01x24 - Ferny Gets a Crush

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks". Aired: September 7, 2003 – January 23, 2007.*
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The show chronicles the boyhood adventures of Piggley Winks, an anthropomorphic pig from Ireland, and how he relates these stories to his grandchildren as a grandfather in the modern day.
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01x24 - Ferny Gets a Crush

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Jakers! It's the tale of our pal Piggley

♪ Ireland is the world he loves so well

♪ He wriggles out of spots that are downright stickley

♪ How he does that only he can tell

♪ Piggley Ferny Molly and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo

♪ Lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Curiosity's in a hurry

♪ Leaving no time to stop and think

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks

♪ Something in the way his eyes start blazing

♪ Tells us he's on to a brand new plan

♪ His lips curl up it's downright amazing

♪ Looking for mischief well he's your man

♪ Piggley Ferny Molly and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo

♪ Lots of excitement for everyone Jakers

♪ They go to bed just to wake up early

♪ To get in trouble or on the brink

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks

(upbeat music)

(kids mimic sirens)

- Oh Jakers what's going on?

You boys are louder than a pack of wolves under a full moon.

- We're on a rescue mission, Grandpa.

- There's a lady stuck in our tree

and we have to get her down.

- There's a lady stuck in our tree?

(cat meows)

Well now what inspired you boys

to such heroic efforts today?

- We saw firefighters rescue people at school today Grandpa.

- It was so cool.

One guy climbed up this really tall ladder.

- And he brought down like people,

from like the th floor.

- Jakers, I had no idea your school building was that tall.

- Seamus is just exaggerating.

- Well, just a little.

- Ah boys, I know how easy it is to get carried away.

Of course I have been known to exaggerate

a bit myself you know, every now and then.

But one day my good friend Dannan taught me

that true stories can be just as interesting

as anything you could ever make up.

- Nellie Sty was a fine newspaper reporter

who was always on the look out for exciting news stories.

Her stories were about real people

and sometimes her stories helped her readers

to think differently about things.

Some people used to think that girls

couldn't go on adventures, so Nellie traveled

all the way around the world, by herself nonetheless,

just to prove a girl could do it.

- Oh oh, hooray for Nellie Sty.

- In conclusion, I'd like to say

that I think writing for a newspaper

is the most exciting job there could ever be.

(teacher clears his throat)

- Oh, sorry Mr. Hornsby but I think news is boring.

I'd rather go and see a good old cowboy picture.

News is far from boring Hector.

In fact it can be quite exciting

as you all are about to find out.

I'd like you all to go out this weekend

and hunt down some news stories of your very own.

- Ah no.

- Ah yes, you'll need to do a bit of investigating.

Ask questions, dig deep.

(all talking at once)

And the best stories will be featured on the front page

of our very own classroom newspaper.

- Don't worry about a thing, ladies.

Little Baa here is in good hands with me.

I am a great babysitter, terrific with kids.


Okay Little Baa it's just you and me kid.

Let's kick up our heels, feel our oats,

enjoy some hey-nani-nani and some hot-cha-cha-ti-cha.

Hey kid how about this?

Ta da, everybody loves a kite.

Now when I say now you let the kite go okay?

Now, oops, oh boy, sorry about that I, Little Baa?

Little Baa, whoa!

(Little Baa squeals in fun)

Hold on Little Baa.

I'm coming for you kiddo.

- [Grandpa] Ferny, Dannan and I arrived in town

and began our search for news.

But that proved more difficult than we thought it would be.

- There, that looks like news.

Sir, Piggley Winks from the Tara School News here.

Are you lost?

- No I--

- Have you been robbed?

- No.

- Did your house burn down?

- No I hope not.

- Have you seen any good movies lately?

- I'm just looking for my car.

- Aha, your car's been stolen.

Tell me, who do you think might have stolen it then?

(camera clicks)

- Well it's not stolen.

I just can't remember where I parked it.

Oh, there it is.

- It's too bad he found his car.

That would've made a fine story.

- Oh, it would have.

- [Piggley] Look at this lads.

- Oh what?

- It's a giant cherrry.

- Oh, take a picture Dannan.

- Wait a minute that's not a cherry, it's a tomato.

- I know but let's pretend it's a cherry.

It'll make a great story.

- News isn't about pretending, it's about telling the truth.

