01x13 - Rock Around the Cluck

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks". Aired: September 7, 2003 – January 23, 2007.*
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The show chronicles the boyhood adventures of Piggley Winks, an anthropomorphic pig from Ireland, and how he relates these stories to his grandchildren as a grandfather in the modern day.
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01x13 - Rock Around the Cluck

Post by bunniefuu »

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- Jakers! ♪ It's the tales of our pal Piggley

♪ Ireland is the world he loves so well

♪ He wriggles out of spots that downright stickley

♪ How he does that only he can tell

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly, and Dannan

♪ Never miss chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo

♪ Lot of excitement for everyone

♪ Curiosity's in a hurry

♪ Leaving no time to stop and think

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

- Jakers! ♪ The adventures of Piggley Winks

♪ Something in the way his eyes start blazin'

♪ Tells us he's on to a brand new plan

♪ His lips curl up, it's downright amazing

♪ Looking for mischief, well he's your man

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly, and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo

♪ Lots of excitement for everyone

- Jakers! ♪ They go to bed just to wake up early

♪ To get in trouble or on the brink

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

- Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks


- [Maggie] Grandpa!


- Huh?

- [Maggie] Grandpa, where are you?

- Oh, yes.

In here, Maggie.

Come in, come in!

What have you got there?

- Mom made it for you.

Sure is stinky!


- Ah!

- What is it?

- Dublin coddle.

My mother taught me how to make it when I was a boy.

And I taught your mother and she'll probably teach you.

- It's kinda,


- You don't like the way it tastes then huh?

- I don't know, I never tasted it.

- How would you know how gross it is?

- It just looks gross, like brains or something!

- How about that.

It does look like brains!

Like something a mad scientist might cook up.

- (giggling) Exactly!

- I remember when I was a boy.

One of me favorite radio programs

was all about mad scientists and such.

And my friends and I never missed it.

(ominous laughter on radio)

- [Narrator on radio] Welcome to Scary Monster Theater.

Tonight's episode, the mad scientist strikes again!

(thunder rumbles)

Ladies and gentlemen, don't be fooled.

That ordinary barn across the way

may not be so ordinary after all.

It could just be the secret laboratory of,

a mad scientist!

(thunder rumbling, Piggley, Ferny, Maggy and Dannan gasp)


- He's draggin' a bag of something!

- I don't think it's potatoes.

- [Mad scientist on radio] In this bag, is everything I need

to create my most terrible creature yet!

(dramatic organ music on radio)

(glass shattering)

(group screams)

- Curses!

My brain has splattered.

I must steal a new one.

(maniacal laughter)

- [Grandpa] Now goin' to bed

and gettin' a good night's sleep

after a mad scientist episode

was always a bit of a challenge.

Even though we knew it was all just pretend.

It could sometimes cause our imaginations

to get the better of us.

(thunder rumbling)

(intense classical music)

(electricity crackling)

- Jakers!

(electricity crackling)

- What is that?

(leaves rustling)

(suspenseful music)

(electricity crackling)

(spooky music)

(machinery rumbling)

(electricity crackling)

- A mad scientist!

(machinery rumbling)



(teeth chattering)

- [Grandpa] The imagination is a wonderful, fascinating,

terrifying thing so it is.

It can make mountains out of molehills.

And monsters out of just about anything.

(engine rumbling)

(imitating monster growl)

- Ferny, come out!

I want your brain!

Must have brain!

(imitating monster growl)

Give me brain!

(imitating monster growl)

- I'm so sorry, monster.

But I'm afraid I can't let you have Fernando's brain.

You see, he uses it himself sometimes.


- Can Ferny come and help Piggley

and me build a monster today?

- Oh, can I Papa?

- Of course Mijo.

Just be home in time for supper!

- I will.

- And don't let anyone take your brain.

- [Ferny] Hey, Piggley!

- [Dannan] Piggley!

- Oh, that sure was a great monster show

on the radio last night.

- I know, but--

- Oh, it certainly was!

I am so glad there's no such thing as a real mad scientist!

- There is!

There is a real mad scientist, right up the road!

- What are ya blabbin' about now?

Mad scientists are just pretend, Piggley.

On the radio.

- Dannan, I saw one last night,

in that barn right over there.

- Piggley, that barn is right next to your place!

- Right, and last night I saw a strange light

comin' from that barn.

So I went over to see what was goin' on.

When I got closer, I could see sparks flyin'!

