1139 - November 5, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1139 - November 5, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR:The great house at Collinwood in the year ,

a time when the influence of one man's evil

was felt by all who lived here.

Barnabas Collins and Julia Hoffman are convinced

that the mysterious disembodied head

of the warlock Judah Zachary has been destroyed

in an underground expl*si*n.

But they do not know that Gerard Stiles,

haunted by a strange and disturbing dream,

has returned to the underground vault

expecting to find the valuable jeweled mask he left there.

Instead he finds something that will change

his entire life.

[waves crashing] [eerie instrumental music]

I can assure you, Mr. Collins,

it is indeed true.

Roxanne has agreed to marry me, of her own free will,

and I can assure you the wedding will take place very soon.

You will be invited of course.

Of course.

And you, too, Miss Collins.

Now if you will excuse me, I would like to go up

and break the happy news to Samantha.

I never thought Roxanne would do a thing like that.

I'm going to go and see Roxanne.

I can't let her go through with this,

she'll be ruining her life.

No Barnabas, you can't do that.

Remember your agreement with Angelique!

Angelique will never find out.


Barnabas, she will.

And she will carry out her threat to Roxanne.

Well, somebody's gotta stop her from doing this!

Will you go to her?

Open your eyes, Judah Zachary,

just like you did down in the vault.

Show me what powers you have.

Open your eyes!

You are in my hands now,

and all your secrets will be mine.

Did I just imagine the eyes were open

and staring at me?


I saw him look at me.

I felt the strength within him,

and I'm certainly not imagining this.

Between the two of them I will be able to have

all the power I ever wanted.

Are you in love with Lamar Trask?

He always said I would learn to love him.

Roxanne, aren't you doing this because you feel

that Barnabas has rejected you?

But it's a curious thing that he's done,

sent you to face me instead of coming himself.

You must try to understand that he and Valerie

have a very unfortunate relationship.

He still cares about you just as he always has.

Did he tell you to say that?

No but he told me how he felt.

He wants you to be happy,

and you won't be happy if you marry Lamar Trask.

Well, you know that, don't you?

Now promise me that you'll just think

about the step you're about to take.


Yes, I'll think about it.

Thank you for coming to see me, Julia.

And you think you made some impression upon her?

JULIA: Yes, I'm sure of it.

I think she was grateful to have someone to talk to.


Then let's hope that Mr. Trask has a major surprise

in store for him.

Barnabas, I'm going to get some tea and then go to bed.

Is there anything you want me to do?

No thank you,

I think I'll just stay here alone for awhile.


Barnabas, I've decided,

I'm not going to marry Lamar Trask!

Roxanne, you cannot stay here.

Well you wouldn't come to me, so I came to you.

I love you, Barnabas!

Roxanne, please.

ROXANNE: Oh, and you still love me, don't you?

Roxanne, you must leave here now.

Oh, but if you still love me,

we can conquer anything.

There's nothing on earth that can keep us together or apart.

Please Barnabas, don't you understand?

We won't have anyone stand in our way.

Oh Roxanne, I wish this were possible.

Barnabas, we'll make it possible!

I believe in the power of love, Barnabas.

I believe in it very deeply.

Now tell me that you love me.

Please my darling, I want to hear it.

Tell me?

Oh Roxanne.

Roxanne, I love you!

Well now what have we here?

It isn't what you think it is.

Oh Barnabas, you can do better than that.

ROXANNE: It's exactly what you think it is!

Roxanne, let me settle this.

Why Barnabas, I think the young lady

is trying to tell me something.

He's never loved you, never.

He loves me and I love him.

ANGELIQUE: How deeply touching!

Roxanne, you must stop--

No Barnabas.

Go on, Roxanne, and play out this tawdry little scene

to its conclusion.

ROXANNE: I'll do anything I can to make him happy,

but I'll never give him up.

Roxanne, you must leave here now,

let me talk to her alone.

All right, all right, but my mind is made up,

and nothing can change it.

Now listen to me,

you must not think than it's anything more

than an emotional, temporary emotional outburst.

If you do you'll be making a great mistake.

I made a great mistake when I trusted you.

But I've made that mistake before, haven't I?

I kept my word to you!

Now I didn't go to her or send for her,

she came to me.

Now I promise, she will not come and see me again.

You mustn't do anything that will,

something that we'll both be sorry for.

You heard that?


I don't know what to do now.

The question is, Barnabas, what will she do?

I don't know.

LAMAR: Roxanne, where have you been my dear?

I've been looking all over for you.

I went out for a walk.


Well please sit down my dear.

I have been giving considerable thought

to our wedding plans.

ROXANNE: Lamar, there's not going to be a wedding.

I beg your pardon?

ROXANNE: I've changed my mind, I can't marry you.


ROXANNE: I'm sorry, I don't know what else to tell you.

You might tell me who persuaded you to change your mind.

No one persuaded me!

I find that difficult to believe.

Where were you just now?

You obviously didn't just go out for a walk.

