1149 - November 19, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1149 - November 19, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[dark music]

NARRATOR:Collinwood, in the year .

Barnabas Collins and Julia Hoffman have encountered

many dangers since their arrival in this time.

But, none as great as that

which Julia faces on this night.

For she has become the victim of a vampire,

and lays dying in a deserted lighthouse.

Barnabas is on his way to her.

But, he does not know,

whether he will arrive in time to save her.

[ominous music]


[dramatic music]

[theme music]


Julia, can you hear me?

It's Barnabas.

Can you hear me, Julia?

[Julia mumbles]

I've got to get you out of here.


She must remain here.

I wanted to spare you this.

I wanted to, I wanted you to have peace.

But, I'm alive again.

And, I'm going to stay alive.

BARNABAS: When I leave, I will leave with Julia.


There's nothing you can do to stop me.

She can't go with you.

She responds to my will.

Look at me, Roxanne.

[tense music]

You'll be sorry that you interfered, Barnabas.




Samantha tells me you're planning to stay in Collinsport.

Randall, is that true?

I've been thinking about it.

Well, I, I do hope you decide to do it.

We've all missed you, you know?

But, Roxanne always kept us informed

about what you were doing.

Oh dear, I've done it again.

It's all right, Flora.

It's very difficult for me to realize that she's dead.

[knocks on door]

I wonder who that could be.

Good evening, Flora.

Good evening.

I would like to speak with Jerrard Sires.

Oh, good evening, Randall.

Good evening.

Jerrard isn't here, I'm afraid, Lamar.

He went to Collinwood earlier this evening.

I see.

Do you know what time he'll be back?

Sorry, I don't.

Well, I do hope he's not becoming emotionally involved

with anyone at Collinwood.

FLORA: Whatever do you mean by that?

LAMAR: An insidious evil has crept

it's way into that house.

I am not at liberty, at the moment, to divulge it's nature.

If you're not at liberty to divulge it,

why not say anything at all about it, then?


It's quite alright.

I'm quite aware of Randall's unbelieving.

But, the Almighty will deal with his blindness.

The Almighty will have his hands full, dealing with yours.

Will one of you please tell me what you're talking about?

Mr. Trask has, somehow, convinced himself

that Collinwood is, is filled with witches and evil spirits.

You are suffering from delusions.

If you think Quentin Collins is what he seems.

He is not.


Well, what has he got to do with it?

LAMAR: Quentin Collins is indeed with the Devil!

He is practicing witchcraft in that house.

Mr. Trask, I've had enough of your inflammatory nonsense.

Inflammatory is it?


I find that a curious charge, coming from you.

So soon after your dear sister's untimely death.

Let my sister rest in peace.

You seem content to merely accept her death.

But, I am not!

I believe she was m*rder*d by an act of sorcery,

and I intend to prove it.

Gentlemen, please stop shouting.

Oh Lamar, you must be mistaken about Quentin.


The very idea of Quentin bewitching anybody,

is almost amusing.

I do not find it amusing.

You do not believe me now, Flora, but you will soon.

I have confidence in your judgement and faith.

I'm sorry I cannot say the same for you, Randall.

Go on doubting me, if you will.

But I warn you, those who doubt the word of truth,

are only a shade less guilty than those who defile it.

Good night.

[door slams]

Flora, that man has a warped mind.

He is imagining things.


you must admit that Roxanne's death was very mysterious.

And then that girl, m*rder*d in the village.

And now Julia, disappearing without a word.

There may be a reason behind all this tragedy,

but I don't believe it has anything

to do with the supernatural.

[soft music]

[movement in bushes]

Who is there?

[movement in bushes]

Come out, where I can see you!

[dark music]


It can't be!

You're dead.

The one who always said

there was a life after death, Lamar.

Well, you were right!


You're not the Roxanne I knew!

Oh, why are you moving away from me?

Lamar, you mustn't be afraid.

You always said that you loved me, don't you remember?

Yes, but ... I

ROXANNE: Lamar, look at me.

Keep looking into my eyes and don't be afraid.



Don't come any closer, please!

Stay away from me!

[dramatic music]

Thank you for dinner, Flora.

And, for trying to help me forget troubles.

I really appreciate it.

You're not leaving, are you?

Yes, it's late.

I have an appointment early tomorrow.

[door slams]



Is anyone home?


what's happened!

I found her in the abandoned lighthouse.

Oh, her neck!

You must take her upstairs to her bedroom,

and then find a cross.

A cross?

What for?

I can't explain it to you now.

I've got to get a doctor.

[soft music]

How is she?

The doctor's with her now.

He's managed to stop the bleeding.

Is she going to be all right?

That depends on whether we can keep the person

who att*cked her, away from her.


Barnabas, I ... I don't understand.

I'm afraid there's ...

There's no gentle way of telling you this.

Roxanne has risen from the grave.

