01x22 - Do the Waltzango/Big Brother Bootcamp

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Alma's Way". Aired: October 4, 2021 – present.*
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The show is set in The Bronx, New York and revolves around Alma, a six-year-old Puerto Rican girl, as she ventures out into her Latino neighborhood to demonstrate decision making and social awareness skills.
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01x22 - Do the Waltzango/Big Brother Bootcamp

Post by bunniefuu »

[♪♪♪] ♪ Waahoooa yay!

♪ Vamonos!

♪Lo le lo lai, lo lai lai lo le. ♪

♪ It's Alma's Way!

♪ Here she comes.

♪Beaming with pride and something to say! ♪

♪ Hear those drums?

♪ Playing Alma's Way.

♪ From the Bronx,

♪ Singing a le lo lai, lai lo lei, ♪

♪ our island songs,

♪ Saying Alma's Way.

♪So many questions. So much to explain. ♪

♪ Hoh! ♪ Figure it out as you hop on the train. ♪

♪Hoo!♪ ♪With Mami, Papi, Junior and Abuelo, mi gente. ♪

♪ I'll think it through and share it with you. ♪

♪ Come on vente!

♪ There she goes!

♪Learning about her world every day. ♪

♪ The whole world knows.

♪ It's Alma's Way...

♪ Alma's Way!

♪ Wepa!


ALMA: "“Do The Waltzango"”

ALMA: Catch, Eddie!

LUCAS: Over here, Eddie!

BECKA: Here, Alma!

ALMA: [laughs]

[door opens] GRANNY ISA: !¡Wepa!

DJ Junior, give me a tango! !¡Vamos a bailar!

[music starts playing on portable speaker]

GRANNY ISA: Tango time! Ya-ha!

ALMA: Granny Isa'’s visiting!

And that means weeee... DANCE!

GRANNY ISA: One, two, three, four...

five, six, seven, turn.

One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, turn.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, turn!

ALMA: Whoa!

Eddie and Becka are way way waayyy good at tango.

See how they move together?

[music ends] [applause]

GRANNY ISA: !¡Bravisimo!

How about a waltz please, DJ Junior!

JUNIOR: You got it, Granny Isa!

[waltz music plays on portable speaker]

GRANNY ISA: Shall we, Almita?

ALMA: This is OUR dance!


GRANNY ISA: I learned this dance

at a party in Vienna.

BECKA: Wow! The waltz is so beautiful!

EDDIE: Eh, it'’s all right.

BECKA: Let'’s try it.

Come on!

ALMA: Whoa! They'’re sooo good.

ALMA: Wanna try, Lucas?

LUCAS: Oh yeah, my dad says I'’m a great dancer.

ALMA: Whooa!

LUCAS: Yeah-hah! Woohoo! Ha-haa-haa!

ALMA: [giggles]

GRANNY ISA: Yes! Lucas, I love it! More dancing!

DJ Junior, track number nine, !¡por favor!

♪[upbeat electronic music]

[slapping on knees and shoes]

ALMA: What'’s that dance, Granny?

GRANNY ISA: I call it the...

"“Little of This and a Little of That"” dance!

A little pop and lock!

A little bunny hop!

And a dash of Schuhplattler,

my favorite Bavarian folk dance.

[music changes to mix of techno and German folk music]

LUCAS: This is awesome!


ALMA: Even their "“Little of This and a Little of That"” dance looks amazing!

GRANNY ISA: You two should go on tour with those moves!

[music ends] [cheers] [laughs]

ALMA: Granny Isa, can you show us more dances?!

KIDS: Yeah, more dances! Pleeease!

GRANNY ISA: I wish I could,

but I'’m working a flight to Germany tonight.

Gotta get ready to...

♪bust a move -- outta here!

KIDS: Awww.

GRANNY ISA: ♪Ba-ba-ba-ha-ha[hums]

BECKA: Aww, I wish we could dance more with your Granny!

ALMA: Me too!

Hey! Let'’s pick dances and do a goodbye dance show for her!

LUCAS/EDDIE/BECKA: Yeah!/Yes!/Let'’s do it!

