1142 - November 9, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1142 - November 9, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR:Collinwood in .

Those who live here are not aware of the drama

that is taking place at nearby Rose Cottage.

For Gerard, knowing that Juda Zachary

intents to posses him, has thrown the disembodied head

over the cliff at Widow's Hill.

Afterwards, Gerard had a dream in which a stranger

came to his room carrying the covered head.

Gerard was awakened by a knocking on his door

to find the dream was coming true.


Who are you?

SERVANT: Surely you know,

you must have been expecting me.

You would have been very foolish not to.

This isn't the time for playing games, you know

and you have been playing a game, a most dangerous game.

But of course sometimes therefor the most pleasure.

What do you want from me?

I don't want anything from you.

I've been sent to give you something, this.

What are you staring at, Mr. Stiles?

- You know what this is. - No.

You didn't really think that you got rid of it, did you?

Look at him, Mr. Stiles.

Where did you get that?

Who are you?

His servant, as my great grandfather was.

Just look at him, Mr. Stiles.

[dramatic orchestral music]

JUDA VOICEOVER: I have chosen you

and you will become me.

Through you, I will live again.

The mask, put on the mask.

Whatever we want shall be ours.

The Devil gave me cause, we will know his secrets,

you will have servants as faithful as this man.

Anyone you want can be in our power.

Put on the mask.

Put on the mask, Juda Zachary.

It is done.

My Collin and I have waited so long for your return, Juda.

You will call me Gerard.

SERVANT: As you will.

Take that away.

Keep it and guard it well.

How many people are in our coven now?

Only six, we have need to complete the .

Will I know their names?

Will their ancestors follow me as yours did?

Some of them.

And the others, what happened to the others?

The ones who swore eternal allegiance.

They were afraid.

When the trial was over, they returned to the other faith.

I had to move again, I feel a warmth within my body.

I know who my enemies are, I live amongst them.

SERVANT: But we must go carefully.

Are you giving me orders?

No, but you must realize

COLLIN: I realize everything.

Do you?

You have been invincible for so long you are not now.

Do you think that I would let anyone k*ll me?

Gerard Stiles' body can die.

It won't.

But you must be careful.

Your body is mortal, never forget that.

It has powers.

Yes, you have powers, more than I, more than anyone

in our covenant, that is why we will do as you tell us.

Just before I died, as the horrid executioner

raised his ax, I vowed that this moment would come.

I would punish all those responsible.



She still lives here at Collinwood.

She is now the wife of Barnibus Collins.

She calls herself Valerie.

She still knows me as Gerard Stiles.

It will remain that way until the golden moment.

But she will not be the first.

No, there were three judges at my trial

and out of all them only one family survives.

That of Amadeus Collins.

Now there will be a new witchcraft trial

with a new prisoner in the dock, with a new executioner

and this time I will be the witness

and the man's head on the block

will be that of Quieten Collins.

Samantha finds it hard to believe

that Roxanne is really dead,

I doubt she'll be able to attend the funeral.

I think

aside from Tad

that Samantha loved Roxanne more than anyone else.

Except you, of course.

I sympathize with you also, Trask.

I know how fond you were of Roxanne.

My life had a meaning it never had before.

I cannot forget the look on her face the last time I saw it

and I cannot forget her strange, curious illness.

Do you not think it an odd way to die in this day and age?

To bleed to death?

Julia found it as mysterious as you do.

Mr. Collins I feel I must speak with utter frankness.

Perhaps Dr. Julia Collins was not the right person

to treat my poor Roxanne.

QUIETEN: She was successful with her before, Trask.

Yes, but she does have her brother to protect.


Roxanne came to this house shortly

before the bleeding started, did you know that?


She told me herself that she saw Barnibus.

I am sure that she saw other people.

TRASK: Other people are not important.

Trask, You're becoming ridiculous.

Am I? Am I, indeed.

You know, you have such an obvious dislike for Barnibus.

He did nothing to Roxanne.

Nothing? Listen to me, Quieten Collins.

I don't know what Barnibus did, but I will find out

because I believe more firmly than I've ever believed

anything in my life that Barnibus Collins

caused Roxanne to die.

I've never heard anything so absurd in all my life.

Just how did he do it?

I told you I don't know.

Barnibus was here.

You were with Roxanne when the bleeding started.

I'm aware of that.

Yet you refuse to be logical.

Logic will not give us the answer to this.

Now you obviously mean something by that, what?

There is a world, an evil world,

which exists for some men.

These men deal with the dark forces, learn their arts.

Are you accusing Barnibus of witchcraft?

You, of course, will defend him?

QUIETEN: If you are accusing him, I certainly will.

Be careful, Quieten Collins, with whom you align yourself.

You know I don't believe this conversation, Trask,

I think you're losing your mind.

You will regret saying that.

I won't regret anything.

And I don't want to hear another word about Barnibus.

Well you will hear more much more in due time.

And if I do it won't be in this house.

It'll be someplace where I can walk out of,

do you understand?

Indeed I do, sir.

The devil himself has friends who try to shield him, too.

[ominous orchestral music]

I tried to warn you.

[mysterious orchestral music]

Ah, Mr. Stiles.

Come to pay your respects on this sad occasion.

She looks lovely, if I do say so myself.

There is a certain beauty in death.

What a strange thing to say, Mr. Stiles.

Serenity, I'm afraid you didn't understand

quite what I meant.

Perhaps we don't understand each other

as well as I once thought.

You've brought me no information about Barnibus Collins.

I was concerned with a great many other things.

Obviously, you were incredibly short with me earlier.

And for that I apologize.

However I don't really believe this is the time or place

to really discuss such matters.

But I will help you finish what you wanted to start.

