01x06 - The Pimple

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sister, Sister". Aired: September 6, 1995 – May 23, 1999.*
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Starring Tia and Tamera Mowry as identical twin sisters separated at birth who are reunited as teenagers.
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01x06 - The Pimple

Post by bunniefuu »

Come on, Tia. Let's go.

What do you think?

We look like twins.

News flash...

We are twins.

Tia, do you mind changing?

I just feel like

being myself today.

Sure, no problem.

How's this?

Much better.

We better go.


Believe it or not,

today's the first day

I'm gonna ride

a city bus.

Whoa! Living large.

Hey, it's not my fault.

- I'm not even sure my dad's
- gonna let me go today.

He's kind of...


But I'll just ask him

openly and honestly.

- And when that
- doesn't work...

- We'll beg.
- We'll beg.

♪ Talk about

a two-way twister ♪

♪ shakin' up the family tree

with sibling synchronicity ♪

♪ never knew

how much I missed you ♪

- ♪ Talk about
- a two-way twister ♪

♪ No, it won't be

trouble-proof ♪

♪ never knew

how much I missed you ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let... you... go ♪

What is that?

It's a pil-low.

I made it. Don't you love it?

Love is a very

complex emotion.

- This room is so
- full of you,

Thought it could use

a little bit of me.

A little bit of you

goes a long way.

- Okay, fine, fine. You don't
- like it, you don't like it.

I'll just put this in my room

- with the rest
- of my objects d'art.

Well, hey, little ray.

What you doing there?

The mooch was probably

digging for loose change.

You lay off, ray.

I don't think he's

feeling too well.

Does he look pale to you?

He looks orange.

Been in such a funk.

- Yesterday he went
- into his litter box,

- And he stayed
- all day. Mm.

Did he take the sports page?

- I think we gotta
- take him to the vet.


- Well, little ray
- needs his big ray.

He needs comfort. He needs

support. He needs a ride.

Come on, let's see

blood assassin.

- No, it's supposed
- to be terrible.

I know, but there's gonna

be a ton of cute guys there.

- Let's go see
- blood assassin.

You twins going to the movies?

Twins? Lisa, please,

we're individuals.

Oh, I'm sorry.

- You individuals
- going to the movie?

Yes, we are.

Yes, we are.

Oh. We'd better hurry.

- Oh, yeah. Uh, dad,
- we're gonna take the bus.

Is that okay?


As in city bus?

No, ray, they

chartered a bus.

- Well, look, it's
- not that safe.

- I mean, a lot of weirdos
- ride the bus.

I ride the bus.


- Ray, look, there's
- nothing to worry about.

Yeah, I've been

taking the bus by myself

ever since I was 12.

- Why don't you let me
- drop both of you off?

Dad, we don't want you

to go out of your way.

Right, it's

your day off.

You should relax.

Teenage translation: They don't

want to be seen with you.

- Well, at least
- let me pick you up.

- I don't want you
- out there alone at night.

Dad, it'll only be dusk.

There's a big difference.

Right. It's like

day, only duskier.

Teenage translation:

- They'd rather be eaten by wolves
- than be seen with you.

Dad, how are you gonna

expect us to grow up

- if you don't give us
- some responsibilities?

- Yeah, we need
- our independence.

We need our freedom.

Oh, goodness, ray,

let our people go.



All right.

Independence, yes!

Oh, can we have

some money?

- What about all that
- independence?

It got on the bus

and took us for a ride.

Ooh, hey, big fella.

What are you in for?

Oh, prince has been

very depressed lately.

After hearing his last

album, I can understand why.

Very funny.

If your girlfriend just

left you for a pekinese,

and you gained 20 pounds,

you'd be depressed, too.

Come on, prince.

Nasty man.

Come on.

Boy, I hate it here.

Why don't you

like animals?

- I haven't had a lot of luck
- with pets.

Had a lizard. That died.

A turtle. That died.

A goldfish. That died.

Boy, that was one busy toilet.

- You know, if we get
- out of here in time,

- We can swing by the movies
- and pick up the girls.

- Ray, why don't you just
- get your butt off the egg

And let it hatch?

Ooh, ooh!


Poor little ray.

- I wish I was
- in there with him.

- Hope they don't have him
- in one of those robes

That open in the back with his

furry behind hanging all out.

You're different from the

rest of us, aren't you?

Hello... hello...

Ooh, you a pretty

bird. A big bird.

Can you say

"Lisa"? "Lisa"?

Bad lady. Go away.

Go away.

Oh, go away yourself,

you nasty old bird.

You make friends

wherever you go.


Would you like to feed

rainbow a cr*cker?

Uh, I'd rather not.

Oh, rainbow really likes you.

He told you that?

I can just tell.

Ray, just feed that

stupid old bird.

All right. All right.

Uh, I changed

my mind. Lisa?

I just got a manicure.

That movie stunk.

- So did that guy
- sitting next to us.