ALMA: Great! Time to bust some moves!

♪[waltz music]


LUCAS: I'’m totally getting the hang of this Waltz thing.

ALMA: [laughs]

ALMA/LUCAS: [laughs]

EDDIE: [angrily] She'’s my Granny, so I get to pick!

BECKA: That'’s not fair!

BECKA: You know, Eddie, when we watched a movie the other day,

you got to pick the snacks!

EDDIE: But you picked the movie!

BECKA: We both wanted to watch it!

C'’mon, please! Let'’s just do the waltz!

EDDIE: No. Let'’s tango.

BECKA: I wanna waltz.

EDDIE: Well, I want to tango!

BECKA: The waltz is better.

EDDIE: No, the tango is better.

ALMA: Uh, so.... did you pick a dance to do for Granny?

BECKA: Waltz!

EDDIE: Tango!

EDDIE: Waltz! BECKA: Tango!

BECKA/EDDIE: [in unison] It's my turn to pick...

No, MINE! Hmph!

ALMA: Come on, you two, this is for Granny Isa.

Just pick a dance.

EDDIE: You'’re right, Alma.

BECKA: Yeah. We wanna do this for your Granny.

EDDIE: So, Alma, how would you like to be my tango dance partner?

BECKA: [gasp]

Lucas, how would you like to dance

the waltz with me?

LUCAS: Wait... aren't you two dancing together?


ALMA: That did not go like I thought it would.

[suspenseful music]

♪[tango music]

ALMA: Whoa! [laugh]

♪[waltz music]

[tango music] ALMA: [out of breath] Phew!

♪[waltz music]

♪[tango music] ALMA: Whooaaa! Eddie!

EDDIE: Oops. Sorry Alma!

ALMA: Are you sure you don'’t wanna dance with Becka?

EDDIE: Hmph.

[shoe creak]

ALMA: Owie owie, owie! EDDIE: Oops! Sorry, Alma!

ALMA: Owie owie!

[waltz music]

[shoe creaks]

LUCAS: Ow! My toe!

BECKA: Oh, sorry! Let'’s take a break.

LUCAS: [out of breath] Okay.

EDDIE: Hmph.

BECKA: Alma, wanna be my dance partner?

I really wanna waltz and you know how to do it.

ALMA: What about Lucas?

LUCAS: Whoa-whoa-wait! It'’s okay, uhm, I'll dance with Eddie. [laugh]

♪[waltz music]

BECKA: One, two, three. One, two, three.

[shoe creaks]

ALMA/LUCAS: Owie, ow, owie, owie, ow!


ALMA/LUCAS: Owie, owie, owie, owie! Ow!

ALMA: I don'’t get it.

Becka and Eddie are great when they dance with each other.

LUCAS: Yeah, but with us they'’re all grouchy and... ouchy.

ALMA: I think they'’d be happier if they danced together.

LUCAS: My toes will be happier, that'’s for sure.

ALMA: Alright. Let'’s go talk to them.

LUCAS: How '‘bout you two pick another dance that you both like?

ALMA: You can dance mambo together!

Or hip-hop, or ballet?

EDDIE: I want to tango.

BECKA: I wanna waltz!

EDDIE/BECKA: [in unison] I'’m not dancing with him/her

unless he/she does my dance.

You know what?

I don'’t think I'm gonna dance AT ALL!

ALMA: I didn'’t think things could get any worse,

but they just did!

ALMA: Granny Isa'’s leaving soon.

Is there anything I can do to help Eddie and Becka stop fighting?

Hmm, I gotta think about this.

EDDIE: You'’re right, Alma.

BECKA: Yeah, we wanna do this for your Granny.

ALMA: They both want to do the show for Granny Isa.

EDDIE: I want to tango.

BECKA: I wanna waltz!

ALMA: They're being so stubborn!

Hmm... How can I help them pick a dance they both want to do?

GRANNY ISA: I call it the, "“Little of This and a Little of That"” dance!

ALMA: Hmm... Granny Isa'’s dance

mixed up a whole buncha differentstyles.

So, maybe...

Oh yeah! I know what to do!

