1141 - November 8, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1141 - November 8, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR:In the Great House of Collinwood,

those who knew of the evil head of Judah Zachary

sleep easier tonight, thinking the head has been destroyed.

They do not know that Gerard Stiles has found the head

and Gerard has just wakened from a frightening dream

in which he saw his own head in the glass case

while Judah Zachary stood outside looking at him.

Now Gerard wakes, terrified,

to lift the cover from the case.

Will his own head be there?

[ominous music]

You must tell me what it meant.

My dream.

Why were you on the outside of the case?


[eerie music]

[ominous music]

Tell me.

Tell me what it means.

You must let me know what it means.

Do you like it?

It's smashing.

It does make me look older, doesn't it?

Oh, much older.

See, I, I think you could pass for .

That's too old.

That's ancient.


Oh, I didn't mean you.

There's some people I just don't think of as old.

Like you, and your mother.

Oh, she was so nice to me in Boston.

She bought me this and she took me to so many places.

Honestly, I,

I thought it was wrong to have so much fun

with Grandfather Ben just gone.

But Flora said he would have wanted me to have a good time.

I don't suppose you know if Gerard is in the house.

I don't keep track of Gerard.

Don't you like him?


Well, come in, come in.

You two haven't met, have you?

This is Carrie Stokes.

Daphne Harridge, your new governess.

Hello, Carrie, welcome back.

Tad's told me so much about you.

I've been looking forward to meeting you.

Hello, Miss Harridge.

Well, if you'll excuse me, there's someone I have to see.

Tad said she was so friendly.

I don't think I made a very good first impression.

Oh, I think that she has just decided to grow up.

Now, did you come for her or to see me?

Actually, you.

Well, the perfect answer.

You see, Desmond, when I was working

for the newspaper I made a mistake.

I never should have let you take

those copies from the office.

I've got to return them.

I am not going to give you them back.

Not for hours.

You are going to fill a very miserable evening.

What powers do you hold?

You will tell me.

Yes, you will.

And you're afraid, aren't you?

You're afraid that I'll use them.

The battle between us.

[knocking on door]

Who is it?

[knocking on door]

Who is it?

[knocking on door]

Hello, Gerard.

What do you want?

I, I just came to say hello.

At your service, Miss Stokes.

Oh Gerard, I missed you so.

I mustn't do that.

Flora keeps telling me, I'm growing up.

I have to remember that.

I am, aren't I?

And much prettier.

Do you really think so?

I never lie.

Well one thing Boston did teach me

was I'm too old for a governess.

Oh Gerard, Flora took me to see a play in Boston.

There was an actor in it.

He died for love.

He looked exactly like you

and the woman was much younger than he.

You didn't listen.

I'm afraid I did.

I was.

You were talking about a play, yes.

CARRIE: Something's wrong.

Nothing's wrong.

Listen, you interrupted me, that's all.

I was, I was in a hurry to do, finish up some things.

You want me to leave, don't you?

GERARD: Just for now, yes.

I thought you were going to be happy to see me.

And you didn't even say anything about my new dress.

I'm sorry.

It's lovely.

You're lovely.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

[door lock clicking]

[ominous music]

Tonight I will walk, speak.

Tonight I will live again.

This isn't my writing.

It's his.

You won't live through me.

You won't possess me.



[dramatic music]

But I don't believe in the Tarot cards.

That's because you never heard

them read by the great Desmond.

I was here when your mother read Quentin Collins.

Well, she did not learn them from the gypsies

on the plains of Macedonia as I did.

For Mother, the cards are blank.

For me, they throb with life.

Thank you but no, Desmond.

I really must find Carrie.

Not yet.

You haven't told me whether

you like Collinwood or not.

I like it very much.

That is a lie.

The card says so.

Oh but I do like it.

Well you must be honest with me,

at least while I hold the cards.

Well it's just that Mr. Collins, Quentin,

he's such a strange man who's unpredictable and moody.

DESMOND: Well if I were married

to Samantha I would be, too.

If he's been unhappy he should have left her.

He's a Collins, family pride.

Besides, he never really had any compelling reason to leave.

Didn't he?

DESMOND: None at all.

Ah, you have a secret, don't you?

Tell me.

You know I really don't know anything about you at all.

You know as much about me as anyone here does.


But I never know what you're thinking.

Well then, why don't you turn over another card?

Then you will know.

That's a good idea.

A sudden death.


Well, I think you will have to tell me.

Now Desmond, are you going to give me back

those newspapers so I can return them?

Of course.

Here's one.

Otis Greene tells court of jeweled mask.

He died here in this room.

DAPHNE: Yes, I heard that.

I watched him die.

I couldn't do anything about it.

You see, it was my fault.

DAPHNE: Desmond, I'm sure it wasn't at all.

I tried to tell myself that I wasn't responsible,

that his death was caused by a higher force than me.

You know, people tell me that it's over, but it's not.

It's not.

I know that.

DAPHNE: Desmond, what are you talking about?

I'm sorry.

I'll get you the other papers.

DAPHNE: What's wrong?

The journal, it's gone!

Where, where is it?

Well I hope it's nothing important.

I think I'd better go find Carrie now.

Thank you for the newspapers.

[ominous music]

I know if I don't do this to you,

you will destroy me.

I know that.

Goodbye, Judah Zachary.

