01x14 - Hold on Rainbow/Where Have All the Berries Gone?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "It's a Big Big World". Aired: January 2, 2006 – January 8, 2010.*
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Revolves around a group of animals living in "The World Tree" in the rainforest along the Amazon River with the Pico da Neblina mountain background.
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01x14 - Hold on Rainbow/Where Have All the Berries Gone?

Post by bunniefuu »


Nngh! Uh!

Hey, welcome back to the Big, Big World.

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ Such a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ Don't you agree?

♪ Big enough for you and me ♪

♪ I'm a big old sloth

♪ I may be slow

♪ But see my friends swing high and low ♪

♪ Come to the big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ Come to the big world

♪ Such a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ Find your tree house, the tree's so tall ♪

♪ It's a big world after all.



[ sighs]



Huh? Hmm?

What is that?

All those colors.

It's so beautiful.

I've got to go tell Snook.

[ snoring]

[ croaks] Huh?

Wartz, it's you.

What a pleasant surprise.

Snook, there's something amazingoutside.


Chocolate-covered eucalyptus leaves?

Even better.

Giantchocolate-cove eucalyptus leaves?

Even better.


Oh, you're right, little buddy.

That is amazing.

[ yawns]: Must be about the most beautiful one I've ever seen.

But... but...

what is it?

A rainbow.


Oh, a rainbow.

[ chuckles]: Of course. It's so obvious.

I should've known. A rainbow.

What's a rainbow?

Oh, yeah, a rainbow.

Well, sometimes, after a storm,

when it's sunny, you see rainbows.

Aren't they beautiful? Hmm.

Snook! Snook! I've got to find out about rainbows.

No one told me they were so beautiful.

Let's go catch one. Come on! It looks like its going to Ick's pond.

Catch a rainbow? You might be able to see a rainbow Wartz,

but catching one isn't quite that simple.

Not simple at all.

Oh Snook, please!


ugh. Ok my little frog friend.

Am I going to have to go search for this rainbow with you?

I think so Snook! Let's go!

Ok, let's go catch a rainbow

Hurry! I think it's disappearing

I'm right behind you Wartz

Is it going away?

Well thats what rainbows do. But it's great to watch while they last.

Hi Snook! Hi Wartz! Did you see the rainbow?

Hey Winslow, yup, we saw it

It brightened the whole sky! Too bad its gone.

The rainbows gone.

Do you think it knew we were trying to catch it?

Nah. Rainbows are like that Wartz.

They come and go as they please.

Where did it go?

Who knows?

Oh well. Sorry we didn't catch your rainbow Wartz.

Maybe next time.

It's gone. The rainbow is gone

and I never even found out where it came from.

Aww. It's ok Wartz. There'll be other rainbows

I've got to get it back! I've got to catch it!

Well...good luck froggy boy

I'm gonna go find Smooch and catch some vines.

Why don't you come swinging with us, Wartz?

Uh, no thanks.

You want to come vine swinging, Snook?

I'm sure we can find a big, sturdy one for you.

[ laughs] No, thanks, Winslow.

I told Wartz I'd help him.

I think we have some more to discover

about catching rainbows.

But thanks for the offer on the sturdy vines anyway.

Okay, Snook. See you later, Wartzy.


Maybe there'll be another rainbow along soon.

What do you think, Snook?

Well, could be.

Like I said, they do come and go as they please.

But I have to tell you, Wartz,

no one has ever caught a rainbow before.


No one has ever caught a rainbow?

Never, never?


Well, that's great.

That means we'll be the first rainbow catchers

of the Big Big World.

We'll be famous.

And then I'll know all about them.

Hmm. There's an awful lot to know

about the Big Big World, Wartz.

♪ Every leaf on every vine

♪ Has a reason and a rhyme

♪ True for all the stars that shine ♪

♪ And the earth below

♪ Ah! Smaller than the eye can see ♪

♪ Bigger than a galaxy

♪ The world is full of mysteries ♪

♪ If you want to know

♪ So sing it ♪ if you want to know

♪ Sing ♪ I want to know♪

♪ 'Cause there is so much to know ♪

♪ Sing ♪ I want to know♪

♪ Can you feel it, can, can you feel it? ♪

I want to know what fishes eat.

I want to know why a banana is sweet.

♪ You want to learn this crazy beat? ♪

BOTH: ♪ I want to know

♪ Well, sing it if you want to know ♪

♪ Sing ♪ I want to know♪

♪ 'Cause there is so much to know, sing ♪

♪ I want to know♪ Come on.

♪ Sing it if you want to know, yeah ♪

♪ I want to know Let me hear ya!