ALMA: Eddie! Becka! Could you come here for a minute, please?

♪[tango music]

BECKA: Oh hello, Eduardo.

EDDIE: Greetings, Rebecca.

LUCAS: This is going great!

ALMA: Whoa. I'’ve never seen them this mad at each other!

ALMA: You two are friends and you'’re realllly good dance partners.

Don'’t you miss dancing with each other?

BECKA: Ask Eddie.

He'’s the one who doesn't like dancing with me.

EDDIE: That'’s not true!

Becka'’s the one who doesn't wanna dance with me.

BECKA: I never said that!

I think you'’re the best dance partner in the Bronx!

EDDIE: You do?

LUCAS: She does!

EDDIE: Well, I think you'’re the best dance partner in the whole city!

ALMA: Aaaand?

EDDIE: And...

I -- miss dancing with you.

BECKA: I miss dancing with you too.

ALMA: There it is!

EDDIE/BECKA: I'’m sorry I got so mad at you.

ALMA: Does this mean you'’ll dance together?

BECKA: If he'd waltz!

EDDIE: If she'd tango!

ALMA: Well, I think I know how to fix that.

You can dance a... tangwitz.

No, a waltzy-tangy.

No, wait, a...waltzango!

Yeah, a waltzango!

EDDIE: What'’s a waltzango?

ALMA: A waltz and a tango mixed together!

BECKA: I love it! [gasp] Oh, ooh!

♪[tango music]

BECKA: We could do this step like in the tango!

♪[waltz music]

EDDIE: Then this one, like in a waltz!

♪[upbeat music]

ALMA: Are we good or what!

LUCAS: Good? We'’re fantastic!

[music ends]

GRANNY ISA: [claps] That was awesome! Aw!

ALMA: Next up, Eddie and Becka dancing the...


♪[tango/waltz mash-up plays]





GRANNY ISA: That was amazing!

[high five hand clap]

GRANNY ISA: I'’ve been all over the world

and I have never seen a dance like that before.


What a send-off!

!¡Muchas gracias!

!¡Nos vemos, mis corazones! !¡Los quiero!

Now... take me out, DJ Junior!

JUNIOR: Okay, Granny!

♪[tango/waltz mash-up plays]

GRANNY ISA: Happy dancing! Mwah! Mwah! Mwah!

KIDS: !¡Adiós! Thank you! Bye Granny Isa!

GRANNY ISA: Yo, Taxiii!!

[car brakes screech] [car door slams]

ALMA: The Waltzango...

part waltz, part tango, and all amazing!

LUCAS/ALMA: [laughing]




ALMA: "“Big Brother Bootcamp"”

♪[mambo music]

EDDIE: [claps] One, two, three. One, two, three.

One, two, three. One, two, three.

Now turn!

JUNIOR: Whoa! You'’re so good at mambo!

ALMA: And that'’s why we call him "“Eddie Mambo!"”

JUNIOR: I wanna try! Alma, spin me!

More spinning! More spinning!

ALMA: [laughs]

EDDIE: Junior, if you keep spinning, you'’re gonna get--

JUNIOR: Dizzzzy!! Whooa, whoaa! Oof-


EDDIE: [laughs]

[music ends]

JUNIOR: I think I need more mambo practice.

EDDIE: Well,

you definitely don'’t need any more spinning practice.


EDDIE: And nice footwork, Alma!

ALMA: Thanks, Eddie! You'’re a great teacher.

EDDIE: !¡Gracias! Let'’s take a break.

JUNIOR: [hums]

[dog sniffs]

JUNIOR: [gasp] [laughs]


ALMA/EDDIE: [laughs]

JUNIOR: Pleeeeease?

ALMA: [laughs] Okay, sure.

ALMA: Here ya go!


JUNIOR: !¡Gracias, Alma!

EDDIE: Did you really just give Junior the bigger piece?

ALMA: Eh, yeah, I'’m his big sister. That'’s what I do.

EDDIE: Well, I'’m glad I'’m an only child.

I get the big AND little pieces!

ALMA: [laughs]

[door opens]

TIÍA GLORIA: Oh, ¿de veras? For real?