I went to Collinwood to see Barnabas Collins.

Barnabas Collins, what for?

ROXANNE: Oh Lamar, you might as well accept the fact

that I'm in love with him!

Nothing can change that.

You can't possibly be in love with him!

I'll never believe that.

He has some kind of strange hold over you.

I will find out what it is.

If you want Barnabas so desperately my dear Roxanne,

then you shall have him,

but only on my terms.

LAMAR: You didn't reach this decision voluntarily.

Barnabas Collins has cast some evil spell over you!

Don't you see?

I'm doing you a favor by not marrying you!

Oh Lamar, I never could love you, never!

It's monstrous what he's done to you.

ROXANNE: He's done nothing to me!

I know there are dark secrets in his life.

How can I make you understand?

I don't want to marry you because I hate you.

I've always hated you!


Roxanne, what is it?

Leave me alone.

LAMAR: I demand to know what he's doing to you!

Get out of here!

LAMAR: Very well, I'll go.

But I intend to find Barnabas Collins

and get to the bottom of this.


Barnabas Collins, where are you?

Mr. Trask, what are you doing?

I demand to see your brother.

Where is he?

I don't know.

Is anything wrong?

I intend to find out what he's done to Roxanne.

What do you mean, what's happened?

She's been irrational ever since she left here.

And just a few moments ago she would seem

to be suffering great pain.

Take me to her at once!

Only Barnabas Collins can undo what he's done.

Where is he?

I don't know, but Mr. Trask,

if you care anything about Roxanne

take me to her right now.


She's, she's dead.

Barnabas Collins will pay for this.

He's exerted an unnatural influence over her life.

When I first met him I instinctively knew

there was something evil about him,

something dark and sinister as the pits of hell.

Someday I will know his secret.

Roxanne, dead?

I had hoped that Angelique might understand,

but of course I was a fool to think she would.

If there was only some way to destroy that woman.

Barnabas, you know that's not possible.

The thing to worry about is the aftermath.

After Roxanne is buried, she will rise.

Yes, and live a life of darkness.

Unless we do something to prevent that.

We must put her to her final rest

and spare her the misery of the living dead.

It's almost dawn, Julia.

There's no time to make plans now, meet me at dusk,

and we'll decide then what to do.

I slept all night.

I still feel tired.

It is as though I hadn't had any sleep at all.

Didn't I put it on the bedside table?

How did it get over here?

No one could have come in my room, I locked the door.

How did the journal get here?

It was in the cabinet down the stairs!

There's a new entry here and it's in my handwriting.

My body has been destroyed.

I know it can never be replaced

but I will live again.

My handwriting has changed.

It was mine, but it isn't now.

The same handwriting, only on an earlier entry!

I will live again with help from one

who craves the power I can bestow on him.

Tell me, tell me what the writing means in the journal.

Tell me, tell me what is going on here!

Tell me what the meaning,

tell me what the writing said in the journal.

How did that journal get into my room?

No, no it is not my imagination.

Masks and journals don't usually move around by themselves.

What is going on around here?



Just a minute!


Just a minute!

Who were you speaking to just a moment ago, Mr. Stiles?

I uh, I was having a nightmare.

Nightmares are often the distorted reflection

of a troubled conscience.

Yes, well everyone has them now and again, Mr. Trask.

But what is it you want?

I have some very sad news.

Roxanne Drew is dead.

Oh, well I'm sorry.

I knew you were quite fond of her.

More than fond, sir.

She was to be my wife.

I believe her death was caused by an act of sorcery.


Do you have any substantial proof about that?

At the moment I have only my unerring instincts,

but I feel the presence of an evil force.

I believe Barnabas Collins caused her to die.

GERARD: Barnabas Collins, how?

I was with her last night

when she was suddenly stricken.

For no apparent reason the wounds on her neck

suddenly reopened and she began to bleed.

Something or someone caused that to happen.

And you think Barnabas Collins is responsible?


What we must do now is intensify our investigation

into his background.

I have seen your work, Mr. Stiles.

The seance at which you called forth my father's spirit

was proof to be of your special abilities.

It was amazing indeed.

Together you and I can learn what his secret is

before he victimizes others.

I trust that I can still count on you, Mr. Stiles?

GERARD: Yes, yes of course.

JULIA: Good morning, Mr. Stiles.

Good morning.

Have you seen Leticia around?

No, I haven't seen her this morning.

Isn't she at Rose Cottage?

GERARD: Well if she were, do you think I'd be here?

Are you upset by something?

I'm only upset because I can't find Leticia.

I need her!


Well are you writing a book too, Doctor?

I'm terribly sorry, Mr. Stiles.

If I see Leticia, where shall I tell her you'll be?

I don't know where I'll be in the future.

All I know is I have enough time here for one drink.

Well good morning.

I don't believe we've met.

My name is Gerard Stiles.

ANGELIQUE: How do you do, Mr. Stiles?

Is something wrong?

Your name was Miranda!

[eerie instrumental music]
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