Then, I saw the mad scientist!

He was all bent over, workin' on his monster like a madman!

- Oh dear!

- Then, all of a sudden, his monster gave a mighty roar!

(machinery grinding loudly)

(group screams)

- What was that?

- [Piggley] The monster!

(machinery grinding loudly)

(group screams)


- The last time I got clipped, I got clipped!

The guy had no sense of style!

I'm a good lookin' sheep, you know.

I got an image to maintain!

How would I look with a crew cut?

Maybe a flat top, give me that dangerous sheep look.

Hey kids, leave that sheep alone.

He's got a dangerous haircut.

Yeah, I don't know.

Maybe a duck tail.


- [Maggie] Hello.

(group screams)

What are ya doin'?

- Nothin'.

We're not doin' anything, Molly.

- I can't believe it!

A mad scientist right here in our own village!

It's madness, I tell ya!

There ought to be a law against it!

- I want to see, I want to see a mad scientist!

- No, Molly!

There's a madman out there, livin' right next door!

- (laughing) Oh, Piggley.

You're so silly!

- What?

- Fergull O'Hopper lives right next door.

And he's nice!

- Fergull O'Hopper?

Are you tellin' me that the new kid at school

is the person who lives next door to ya, Piggley?

- And you think Fergull O'Hopper is a mad scientist!

(Ferny and Dannan laughing)

- I'm going to go and see if Fergull wants to play.

- Wait, Fergull O'Hopper has to be a mad scientist!

It's as clear as the nose on my face.

First, the strange lights I saw last night.

Then, the horrible noises we just heard.

Not to mention, that Fergull is already smarter

than you are at school, Dannan.

And, he's only a year older than Molly!

- Oh, I think you're on to somethin' there, Piggley.

That boy is a mad scientist!

- Oh, maybe.

- I'm gonna go and see if he wants to play.

- No, Molly, no!

- Molly, where are you?

- Let me go, Piggley!

- Molly!

- Wheat germ, flaxseed, hay, oats.

That's the trouble with these feed bags,

they all end the same, oats.

Hey, Bernie, put some wool on, there's kids here!

I'm up, finally!

I've been waiting in this darn line for two days!

But I hear that this barber is one of the best.

I think I'll have him just take a little off the top.

Leave the sides just as they are.

Baa, baa, baa!

- Goodbye, Mammy.

- Go straight to Mrs. O'Hopper's house now, Molly.

- I will!

- Mammy, where is she goin'?

- She's returnin' some sugar I borrowed

from our new neighbors.

She's going to stay over and play with their nice young son,

Fergull O'Hopper.

(all gasp)

- Ah, it's grand having such wonderful neighbors

close by now.

- Why didn't ya tell her?

- You shoulda told her, Piggley!

- Shh, I couldn't tell her.

It'd scare the livin' daylights out of her,

if she knew Molly was visitin' a mad scientist.

- You're right about that.

- Come on then, we've got to get over there

and bring Molly home!

(steady marching music)

- Gee, I feel like a plucked chicken.

Hey, you know what?

I think this is a good look for me.

I'm sleek.

I've never been sleek.

And you know what else?

I'm gonna do something I've always wanted to do.

I'm gonna feel the warmth of the sun on my weird pink skin.

Hey, anybody got sunblock?

- Do ya think the mad scientist

is in the barn right now, Piggley?

- He could be, Ferny.

We have to be real careful.

Come on.

- Wait a minute, she's your sister, Piggley.

Maybe you should lead the way.

- Right then, here we go.

(suspenseful music)

- We should look and see if Fergull and Molly

are in the barn.

- Right, you should, Piggley!

- Huh?


- Wait!

Did ya hear that?

- Hear what, Dannan?

(imitating chicken clucking)

- Listen.

- It sounds like someone's draggin' something.

(Dannan gasps)

Oh, it's Fergull!

- What's in the bag?

- I don't think it's potatoes.

- Molly, where are you, Molly?

- [Molly] I'm in here, Fergull!

- Okay.


- There's no denying it now.

Fergull O'Hopper is the maddest mad scientist of all time!

- Haven't I been tellin' ya that?

- Your mother really seems to like him, Piggley.

- Ferny, didn't you see those body parts?

Those are for buildin' a monster!

- Yeah, maybe.

But what if he isn't buildin' a monster, Piggley?

- There's only one way to prove it, Ferny.

We're just gonna have to see it for ourselves.