I'’m so excited, this is such big news!

[BBQ wheels squeak]

TIÍA GLORIA: Yesss, I can'’t wait for Eddie to meet our new baby!


ALMA: EEEE! A baby cousin! Ooh, I hope it'’s a girl!

EDDIE: What am I gonna do with a baby?!

ALMA: Well--

EDDIE: What does a baby even do?

Will I have to share my snacks?

[dramatic music]

EDDIE: Will I have to share my room? My toys?


I'’m not ready for this.

ALMA: Ummm--

EDDIE: Wait a second!

Alma! You'’re a big sister!

Could you teach me how to be a big brother?


Eddie Mambo, you'’ve come to the right place. I gotchu.

ALMA: [clears throat] Welcome to...

JUNIOR: [drumming on his lap] Ba-da-da-da-da!


A class to teach you everything you need to know

about being a big brother.

ALMA: Just follow my three easy rules,

and you'’ll be the best big brother in the Bronx!

ALMA: Big Brother Rule Number One!

A big brother plays whatever his little brother or sister wants.

ALMA: Junior, what'’s your favorite thing to play?

JUNIOR: Dinosaurs!

ALMA: What makes more noise than a dinosaur?

JUNIOR: Hmm...

ALMA: TWO dinosaurs!

JUNIOR: [gasp]


EDDIE: Whoa!






EDDIE: Do you really like dinosaurs, Alma?

ALMA: They'’re okay.

But Junior LOVES them. So I play with them.



EDDIE: Whoa!



EDDIE: Got it!

ALMA: Okay, Big Brother Rule Number Two...

A big brother builds the tallest towers!

ALMA: Yes, Eddie?

EDDIE: Uhhh... why tall towers?

JUNIOR: '‘Cause little brothers love tall towers!

EDDIE: Uhh, okay. Gotcha.

ALMA: Ready, Junior?

JUNIOR: [efforts]

JUNIOR: Here you go, Alma!

[whispers] This is the best part!

ALMA: [struggling] Aaaaalmost there.. [effort]


JUNIOR: Isn'’t this the tallest tower you'’ve ever seen?!

ALMA: Okay, for the final rule--

EDDIE: Oh! Is it reading to your little brother or sister?

ALMA: Close.

Big Brother Rule Number Three...

A big brother always shares his favorite reading spot

with his little brother or sister.

EDDIE: Wait... what?!

But I like to read on MY bed. In MY room.

I don'’t like to share MY space with anyone.

JUNIOR: But little brothers love reading with big sisters and brothers.

EDDIE: Hmm, uhm...

ALMA: Don'’t worry, Eddie. It'’s easy, just watch...

ALMA: Ready?!


ALMA: Let'’s make some space for you, Junior.

ALMA: Here'’s your book, hermanito!

JUNIOR: Thanks, Alma!

EDDIE: Umm.... I think I got it!

ALMA: It'’s time!

EDDIE: Time for my Big Brother Test?

ALMA: Nope! It'’s snack time!

JUNIOR: Woo-hoo! Snacks!! [techno music]

ALMA/EDDIE: [giggle]

EDDIE: Okay, so...

Rule Number One: play whatever your little sibling loves to play.

EDDIE: Here you go, Alma.

ALMA: Thanks, Eddie!

EDDIE: Rule Number Two: Build the tallest towers.

And Rule Number Three:

[gulp] Share your favorite reading spots.

ALMA: That'’s it!

EDDIE: Here ya go, Junior.

I know you don'’t like the white stringy stuff,

so I peeled it all off for you.

JUNIOR: Thanks, Eddie!

ALMA: Okay, Eddie, it'’s time for the Big Brother Bootcamp Test!

EDDIE: [gulp] Uh-oh..

JUNIOR: And I'’LL pretend to be your little brother!

ALMA: Ready, set, go!

JUNIOR: [whistles]

EDDIE: Oh, hey there... little sibling.

What do you wanna play today?

JUNIOR: Hmm... I pick...


EDDIE: Oh, uh.. Okay.

Hello- oh, I mean...

[in gruff voice] Hello there... diplodocus.