Oh but it is the time and what place could be better to

discuss sorcery than before the body whose death it caused?

Yes, Mr. Stiles, there is sorcery abroad in this village.

I can feel it as i walk in the streets, I feel it

even more strongly when I enter certain houses.

It must be ferreted out, her death must be avenged.

I will help you.

You've said that before.

Perhaps I've changed.

Perhaps I didn't realize the seriousness of it all.

I will help you, with no extra cost.

Lamar Trask.

Why, Miss Bell.

It's been three years since my return to Collinsport

and I heard about Roxanne.

I was not aware that you were friends.

We went to school together.

I always thought she would have a happy life.

LAMAR: Where she is now, she will enjoy the happiness

that was denied her on this earth.

MISS BELL: You should have been a minister, Lamar.

I always thought so.

If you will view the body and sign the guestbook, please.

The nerve of that woman.

She has hoodwinked many, but never me.

I find her quite attractive.

That has been her downfall.

I have heard rumors from Boston about her behavior there.

She does not move in the polite society and for good reason.

Has she relatives here?

No, none that will receive her.

Oh, will you excuse me?

I believe more flowers have arrived.

Miss Bell?

I am Gerard Stiles.

I was wondering.

At your service.

And though I didn't know Roxanne as well as you,

I want you to know that I am very,

very deeply affected by her death.

It may seem odd to you, certainly a bit sudden,

however I feel that you would like to take part in it.

Part in what?

Hasn't Lamar told you that I've never been a part

of anything in Collinsport?

Well you would be a part of this, a most important part.

However, I feel that you may not even want to come.

I'm very bad at saying no,

even when I don't know what you're talking about.

Yes, well, it is to be kept a secret.

Lamar Trask is not to know, you see he wasn't invited.

Friends of Roxanne are giving a memorial service

in her remembrance, it is to be private.

I can understand you not wanting Lamar.

Then you will come?

Of course, but why should I be so important?

Perhaps it's because I want to take you home afterwards.

That's what I thought you meant.

And then of course you will come along?

Frankly, I'd be more interested in that

than in the memorial service.

Very good, very good, then I will send a friend of mine

around to pick you in a carriage in say, about an hour.

I'll be in the lobby of the inn.

Alright, but you must remember, this is a secret.

No one should know about it, especially Lamar Trask.


Why, yes it is.

Lorna Bell.

You are very naughty,

you never let me know when you are coming to Collinsport.

Well I certainly will the next time.

If you two will please excuse me.

I'll see you later.

Such a sad occasion, do give my condolences to Samantha.

Oh, poor dear Samantha is still so overcome.


She is a woman of rare virtue,

she cannot disguise her feelings.

I will see you later.


LORNA: Don't worry, I won't say a word.

Lamar, I shan't be at the services tomorrow,

I have an engagement in Boston, so I'll say goodnight.



tell me, just what did you mean

that you would see me later?

You know, the memorial services for Roxanne.

What memorial service?

Don't worry, I won't say anything to Lamar.

Well I must sign the guestbook, goodnight.


Goodnight, Lorna.

Are we the first ones here?

I believe so.

Where's Mr. Stiles?

You'll see him soon, we're going to use this room.

It's dark.

Well, let me light the lamp.

I've never been to a memorial service before.

Were you and Roxanne friends?

Come in, Miss Bell.

Strange room.

You think so?

Well there's an altar.

For the ceremony.

Ceremony? Where is Mr. Stiles?

I don't understand this, any of it.

He will explain.

Where is he?

I will go and get him.

Mr. Dawson?

Mr. Dawson, please let me out.

Please, Mr. Dawson!

Oh Mr. Dawson, please let me out!

Who's there?

Who is it?

What's happening?


Be honored, Miss Bell, to be chosen.

Our leader returns after years tonight

and this night you will help us celebrate his return.

You will be our offering.


Yes, you will be our offering to celebrate

the return to our coven

of Juda Zachary, the devil's son.


Don't scream, Miss Bell, there is no one to hear you.

Now come and meet Juda.

LORNA: Oh no, no!


I came as soon as I got your message, what is it?

Sorcery, that's what it is, proof of the black arts.

What are you talking about?

When the constable summoned me

I didn't' know what to expect.

When I found that it was Lorna Bell,

I assumed that her evil ways had brought about her downfall.

The woman that I met here just a few minutes,

what happened to her?


What, how?

No one knows?

Her body was found in an empty field

by a Mr. Charles Dawson as he was returning to his home.

The body is unmarked, except, except for proof

that there are witches among us, devil worshipers.

What proof do you have?

Had you known whom she'd left with tonight?

It was your friend Quentin Collins, sir, Quentin Collins.

Lorna Bell, dead, m*rder*d.

It just doesn't make sense.

Such a lighthearted thing.

You know there's so much v*olence in the village anymore.

There never used to be.

Indeed there is.

I didn't tell the constable

that she left my chapel with you.

That's good because she didn't leave with me.

I also did not tell the constable that I overheard

her say she would meet you later.

Trask, I had no idea what she meant by that.

I didn't tell the constable anything

because I want to wait until I have conclusive evidence.


Now look here, Trask, I've had about enough.

TRASK: Where did you meet her?

I didn't meet her anywhere.

Oh no?

I heard you arrange it.


are you trying to say

that I have m*rder*d Lorna Bell?

I shall pray for you, Quentin Collins.

You better pray for yourself

and get some sense into that head of yours.

I know what you're up to, I know what you're practicing.

Well tell me, I'd be glad to hear it.

Lorna was found with the mark of Satan on her forehead.

Well, I knew that would interest you, I thought so.

Trask, now you get out of here and you stay out.

The mark of Satan, Mr. Collins, the same mark you wear.

The same mark that is on that ring.

[mysterious music]
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