01x12 - The Concert

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sister, Sister". Aired: September 6, 1995 – May 23, 1999.*
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Starring Tia and Tamera Mowry as identical twin sisters separated at birth who are reunited as teenagers.
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01x12 - The Concert

Post by bunniefuu »

- (Funk music playing,
- girls laughing)

We got to have our music.

- Nothing is more
- important.

Not even food.

Not even clothes.

Not even guys.

- Hey, now,
- don't get crazy.

- But out of all
- the music...

- The one guy who's
- the coolest...

- Finest!
- The bestest.

"The bestest"?

I really like cold dog.

That was cold dog

with his latest hit,

"unleash me."

And his new cd

goes to the first caller

who can tell me

the dog's hometown.

Cincinnati, Ohio!

- Hurry, the phones
- are starting to light up.

- Dial, dial faster!
- It's ringing! It's ringing!

- We're gonna win!
- Luigi's pizza.

- We have a caller on line three.
- Wrong number, try again.

Cincinnati, Ohio!

That's right, aquanetta!

We lost.

Want a pizza?

- Stay on the line, aquanetta,
- hang up.

- And we'll get your address.
- I won! I won!

I love cold dog!

Shut up, aquanetta.

♪ Talk about a two-way twister

♪ shakin' up the family tree

with sibling synchronicity ♪

♪ never knew

how much I missed you ♪

♪ Talk about a two-way twister

♪ no, it won't be

trouble-proof ♪

- ♪ never knew
- how much I missed you ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let... you... go ♪

What's all this?

- Oh, my last few boxes
- from the garage.

- Once I unpack these,
- I'm officially moved in.

Hey, you still have

your high school yearbook?

Mm-hmm, those

were the days.

- All right,
- where's your picture?

Oh, look up

the prom queen.

I'm the third one over.

- Hey, wait,
- wait a minute.

Here's a class picture.

Nice fro.

Yeah, it was all

the way live.


Let's see, "Lisa Landry,

drama club, Italian club..."

- Hey, I was
- in the Italian club.

Parli italiano?

Una lasagna.

- I just joined
- for the cute boys.

Yeah, me, too.

No, no, the girls.

Get out of here.

Ooh, will you look

that this! Oh-ho.

It was given to me by my

first love, Curtis Simmons.

- Unh. Wasn't much of
- a football player,

- But he was great
- in a huddle.

Mmm... whew!

Come back to us, Lisa.

Well, if I have to.

- Hey, look, he wrote
- you a little poem.

"Lisa, l is for your

lovely lips.

I is for your eyes..."

Poor thing... poor

thing couldn't spell.

There's nothing like

your first love.

Oh, yeah...

Oh, I'll never forget

old Lucy Cobb.

Oh, I love Lucy.

Well, come on, ray.

Well, give me the 411.

It was all very romantic.

- We used to sneak kisses
- during the science class.

Until this day, the sight

of a dissected frog

gets me all worked up.

Oh, stop, ray,

it's just too, too hot.

- (All giggling,
- funk song playing)

I just love cold dog.

I love him more.

And I feel the love

in this room.

- Roger, what are you
- doing here?

I don't know,

but I've never been happier.

How'd you get up here?

Well, I saw four

beautiful girls,

- girls that are
- my good friends,

- And I wanted to be
- in your company.

That's sweet, Roger.

- Anybody want
- to take a shower?

Roger, one more word

and you're gone.

So, how are we gonna

get enough money

for the concert tickets?

Just do what I did.

- Ask your folks
- for something outrageous,

- Like, uh, you know,
- like a trip to Europe.

- Then when they
- say "no" to that,

- Ask them for the
- concert tickets.

- They will think that
- they're getting off easy.

- Great idea.
- Oh, yeah.

- Roger,
- what are you doing?

- I just want to prove
- that I was here.

Girls, please keep

the music down.

Hey, Mr. Campbell, we were

just talking about you.

Oh. Dad, can I ask

you a question?

Sure, honey.

- Will you send
- Tia and me to Europe?


That's a great idea!

- It is?
- It is?

- Yeah, you can immerse
- yourself in culture.

- Museums, cathedrals,
- art galleries...

- Ew...
- Ew...

Dad, we like culture,

but there's a lot

- of culture right here
- in our own back yard.

- Yeah, as a matter of fact,
- there's a concert this weekend.

Maybe we should go.

- All right, what new heartthrob's
- in town this weekend?


You're so hip, dad,

but it's cold dog.

"Cold dog."

Is that a family name?

