01x11 - Mothers and Other Strangers

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sister, Sister". Aired: September 6, 1995 – May 23, 1999.*
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Starring Tia and Tamera Mowry as identical twin sisters separated at birth who are reunited as teenagers.
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01x11 - Mothers and Other Strangers

Post by bunniefuu »

- We're planning on winning
- our school talent show.

We just have to figure out

what our best talent is.

Where do we begin?

Come on, come on,

come on!


- They as bad as I
- think they are?

- Shut up, ray,
- and keep smiling.



I mean, bravo. Bravo.

♪ Talk about a

two-way twister ♪

♪ shakin' up the family tree

with sibling synchronicity ♪

♪ never knew

how much I missed you ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let... you... go ♪

Sophie, for you, I'm going

with the purple chiffon,

'cause you're classy

and sophisticated.

And, henrietta,

I think the sizzling red number

is you 'cause you a tramp.

If they start

talking back, run.


Ray, Monique's boutique called,

- and they liked
- my designs so much,

- They want to see
- some samples!

Oh, that's great.

- I got some more
- good news for you.

- -Your mom, uh, left a message.
- -Oh?

- Yeah, she's coming
- to visit.


I take it you and your mom

don't get along.

Well, she never seemed

to have much faith in me.

- Every time I tried
- something new,

She just gave me the look.

The look?

You know, kind of like

when you smell bad fish.

- I'll-I'll just tell her
- it's not a good time.

- No, come on.
- I'm sure you can put up

- With your mom
- for a few days.

- Well, uh... well,
- it's your house and all.

I just hate to impose.

That's never

stopped you before.

- Besides, I don't mind.
- I mean, I'm into family.

- Oh, well, good, 'cause
- I told her all about you.

- Yeah? What'd
- you tell her?

Oh, this and that

and the other thing.

- Oh, come on,
- what did you say?

Oh, this and that,

and you're my husband.


Excuse me?!

- Now, ray, now, I never
- actually said it.

- I never actually
- said it.

- When I told her the
- story about the girls

- And how I
- moved in here,

- She just assumed
- we were married.

- Soon as I stopped choking,
- I was gonna tell her the truth,

- But, you know, for
- once she was so happy,

- So I kept
- putting it off.

- And when I was finally
- gonna tell her,

- Then the ups man
- knocked on the door

- With a wedding gift
- one day from mama.

Ray, it was


- You are insane.
- Oh, no.

- It was the deluxe
- collection.

Salad spinner, everything.

The subject's closed.

- Oh, come on, ray, now.
- It's only for a few days.



Marriages are built

on communication.

How'd you do that?

I'm everywhere.

Just leave me alone.

- There's no way I'm gonna
- be your husband.

- Oh, come on.
- No.

I'll pay you.

- There's not enough money
- in the world.

- I'll do all the cooking - for a week.
- No!

- Oh, ray,
- come on.

- I'll do all the cleaning
- for a week.

- No! - I won't talk
- For a week.

I now pronounce us

husband and wife.

- Well, my grandma's
- coming to visit.

Our grandma, now.

- Of course we're
- happy to see her.


We can't wait to show

her our many talents.

Where do we begin?

Aren't they something,


It's beyond words.

- Those talent show judges aren't
- gonna know what hit them.



- Maybe we need
- a little more practice.

Uh, no, no,

you hit me good.

See you later, grandma.

Yeah. I'm

doubly blessed.

Bye, mom and dad.

- Our wonderful
- parents.

Who are happily...

- Go work on your
- act, girls.

I can't believe I have two

such beautiful granddaughters.

- And if you two
- would get busy,

- There could
- be a third.

Uh, here's your tea, mama,

just the way you like it.

Oh, thanks, baby.


- Mama, did I tell you I
- was up for this great job?


- Uh-huh. They'll be selling
- my dresses

- At this really stylish boutique
- on main street.

I am so proud of you.


- You finally found
- yourself a wonderful man.

I'm so glad

my baby has a husband

- to take care
- of her.

Well, I'm happy

to do it, Mrs. Landry.

- What's this
- Mrs. Landry stuff?

I'm mom to you.

Okay, mom.

- Uh, Lisa,
- I almost forgot.

- That box is
- for you there.

- Yeah?
- Uh-huh.

Little something

for your... trousseau.

Oh, trousseau.

For Lisa to wear,

and for ray to enjoy.

Let the good times roll.

Okay, I got it.

Here's our act.

What happens to

a dream deferred?

Does it dry up like

a raisin in the sun?

Or does it...?

Tia, a poem?

What am I supposed to do?

Well, you could

be the raisin.

You be the raisin.

Well, what other talents

do we have?

You got me.


You can be my

backup singers.

- Are your braids
- too tight?

Go ahead and laugh,

but I've seen you twirl,

and I've seen you juggle.

