1140 - November 5, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1140 - November 5, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[spooky music]


in the year ,

a force of evil will soon strike at the Collins family.

Gerard Stiles has found the disembodied head

of the warlock, Judah Zachary,

and has been drawn to it.

But, he does not yet suspect

that he is in danger of surrendering

his whole being to a man who was ex*cuted for

witchcraft in the year .

Good morning.

I don't believe we've met.

My name is Gerard Stiles.

VALERIE: How do you do, Mr. Stiles?

What is it, is there something wrong?

You were once named Miranda.

[dramatic music]

[spooky music]

Why did you say that?

Why did you say my name was once Miranda?

I don't know. I thought that...

I'd mistaken you for someone else.

Oh, you knew someone who was named that once?


No, as a matter of fact I didn't.

Well, then I still can't understand why you said it.

I don't know either.

Who are you, Mister Stiles?

I mean, I know you don't live here.

I'm a friend of Quentin's.

I live at Rose Cottage.

I'm terribly sorry if I've disturbed you.

Please forgive me.

[suspenseful music]

Your name was once Miranda, wasn't it?

Your name was once Miranda,

your name was once Miranda.


How long it's been since anyone called me that.

Almost years.




Wittingly or unwittingly, you have done Satan's bidding.

You realize that the penalty for your sins is death.

Yes, sir, I know that.

LAWMAN: And yet, you refuse to bear witness

against Judah Zachary.

I have told you my reasons.

A curse upon your reasons.

This man is a warlock, the living embodiment

of Lucifer himself.

He's depraved and evil.

His acts of sorcery are legend.

He must be condemned, and it is your Christian duty

to tell this tribunal all that you know about him.

I want to, but I can't.

You must!

I can't because I'm afraid of what will happen.

You have nothing to fear in this courtroom.

You will stand here,

draped in the protective cloak of the Almighty.

Think of it, my child.

Think of the golden opportunity God is giving you.

He is willing to forgive your own sins.

You will be immune from persecution

and will be given safe escort out of this country.

But, only if you co-operate in helping us dispatch

Judah Zachary back to the hell from whence he came.

If you refuse, you will take his place

in the Prisoners' Dock.

I want to do what's right.

But, even if I try, I won't be able to.

When I look into Judah's eyes, I'm helpless.

The tribunal shall forbid him to look at you,

or you at him.

The decision is yours.

Do you want your neck on the block?


LAWMAN: Do you want to rot in Hell?

No, no.

Do you stand with God?

Will you stand against Satan?

Will you, Miranda?

Will you?

Yes. Yes.

Then say you will take the stand

and testify against Judah Zachary.

I will take the stand

and testify against Judah Zachary.

[muffled chatter]

[gavel banging]

Hear ye, hear ye.

On this fifth day of November,

in the year of our Lord, sixteen hundred and ninety-two,

the citizens' tribunal is now in session.

We shall continue

the proceedings against Judah Zachary.

who is here charged with the most heinous crime

of witchcraft.

The tribunal summons as a witness against the accused,

Miranda Du Val.

And the incident involving Andrew Bronson

occurred soon after that.

AMADEUS: What did the accused

have against Andrew Bronson?

Andrew Bronson had discovered Judah's strange practices.

AMADEUS: You mean his acts of witchcraft?

Yes, he had threatened to go to the authorities.

AMADEUS: And was that not the night that Judah Zachary

summoned you to go to his house?

Yes, yes it was.

AMADEUS: Tell the tribunal what transpired

in his house that night.

Judah was very angry.

He said he believed Andrew Bronson to be a man of his word.

He said that he had a way of preventing him

from going to the authorities.

AMADEUS: It was the Devil's way, was it not?


[muffled chatter] [gavel banging]

I didn't believe it at first.

But you found out later that he meant what he said.


Yes, and it was horrible.

Tell us what Judah Zachary did.

First, he gathered together some sticks,

and placed them in the shape of a house.

AMADEUS: Andrew Bronson's house?


And then he set fire to the sticks and as they burned,

Judah Zachary paid homage to Satan.

[muffled chatter] [gavel banging]

In just a few moments, I heard the people screaming outside

that Andrew Bronson's house was in flames

and all the people in the village ran

to try to save the Bronson family.

AMADEUS: But we all know that they couldn't be saved.


AMADEUS: Andrew Bronson, his wife and his two children

died in the holocaust,

victims of a savage, evil mind.

[muffled chatter]

And now, Miranda, tell us of his warning to you.

Speak up, my child.

Judah Zachary warned me that if I ever revealed

anything that I had seen,

that I would be forced to watch the destruction

of all those that I loved.

He told me that he was a disciple of Lucifer's

and that he had been invested with powers

greater than any human being had ever possessed.

AMADEUS: And when you invoked the name of the Almighty,

what did he tell you?

He said, "God is dead.

"Long live Lucifer!"

She lies!

She lies to save her own neck.

I command you to tell them the truth.

You came to my house of your own volition.

[gavel banging] AMADEUS: Silence.

Tell them the truth,

tell them the truth.

AMADEUS: The tribunal thanks you, Miranda,

for your invaluable testimony.

You may step down now.

May the Lord be with you.

[suspenseful music]

Does the accused have anything to say

before the tribunal presents its verdict?

Judah Zachary, you have been charged

with the crime of witchcraft

on counts,

and this tribunal has found you guilty

on each and every one.

You will be sentenced to death in a manner prescribed

by this tribunal at a later date.

