01x01 - The Meeting

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sister, Sister". Aired: September 6, 1995 – May 23, 1999.*
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Starring Tia and Tamera Mowry as identical twin sisters separated at birth who are reunited as teenagers.
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01x01 - The Meeting

Post by bunniefuu »

- Watch. I'll bet the door's
- gonna creak real loud.

This is so lame.

- I mean, she's really going
- to go in there by herself.

- You know the maniac's
- in the cabin.

- The maniac's always
- in the cabin.

Can you believe this?

No, can you?

This is so fake.

Yeah, this isn't

going to scare anybody.


You know, you girls

shouldn't be watching

these scary movies.

Dad, this is Friday the 13th.

Part 14.

It's time for you

to go to bed.

- Come on, dad. Tia gets to stay
- up till 11:00 on weekends.

Is that true, Tia?

Uh, yeah, sometimes.

Once in a while.


Way to go.

- Come on, - let's go to bed,
- Both of you.

- Hit the sack. Come on,
- give me a hug.

Good night, dad.

Good night, Tia.

- Good night, Mr. Campbell.
- Yeah.

Okay, I know this might

seem a little confusing...

But we can explain.

You see, Tia just

moved in here.

She's my new sister.

Twin sisters.


We just never met before.

Now, when we were babies,

- Tia and I were adopted by
- different families.

I grew up with my mom

in downtown Detroit.

- And I live in the
- 'burbs with my dad.

The film critic.

- Well, actually,
- he runs a limo service.

He owns the limo service.

He owns the limo service.

- Anyway, mom said it was fate
- that brought us together.

- Dad said it was
- a coincidence.

Actually, it was a big

sale at fashion fantasy.

(Hip-hop beat playing

(over speakers)

- Hey, dad, look
- at these jeans.

Aren't they great?

For what, a family of four?

Dad, these are the b*mb.

- That's just the word
- I was looking for.

- I'm going
- to the men's department,

See if I can find a shirt.

Or maybe a hat.



Cool sweatshirt.

Oh, thanks, it's not mine.

Well, I mean, it could be mine

if my dad lets me buy it.

- Not that I always come
- here with my dad.



- Well, I'd better try these on
- before I say "hi" again.

Check ya later.

Someone's in here.


This is really cool.

How much is it?

- It'll go with everything.
- How much is it?

- I can also wear - it for school.
- How much is it?

No, you don't understand.

You see, you take

50% off that price.


- You're still
- not gettin' it.

But you can get that

sweatshirt if you want.


- I'll return this to the
- "not for my baby" department.

- Hey, so what did
- your old man say?

Excuse me?

- Hey.
- Mm.

Hey, do you have something

- like this only
- a little different,

But not so much?

- You know, like maybe
- the inner plaid

- Could become like
- the outer plaid.

It has been a tough

life, hasn't it?

- Excuse me.
- Hmm?

- Do you have this
- sweatshirt in blue?

Blue? Of course.

Hi. How ya doing?

Yeah, right.

Here you are, miss.

Blue for you.


You just asked for it.

No, I didn't.

I want a sweater in blue.

Sweater. Blue. Of course.



Here's your sweater.

- Um, I asked you
- for a sweatshirt.

No, no.

No, no, no.

You asked me for a sweat-ter.


No, I didn't.

I asked you for

a sweatshirt.


Of course.

Here you go, Princess.

- What's this?
- I wanted a sweater.

No. No, no, no,


Don't tell me sweat-ter.

You said sweat-shirt.

I heard it. Sweatshirt.


I said sweater. Sweat-ter.

That's it! That's it!

- Away from my area!
- Back, back, back!

- Excuse me, I
- was wondering...

I said back!

What did I do?

Back, back, back!

Go away!

Find anything, sweetheart?

No, that salesman

yelled at me.

Honey, did you get

your sweatshirt?

- No, that salesman
- yelled at me.

Yelled at my baby?

Excuse me, sir.

- There appears to be - a slight
misunderstanding - Concerning my daughter.

Oh, you mean

the troublemaker.

Whoa, whoa, no need

for name-calling here.

Yo, pinhead!

- Where do you get off
- being rude to my daughter?

Madam, as I told

your husband...

- Husband?
- He is not my husband.

Excuse me, miss.

I'm speaking here.

Not now.

- Pepe le pew owes
- my daughter an apology.


Back away from the counter.

Tell your girlfriend here

to step back.

- She's not
- my girlfriend.