Oh, Tia, look

at that cute guy.

- I think he's
- staring at me.


he is cute.

- But I think he's
- staring at me.

No, no.

He's staring at me.

To me.

To her.

- You know,
- he was too cute.

Yeah, I don't want a

guy prettier than me.


Well, anyway.

I'm glad my dad let

me take the bus.

Yeah, me, too.

I'd be sitting here alone.

Wow, look at those two.






Have mercy.

- You look just like us
- when we were your age.


My name's Betty.

And I'm Betsy.

- Tamera.
- Tia.

Nice to meet you.

Don't you girls

just love being twins?

Yeah, it's pretty neat.

You always have

someone to hang with.

- Someone to help
- put your girdle on.

I thank the lord

for that every day.

Yeah, we're really lucky.

But... does being a twin

ever get on your nerves?

Oh, sure. My last nerve.

- I can't tell you
- how many times

- I wished I was one of those
- single-birth people.

I know what you mean.


Sometimes you just

need your own space.

You don't want somebody

with your face in your face.

Tell me about it.




Well, here's our stop.

Bingo time! Bye.

Bingo time! Bye.

- Oh, they were
- all right.


It's nice to know

how you really feel.

- What are you
- talking about?

Do you have enough space now?

- You two want to
- settle this outside?

Where are the parents

of little ray?

She's the mother.

How's my little ray-ray?

Well, I have some good

news and some bad news.

Um, little ray has a, uh,

urinary tract infection

which could prove to be, uh...


What's the bad news?

Ray... sit.

- Well, the good news is that
- there is an operation,

But it can be a bit

of a financial hardship.

How hard a ship?

Well, to correct

feline urinary syndrome,

it costs $650.

How about 20 bucks

and a box of depends?

Doctor clipper,

- it's no problem.
- I'll pay.

You will?

Yeah, sure.

Can you lend me $750?

But he said $650.

I know, but I might want to

buy myself a new outfit.

- Is there any
- other option?

Well, uh,

there's always...


Aw, pipe down.

What are you looking at?

Look at little ray.

Look at his poor

little cat eyes.

He's saying,

"save me. Save me."

I'm sayin',

"bill me. Bill me."

Why are you sitting

over there?

I'm giving your face

some space.

What's your problem?

- Look, I heard
- what you said.

- You're sick of
- being a twin? Fine.

Come on, Tia, you

have to admit,

- we do spend a lot
- of time together,

- And sometimes
- it's too much.

- I mean, it's
- like chocolate.

I love it, but if I ate it

all day long, I'd throw up.

Oh, so now I make you

want to puke?

Oh, that came out wrong.

No, you came out wrong.


No, you're gross.

No, we just passed a sign

that said grosse pointe.

- Grosse pointe?
- Where's that?

I have no idea.

We're lost!

Are you sure this is

the right bus?

I don't know.

I'll ask.

- Sir, is this
- the bus to...?

Oh, man.

Excuse me.

- Does this bus take us
- to maple drive?

Uh, parkway, kind of,

uh, transfer...

Sit down back there!

Uh, just keep movin',

keep movin'...

What did he say?

I don't think he knows.


- I talked my dad into
- letting us take the bus,

- And now he'll never
- trust us again.

Let's just ask someone

for directions.

How about him?

I don't think I want to

go where he's going.

Oh, I have no idea

where we are.

I thought you were

the bus queen.

I never said that.

You said you'd been

riding the bus ever

since you were 12.

- What was it,
- your school bus?

Excuse me...

Hey, you're twins.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Can you tell me how

to get to maple drive?

Yeah, she's gotten us lost.

- When I get home, i'm
- not speaking to you.

Why wait?

I'd take the 24,

get off at Prescott,

transfer to the four.

No, Sam, you don't

take the four.

I drove a cab

for 36 years.

And you got lost every

day of your life.


Listen to me.

- You gals should
- get on the nine-j.

- What're you
- talking about?

The nine-j takes you

to sycamore.

Sycamore, maple.

- I knew it was some
- kind of tree.

Girls, take the 68.

The 68?!

The 68?!

Trust me.

Why did we trust her?

Your turn.

Uh, hi.

Um, does this bus

go to maple drive?



The guy on the other bus

told us to take the four.

The four? Four?

- Four!
- Yes!


you did a nice thing.

- Don't you feel good
- about yourself?

Yeah, yeah, I feel great.

I just spent $650 on an

animal that uses my leg

as a scratching post.

Ray, you can't put

a price on a life.

Doctor clipper sure did.

I think this whole

thing is a scam.

Where is your paranoid mind

leading you this time?

- I mean, it's like when, uh,
- they put a new transmission

In your car, and they

don't do anything.

Little ray was sick.

He wasn't leaking oil.

I tell you what,

there better be a scar.

Oh, face it now, ray,

you're a hero.

And tonight you're gonna

take us all out to

dinner to celebrate.


And someplace nice, too,

'cause you deserve it.