- Even those cute little leotards
- aren't gonna save you.

Hey, we're twins.

We got a gimmick.

We don't need talent!


Well, you

got your wish.

- So what are
- we gonna do?

I don't know.

- Why can't you be
- more talented?

Me? At least I'm in band.

You play the triangle.

First triangle.

What's that?

Is that a radio?

No. It's Roger.

And he's singing.

- ♪ What can make me feel
- this way? ♪

Are you thinking

what I'm thinking?

Excuse me.

Pardon me.


- Well, unfortunately, girls,
- I only need two backup singers.

- Get lost!
- Spot's filled.

- Yeah, break
- it up.

- Show's over.
- Go back to class.

Wait, wait, wait.

But who are they?

Introducing my



Honey, you've been

locked up here for hours.

- Well, I've got
- to get these samples finished.

My meeting's tomorrow.

You know, I like this room.

Make a real nice nursery.


mama, what do you think

of my creations?

They're nice.

Where's ray?

Oh, I don't know.

He's asleep, I guess.

Well, uh, uh...

Uh, honey, I don't mean

to get in your business,

but for newlyweds,

you two aren't

very affectionate.

What ever gave you that idea?

I love ray.

- I love him more
- than life itself.

What's the matter?

Oh, just a little gas.

- That never slowed
- down your father.

Mama, I didn't need

to know that.

My point is,

my room is next to

yours, and, well,

how do I put this?

I've been sleeping

like a baby.

Well, mama, we-we don't want

to wear out a good thing.

Well, just remember...

Divorce comes a-knocking

if the room ain't rocking.

You haven't worn this yet?

Oh, i'm-i'm... i'm

going to wear it.

Not for very long.

Who is it?

It's your wife.

What are you doing here?

Conjugal visit.

I'm calling 911.

- Now, look, ray, I'd rather
- have my eyes sewn shut,

- My toenails
- ripped off backwards,

- Stuffed up my nose,
- and my feet...

Enough foreplay.

I just have to

humor my mama.

Now, can-can we

please pretend

we're happily married?

Oh, ray!

Oh, Lisa.

Oh, that is so tired.

I deserve better

than that.

Oh, Lisa!

Shh! That's my

mother in there.

Oh, ray, I love you!

How long do we have

to keep this up?

How long can you last?

Oh, ray.

Well, hello, Monique.


So, you've made your decision?

Oh, you loved my dresses.

Well, my dresses loved you.


Oh. Oh, I see.

Well, that's okay.

Somebody had to come in second.

Fourth, huh?

Well, thanks

for sharing that with me.

I can't get over.

You started with one limo,

and now you got a dozen.

Hi, Lisa.

- Hi, honey!
- Hi, sugar.


My heart is full.

- I think we re
- all pretty full.

Excuse me.

- You know, that
- husband of yours

Showed me the

time of my life.

- Well, I don't want
- to spoil your day, mama,

But... I didn't

get the job.

What job?

The dresses, mama.

Monique s... my big break?

Oh, that. Uh-huh.

- Honey, don't get yourself
- all worked up over nothing.


Oh, Lisa, you're always

chasing some crazy dream.

You are doing what

is important.

You're keeping

your man happy.

I know... I heard you.

Well, thanks, mama,

I feel much better


- That's what I m
- here for, baby.

- That's what
- I'm here for.

- ♪ Whoomp, shak-a-laka,
- shak-a-laka, shak-a-laka... ♪


♪ Wayne's world, party on,

excellent ♪

So, Wayne...

Exsqueeze me?

Who's gonna be

visiting us tonight?



We're not worthy!

We're not worthy!

- ♪ Whoomp, there it is,
- where your Booty at? ♪

♪ Whoomp, there it is,

where your Booty at?

- ♪ Whoomp, there it is,
- where your Booty at? ♪

♪ You look at him wrong,

and he gets kinda huffy ♪


Jam, yo, yo, scruffy...

What happens

to a dream deferred?

Does it dry up like a raisin

in the sun?

♪ Whoomp, there it is,

whoomp, there it... ♪




Do you?


Lisa, what

are you doing?

- I'm gonna sit here
- and eat vanilla fudge

- Till I'm a
- four-Lane highway.

It's the age-old story.

- You get married, and then you
- just let yourself go.


Hi, kids.

- Did you guys try out
- for the talent show?

Yeah, we tried,

and now we're out.

Thanks to Tia.

What happened?

- She k*lled us,
- that's what.

Tia just stood on

the stage and

- even I couldn't
- carry her.

- Her mouth was
- wide open.

- A fly flew in
- and flew out,

- And she didn t
- even notice.

Poor Tia.

Where is she?

She's on the porch.

- Grandma's trying
- to cheer her up.

Oh, no!

- My baby's
- with the queen of doom?

I've got to save her.

Touch that and die.

I really wanted to

be in the show.