- Now, look, mister, I'll stand
- here all day if I have to.

I'll pitch a tent right here.

- I would like to speak
- to customer service.

- Back, back, back,
- back, back, back!

- Oh, back, back, back
- yourself, you little duck.

That's it! That's it!

I am calling security.

- There's no reason
- for that!

No, let him call security.

I'll do it for him.

Security! Security!

I'm out

of here.

Come on, tamera, let's go home.

- What are you doing?
- We're going home.

- Hey, you, let - go of my baby!
- What do you mean, your baby?

- Hey, hey,
- watch that now!

- Wait a minute, get
- your hands off...

Just a minute here...



That girl has my face!

I'll tell you another thing.

I'm canceling my credit card.

And I'm canceling mine, too.

Soon as I get one.

- So, that's your
- mom, huh?

Yeah, she's...


You know, it's funny.

She doesn't seem

anything like you.


I was adopted.

I was, too!

- You were?
- When were you born?

November 28, 1979!

November 28, 1979!




You're my sister.

You're my sister.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

So, that's how we met.

And our lives changed


- And it was amazing to find
- out how much alike we are.

- I mean, we both love
- rollerblading.

And beavis and butt-head.

Ha ha ha ha. Cool. Way cool.

Oh, and the most

unbelievable thing

of all was that,

when we were kids,

we both had hamsters

named "m.C. Hamster."

But mine died.

So did mine!

As you can see, we've

gotten pretty close.

Unfortunately, our parents

didn't bond this quickly.

Thanks for the lift.

- We would've been
- at that bus stop forever.

I tell ya, can you believe

that adoption agency?

- Well, I think
- we told them.


Let me ask you


- Do they call security
- every place you go?

How could they separate

children like that?

- You're right.
- It's outrageous.

- Well, maybe it'll turn out
- for the best.

You know, a very

wise man once said,

"out of adversity comes some

of life's finest moments."

That's a good quote.


- That montel Williams is
- a very clever man.

Montel Williams?


You should watch him.

I work.

So tape him.

I'll set the machine.

So, uh,

are the girls okay

out there?


- Tia just took tamera
- down the street to the park.


Good. Terrific.

- Tia does know the way home,
- doesn't she?

Uh, excuse me for sayin' this,

- but you seem a little
- overprotective.

- Why don't you hook her up
- to a lojack?

Well, you see, I've been

takin' care of tamera

- all by myself
- for a while now,

- Ever since my wife
- passed away.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Well, you know what

Oprah says...

- No, but I think
- I'll tape her.

- Well, the important
- thing is

- That the girls found
- each other.

Yeah, you're right.

- You know, this is
- a nice place you got here.

- It's, uh,
- very colorful.


- I went to design
- school.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

- To be a fashion
- designer.

- But my boss, he just sees me
- as a seamstress, though.

- Well, I'm sure
- it'll all work out.

How do you know?

Uh, I don't really.

Hey, Lisa, your garbage is

in the street!

- Yeah, well, I saw
- your garbage

- Sneakin' in your bedroom
- window last night!

Where are those girls?

- You know, we really
- should be going.

- Why doesn't tamera just stay
- here for the weekend?


Uh, oh, I got an idea.

- Why doesn't Tia come
- over to our house?

- Oh, we got a lot of stuff...
- Badminton, ping-pong,

- Uh, scrabble,
- shuffleboard.

- Ooh, I'll get the polygrip,
- and we'll eat some corn.

Now, ray,

may be my imagination,

but are you worried

about this neighborhood?

Oh, no, no. This is

a great neighborhood.

- I come down here whenever
- I want to buy my radio back.

Is there a problem here?

No, no, no, no problem.

- It-it's just this is all
- happening a little too fast.

- I mean, I practically
- don't even know you.

Oh, so I'm the problem?

No, no, no, not you.

- You're fine.
- Don't be silly.

- No, you're very,
- uh, very, uh...

Very what?

Very earthy.


- You mean like
- a groundhog?

- No, no, that's not
- what I mean.

- What I'm tryin' to say...
- Well, what are - You sayin'?

- What I'm saying
- is...

Hi, girls!

Hi, girls!

Hi. We had the best

time this afternoon.

Yeah. Isn't it cool?

- We'll be able to hang out
- like this every day.

Yeah, that's real cool.


Okay, maybe our parents

didn't like each other.


Okay, our parents

definitely didn't

like each other.


- Okay, our parents
- couldn't stand each other.