Tia. Tamera.

Tia? Tamera?

They're not home.

Oh, maybe they left a message.

Hello, Lisa. This is Lisa.

You are beautiful.

You are a nubian goddess...

I was checkin' to

make sure the machine

was working, you know.

Uh, hi, dad.

Mom, we're lost.

They're lost?

We're not really lost.

Oh, they're not really lost.

We're just not

sure where we are.

Oh, they're lost.

- We're on Jefferson, and
- we're gonna take the...

- Here's our bus.
- Is that the four?

I don't know.

Come on, we gotta go.

Don't worry.

- Don't worry?
- Don't worry?

Why do I think we'll

never see home again?

It's hopeless.

We're totally lost.

Are you still mad at me?

"Are you still mad at me?"

Oh, that's mature.

- Tamera, why does having
- a twin bother you so much?

- I mean, I thought you were happy
- that we found each other.

I am happy.

But I was used to being

the only child.

I guess I felt like I was, I

don't know, unique or something.

I'm sorry I'm getting in

the way of your uniqueness.

Come on, Tia.

I'm sure I get on your

nerves sometimes.

No, not really.

There must be some things

about me that bug you.


I guess you are

kind of sloppy.

That's good.

Bossy and loud.

- I'm glad you got that
- off your chest.

And shallow.

You can stop now.

I'm really

glad you're here.

I'm really glad

you're here, too.

I just wish we weren't...


- Why don't you put
- on your hat?

Between the two of us, we can

figure out a way to get home.

How's your Spanish?

I got a "b."

Well, I got a "d."

- So if we put 'em together,
- we've got a "c."


Hey, we're


Okay, okay...

Donde esta...

How do you say "street"?

Um, El calle de...

mapelo drivo?

Maple drive?

¡Sí! ¡sí! ¡sí!

¡Sí! ¡sí!

Mira, Mira.

Se va a la mano derecha,

y cuando Mira la Luz,

Tome a la izquierda...

Y suguia... este calle es

de una solo dirrección...

- I should've never
- listened to you.

"My goodness, let

our people go."

That is a poor

imitation of me, ray.

Yeah, you're right.

- I should've been eating
- while I said it.

They could be anywhere by now.

This is all your fault, ray.

- My fault? How is
- it my fault?

- Well, if you let
- your daughter out,

- Maybe she could get
- around this town.

Oh, now it's tamera's fault.

No, it's still your fault, ray.

You overprotective, neurotic,

BMW-driving turtlehead.

Oh, there's number

four bus. Pull over.

This ain't no driver's ed.

Pedal to the metal.


- Has anybody seen two precious,
- adorable twin girls?

Back here.

Oh, ray, they're here.


Oh, pay the driver, ray.


- Get out of my way.
- Out of my way.

Mama's here.

- Yo, mama, how
- you doin'?

Sit down, snaggletooth.



We're home.

Mi casa.



We're home.

Oh, I guess they

got our message.

That means they're probably

out looking for us.

- Oh, man, we're
- in trouble.

They'll never let us

out of the house again.

Calm down.

- We'll just explain
- what happened.

We got on the wrong bus.

Three times?

Let's not confuse

them with numbers.

- The important thing is
- that we found our way home.

- Proving that we're
- independent...






- Sweetheart.
- Oh, Tia.

Well, the girls

finally conked out.

Yeah, what a night.

Yeah, my nerves are shot.

Oh, I need me a brownie.

Make it a double.

Oh, well, at least everything

turned out okay.

Yeah, it did.

Yep, sure did.

You called me

a turtlehead.

I'm sorry.

I shouldn't diss

turtles like that.

Oh, that's funny.

Well, you said I always

eat when I talk.

I wonder where I got that from.

Come on, I was going

crazy with worry.

I kept thinking about milk

cartons and "film at 11:00."

Yeah, I have to admit

I was pretty scared, too.

I know I was all

for them taking the bus,

- but, uh, I guess
- the problem with dusk

Is it keeps getting darker.

We're just gonna have

to lay down some laws.

- From now on, they only take
- the bus in the day.

And even then, we follow 'em.

They're gonna fight us on this.

- They're gonna whine,
- they're gonna pout,

They're gonna double-pout.

We can't let them rule us.

We're the parents.

Yeah, we're bigger than them.


We're not gonna let

them wrap us around

their little fingers.

Dad, there's a

spider up here.

Coming, punkin.

Ray, you are spineless.

Mom, can I have a blanket?

Coming, baby.

Okay, make way

for Mrs. Jellyfish.

Here he is.

He was a brave

little soldier.

Oh, come here, little ray.

I brought

your favorite mousie.

Yeah, yeah, let me

look at that scar.

Careful now, ray, now.

He's post-op.

- You know, Dr. Clipper,
- that's an impressive incision.

Uh, well, the scar will go away

by itself within two weeks.

Thank you, doctor.

Thank you.


Well, you ready to go?
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