Honey, you can do anything

you want to do.

But I froze.

Oh, all the greats

had a rough start.

Look at satchmo.


- Well, maybe he was
- a little before your time.

Take Sammy Davis, Jr.


You know, "Mr. Bojangles",

"the Candyman."

Hmm, I'm older

than dirt.

- Just forget
- it, grandma.

All I'm saying is

- you can be
- one of the greats.

You're oozing

with talent.

You're just saying that

- because you're
- my grandma.

No, no, no,

I know about these things.

Now, you march over there,

- and you tell those judges
- to give you another chance.

And when they do,

you just sing your heart out.

Don't let anything

get in the way

of your dreams.

Okay, i'm

gonna try.

That's my girl.

Oh, hi, mom.

You feeling better?


Thanks, grandma.


Yeah, you were great.

Well, that's what

I'm here for.

Oh, Lisa.

Oh, ray.

Saddle up, pony girl.

You are twisted.

I'm reading a western.

Oh, I'm just not

in the mood.

Tell me, Lisa,

is there somebody else?

Yeah, my mother.

Why do I always let

her get to me?

Oh, ray, I love you!

If it bothers you so much,

- why don't you talk
- to her about it?

- I shouldn't need
- her approval.

What am I, five

years old?

- I just want
- her to hang

One of my dresses on

the refrigerator.

Oh, ray!

Oh, pony girl.

- Morning, Lisa.
- Morning.

What are you making?


Oh, that's nice.

You're finally making

a hot breakfast.

I am so proud of Tia

talking her way

into another audition.

Yeah, I'm really

happy for her.

I guess a little encouragement

goes a long way.

Yep, it sure does.

- Why are you
- handing me that?

- You're gonna add more
- flour, aren t you?

- No, actually, honey,
- it's a little lumpy already.

They're my pancakes!


- Child, what's the matter
- with you?

I just want a little

encouragement, okay?

I encourage you.

Oh, yeah?

"You're always chasing

after some crazy dream."

I just never wanted you

to be disappointed.

So, you were so

sure I'd fail.

You're my daughter.

- I was trying
- to protect you.

- Mama, I didn't want
- your protection.

I wanted you to...

To be proud of me.

- Of course i'm
- proud of you.

Mama, the only thing

that you have ever

been proud of is...

Is a lie.

- And what does
- that mean?

I'm not married.


I said I'm not married.

Morning, mom.

Hi, honey.

- How are my two
- favorite ladies?

Oh, shut up.

Yeah, shut up.

Huh. I guess

the honeymoon's over.

- Mom, ray,
- we're gonna be late

For the talent show.

- Yeah, we're gonna
- be great.

I know... ooh.

They still got it.

Hey, the camera's

all loaded.

Oh, no, ray.

- You're not gonna be one of
- those obnoxious parents

Blocking everybody's

view with your butt?

- Yeah, maybe
- you re right.

I shouldn't take it.

- Well, I'll just
- take mine.


Mama, would you hurry?

We got to get going.

- I take it you
- and your mom

- Are still
- on the outs?

We're as close

as we ever were.

I'm ready.

You're wearing my dress?

I hope you don't mind.

- I stole it off
- one of your mannequins.

I think it looks better on me.

I think you're right.

And I'll be proud to wear it.

Oh, thank you, mama.

- Uh, honey,
- I think you need

- To get this coat
- cleaned.

I know, mama, I...

I know, mama.


Thank you, pony boy.

One, two, three, four!

Watch me now!

♪ Work, work,

oh, work it out, baby ♪

♪ work, work,

oh, you're drivin' me crazy ♪

♪ with just a little bit

of soul now ♪

♪ Do you love me,

do you love me? ♪

Okay, Lisa, it is time

to pay the Piper.

Oh, fine, ray, fine.

A deal's a deal.

Starting now, I won't

talk for a week.


Now, you have a nice day.

I know I will.

Whoo-hoo! Yes!

Hmm? What, what?

Hello, ray.

I feel like talking.

I have so much I want

to tell you.

- On Tuesday, I went
- to the fabric store

- And I found the most
- beautiful fabric...

- A Paisley, lots of burgundy
- and a nice Kelly green.

- Speaking of Kelly green,
- you know, that vest you wore

- On Wednesday made you look
- like a leprechaun.

- On Thursday, I went to lunch
- with my friend, Lucille,

- But I just had the tuna,
- but it was good...

- Real lemony,
- just the way I like it.

Oh, by the way...

Ray, ray, ray...

That's for eating

my brownie.

- On Friday,
- I went to the mall.

- I saw that girl, Wanda,
- that you used to go out with,

- You know, the one
- that wore the weave?

- You know,
- she looked pretty good.

- I think you should get back
- with her again.

- You know,
- and next Saturday,

- I'm going out
- with this guy named Wally.

He's kind of cute, though.
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