Any relation

to hot dog?

If he really gets cold,

do they call him chili dog?

This is so embarrassing.

- Okay, okay,
- I've had my fun.

- I'll treat you both
- to the concert.

Thanks! Yes!

Thanks, daddy.

That's what

dads are for.

Roger, what are

you doing here?

I don't know,

- but I've never
- been happier.

♪ Then just kick her

out the door ♪

- What did he just say?
- I don't know.

♪ Then go ahead

and just slap that yo ♪

"Baby says no, slap that"?

Is this cold dog?

♪ And never hesitate

to dump the skeezer, rah! ♪

Did he just bark?

- I can't believe you're
- listening to these words.

"Kick her out the door?

Dump the sleezer."

That's "skeezer,"

Mr. Campbell.

Dad, we don't listen

to the words.

- We listen to the music.
- Yeah.

The words are the music,

- and I'm not gonna
- spend one lousy cent

- To support this dog guy.
- Dad!

Do you understand?


Subject closed.

Roger, go home.

So, mom, what do you say?

- Well, what did ray say
- about the concert?

Well, Lisa, can I tell

you something privately?

I love my dad, but

he's just not cool.

- He's definitely not
- as cool as you are, mom.

Well, who is?

He really just

- doesn't understand our
- music like you do.

- So can we have
- the money?

Sure, I just sold six muumuus.

I'm rolling in dough.

Thank you.

What's going on?

- Oh, the girls are
- just thanking me

- For treating them
- to a cold dog concert.

Wait a minute.

- Didn't I tell you I wasn't
- going to spend any money

On this concert?

I know, that's why

we asked Lisa.

A.k.a., the cool parent.

Miss hip, have you listened

to his music?

- Well, I haven't heard
- the dog's latest stuff,

But I loved his early albums.

He only made one.

That's my favorite.

- Is there a cold dog - tape in there?
- In where?

- You know where.
- Where?

- There!
- Huh?

Hit it.

Ah, sing it to me,

doggy. Hey...

Hey, yeah, this is nice.

Oh, that is disgusting!

- I'm not spending one dime
- of my muumuu money on him.

- But, mom, you're
- the cool one.

- Shut up!
- We can't afford

- That kind of woman-hating
- thinking in this house.

- But cold dog doesn't
- mean anything by it.

- Then what do you
- think he's saying?!

You just don't understand.

- Oh, like we were
- never young?



- Well, you are not getting one
- cent of my money for that.

That boy is bad news!

- Not only does his
- music degrade women,

- But it condones
- v*olence.

- I bet you he don't have
- a mother and a father.

- That's why they call him
- the dog.

- Not going to go with that.
- Woof, woof, woof...

Blah, blah,

blah, blah, blah...

Blah, blah, blah, blah...

They went on like

that for an hour.

- About music, lyrics
- and the good old days.

- Yeah, and I
- kind of zoned out

- When they got
- to chubby checker.

- Anyway, we were
- so bummed.

- And there was no way we were
- gonna get to the concert.

Hey, cold dog fans.

- As you know,
- we're giving away free

Concert tickets

and backstage passes.

- Excuse us.
- Excuse us.

- The first caller...
- There must be a million - People trying.

- I don't think we'll
- ever get through.

- Cold dog's life history
- will be the lucky winner!

- It's ringing!
- Get out of here!

- I'm serious, it's ringing!
- It rang again!

If it's the pizza

place, I'll k*ll you.

Hello, you're caller number one.

I'm caller number one!

Are you finished?

- Yes.
- Yes.

Okay, here we go.

You've got ten seconds to tell

me cold dog's real name.

- Nine, eight...
- Cole dog's real name, uh...

- Wasn't it, uh,
- Calvin Herbert?

- Six, five,
- no, uh, Herbert Calvin.

- Four, three...
- I don't know.

- Cold dog's real
- name is...

- Just say anything.
- Cold dog!

- You blew it, you idiot.
- I hate you!

That's right!

He legally changed it

to cold dog last year.

I love you!


You win two tickets!

- Hi.
- Bye.

- Wait. Wait, wait...
- Wait a minute.

What are you two up to tonight?

Oh, we were just going to hang

out with Brenda and Sarah.

- And a few
- other people.

And do what?

Oh, just listen to some music.

You're not going to listen

to those cold dog cds.

Oh, no, not the cds.

Okay. Be back by 11:00.

Have fun now.

We will.

- Ray?
- Ah...

What's all this?

Well, you know, watching

you cling to the past

- sort of got me in the mood
- for a spring cleaning.

