1154 & 1155 - November 26, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1154 & 1155 - November 26, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

NARRATOR:The great estate of Collinwood in .

And rumors swirl about the town

that witchcraft is practiced there.

Randall Drew, determined to discover

how his sister Roxanne died, is investigating each rumor.

From Trask he hears that Quentin is the warlock.

But Desmond tells him that the source of evil is Gerard,

and persuades Randall to seek proof in Gerard's room.

[thunder crashes]

[dramatic music]

[doorknob rattles]

[door creaks]

[eerie theme music]

[thunder rumbles]


Good evening, Edith.

Where is Gerard?

What are you doing here?

What are you doing here?

I came to give a message to him from Gabriel.

You're a very modern woman, Edith.

Coming to a man's bedroom,

even to deliver a message from your husband.

Well, someone has to.

He can't walk.

Aren't you feeling a little sorry for yourself, Edith?

Are Gerard and Gabriel friends?

Yes, in a way.

How well do they know each other, Edith?

Well enough.

Do you know Gerard better?

Stop cross examining me.

I have done nothing wrong in coming here.

You never said what you were doing here.

That's really what I would like to know,

and I am sure Gerard would like to know also.

Curiosity, that's all.

I wouldn't be a very good lawyer if I weren't curious.

What do you have to be curious about Gerard for?

He hasn't done anything.

Hasn't he?

How did my sister Roxanne feel about him, Edith?

I don't know.

She hardly knew him.

How well does Gerard know Quentin Collins?

Well, everyone knows they are best of friends.


Best of friends.

I see.

EDITH: Would you prefer that they be enemies?

If you'll excuse me, Edith.

Wait, where are you going?


Shall I tell your husband that you haven't been able

to deliver your message?

There's no need to tell him anything.

I'll be back soon.

Would you prefer we kept this meeting a secret, Edith?

EDITH: Would you?

For the moment.

I don't tell Gerard about you.

And I don't tell anybody about you.

That might be best, I think.


Where the blazes is she?

Where's your brother?

Manners, Mr. Grimes.

When you come to Collinwood you use manners.

Is he at home or ain't he?

When you address me properly, I will tell you then.

Mr. Collins.

GABRIEL: That will suffice.

My name is all I wanted to hear, Mr. Grimes.

And my brother is not at home.

Then I'll go straight to the constable.

Is, is it a serious matter?

I, uh, don't believe in calling in

the constable except as a last resort.

I think it should be settled man to man.

That's a remarkably primitive point of view, Mr. Grimes.

But now then do come in.

Quentin should be back quite shortly.

Where is he?

I really don't know, Mr. Grimes.

His comings and goings have been most mysterious.

Good reason.

Push me in.

Well, now how are things at Weatherby farm?

MR. GRIMES: We've been better.

Oh, now, don't tell me you've finally decided

to sell your property to us.

I won't do that.

I've told your brother that a hundred times.

I won't be forced off the land

my own father left me, no matter what you do.

Oh, are we doing things again?

MR. GRIMES: You know.

No, I don't know, Mr. Grimes.

As far as I know you are giving us trouble.

Now your cows broke through the fence

on the south border yesterday.

Well, they're all dead now.

Well, that's a very drastic punishment isn't it?

Ah, but then, you've always been

a most stern disciplinarian, haven't you?

All your fancy words won't cover up what's going on here.

I would that they could, Mr. Grimes.

We'd all be most happy.

I know, the whole town knows

what's happening in this house.

Mr. Grimes, what is happening in this house?


Mr. Collins, my herd was k*lled by witchcraft.

And I hold you responsible for it.

[dramatic music]

So I'm practicing witchcraft,

and who have you been talking to?

Lamar Trask?

Not just Trask, the whole town's talking about it.

They know you always wanted my farm.

I've made it no secret.

And I would still like to buy your farm, not steal it.

Well, if you're right,

you could've put a spell on it very easily.

So, you admit it.

Don't be a fool, Grimes.

You, my dear brother, get out.

GABRIEL: Gladly!

Veterinarian said there was nothing wrong with my herd.

They all died.

You told me to keep 'em on my own property

or you would have to do something.

And you, you did it.

Grimes, I'm telling you,

I had nothing to do with the death of your cattle.

What about the k*lling of Lorna Bell?

What about the weird things

that have been happening around here lately?

Why, your own sister-in-law--

Get out!

I can see the evil in you.

You're just high and mighty, just because you're a Collins.

Grimes, I said get out!

Leaving here won't stop me thinking the way I do.

No one can make you do that.

And if I were you, I would watch what I said to anyone else.

Or what?

Or you might be sorry, Mr. Grimes.

Don't touch me.

Don't you touch me!

I don't want the devil's hands on me.

[laughs maliciously]

The devil's hands, Quentin, that's very flattering.

QUENTIN: It's not funny, Gabriel.

Oh, Quentin!

You've lost your sense of humor

and I think you're going to need it.

I think you will. [laughs]

[wind howls] [suspenseful music]

[leaves crunch]

Come out!

I know you're following me, Quentin Collins.

You or one of your men.

Why don't you come out and fight me like a man?

I'm ready for you.

You may be a warlock,

but you can be k*lled like anyone else.

[g*n fires]

RANDALL: What's happening?

Randall, I heard you was back.

It's Quentin Collins, he's at me.

Help me catch him.

The devil's mark.

What are you talking about?

It's the same sign Quentin wears on that ring of his.

It's the same sign they found on Lorna Bell

when they discovered her body.

He left it as a warning for me.

What kind of warning?


He k*lled my herd by witchcraft

and he knows I'm going to the police,

so he's trying to scare me off.

But I won't be scared.

Are you sure that it was Quentin that you saw?

Of course, there were some bushes between us,

but it was him.