♪ 'Cause there is so much to knows ♪

♪ I want to know

♪ Whoa, yeah...

[ laughter]

Come on, Snook, let's go to Ick's pond.

That's where the last rainbow went.

Maybe the next one will too.

Have you ever tried to catch a rainbow? Hmm?

They can go anywhere.

Do you think Wartz can catch one?

Well, let's go see.

That was a beautiful rainbow this morning, wasn't it?

Ah, what a treat.

That was my first one.

It looked like it went right into your pond.


Into my pond?

There's one here right now?


Oh, rainbow!

Huh. I guess rainbows have a mind of their own.

Wartz wants to catch a rainbow.

Catch one? [ laughs]

You can't catch a rainbow, froggy.

That's what Snook said,

but I'm going to be the first one.

Are you sure it's not under the water hiding?

Nope. Not here.

Okay, so what are we looking for, Snook?

Uh, well, Wartz,

rainbows always have the same seven colors,

from top to bottom.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue,

uh, indigo and violet.

It's weird,

but they're always in that order.

Go figure.

Aren't they sometimes pink or brown?

Or black? Nope.

Ick's right.

That's one thing about rainbows that never changes.

So, where are the rainbows?

We'll probably have to wait a second.

Okay, a second or two.

I still don't see any rainbows.

Oh, look, there's one now.

Over there in the mist.

Wow, it never went away after all.

It's over there now.

SNOOK: Yeah. See?

It's red, orange, yellow, green,

blue, indigo, violet.

Seven colors in the same order.

It never changes.

Let's go, Snook.

We could still be the first.

See ya, Ick.

We're off to catch a rainbow.

Come on, Snook.

I'm coming. I'm coming.

Whoa, it is beautiful.

Good luck.

If I had hands, I'd catch a rainbow, too.

Hey, we keep getting closer,

but it seems to be getting further away.

This is one sneaky rainbow.

OKO: But not sneaky enough for me!

Huh? Oko!

Hey, Oko.

Oko saw rainbow this morning, and Oko think,

hmm, that would make good painting.

You know how much I love painting.

Oh, yes.

Oko paint, because Oko love colors.

You must love rainbows like this.

Hey, where did it go?

Oh, they come, they go.

That's what Snook said.

I want to catch a rainbow for myself.

Oko, can you make it come back?


That I cannot do, little one.

Why not?

You need two things for rainbows: sunlight...

We've got lots of that.

...and you need...


Sunlight and rain.

Hey, now do you understand, little buddy?

Yeah, I-I guess I do.

We never see rainbows when it's dry, right?

But I still don't know why I can't catch one.

Ah... to catch something,

you must be able to hold it.

Is that not so?

Um, yes.

A rainbow is just sunlight

shining through the tiny drops of mist

left floating in the air after it rains.

OKO: When the sunlight passes

through the mist, the light is changed

into all the beautiful colors of the rainbow--

red, orange, yellow, green,

blue, indigo and violet.

SNOOK: Yeah.

That's why we only ever see rainbows after it rains.

So I can't catch it, because a rainbow is really

just sunlight and mist.

People are always chasing rainbows, Wartz.

But now you know why they will never catch one.

[ sighs]

I really, really wanted a rainbow of my own, Snook.

But you have one.


Snook, look!

Red, orange, yellow, green,

blue, indigo, violet.

All of the colors!

[ laughs]

May you enjoy your rainbow.

Thank you, Oko.

Thank you very much!

[ sighs]

My very own rainbow.

SNOOK:Hey, it really is your very own rainbow.


Oh. Hey, look, it's me!

It really is my own.

[ Snook and Wartz laughing]

♪ From the distance I can see

♪ A world that is for everyone

♪ I can hear

♪ A dawning that has just begun ♪

♪ And everywhere I go

♪ I see creatures that are big and small ♪

♪ All within the curve of the world ♪

Everybody sing it!

♪ The curve of the world

♪ Is blue and green and green and blue ♪

♪ Green and blue

♪ The curve of the world is for you and me ♪

♪ And me and you

♪ Me and you, hey

♪ We can see a world that is for everyone ♪

♪ And we can hear a dawning that has just begun ♪

[ Oko laughing]

♪ Everywhere we go OKO: Yes!

♪ We see creatures that are big and small ♪

♪ All within the curve of the world ♪

♪ All within the curve

♪ Of the world

Everybody, sing it now!

♪ You and me and the curve of the world. ♪

[ laughing]

[ chuckling]

[ laughing]


I think that was some of our best vine swinging ever!


I don't know about you, but I sure worked up an appetite.

Well, I do know about me,

and I could definitely use a snack.