- You've got to get
- rid of the clutter

And focus on the future.

Oh. Oh, I can't believe

- you're getting rid
- of all this stuff.

No, I'm keeping that.

Well, what exactly

are you getting rid of?

Uh... platform shoes.

You want them?

- Oh, no, no, no.
- No thanks.

A little too super fly for me.

Ooh, I didn't know

you were a jock.

Varsity swim team.


What's the matter?

I just got a mental picture

of you in a speedo.

Knock yourself out.



- Mmm, you don't see much
- of those anymore.

- Oh, yeah,
- I m keeping these.

- These are part - of me.
- Mmm.

Oh, the archies?

Oh, ray, you're bad

to the bone.

That was my sister's.

You don't have a sister.

Uh, my brother's.

Um, how about this?

- Sam Cooke.
- Oh,

- Love it.
- Yeah!

- And my man,
- Otis Redding.

Oh, love it!


- Disco duck?
- Take three steps back.

- How about this one,
- huh?

The four tops?

- Ray, this is
- my group!

Yeah, classic.

Oh, ray,

- this record brings back
- so many good memories.

- I remember dancing
- to this on soul train.

You were on

soul train?

Well, I remember dancing

to it in front of my TV.

Couldn't get

a date, huh?

- What you talking
- about?

With moves like this?

Check it out!

- Ah, go ahead. - What about it,
- Lisa?

♪ Got to have all

your lovin'... ♪

- I don't care what
- the girls say.

- This is the kind of music that
- gets you on your feet.


Look out now!

♪ Some say it's a sign

of weakness ♪

- (Funk music playing,
- cold dog rapping indistinctly)

That concert was the best!

- Did you check out
- his moves?

- Yeah, cold dog
- is all that.

You are so lucky!

I can't believe you're

actually going backstage.

All right, l.L.

Okay, tell Whitney

I'll call her.

- Yo, my brother,
- what's up, man?

- You know that cold dog,
- man, he's just chillin'.

- Yo, man,
- I'm on the list, man.

See, right here.

Rasheed Ben faals.

- That's me.
- I'm up in the hiz-house!

Yo, man, that's my name.

Hey, yo, man,

what a coincidence.

Two rasheed Ben faals

in the same place.

- Give me some love,
- brother.

Get out of here, man.

Hey, man, can I borrow

20 bucks?

Yo, man,

get out of here!

- Excuse me, sir... - Hey, hey, hey,
- Hey, hey, hey!

No one gets backstage

without a pass.

- Mmm, mmm, mmm,
- mmm, mmm.

Wait a minute.

They didn't have passes.

They don't need no passes.

I think i'm


Excuse me.

- We're the radio
- contest winners.

Tia Landry

and tamera Campbell.

Okay, y'all

are in.

- I'm so excited. - Yes!
- Come on in.


I'm one of those girls

who doesn't need a pass.

Little girl, uh,

what's wrong with

your eye?

Good try.

- You guys, will you
- bring me back a souvenir?

- Okay, okay,
- we're going in.

- Bye, Brenda.
- Bye, Sarah.

(The miracles' "you really

(got a hold on me" plays)

Oh, ray,

- you're so light
- on your feet.

- Well, thank you.
- And I'd appreciate it

- If you stay
- off of 'em.

I guess I

deserved that.


Smooth move.

Oh, ray, I believe

you got a little

Curtis Simmons in you.

- Lucy and I used to
- dance to this.

- Oh, seems
- like yesterday.

Oh, yeah.

Ooh, Curtis was

so sweet.

- We met
- in the Italian club.

We thought we were

so romantic.

Ha una penna?

I have a pen?

- That's the only sentence
- I can remember.

Italian is the

language of amore.

Every word is so romantic,

so bellisimo.


Ha una penna?

Yes, I remember

we were dancing

- the first time Lucy
- and I fell in love.

Mi amore, Lucia.

Ha una penna?

Yeah, I held her close

and whispered in her ear

and told her how

much I loved her.

- That we would
- never part.

A Bella notte con

mio dolcezza.


Ha una penna?

Oh! ha una,


Isn't this exciting?

Yeah, for the first

half hour.

But when's he coming

out of the bathroom?

Tia, he's probably taking

a nice, hot bath.

The man needs

to unwind.


- They must be his
- official unwinders.

- Oh my gosh, look,
- it's him!

He's so gorgeous!

- Oh, look,
- he's eating a carrot!

- Just like a regular
- person.

- A souvenir!
- Get it!

I can't believe it.