- [Grandpa] I was a determined lad, so I was.

Determined to uncover a mad scientist in our midst.

After all, now it was personal.

He was tryin' to be friends with me very own sister!

- I wonder what else was in that sack

he was draggin' in there.

- I'll bet there were some brains in it!

- Ya think so?

- Don't be daft!

You don't put brains in a sack!

- And why not?

- They'd leak all over the place!

You put brains in jars.

Besides, Fergull doesn't have any brains yet.

That's why he's makin' friends with Molly.

So he can take hers!

- Janey Mack!

- Wait a minute, I think I see something!

It's Molly.

And she's not movin' a muscle!

- I hope we're not too late!

He might have already sucked the brains right out of her!

(ominous music)

(Piggley screams)


- Don't just lay there, Piggley!

Tell us what you saw!

- I saw the monster!

(door creaking)




This is serious stuff!

Did you see that awful face?

- It was enough to give a girl nightmares.

I can tell ya that for nothin'!

- Well, yeah, it was kinda scary.

But you know, it kinda looked like

that welding mask me dad wears when he's workin'.

- Do ya really think he's gonna try

and put Molly's brain in that thing?

- Of course he is.

- I can't believe he wants Molly's brain!

I mean, why couldn't he just take the brain

of one of his other mad scientist friends?

- Well, I don't think there are any other mad scientists

around here to be friends with.

- Jakers!

That's why he's makin' a monster!

- What?

- Fergull O'Hopper is building a monster to be his friend!

- A friend with the brain of your sister, Piggley!

- Well, why wouldn't he just make friends with your sister?

- A mad scientist doesn't stop to think of those things.

That's why they're mad, Ferny.

And I won't have it, I tell ya!

I'm goin' over there right now to save Molly!

(steady marching music)

- [Grandpa] So my courage boosted by

my desire to save Molly

and her brain, I bravely entered Fergull O'Hopper's barn.

And braced myself for all the horrible monsters

I was sure to find.

- Molly!

(all gasp)

(metal squeaking)

I know what you are.


you're Fergull's dad.

- Hello there!

I'm Mr. O'Hopper.

And this is my son, Fergull.


- An artist!

That's what he is!

Fergull's an artist!

- [Dannan and Piggley] What?

- That's right!

Fergull is an artist.

- And this is a statue!

Papa and I went to a museum last year

where there were all kinds of statues like this.

- Oh, no, statues are made of stone!

- Well, not all of them are stone.

Art can be made from just about anything.

Me dad and I like to use metal.

- Oh, that's why your dad has to wear that metal mask,

to protect his face when he's welding the metal.

- This statue is me, Piggley!

Aren't I pretty?

- It's not quite finished, of course.

It still needs a head.

That's what we were working on today.

Me father and I been working on it every night

for the past week.

- It's for Mammy, Piggley!

- You know, your mother's been very kind to us

since we moved in, makin' us feel welcome and all.

- I guess I haven't been makin' ya feel too welcome,

though have I?

- None of us have.

- We surely have not!

- Oh, that's okay.

I suppose it is kind of hard to be friendly

with a mad scientist, Piggley.

- You're not a mad scientist!

- You said he was.

You said it as clear as the nose on your face.

- Well, I'm really sorry, Fergull.

I guess I let my imagination get carried away a bit.

- Well, to tell the truth, Fergull

has a bit of an imagination himself, you know.

Listen, why don't we take everyone in the house, Fergull,

and show them some of the other things we've made together?

- Okay, great!

- Okay!

- I'm right behind ya!

- [Grandpa] Fergull O'Hopper showed us

some mighty gorgeous things that day.

Turns out he was a terrific artist, a fun fellow.

And a grand friend to your Aunt Molly.

And I rather liked him as well.

- You have to admit, it was pretty silly of you

to think he was a mad scientist.

- Now, why is that now?

We had all kinds of clues leadin' us to think he was.

- But you never just asked him.

- And you never just tasted my Dublin coddle,

so what makes you think it's not delicious?

- Because it looks, I mean it smells,

I mean, you know!

- I suppose you're right.

I mean all the clues are leadin' you

to think it's nasty stuff.

- Oh, okay, I'll try it.

But just a little.


Hey, not bad!

- It's amazing what you can learn

with a little careful investigation

and a bit of an open mind.

- And an open mouth!


- Very clever!

Just like your old Grandpa!

(instrumental music)
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