Hey, where are those delicious berries

I brought home the other day?

Uh, I don't know how to break this to you, brother,

but we ate the last of them for lunch yesterday.

We did?


Well, it's okay.

We'll just go out and pick some more.

Come on!

Great idea!

And an excuse to do even more vine swinging.

Hey, since when do monkeys need an excuse to go vine swinging?

Yeah! Yeah!

[ laughing]

Hey there, Snook.

Well, hey there, guys.

Where are you monkeys swinging in from and rushing off to?

Well, to, uh, right here, actually.

My absolutely most favorite berries in the whole World Tree

grow right on this spot.

Sounds great.

Lucky for me, I happened to be passing by.

I love berries, too.

Don't you?


I can't believe it.

They're all gone!

Oh. What's a berry bush without berries?

A bush.

They're all gone.

Not all of them.


Ew. These berries on the ground don't look too good.

[ sniffs]


And they smell even worse.

And they're the only ones left?

Do you think someone took the good ones, Snook?

That doesn't seem likely, Winslow.

Everyone in the World Tree is pretty good at sharing.

Then where did the berries go?

Hmm, I'm not sure.

I bet there's a perfectly logical explanation.

But there's only one way to find something out

when you don't know.

What is it?

Why, investigate, of course.

Hey there, Bobby boy.

We're here for a little investigation.

Oh. I love investigations.

They are so exciting.

What are we investigating today?

Well, it's about the berry bush.

The berry bush?


Well, I know it has berries.

Okay, let's start there.

Uh... how exactly do we start this investigation?

Well, what's the best way to figure out

something you want to know?

Good question.

How do we do that?

Ooh, ooh, I know, I know.

We ask questions, of course.

That's right.

I knew that.

Okay, okay.

I'll start by asking Bob

if he knows what happened to the berries.


So, Bob...

Uh, yes?

Do you know the whereabouts of the berries

that used to be on Winslow's favorite berry bush?

You want to know where the berries are

or about the berries

or about the bush?

I'm confused.

Smooch is really asking:

Do you know what might have become of the berries?

The berries have become something else?

That's unusual.

Bob, I think what these monkey investigators mean is,

do you know where the berries are?


Whew. Good.

I know the answer to that one.

Yes? Yes?

On the berry bush.

[ groans]

WINSLOW AND SMOOCH: No! They're not there!


What's a berry bush without berries?

A bush.

Well, I don't know where they are.

[ groans]

After all that investigating, it doesn't seem like we know

anything more about the berries than we did before.

Hey, Winslow, take heart.

We just started.

[ gasps]

I have an idea.

We could try asking somebody else,

everybody, in fact.

There you go.

Well, I don't see the point in asking everybody.

Let's just ask someone who knows.

We'll ask Ick.

He always seems to know a lot.

An excellent idea, Smooch.

Bye, Bob.

Uh, okay.

Glad I could be of help...

or not, I guess.

Oh, Ick?


Oh! Ooh! Ah!

You don't have to yell.

I was just under the water, you know.

Hey, Ick.

We're trying to find out

what happened to Winslow's favorite berries.

It's an investigation.

Ooh, an investigation-- I love those.

And what have you figured out so far?

Only that Bob doesn't know

too much about berries.

So what can you tell us about the berries?


Oh, no, nothing at all.

But I do have a lot to say about algae.


You know, it's that green stuff

around the edges of the pond.

Ick, we're not investigating algae.

But I have to admit,

algae is really interesting.

They are these teeny, tiny plants

that grow in the lakes and water holes.

Sometimes they make the water look green.

Or, could I interest you

in some facts about lily pads?

Not really.

[ rustling] Hey!

[ whispering]: Did you guys hear that?

Its coming from over there.

Aren't there a bunch of berry bushes

right through those trees?

He's right!

Let's investigate.

Uh, guys?

Wait for me.

See you, Ick. Okay, okay.

But when you're ready to really get down and dirty

about lily pads, you let me know.


[ humming]

Look, it's Burdette!

She's a berry- napper!


What are you doing?

Oh, hello, Winslow, Smooch, Snook.

I'm picking berries, of course.

Did you pick all the berries

off Winslow's favorite bush?

Of course not.

I pride myself on having very good manners.

I would never take something without sharing.

I'm just picking them off this one bush.

But if you didn't take them, then what happened to them?

We're doing an investigation, Burdette.

Ooh, I love an investigation!

But as much as I'd like to get involved,

I really don't have the time.

I've got to pick some more berries for Madge

before the end of the season.


Our investigation doesn't seem to be working.

I'll say.

Oh, don't be too sure,

I think Burdette just gave us

all the answers we need.