- But we're not finding any interesting truth to tell.

- Wait, I see something.

- Jakers, it's a fire.

Dannan, you take a picture, I'll call for the fire brigade.

Ferny, you talk to everyone you see

and find out what they know about this.

- It's just a tractor.

- Oh no, our story is ruined.

(tractors rumbles)

- Hello children.

- Miss Nanny.

- Hi Miss Nanny.

- Miss Nanny, do you have any news you could tell us about?

- Well I don't know about news, but I do have some gumballs.

- Thanks Miss Nanny.

- Thank you, thank you.

- You're welcome, you kids enjoy yourselves now.

- [Piggley] Will you look at that Dannan?

- Now that's front page news.

- Let's get a picture.

(camera clicks)

- Thanks for the story Ferny.

- This is our story Hector.

- Not anymore.

- Fine then take it.

It's not really a front page story anyway.

- It will be by the time I'm finished writing it.

- Did you hear that Dannan?

Hector's going to make up a story, I could do that.

- Made up news isn't real news Piggley.

- Well, I'm tired of looking for real news.

I know, how about if we take some real news,

and make it better?

- No, you'll have to do it without me Piggley.

- Fine.

- Fine.

- We'll see whose story ends up on the front page.

Come on, Ferny let's go.

- Oh Janey Mack.

(Little Baa squeals in fun)

- Ferny look, news.

- But those are just horseshoe prints, Piggley.

- But there are only three prints instead of four.

This could be a great story.

- Really?

- These could be the footprints of some

three legged dragon with big horns

and huge teeth, and eyes.

- Do you really think so?

- Well I think I think so, come on.

- Little Baa hold on.

I'm coming.

Uncle Wiley is here to rescue you.

Hopping hairballs, no Little Baa.

Where are you?



- Hey, come back here.

The cauliflower is alive.

Aw, you're not a cauliflower, you're just a little lamb.

Hey, you're a cute little guy, aren't you?

Where's your mother?

Hey it's okay fella.

You're all right, now you go on home.

(Little Baa cries)

Go on fella, go home.

(Little Baa cries)

Poor baby, you must be lost huh?

Don't you worry now, Hector will help you

find your way home, you can count on me.

(sneezing in distance)

- Hector, what are you up to now?

- Me, I'm not doing anything.

I just, I just wanted to take a few more pictures

of the, the vegetable cart.

I thought I saw a giant cherry in there.

- Well okay then.

I'll see you at school tomorrow Hector.

- Right, see ya later.

- That boy is up to something.

And I'm going to find out what it is.

- Piggley do you think the three legged,

eyed dragon will be a big one or a little one?

- Could go either way Ferny.

(donkey brays)

- Finnegan, have you seen any dragons around here?

Piggley I think Finnegan might be here to get a new shoe,

it looks like he's missing one.

- Right, so he is.

- Do you think it could have been Finnegan

that left those three legged horseshoe prints?

- I suppose it could have been.

Or it could have been the eyed dragon

that's inside your dad's shop.

Look at those glowing eyes Ferny, all of them.

(dramatic music)

- That's not a dragon Piggley.

That's my Papa working at the fire.

- Well, it looks like a dragon.

(camera clicks)

And a dragon makes a better story

than a donkey any day of the week.

- It certainly does.

(calm music)

- Come on little fella, we're going to find your mammie.

She must live around here somewhere.

- Mean old Hector sounds as sweet as a newborn baby

so he does, what a great story this will make.

(camera clicks)

- [Grandpa] Ferny and I went off to Raloo Farm

so I could write up my story about Don Toro.

I was mighty proud of how good it was going to be,

with the eyed dragon and all.

- Hello Mammy.

- Hello children.

Piggley, did you take out a bale of hay to play with today?

One has gone missing.

- No Mammy I didn't take it.

Maybe some great, huge wild animal ate it.

That'd make a great story Ferny.

- I don't think there are any great

huge wild animals around here.

(Ferny yells)

- Look it's a chicken, a great huge one!

He's right behind me Piggley.

- [Piggley] Jakers, where is he?

- He's right up there.

(rooster crows)

- [Ferny] That's not a great huge chicken.

- No it's not, but he does cast a mighty huge shadow.

- And he'll make a mighty fine front page story.

- [Piggley] I'd like to see Dannan top this.

(camera clicks)

- Okay, little fella, do you see your mother here anywhere?