- We got cold dog's
- carrot!

And look, it's got

his teeth marks.

- Maybe we should give
- this to Sarah.

- In her dreams.
- In her dreams.

Hey, radio contest


That's us.

- Now which one's Tia,
- and which one's tamera?

- Well, - this is...
- Like I care.

Come on, let's go

meet the dog.

What's this?

- It's your snack,
- cold dog.

- Didn't you read
- the contract?

- I said no raisins
- in the trail mix!


- Look, I'm sorry.
- I'll pick them all out.

- Look, you'll
- never see another

- Raisin again.
- It's too late, man.

You're fired.

- But cold dog, that's
- your father.

- Get his old wrinkled butt
- out of here!

- And tell mom she's hangin
- by a thread.

I'm sorry!

You know, he's not

that cute in person.

Ah, Mr. Dog, the radio

- contest winners.
- Can't believe this.

Ah, twins.

I'm tamera, and this

is my sister, Tia.

- How old are you
- girls?

We're 14.

Oh, 14's cool.

- You know what I was doing
- when I was 14?

- Yeah, you were dancing
- with bad m.C.

On his first world tour.

- Hey, you know all
- about my life, huh?

- We're fanatics.
- Cool, cool.

So, uh, you want hang out

with me tonight?

Cold dog,

I thought we were

happening tonight.

- You already
- happened.

- Get over there and pick the
- raisins out of that bowl.

Okay, cold dog.

Can you believe that?

- Oh, okay, cool,
- you play your cards right,

- You could be the inspiration
- to my next song.

Twin Booty is a thing

of beauty.

- Write that down,
- somebody.

Yes! Yes.

So, uh, you ready

to hang out or what?

Uh, we can't

do that.

Yeah, it-it's a

school night.

Hey, this,

this is cold dog.

Uh, you know what, cold dog?


You're not a very

nice person.

- Come on.
- That's telling him.


You walk out that do,

don't come back no mo.



It's okay.

Uh, ray?


- You're up.
- Me, too.

- I thought you were
- upstairs.

- Well, I'm not.
- Me, too.

- Kiss.
- What?

Candy. Chocolate candy.


- Oh, no, no thanks,
- I don't want none.

- Well, good night.
- Good night.

Lisa, we've got to

talk about this.

Well, I feel better.

This is ridiculous.

- I mean, we live in
- the same house.


Now, ray,

when you kissed me...

- Ho-hold, wait a, wait - a minute, wait a minute.
- I wasn't...

- I didn't kiss you.
- You kissed me.

I distinctly remember

your lips moving towards me

like a bear trap.

Lisa, I was there.

- I did everything I could
- to fight you off.

Oh, come on now, ray;

now, who are we kidding?

Now, the fact is,

ugly as it seems,

we kissed each other.

Dear god, why?

I don't know.

Did you slip a Mickey

into my slim fast?

Well, Lisa, I hate

to burst your bubble,

but in my mind,

I was kissing Lucy Cobb.

Oh, well, that's great, ray,

- 'cause I was really kissing
- Curtis Simmons.

Yeah, well, then,

- we really weren't
- kissing each other.

No, nothing, absolutely

nothing happened.

Well, good.

- Oh, yeah, that's - really good, ray.
- Very good.

- I was afraid I couldn't
- listen to smokey again

Without getting queasy.

- Shh, don't make
- any noise.

That concert was

a waste of time.

Can you believe what

a jerk cold dog was?

- Yeah, it was kind of scary,
- wasn't it?


I hate to admit it,

- but our parents
- were right.

- Well, as long as they
- never find out.

- Let's sneak upstairs
- the back way.

- I'm glad we got away
- with this.

I know.

Did you hear that?

- Those little
- stinkers!

- They went
- to the concert!

- Those little
- stinkers!

All right, we've established

that they're stinkers.

- Now what are we gonna
- do about it?

- I don't know.
- But you know,

- At least they realized
- we were right.

- I guess we could
- just sit back

- And know that experience
- was the best teacher.

- We could go up there
- and catch 'em

- While they're fresh.
- Oh, I like that.

- Let's head 'em off
- at the pass.

Oh, yeah.

Well, we showed

cold dog.

- We never listened to
- his music again.

- And we told our friends
- not to either.

- But his album still
- went platinum.

Double platinum.

I hope he chokes

on a raisin.

Next is cold dog

with his latest single

"twin boo-tay."

Ya think?


Whoa, who are they?

I don't know.

They must be new.

- I bet my dad
- will hate 'em.
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