- It was like
- they were divorced,

- And they've never
- even been married.

But that wasn't going

to keep us apart.

So, after the first

weekend at my mom's...

- We spent the next
- weekend at my dad's.

So, do you have

a boyfriend?

- Well, to tell
- you the truth,

- I have a little trouble
- talking to boys.

Really? I have trouble

keeping quiet.

- Well, maybe we're not
- as much alike as we thought.

Yeah, maybe.

("Shave and a haircut"

(knock at door)

- Oh, that's my
- neighbor Roger.

Let's... let's have

some fun with him.

- Hurry up!
- Hide right there!

Hi, tamera.

I just wanted to tell you

- that I saw you
- in school today,

- And you looked really,
- really radiant.

Roger, come in.

- You're
- inviting me in?

What's wrong?

Nothing. Nothing.

- I just wanted you
- to meet a girlfriend of mine.

- Well, I'll have trouble paying
- attention to anyone but you.


I don't know what's

going on here,

but I'm very, very excited.

Roger, this is Tia.

- We just found out
- we were twins.

Isn't that cool?

Way cool, but I can't believe

- I'm gonna be living next door
- to both of you guys.

- Well, actually, I
- live across town.

I have a bus pass.

- It's nice to
- meet you, Roger.

- Are you guys in
- the same class?

- Yeah.
- No.

Roger's in the eighth grade.

- Well, I'll be
- in ninth next year.

- We'll be
- in the tenth.

- At some point
- of your life,

- You're gonna want
- a younger man.

Well, maybe you can

introduce me to somebody.

Well, I guess we know

who the evil twin is.


Oh, hi, mom, how was your day?

Evidently not

as good as his.

They charge admission

to get in here?

Mom, this

is Roger.

Hi, I hope we'll be seeing

a lot of each other.

I'm flattered,

- but these may-December
- things never work out.

Hello, Lisa.

Oh, hello, ray.

- Uh, I had a little mishap
- out in front of your house.

- I'm sorry, but I knocked
- your mailbox over.

Wait a minute.

You don't even

have a car.

- I was power walking. - I hit it with
- My purse.

- I believe this
- is yours.

- Come on, Tia,
- let's get going.

- Oh, mom, can't we stay
- a little bit longer?

Yeah, please?

Yeah, please?

- Well, I-I guess
- I could order out

- For some pizza
- if you really want to stay.

- No, thanks,
- I've had a rough day.

- Well, if you gotta go,
- you gotta go.

- I'll walk you
- to the bus stop.


- Nice meeting
- you, Roger.

Call me.


I'm living my father's fantasy.

Go home, Roger.

Tia, I brought you

some milk and cookies.

Thanks, mom.

And a piece of pie.


- Now, Tia, now,
- it's not terrible news.

- Some of it's good,
- real good.

- Some of it's bad,
- but a lot of it's good.

Mom, what's going on?

- Well, you see, I had
- a little trouble with my boss.

- Uh, one thing led
- to another.

- We had words, and one
- of us called the other

- A male chauvinist
- potbellied pig,

- And one of us
- was let go.

So he's not working

there anymore?

No, you see, this

was two weeks ago, and...

Two weeks?

- Now, it's-it's gonna
- be okay.

It's going to be okay.

- I don't get it...
- Every morning,

- You've been getting
- dressed and going to work.

Well, looking

for work is work.

- It's the same thing
- as having a job.

- You just don't
- have a dental plan.

Are you all right?

- Yeah, I'm okay,
- I'm okay.

- See, the thing is,
- a few days ago,

- I got a lead
- on a terrific job.

- They're even gonna let me
- do a little designing.

That's great!

That's what you've

always wanted.

It's in St. Louis.

St. Louis?

- Now, Tia, I tried
- to find something here.

- I did, but...
- But hey,

- St. Louis
- is a great city.

- What about
- tamera and me?

Tia, now you found her,

it's not like you're

gonna lose her.

She can come visit us.

- You can show her - the arch.
- It's not the same.

- Tia, I know
- it's not the same.

Tia, I-I have to work.

- But, mom...
- Tia,

- Can't you just try
- and understand?

Leave the cookies.

I'll take the pie.

Our bus leaves

in 20 minutes.

Have you ever been to

Minneapolis-St. Paul?

No, it's gotta

be right for us.

- I mean,
- it's the twin cities.

- Okay, come on,
- let's sit over here.

How about over there?


bus for Cleveland,

leaving from gate 12.