(calm music)

(Little Baa squeals with joy)

- You found her did you?

Go on then, go see your mother.

(Little Baa squeals with joy)

(Mother baa's calmly)

(calm music)

I'm glad to see you so happy little fella.

(camera clicks)

What was that?

(calm music)

Oh well, good luck to you little fella.

You stay close to home now.

- Thank you Hector for a truly great front page story.

(dramatic music)

- Oh hi there, it's nice to see you again, Mrs. Little Baa.

Oh go ahead take it, it's all yours.

I mean who likes kites anyway?

Certainly not I, me--

Little Baa.

You're safe.

Not that I ever doubted it.

Come on kiddo, we'll go do something safe now okay?

Play some ping-pong, sh**t some pool.

Hey have you ever played go fish, it's fun.

- [Grandpa] I arrived at school

the next morning certain that I had written

the front page story of the century.

- Piggley, did you finish writing your story?

- Of course I did.

- Well Piggley since you seem so eager to share today,

why don't you go first?

- Yes, Mr. Hornsby.

(Piggley clearing throat)

Headline, Brave Blacksmith Tames Fire Breathing Dragon.

(all gasping)

Yesterday morning the sleepy village of Tara fell beneath

the shadow of a fearsome and fire belching dragon.

(dramatic music)

Local blacksmith Don Toro took it upon himself

to face the terrible beast alone.

Using only bellows he forced the fiery dragon to leave town.

Thanks to Don Toro, father of Fernando Toro,

the village of Tara is safe once more.

The citizens of Tara will always

be grateful to this brave blacksmith.

- Hey hey hey, that's not news.

That's just a story that Piggley made up.

- Thank you, Piggley, that was very inventive.

Though it was not quite the assignment I gave to you.

- Would you like to hear some more Mr. Hornsby?

- No thank you, I believe it's time to hear from Fernando.

- Go ahead Ferny, tell your story.

- Okay then.

Headline, Great Huge Chicken Chomps Farmer's Hay.

(all laughing)

(Mr. Hornsby clears throat)

Oh, when local farmer Mr. Winks told his wife Mrs. Winks

that they were missing some hay,

Mr. Winks had no idea that the hay was actually

being eaten by a giant chicken.

- What?

(all laughing)

- Oh, of course we later found out that

it was really just a little chicken with a big shadow.

So there's no need for panic.

I thank you.

(cheering and applauding)

- Well that story certainly was imaginative.

But news stories are usually more informative Ferny.

Dannan, perhaps you would like

to share with us your story now.

- I most certainly would.

Headline, Heroes of Tara.

We have many different kinds of heroes

in the village of Tara, and none of them

slay dragons or hunt giant chickens.

- Ah yeah, yeah, yeah.

- They just do their jobs, quietly and well every day.

Don Toro here, our blacksmith,

turns ordinary metal into horseshoes

and tools and other things that we need.

The Winks family raises regular size chickens

that provide eggs for the whole town.

Miss Nanny takes great care to see that

the things in her store are of the finest quality.

But yesterday I saw a hero I had never seen before in Tara.

A young man whom most of us would never think of as a hero,

but a hero he is none the less.

When a poor little lamb was lost and alone

in town this young man took the time

to gently lead this precious little lamb

back home to his mother.

This wonderful young man with the heart of gold was

no other then our very own Hector.

(all talking at once)

- Thank you Dannan, that was a wonderful bit of news.

It just might make us think differently

about some things, or someone.

(all talking at once)

- That really was a great story Dannan.

- And every bit of it was true.

- I know, you were right about a true story

being just as exciting as one you make up.

Who would've ever thought that Hector

could be such a nice fella?

(all talking at once)

- That was a grand day for Dannan.

And a grand day for Hector too.

The truth can set you free you know.

- I get it, I don't need to exaggerate about firefighters.

And I don't need to make things up to prove they're heroes.

- True enough Seamus.

- Okay, so can we go and rescue

the young lady from the tree now Grandpa?

- We could, or we could just let

the young lady rescue herself.

(gasping in surprise)

Here kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty,

kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty.

(cat meows)

- Wow Grandpa, you'd make a great firefighter.

- Thank you Seamus, but I think I'll just

stick to what I do best, telling my favorite stories

to my favorite grandsons.

(instrumental music)
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