[muffled chatter]

I hereby end these proceedings.

No, it is not the end.

You cannot k*ll me.

You may try, all of you, but you will not succeed.

Death is merely an extension of life.

Judah Zachary will live on and he will have his revenge.

[dramatic music]

Mark my word, Amadeus Collins, you and your descendants

shall regret this day.

I say to you, choose your form of execution carefully,

for you and all who follow in your line

will suffer the same form of death.

I will have my revenge,

I will have my revenge.

[gavel banging]




VALERIE:Why did Gerard Stiles call me Miranda?

His explanation wasn't good enough.

He even admitted he'd never known anyone by that name.

Why did I call that woman Miranda?

Who is she?

Why did she look so frightened when I spoke to her?

But, you know all the answers, don't you?

You know all the answers.

Why don't you open your eyes and speak to me?

I can't bear it any longer.

I don't even know what's happening to me.

Good morning, darling.

Good morning, Quentin.

I just met a friend of yours, a man named Gerard Stiles.

Gerard, was he here this morning?

VALERIE: Yes, he was.

How long have you known him?

Oh, about a year.

Is it possible that he has psychic powers?

I think he wants to make everyone believe

that he has psychic powers, but I have yet to see

any evidence of it.

Although, he is very interested in the occult.

Why do you ask?

I don't know.

He just made a very strange impression on me, that's all.

You'd better watch out for that man.

He fancies himself as a ladies' man, you know.


Yes, Father?

Quentin, have you heard the terrible news about Roxanne?

Good lord, no one is safe outside anymore.

Do they know how she was att*cked?

QUENTIN: No, no, it's still a complete mystery.

DANIEL: Strange how her death is similar to those

I remember when I was a boy.

QUENTIN: Now, don't start imagining things.

I'm not imagining anything.

I remember the incidents very clearly.

It was in the year .

The village was in an uproar.

There was a whole series of these vicious att*cks,

and each victim had two marks left on his neck

and suffered a tremendous amount of blood.

You remember the incident, don't you?

QUENTIN: Now, Father, how would Valerie know anything

about what happened in your childhood?

I'm sorry,

I have made a mistake.

I must have been thinking of someone else.

I've not been well since I heard the news.

You must forgive me.

I mean to take this up with the authorities.

It's our tax money they're using.

They should use it to settle this matter once and for all.

Father hasn't been himself lately,

nor has anyone else in this house

and I think I need a drink.

[dramatic music]

I will wait for you again,

under the tree.

Valerie, how long have you been here?

About an hour.

QUENTIN: Has anyone been here while you've been here?

Only you and Daniel.

Was anyone here when you came in?

VALERIE: Yes, Gerard Stiles.

Are you sure no one came in and left anything?

Well, no, why?

Why are you acting so mysterious?

-It's nothing. -Is something wrong?

No, no, no.

If you'll excuse me, I'll be back later

if anyone asks for me.

[suspenseful music]

What are you doing to me?


What am I so afraid of?

Why am I so concerned about what is going to happen to me?

If anything happens, I am in total control.

I am the only living thing here in this room,

and I'm the only one that has a mind that is functioning.

You are a disembodied head, that's all,

and whatever powers you may have,

they will soon be mine and you will do my bidding.


And to think that I was such a fool to be afraid of you.

What a complete fool.

No, it can't be her.

It cannot be Joanna.


[dramatic music]

DAPHNE: Mr. Collins?

What are you doing here?

Well, I was just out for a walk.

QUENTIN: Why did you come to this particular spot?

I don't know. I didn't notice where I was.

Are you sure you didn't come here by design?

You didn't know that I would be here?

Well, of course not.

You took me completely by surprise.

Mister Collins, if I've done something wrong.

No, no.

I'm very sorry. You haven't done anything wrong.

I just thought that you were someone else.

Someone named Joanna.


But, of course that's impossible,

because you are not Joanna.

I'm sorry for getting angry.

That's all right.

Mister Collins, I still have the feeling that

you're troubled by something.

Well, does it have anything to do with this person,

this Joanna?

Yes, it does, but, uh...

Well, it's a burden that you don't have to bear.

Anyway, it all has to do with the past,

so I think it's best forgotten.

Very well, then, I shan't mention it again.

You know something, well, it is very strange

that you would come to this spot quite by accident.

I suppose I wandered out this way

because it's so quiet and peaceful.


it always was.

Tell me,

are you happy here at Collinwood?

DAPHNE: Whatever makes you ask that?

I don't know.

I guess I've been very impressed by you

and I just want to make sure that you're happy.

Most of the time.

What do you mean, most of the time?

Well, it seems quite clear to me that

Misses Collins resents my presence in the house.

Now, you listen to me.

Misses Collins didn't hire you, I did.

If she gives you any problem, you tell me at once.

Do you understand that?

Yes, I understand.

I'll walk you back to Collinwood.

No, that's all right.

I think I'll stay here a while longer.

All right.

Good day.

[dramatic music]

[mystical music]



Now you'll find out what is to happen.

Remove the cover from the case and then you will know.

[dramatic music]

You wanted to know what is to happen,

now you know.

Yes, I am to become you

and you are to become nothing.

The body of Gerard Stiles will remain,

but the mind of Judah Zachary will be in control.

You are to become nothing.




Thank God.

It was just a bad dream.

That's all it was.

Or was it?

Maybe it was,

something he wanted to tell me.

What was going to be.

[suspenseful music]

[spooky music]
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