Have you ever

run away before?

Are you kidding?

Yeah, me, neither.

Good evening.

So, what are we gonna

do when we get there?

We'll be okay.

- We... we'll get a job
- as waitresses,

- We'll get
- our own apartment,

- And when we
- get enough money,

- We'll buy
- the restaurant.

That was my

dream, too.

- The most important thing
- is we'll be together.

- Tomorrow, we'll
- go to the zoo.

Great, dad!

You know, I kind of

miss my mom already.

- I kind of miss my dad...
- But, I mean,

- We'll call them
- when we get there.

- It's not like we're never
- gonna see them again.

- Tia!
- Tamera!

Told you!

- God.
- Tamera!

How'd they find us?

I left my mom a note.

You left her a note?

- I was afraid
- she'd worry.

They're not here, ray.

- They're gone... our
- babies are gone.

- We'll find them,
- we'll find them.

- What's gonna
- happen to them?

- They got jobs
- as waitresses.

Thank you.

- God, where
- is my child?

- Man
- portland and San Francisco...

I miss my child.

Oh, mom, I

miss you, too.

Oh, Tia!

- Don't you ever do
- that to me again!

- What were you girls
- thinking about?

- You scared the
- daylights out of us.

- I'm really sorry,
- mom.

- We just thought
- that this way,

- Tamera and I
- can be together, and...

- And you wouldn't have
- to give up your job.

Oh, sweetheart.

That's still no excuse.

- We shouldn't have been split
- up in the first place.

- And now that we've
- found each other,

- We want
- to stay together.

Tia, I already gave

up the apartment.

We don't have a choice.

- Look, if I could
- do something,

- I'd do it,
- believe me.

- Hey, maybe they can
- move in with us.

Excuse me?

Yeah, that'll be great!

Excuse me?

Listen, girls,

- now, strangers - just don't move
- In together.

We're not strangers.

But we are.

- We just want to grow up
- together, that's all.

Look, we're not gonna

solve anything here.

No, you're right.

- Let's go home and talk
- about all of this.

- Can we talk about
- it over pizza?

I'm kind of hungry.

- Yeah, I saw a restaurant
- down the street.

I'm buying.

I'm eating.

Now leaving from gate five

for Minneapolis-St. Paul,

the twin cities.

So, that night, we

ate a lot of pizza,

and our parents did a

lot of negotiating.

And a lot of arguing.

But in the end,

- we think everything's
- gonna work out okay.

- After all, everybody
- got something out of it.

We got to be together.

- Oh, and my mom even
- got her own sewing room,

- So she can go
- into business for herself.

And my dad got...

What did dad get?

Well, he got to live

in a house full

of beautiful women.

- Watch it,
- ray... easy.

Precious cargo.

This thing weighs a ton!

- What have you
- got in here?

Careful, ray, those

are my beauty aids.


Well, you-you sure

- this living arrangement
- is gonna work?

- Well, you gotta
- think positively, ray.

- You know
- what Geraldo says.

- No, but I'm sure
- I'm gonna find out.

- You know, ray,
- we, uh...

- We really haven't decided
- about the rent yet.

- That's right, I - forgot about that.
- Never mind.

- No, no, no, since
- you brought it up,

- Let's, um...
- Let's talk about it.

- Now, what did you pay
- at the last place?

$30 a month.

- Mom, didn't
- we pay $350?

- Honey, we've really got
- to work on your timing.

Okay, then, uh, $350.

- That's what you'll pay here.
- Okay, ray.

- Uh, and to show
- my appreciation,

- I got a little gift
- for you.

Oh, thank you.

- I wanted to make sure we
- got off on the right foot.

How thoughtful of you.

So very, very


It's a mailbox.

- I kind of figured
- that out.

I painted it myself.

- Kind of figured
- that out, too.

I can't wait to put it

- right out in front
- of the house.

Oh, uh, did I tell

you about the notice?

- Yes, we received
- a notice.

- From now on, they're
- gonna throw our mail

- Right out there
- in the alley.

You don't like it.

- No, no, I like it,
- of course I do.

It's... it's you.

No, ray, it's us.

It's us.

Somebody help me.

- Mom, I found my posters
- and my cds.

Oh, great, honey!

- Come on, let's get some - of this stuff upstairs.
- Okay.

- Let's listen to the
- cds in our bedroom.

Yeah, our bedroom.

Tia and tamera:

Go home, Roger!

Call me.
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