at all.

DAPHNE: Well, do you know where

Desmond might have put the papers?

No, I'm sorry, I don't.

However, I will be happy to ask him for you

when he comes in.

Thank you very much, Mr. Stiles.

- Goodnight. - Goodnight.

What's wrong?

The pulse is weaker.

Is he going to be all right?

I can't tell that yet.

Remember what he told us would happen if we failed.

I don't want to die, Julia.

Stop talking about that.

We're doing the best that we can.


Oh Lord, Julia, I just remembered.

Gerard is waiting for me to come back

to Rose Cottage.

I've got to go there with some story

about the mask or he'll know I'm up to something.

Maybe he'll come here.

Maybe he'll find us!

Gerard is not important now.

If we fail, it doesn't matter what Gerard feels.

We will be gone.

If we succeed,

then we will be protected by Judah.

He'll know how to handle Gerard, do you understand?

Oh, yes, I think so.

Now, I want to prepare another injection

just in case we need it later.

Would you get the adrenaline?

The adrenaline?

Yes, it's over there.

It's the bottle in front.

[glass shatters]

[blonde screams]

Oh Julia, I'm sorry!

The top was loose, I didn't even realize.

What are we going to do?

Oh, I have some more adrenaline at Collinwood.

I'll have to go and get it.

You're going to leave me here alone?

There's no other choice.

Now, you just stay with him and remember

to take his pulse and his heartbeat,

and I'll be back as quickly as I can.


Come in.

Oh, Barnabas.

Good evening.

Good evening, Gerard.

GERARD: What brings you here this late hour?

- It is late, isn't it? - Yes.

And that's why I've come to take my sister home.

I assume she's upstairs with Flora.

GERARD: Well, as far as I know,

I haven't seen your sister at all.

I don't understand.

Well, Flora left for Boston earlier this evening and...

I told you, I haven't seen your sister at all.

I see.

[ominous music]

Well, I expected we would be meeting again,

but I didn't think it would be here.

I'm very sorry that you didn't take my warning.

DAPHNE: Don't you think it's about time

that you told me who you are?

Yes, I am Julia Collins.

You're Barnabas Collins' sister?


Well, why did you warn me not to come to work here?

I told you I couldn't explain that then.

Nothing has changed. Excuse me.

DAPHNE: Good evening, Mr. Collins.

Have you seen my sister anywhere in the house?

DAPHNE: Yeah, she went upstairs just a moment ago.

Mr. Collins!


Did you know that your sister

came to visit me and tried to persuade me

not to become governess here at Collinwood?

I wasn't aware of that.

Well, she came and she warned me

that if I became governess here,

my life would be in danger,

but then she refused to tell me who she was.

Well, allow me to apologize for her.

Sometimes she has these,

well, these strange premonitions.

She meant no harm.

You will find that she is actually a friend.

Oh, I do hope so, Mr. Collins.

I like it here and if anything or anyone

should jeopardize my position,

well, I'd be very unhappy.

BARNABAS: Well, you were out so late.

I was worried about you.

Oh, where you looking for me?

No, actually I was with Desmond.

We were hunting for the k*ller.

Have you made any progress?

I'm afraid not.

Where were you this evening?

Oh, I told you I went to Rose Cottage

to see Flora and get a copy of her book.

Oh, why, of course.

How's the book coming along about Leticia?

JULIA: Oh, very well.

Well, you certainly must have had a pleasant evening.

You were out so late.

Yes, yes, we played a game of wist.

Fascinating game.

I've got to speak to the housekeeper

and then I'm going on to bed.

Flora went to Boston this evening,

and she won't be back until tomorrow night.

Now, tell me, why have you been lying to me?

[dramatic music]

I asked you why you've been lying to me.

Must be mistaken, Barnabas.

Maybe Flora just meant to go to Boston--

Flora went to Boston earlier this evening.

I went to Rose Cottage

to look for you and found out.

Now, tell me where you've been!

I don't owe you an explanation of anything.

I can come and go as I please.

Julia, what's wrong with you?

It's my life and I will live it as I choose.

You have no business asking me questions.

Now, please leave me alone.


Julia, it was you.

JULIA: What do you mean?

You are under Zachery's spell.

You've been helping him.

Now tell me where he is!

I'm not going to listen to anything else you have to say!

You're going to stay here and tell me everything,

do you understand?

No, please, you've got to let me go!

He needs me!

What do you mean he needs you?

How have you been helping him?

I'll tell you nothing, do you understand?


[howling winds]

Mr. Green's dying words are most confounding,

amounting as they did to a riddle of sorts.

But I solved the riddle and that's how I discovered

the underground vault below the unmarked tomb.

Underground vault below the unmarked tomb,

of course!

That is how Leticia disappeared.

He's getting weaker.

I must be doing something all wrong.

Oh, Julia, where are you?

Why haven't you come back?

[Leticia gasps]

Oh, please God.

His heart has almost stopped!

The mask.

Maybe the mask will help.

[Leticia gasps]

He's dying!

I've got to find Julia before it's too late!





You got to come right away, he's dying!

Leticia, get out, get out, Leticia!

Get out!

BARNABAS: Come back!

Leticia, Leticia!

[suspenseful music]


[flames loudly crackle]

[eerie music]
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