You think so?


Let's go to Madge's.

I think she can help answer all your questions.

I thought you three might be coming by.

I hear you've been doing some investigating.

That's right.

How exciting.

But we still don't understand

what happened to Winslow's berries.

I guess we didn't ask the right questions.

Well, actually, I think you may have.

Just think about what you found out.

Well, first of all there weren't any berries left

on my favorite berry bush.

And we saw some mushy berries on the ground.

Then, uh...

Oh, we learned a lot about algae from Ick,

but that didn't help at all. [ gasps]

And we saw Burdette,

and she said something about

"the end of the season."

Oh, that's very good--

no berries on the bush,

mushy berries on the ground,

end of season.

There you have it.

Mm-hmm, yup.

We have what?

I have no clue.

SNOOK: Hey, guys.

Do we know how a berry bush grows?

Sure, that's easy.

It starts from a tiny little seed,

and then it grows and grows

until it becomes a big bush.

She's got it.

Well, how does the seed get into the ground?

Huh? Huh?


sometimes we see rotten berries

on the ground, right?

And they have seeds in them,

like the berries we eat, don't they?

So, I guess if a ripe berry isn't picked,

and it falls off the bush onto the ground...

Then the seeds inside start a whole new bush!


Very good, my mystery-solving monkey.

The rotting fruit even helps the bush to grow.

And this is precisely the time of year

when the berries tend to fall.

Now we know what happened to the berries!

They fell off the bush, just like they were supposed to.


SNOOK: What's wrong, Winslow?

Well, we figured out what happened,

but it still means I don't get

any more of my favorite berries.

You may be in luck, my little investigator.



[ intonates "I don't know"]

What's this?

Since I knew it was the end of the berry season,

Burdette collected some of the most delicious berries

in the World Tree--

and I made jam! Yeah!

Have some.

SNOOK: And you get

to enjoy your berries as jam

until they grow again.


Its just as delicious as I remembered!

[ hiccups] Hmm?

♪ When you're munching in the jungle ♪

♪ There's no telling what you'll find ♪

♪ There's a list of savory favorites ♪

♪ For each creature of each kind ♪

♪ Some eat ants and leaves and mangos ♪

♪ It depends upon their mood

♪ Yeah, it might seem strange, but to someone ♪

♪ It's just food, food, food

♪ Yeah

ALL: ♪ Food, food, food

♪ Food, food, food

♪ There's nothing I like better than my food, food, food ♪

SNOOK: ♪ And I think I'll pass on water bugs ♪

♪ For lunch with my friend, Ick ♪

[ laughing]

♪ But the sorghum leaves I eat for lunch ♪

♪ Would probably make him sick ♪


ALL: ♪ Yeah, food

♪ Food, food

♪ Food, food, food

♪ There's nothing I like better ♪

♪ Than my food, food, food.

SNOOK: Come on now!

ALL: ♪ Food, food, food

♪ Food, food, food

♪ There's nothing I like better ♪

♪ Than my food, food, food

SNOOK: I said there's...

ALL: ♪ Nothing I like better

♪ Than my food, food, food.

[ song ends] Mm-mmm!

♪ The world goes spinning round and round, it's true ♪

♪ We've had our time, and now we're through ♪

♪ But you and I forever will be friends ♪

♪ We'll try to touch the sky where clouds never end ♪

♪ And we'll search for wonder all around ♪

♪ And you'll find me hanging upside down ♪

♪ And you and I together in a big, big world ♪

♪ We'll try to touch the sky in a big, big world ♪

♪ You have to go, I know it's time ♪

♪ So give me five

♪ This whole world is yours and mine. ♪

♪ La, la-la, la, la, la, la-la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la-la, la, la, la, la-la, la, la... ♪

Oh, hey.

I just love how different

all the creatures that live here in the World Tree are.

You can meet a lot of different animals, too.

Visit the zoo, and maybe you can come back

and tell me about some animals that I've never met.

See ya.

Smooch and Winslow are very amazing animals.

They're marmosets.

A marmoset is a kind of monkey.

Hey, did you know that marmosets like to live

with other members of their family,

like their brothers and sisters?

No wonder Smooch and Winslow have so much fun

sharing a house.

Uh... except when Winslow leaves his stuff

on the floor, of course.

One of my favorite animals is my friend, Wartz.

He's a red-eyed tree frog.

Tree frogs are really great climbers.

Yup, most of them have sticky pads on their feet,

and those pads help them climb trees

and leap through the treetops.

Whoa.Tree frogs sure are amazing, and I think Wartz

is the most amazing tree frog I've ever met.

Don't you?
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