Wanna play?

JUNIOR: I sure do.


EDDIE: [regular voice] Actually Junior,

I'’m pretty sure his roar would be deeper, like...

[in a deeper voice] ROAR!

JUNIOR: [gruff voice] ROOAAAR-

EDDIE: No no...

[even deeper voice] ROAARR!

JUNIOR: I don'’t get it...

EDDIE: Ohh. That'’s not how you like to play dinosaurs, huh?

JUNIOR: Umm... not really..

ALMA: That'’s okay! Let's try...

ALMA: Rule Number Two! Go!

JUNIOR: [effort]

JUNIOR: Here, big brother!

You can put on the last piece!

EDDIE: Okay!

EDDIE: Oooh, check this out. I can make this the tallest AAAND biggest tower.


JUNIOR: Look out!!

EDDIE: [gasp]

EDDIE: This big brother stuff is way harder than it looks...

ALMA: Eddie'’s got this... right?

EDDIE: [efforts]

ALMA: Ready!?

Eddie: Uh-hmm..

ALMA: Okay, Junior!

ALMA: Rule Number Three... aaaaand GO!

JUNIOR: Little brother incoming!

JUNIOR: Whoooaaaaaaa-

[thumps to the floor gently]

JUNIOR: I'’m okay!

[suspenseful music]

EDDIE: Just tell me already.

How'’d I do on my Big Brother Test?

ALMA: Wellll... not great.

EDDIE: Ugh! I knew it! I'’m going to be a terrible big brother!

ALMA: No, you'’re not. You'’re going to be a great big brother!

EDDIE: How do you know that?!

ALMA: Huh. How DO I know Eddie will be a great brother?

I gotta think about this!

[electric guitar shredding] ALMA: I love hanging out with Eddie.

He'’s the best cousin.

He'’s always helping us with stuff.

He even taught us how to mambo!

ALMA: Eddie does so many nice things for us.

I know he really cares about me and Junior!

EDDIE: Here you go, Junior!

I know you don'’t like the white stringy stuff,

so I peeled it all off for you.

JUNIOR: Thanks, Eddie!

ALMA: Eddie's our cousin,

but he'’s kinda like a big brother too...

[gasp] I know what to do!

ALMA: So, Eddie! I know you didn'’t do that great on your Big Brother Test..

EDDIE: Don'’t remind me!

ALMA: BUT... I don'’t need a test to tell me you'’re gonna be a great big brother.

EDDIE: But, Alma, how do you know that?

ALMA: '‘Cuz you'’re already a great cousin to me andJunior.

You always play with us.

And you taught us how to mambo--

JUNIOR: AND you peeled the yucky stringy things off my clementine!

ALMA: Soooo... I know you'’re going to be

the BEST big brother in the Bronx...

because you'’re already the best BIG COUSIN in the Bronx!

EDDIE: Huh... I guess I do do the kinds of stuff

a good big brother would do...


[door opens]

TIÍA GLORIA: !¡Oye, Eddie!

!¡Ven, por favor!

I have something to tell you!

EDDIE: [deep breath] Okay, this is it...

ALMA: You got this!

EDDIE: Yeah, you'’re right... I got this!

JUNIOR: Good luck, big cousin!

EDDIE: Soo, I heard you talking about the new baby, Mamá.

And I'’m still a little nervous...

but I know I can be a great big brother!

TIÍA GLORIA: New baby?! [laughs]

Oh, m'’hijo. I was talking about a new baby...


EDDIE: Wait...what?


TIÍA GLORIA: Isn'’t she the cutest?!

We'’re fostering this pup until Tío Rubén can find her a fur-ever home.


EDDIE: She is really cute.

TIÍA GLORIA: !¡Ay, qué preciosa!

She already likes you!

You ARE a great big brother.

EDDIE: [gasp] But I'’m not sure

if I'’m ready to be a big puppy brother!

ALMA: Don'’t worry, Eddie! I gotchu!

!¡Ven, Chacho!


CHACHO: [happy grunt] [panting]

ALMA: It'’s time for Big Brother Puppy Bootcamp!



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