[leaves crunching]

Who is it?

Who's there?



What are you doing?

You're hurting me.

What did you see?

CARRIE: I saw you throw something off the cliff.

- What? - I couldn't see.

GERARD: You're lying.

No I'm not, I wouldn't lie, not to you.

What are you doing here?

What do you want?

I just wanted to know where you were going.

I thought you were going to meet someone.

A girl.

But there's nothing for you to be so angry about, is there?

Of course not.

Come, I will take you back to Rose Cottage.

You won't tell anyone that I followed you?

I mean, they might think it was

a childish thing to do I guess.

No, I won't tell anyone.

And we both won't say anything about what happened

here at Widow's Hill, will we?

I won't if you won't.

GERARD: I have forgotten already.

You're so funny.

You were in such a bad mood and now you're yourself again.

That's right.

I am.

I am my good old self again.

Carrie Stokes, where you have been?

Desmond's out looking for you.

You see Carrie, everybody worries about you

and nobody ever worries about me.

Aren't you, weren't you worried that I was missing too?

Carrie and I took a walk.

Well you should have told someone.

Now Carrie, we'll have to get back to Collinwood.


Oh, perhaps you should go.

I will see you later tonight when

I come by to pick up Miss Harridge.

I have planned a lovely little evening for us.

Or didn't I tell you?

No, you didn't tell me and I wish you had

so that I could have told you I'm busy.


Well now, Carrie, go back and tell Flora goodnight for me,

won't you please?

Go on.

Break your plans.

I couldn't possibly.

What's more important?

Grading Tad's arithmetic tests?

Mr. Stiles, my employer's sister died this afternoon.

Yes, I'm sorry to hear about Roxanne.

Well I don't think Mrs. Collins

is up to handling the children by herself.

Put 'em to bed.


Use force.

It'll do 'em good.

And I'll wait for you.

You had no more idea of asking me out tonight.

Until I saw you.

My mind was occupied with things all day.

I will say that.

But now I see you, and I can't think of anything else.

We'll take a carriage.

No one will see us.

I know a nice little inn at Foxport.

They serve a lovely supper there.

You will be the most beautiful woman in that room.

Believe me.

And I will tell you stories of seamen's lives.

Tell me, have you ever heard of Rio de Janeiro?

Or Takar?

You should, you know.

It'd be very good for your work.

Geography wouldn't be as painful to your students

if you'd spend one evening with me.


And will you tell me about your last trip

with Quentin Collins?

GERARD: Tell every detail.

I can stay over, I can stay.

Flora just came back from Collinwood

and poor Mrs. Collins is so upset about Roxanne

that Flora is taking us in for the night.

There, you see?

No excuses.

[door thudding]

Well, hello Carrie, welcome back.

Hello, Desmond.

All right, Carrie, if that's what

Mrs. Collins wants, it's fine.

But I do have to be getting back.

I'll take you back.

No, it's alright, I've got my carriage.

And I will see you in an hour.

DAPHNE: Oh no, no.

One hour, and a half.

You don't waste much time, do you?

She's very pretty.

I wouldn't go out with her, if I were you.

Is that a friendly word of advice?

Because you're in no situation to hand out ultimatums.

Not about Daphne, perhaps.

But about you and this house, I am.

GERARD: I am a guest here, of your mother's.

We will see how long that will be.

You'd better get used to me being around.

I'm going to be here quite a while.

I'm a very good friend of hers.

Gerard, my mother may be fond of you as you say,

but she is not a very stable woman.

When she loses trust in someone she can be very cold.

Well then I shall have to make sure

that I don't lose her trust, shan't I?

For you that will be very hard to do.

By the way, a journal is missing.

An old one, a curio of mine.

Have you seen it?

No, I'm afraid I haven't.

You'll have to find some other way

to discredit me with Flora, Desmond.

Well it's good not to see you again, Judah Zachary.

However, what a joy it is to see you.

You are my insurance.

Or better yet, my inheritance

from the late Judah Zachary.


Yes, you are my windfall on that inevitable rainy day.

That is of course if Desmond should ever try.

I'm rather tired.

Perhaps I shall take a little nap.


CARRIE: Yes, Gerard?

I'm going to take a little nap for about a half an hour.

Will you wake me?

CARRIE I'll be happy to, Gerard.

Thank you.

[ominous music]



GERARD: What is it?

CARRIE: There is the nicest man to see you.

He says you expect him.

Thank you, my dear.

GERARD: I wasn't expecting you.

What do you want?

Well surely you must know who I am.

You must have been expecting me,

you would have been very foolish not to.

This isn't the time for games, you know.

And you have been playing a game, a most dangerous game.

Though of course sometimes they afford the most pleasure.

What do you want from me?

I don't want anything from you.

I was sent to give you something.


[door slamming]

[knocking on door]

CARRIE: Gerard?


What is it?

CARRIE: There is the nicest man to see you.

He says you expect him.

[intense music]

Thank you, my dear.

GERARD: Who are you?

Oh surely you must know who I am.

You must have been expecting me,

you would have been very foolish not to.

This isn't the time for playing games, you know.

And you have been playing a game, a most dangerous game.

Though of course, sometimes they afford the most pleasure.

What do you want from me?

I don't want anything from you.

I was sent to give you something.


[dramatic music]

[eerie music]
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