I'd know him anywhere.

Randall, get that sister of yours

out of that house, away from Quentin,

before she ends up like Roxanne.

Grimes, I want you to tell me everything you can

about Quentin Collins and witchcraft.

[mysterious music]

[footsteps approaching]

Where have you been?

Never mind.

I've been waiting for you here for such a long time.

Well, I have just been, merely amusing myself.

Aren't you going to be nice to me?

Or are you going to be awful like you are sometimes?

That's what you came for, isn't it?

I don't know what I came for.

All I know is that

I feel terrible at Collinwood.

Sometimes I feel like I can't stand it anymore.

You took a very big chance in coming up here to my room.

You should be glad I did.


EDITH: Nothing.


EDITH: You said you had plans for me.

Well, I want to know what they are.

And I want to know what you meant

that I should be glad that you're up here?

You said you could change my life.

That I can, Edith.

But you must learn the lessons first,

the first being that you must tell me everything.

You must not keep any secrets from me.

Now you tell me what you know.

Randall, Randall was here in this room.

I caught him.

What was he doing here?

He was just at the desk.


The lock, it's been forced open.

What's in that anyhow?

Why is it so important?

You'll find out very soon, some night.

You're always so mysterious about everything.

Of course that even intrigues you more, doesn't it Edith?

Be nice to me, Gerard.

You know I'd do anything for you.


There's something I want you to do right now.

Where did Randall say he was going?

He said he was going back to Collinwood.


I want you to go there.

Oh no, I don't want to, not now.

Edith, listen to me.

I said I want you to go there.

Now when you arrive, if he's already left,

I want to make sure that you know

and you tell me everything.

Now, also, if he leaves,

I want you to find out who he's talked to.

And if he's arrived before you get there,

you know what to do.

Make sure that he doesn't get rid of you.

What are you going to do?

I'm going to the village.

There's still a chance that he could be at Trask's.

I wish I knew what you were up to.

It's very dangerous to know.

It's very dangerous to know so much.

You frighten me sometimes.

And you even like that, don't you?

We're on the same side, Edith.

You just don't realize it yet.

But you will very soon.

Now go.

Hurry, go.

[clock chimes]

Out for a midnight stroll?

Well you're so lucky, Edith.

You have legs that can take you wherever you want to go.

Where have you been?

To the old house.

Oh, to the old house.

Well did you go to the old house

because of Barnabas Collins, hm?

Is he the object of your rather frantic devotion these days?

I won't answer that.

Has Randall been here?

Randall, a-ha.

Yes, I think Randall is more your type.

Because I think Barnabas is far too cultivated

to be attracted to the likes of you.

Has Randall been here?

It does interest you, doesn't it?

Well I'll tell you, my dear lady,

I don't know, because I don't sit here

and clock all the comings and goings in Collinwood.

Well, I will find out from someone else then.

You're a very impatient lady, aren't you?

And we're gonna sit here and have a chat

about why you went to the old house, if you did.

All right, I did not go to the old house.

GABRIEL: I'm waiting.

For what?

The truth?

You won't face it about yourself or anyone else.

So why bother with me, Gabriel?

Good evening, Edith and Gabriel.

How glad I am that the two of you are here.

Before I go to the police,

I would like to have your explanation

of what is actually happening at this house.

[dramatic music]

What is that paper?

The same mark as Quentin's ring.

It was left as a warning for Mordecai Grimes.

Now you're borrowing phrases from Lamar Trask, aren't you?

I'm saying what I believe.

GABRIEL: You've really come over

to Lamar's way of thinking, you, a lawyer.

If you had told me what had happened to me

since I arrived at Collinsport, I wouldn't have believed it.

But now I know that there was something supernatural

about my sister's death.

Trask was right about that.

And tonight.

Tonight is the final proof.

GABRIEL: That paper?

No, not just that.

There's more.

Desmond's attack.

And the recovery when the ascot was removed

from the neck of the voodoo doll.

Quentin's doll.

Now why would Quentin wanna harm Desmond?

They were very good friends.

Not as good as you think.

Let me ask you this.

How close is Quentin to Gerard Stiles?

Very close.

But now you're going to give Quentin

a chance to defend himself--

That's why I came over here tonight.


He should be back very shortly.

I have to meet Trask at the park

opposite the police station in minutes.

I can't wait.

Tell Quentin that I was here.


I admire you.

I didn't expect that reaction, Gabriel.

Oh, I admire the way you can step

outside your emotions.

Outside your family, really.

And just put yourself into a situation objectively.

Even if it means harming your sister,

your, your nephew, your brother-in-law.

I have no choice, Gabriel.

Gabriel, if Quentin is arrested--

GABRIEL: Don't be happy yet, Edith.

It hasn't happened yet.

You think it will though, don't you?

I don't want to think about it.

No plans.

Plans make me very nervous.

And if Quentin goes to jail, I have plans, Edith.

Many plans.

But right now I'm thinking about you, Edith,

and why you're so interested in whether Randall was here.

Samantha mentioned that he might come here.

GABRIEL: No, that's not good enough, Edith.

Let's have another answer.

There is no other answer.

[door opens]


Quentin, have...

Where did you come from?

Through the back door.

You have the most phenomenal good luck I've ever seen.

Now you've got all the time in the world

to think up the proper answers.

Answers for whom?

The police.

Randall is going to a rendezvous with Lamar

in a park in town in minutes,

and then they're going to the police station.

Randall and Trask?


Everybody here thinks that dear brother is a warlock.

That's insanity.

When did Randall leave?

Just now.

Now keep your temper, brother of mine.

[door closes]

Edith, go to bed.

We'll continue this discussion tomorrow morning.

Gabriel, I don't want to--

Go to bed!




[eerie theme music]
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