1158 - December 2, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1158 - December 2, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

DAPHNE:The great house at Collinwood in the year ,

a time of intrigue and treachery.

No one in the Collins family is aware that

Gerard Stiles has been possessed by the spirit

of one Judah Zachary,

a warlock who was beheaded in

vowing to have his revenge on the Collins family.

On this night, Gerard has successfully completed

the first step of Judah Zachary's vendetta

against the family.

Quentin Collins has been accused of m*rder and arrested.

Now Gerard is at work

on the second step to bring the final

break between Quentin and his father, Daniel,

and pave the way for his own takeover of Collinwood.

Well, you seem a little troubled.

What's the matter?

Who says anything is the matter?

It was your account of things

which led to Randall's m*rder and brought Quentin to jail.

It's beginning to trouble you a little now,

isn't it Gabriel?

What happens if he's proven innocent?

What will your punishment be?

Will he cut you off without a penny?

These are very disturbing questions for you, aren't they?

But as it happens, they are merely academic.

What are you talking about?

Gabriel, I was just upstairs where I spent

several hours with your father composing a new will.

He has made a new heir,

and I know who it is.

[suspenseful rolling tympani]

[Dark Shadows theme]

Who? Who's Father's new heir to be?

I'm afraid I can't tell you.

You see, I kept my word to Daniel.

Yeah, but we both know

that your word is completely meaningless.

Now who is it to be?

Oh, now it isn't Samantha, is it?

GERARD: I told you, Gabriel,

I'm honored-bound not to tell.

Now why would father put you in his confidence?

You're not even a member of the family.

Your father confided in me because he trusts me,

and he didn't want any of the family around

while he was making his decision.

Look, just tell me if it's me or isn't it.

That's all I want to know, Gerard.


Now I thought our animosity towards each other

would disappear.

Now, we've made a few mistakes, my friend,

just a few.

I thought that perhaps we could learn from them,

but in that way help one another.

I don't believe any of this.

GERARD: Believe what?

I'm the new heir?

You're trying to ingratiate yourself to me

because I'm the new heir.

Because you can't afford me as an enemy.

Gabriel, Gabriel, I never considered you an enemy.

Believe me, I never considered you an enemy,

but I intend to keep my word to Daniel.

But I don't suppose I would be breaking my word,

if I merely quoted him.

GABRIEL: Oh, and what do you mean?

He would sometimes look up at me and he would say,

"Quentin Collins is no longer my heir,

but I have another son."

What took you so long?

I only got your message an hour ago.

You liar,

you didn't come here because you haven't got

any excuse for having failed me.

Roxanne has been destroyed,

and Julia still lives to thr*aten me.

All because of you.

Now you tell me what happened.

Well, first I went to the old house to look for you.

Barnabas Collins was there.

He forced me to tell him where Julia was.

But Barnabas has got no way to find out,

to think that you would know that.

Well, he's a very clever and dangerous man

when he's angry.

Laszlo, Barnabas has no reason suspect

that you would know where Julia was.

Now how did he find out?

Answer me.

I'm sorry, I had no way of knowing that he'd see the ring.

VALERIE: What ring?

Well, when I thought Julia was dying

I saw this ring that she was wearing, and I took a fancy--

Oh, so you stole it and put it on your own finger

where Barnabas would be sure to notice it

and understand everything?


I'm sorry.

I didn't know that Barnabas would find me.

Look, I'll make it up to you.

Tell me what you want done with Julia.

Strangely enough, Julia doesn't bother me now.

Something else has happened, something far more terrifying.

I've never known you to be frightened of anything.

Well, I have good reason to be this time.

Judah Zachary has returned.

LASZLO: Who's Judah Zachary?

I'll tell you all about him and you listen

and listen very carefully.

Because when one deals with Judah Zachary,

there is no margin for error.

Well, well, the governess has returned.

And where have you been, Miss Harridge?

I had some errands to do in the village.

Well, you picked a very inconvenient time,

to do them, Miss Harridge.

My brother has been most upset because he couldn't find you.

Well, I see. Where is he now?