It was she, who att*cked Julia.

[climactic horn notes]

You're not afraid anymore.

Are you, Lamar?



Then I must leave you.

No, please Roxanne.

Stay with me.

Or, take me with you.

Oh, but you'll be seeing me again very soon.

Everything is very different now, Lamar.

Wherever you are,

you will know when I want to see you again.

You will feel me summoning you and you will come to me.

Do you understand?

Yes, Roxanne.

I understand.

[soft music]

It is just not possible to return from the dead.

I am telling you what I saw with my own eyes.

I'm telling you that Roxanne died

as a result of an attack by a vampire.

She is now one of the living dead.

RANDALL: I just cannot believe it.

I know you don't want to believe it, but it's true.

And you must accept it.

There's only one way that I could accept it.

If I were to see her with my own eyes.

I don't know whether we will be able to find her tonight.

But, come with me.

And, I will show you that what I've told you is true.

[dark music]

[strumming music]

Did someone come in?


Lamar, you almost scared me half to death!

Why didn't you say something?

I'm sorry.

I was meditating.


Are you feeling all right?

Yes, of course.

I thought you were going home.

Why did you come back here?

I suddenly became very tired.

I think you're coming down with a fever.

Let me take your temperature.

No, I'm all right.

If I could just sit here for a moment.

Of course, you're welcome to stay.

And perhaps, Jerrard will return while you're here.

Oh yes, I do want to talk to him.

Barnabas found his sister.


She was att*cked in the same way, in the woods.

The way Roxanne was.


It's very frightening.

You know, there may be something

to what you said earlier this evening.

LAMAR: What I said?

Yes, about the existence of witchcraft.

Oh, yes, of course.

I know now, that those two att*cks

were not caused by natural means.

[door slams]

Flora, what are you doing down here?

You should be upstairs with Julia.

It's all right Barnabas, I understand everything now.

And, I cannot tell you how shocked I was

What do you mean?

Well, you forget how well read I am in the supernatural!

Those two scars on her neck.

I understand now why you wanted me to get the cross.

She was att*cked by a vampire!

Wasn't she?

Yes, she was.

As difficult as that is to believe.

Did you place the cross near her?

Yes, she's perfectly safe.

I tried to get her to tell me who had att*cked her,

but she was unable to speak.

Randall and I know who att*cked her.

You know who the vampire is!


It's Roxanne.

[dramatic horn notes]


I can't believe it!

RANDALL:I'm sorry to say it's true.

Barnabas showed me her crypt, and her coffin was empty.

Lamar, what are you doing back here?

Oh, he wasn't feeling well.

So, he came here to rest, and wait for Jerrard to return.

Mr. Trask,

what's wrong?

Are you ill?

No, I expect it is only fatigue.

Flora told me about your sister.

I found the news most disturbing.

I better go back upstairs and look in on Julia.

Can I get anything for you, Lamar, before I go?

No, thank you.

Mr. Trask, were you on your way through the woods,

going home, when you decided to come back here?

LAMAR: Yes, I was.

And, you didn't meet anyone?

No, no one at all.

Actually, I didn't get very far before I turned back.

[soft music]

Lamar Trask.

You will hear me.

Wherever you are, you will hear my voice.

And you will come to me.

You will come to me now, Lamar.

My thoughts will lead you to me.

What is it, Mr. Trask?

I must be going.

I thought you were going to wait here, for Jerrard.

Well, it now appears,

that Jerrard will be rather late tonight.

I'm feeling very tired.

If you would excuse me.

He's changed completely since early this evening.

I've, I've never seen him so subdued.

Can't you guess why he's so different?

RANDALL: No, why?

He was lying to us.

He met someone in the woods.

Who do you think he met in the woods?


Now if we follow him, he may lead us to where she is.

[soft music]

He's going towards the cemetery.

Come on, we don't want to loose sight of him.

[soft music]


I told you I would see you again, Lamar.

Come to me.

Come to me, Lamar.

[twig breaks]

What was that?

Someone followed you here!

[door closes]


Roxanne, where are you?

Where have you gone, Roxanne?


You have no right to follow me here!

Where is she?

She heard us and disappeared.

I must find her!

No, Trask, I'm not letting you out of my sight.

Let go!

You will do as I tell you, do you understand?

[soft music]

Do you have the cross?


She'll have to come back here before dawn,

and you must not let her in that coffin.

Aren't you going to be here with me?


No, Trask is under her spell and he will only hinder us.

I'll take him to the old house.

I know you don't want to do this, but it must be done.

You understand, don't you?

I only want for her to have peace.

That's all I care about, now.

[soft music]

[door closes]

[soft music]

[door opens]


Put it away!

Put it away!

No, I can't do that.

I've got to get to the coffin!

I know, but I can't let you, Roxanne.

It's the only way, Roxanne.

The only way that you can find peace.

[dramatic music]

[theme song]
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