I'll let him know I'm back.

Oh, I'm afraid he's gone.

DAPHNE: Gone where?

He was arrested about an hour ago

for the m*rder of Randall Drew.

Arrested for m*rder?

That's impossible, Quentin would never k*ll anyone.

Oh, so now it's Quentin is it?

It's so fascinating to see your feelings out in the open.

Oh, I'm going to see him.

It's too late, Miss Harridge.

It's too late for you and my brother.

And then shortly after the trial of Judah Zachary in ,

I was given safe conduct out of the country,

and Judah was beheaded.

So you became what you are because of Judah Zachary.

Yes, but his powers are awesome,

and I'm certain that his spirit has lived all this time.

And now it has taken possession of some,

some living person,

and he's in complete control of that person.

Have you any idea who it could be?

Yes, I do, I believe it is Gerard Stiles

because he is the one who called me by my,

by the name that Judah knew me as, Miranda.

And the very next time that I saw him

was the night that I had the vision of Amadeus Collins.

Amadeus Collins, who is he?

He's the judge who convicted Judah Zachary to death.

He's a direct relation to the Collins family.

Don't you see?

That's why I'm sure Judah has come back.

LASZLO: Back, why would he come back?


He swore on the stand that he would return

and destroy everyone who was responsible for his m*rder.

That means everyone in the Collins family,

and that also means me.

You're convinced that this vision of Amadeus

was induced by Judah?

Yes, yes through Gerard Stiles.

But I'm not sure,

I have to find some proof that he's the one.

How can you do that?

I can perform a simple ceremony

to get the information I need,

but I must have some personal possession of Gerard's.

His watch fob, yes.

The one he wears all the time.

How are you gonna get something like that?

I'm not, you are.

Look, I don't even know the man.

I don't know what he looks like.

How can I get close enough to steal his watch fob?

Laszlo, you will meet Gerard before the night is over.

Someone left a letter for you.

Mrs. Ward, where'd you get this?

MRS. WARD: I don't know.

Now this letter just didn't materialize out of thin air.

You've got to know where you got it.


Now listen to me.

You're going to tell me who brought you this letter.

I, I don't know who brought it or if anyone did.

Come on.

Maybe it just appeared.

Witches know all kinds of tricks.

Don't think I won't tell my husband

what you've done to me just now.

All right.

Just get out, I want to be left alone.

DAPHNE: Quentin.

Who are you?

She has come here to see me,

and I would like to see her alone.

If you had any sense,

you wouldn't have anything to do with him.

I came as soon as I heard.

Yes, I know.

Now listen to me, listen it isn't true.

I didn't k*ll Randall.

Oh, God, I know you didn't.

You didn't even have to say that.

But what happened just now with that woman?

Why is she so frightened of you?

She brought me this.

It's another note from Joanna?


"This crisis shall pass as all others have,

"and I shall love you as I always have."

Quentin, how is this possible?

I don't know,

I don't know.

I'm frightened.

The people in the village are all hysterical.

They're talking about witchcraft,

and they're saying that it all started at Collinwood.

Yes, Trask started it all.

He's very good at stirring up this kind of thing.

They were talking about dispensing with

and setting up some kind of special tribunal.

A witchcraft tribunal, they called it.

You listen to me, now all that is is talk.

You understand?

They outlawed witchcraft tribunals over a century ago.

Don't worry about it.

There's only one way all this can come out, Quentin.

I know you're innocent,

and a jury will know you're innocent, too.

You've only known me for a short time.

You really believe it's impossible for

I know it is.

And one day soon everyone else will know it, too.


Good evening, sir.

Laszlo Ferrari at your service.

On your way, gypsy.

Oh, please, sir,

I come seeking a friend who lives here.

I'm afraid gypsies don't have friends, now begone.

GABRIEL: Gerard, he does have a friend, me.

Come in, Laszlo.

Mr. Collins,

I'd like you to meet Mrs. Valerie Collins.

How do you do? Enchanted.

And this gentleman,

is Mr. Gerard Stiles.


Would you like me to look at your palm, Mr. Collins?

Oh, by all means.

Tell me what you see.

Oh, I see a change in your future.

A change for the better.

Ah, yes, the signs are unmistakable.

I see a major event in the offing.

Am I going to be pleased or displeased by this event?

Oh, I should say extremely pleased.

Oh splendid, splendid.

Oh, and I think I'll give you a little something extra here.

I'd like you to read Mr. Stiles' palm.

Well, I'm afraid I'm not interested in that, thank you.

Oh, well I'm always most anxious to convert skeptics,

Mr. Stiles.

I'd be delighted to read your palm for nothing.

Please, Mr. Stiles, let him.

I find it so fascinating.

Well, I could never refuse a lady.

Go on, get it over with.

You must have had a most intriguing history, Mr. Stiles.

Good start, Laszlo, good start.

Emotionally speaking, you're a man who

has scaled the heights of happiness,

but has also known the depths of sorrow.

There are clouded areas, I can't see them too clearly.

Uh, perhaps another angle.

Yes, yes, that's much, much better.

Ah, yes, now,

you've led a life of some conflict, Mr. Stiles.

Nothing has ever come very easily to you.

You see no reason why that trait

should change in the near future.

Listen how long is this going to take?

I have better things to do.

Only another moment, only another moment, sir.

You're an ambitious man accustomed to

You've made your share of enemies,

but you've instilled fear in their hearts.

So you have no need to fear them in the immediate future.

And as a matter of fact, I see no sign of a setback

in the immediate or distant future.

You, uh...

Indeed, sir, you seem to be quite secure

in your present phase of life.

Allow me to congratulate you, sir.

Where's Daphne, why haven't I heard from her?

She must have found out it's true,

like the rest of us have known all along.

She's right to stay away,

to stay untainted by the likes of you.

No, no she told me she'd come here.

The execution's got to be put off until she gets here.

The execution's going on schedule.

You can't keep everyone out there waiting.

Daphne, Daphne, where are you?

Daphne, you promised me you'd come here.

Oh, why can't I see you one more time before I die, why?

Daphne, Daphne.



It's too late, Daphne.

And besides, you don't care what happens from now on.

It is no longer you and Quentin.

From now on, it is you and me.

You and me, Daphne.

It doesn't matter whether he loses or not.

Isn't that right, Daphne?


What did I dream?

What was it?

Why can't I ever remember?


I can only tell you that I'm glad that's over

and I got through it alive.

You didn't disappoint me, Laszlo.

You performed like the professional thief you are.

Give me the watch fob.

You know, he's gonna miss it

and it's me that he's gonna suspect.

Now, you heard his opinion of gypsies.

I'll tell him that I found it on the drawing room floor.

Yeah, and in the meantime?

Well, I'll wait until dark

and then I'll perform my ceremony.

Before this night is over, I will know whether or not

Gerard Stiles is Judah Zachary.

I thought you had retired for the evening.

DAPHNE: I did go to bed, but I couldn't sleep.

Oh? Another bad dream?

It must have been, I can't remember it though.

It probably wasn't the dream that frightened you.

Merely the apprehension of Quentin's fate.

Well, there's nothing we can do about that now.

What will be will be.

And if there's anything I can do for Quentin,

well, I'm afraid that the powers have already

decided his destiny.

I can't understand you.

Sometimes I think you really are Quentin's friend,

and then there are other times and I think you're

the most untrustworthy of men.

One of these days you will have

to make up your mind about me, Daphne.

One of these days, I certainly will.

Well, I already know what the outcome will be,

so I will leave it to you.

What a pleasant surprise.

Goodnight, Daphne.


Prince of darkness,

I need your help now as I have never needed it in the past.

I beseech you to allow the flames to show me an image.

I hold in my hand an object.

If this object belongs to the man who is truly my enemy,

I beg you to show me his face, that I may know who he is.

I beseech you to show to me Judah Zachary

and the guise in which he now walks on this Earth.

Reveal him to me, and I shall be

forever in your debt.

[dramatic music]

[Dark Shadows theme]
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