02x07 - Operation: Deja View

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sister, Sister". Aired: September 6, 1995 – May 23, 1999.*
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Starring Tia and Tamera Mowry as identical twin sisters separated at birth who are reunited as teenagers.
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02x07 - Operation: Deja View

Post by bunniefuu »



- Tia.
- What?

My stomach hurts.


What's going on in here?

- Sounds like
- somebody's dying.

Tamera's stomach hurts.

It's really sharp.

I never had this pain before.

- Oh, let me see.
- Ow!

Oh, oh.

- Ooh, girl,
- you're burning up.

- Tell me
- when it hurts.




How'd you do that?


I think I have it, too.


- Ow!
- Ow!

- Ow!
- Ow!

Let me call emergency.

Hello, emergency,

this is an emergency.

- My girls are having
- sharp stomach pains,

And they need some help.

Uh, what kind of pains?

Uh, uh, this kind.

- Ow!
- Ow!

Yeah, yeah.

Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.

- Yes, yes, they both...
- They both have high fevers.

- Uh-huh, what do you think
- it might be?

- Appendicitis,
- gall bladder or what?

No, no, no, it ain't that.

No, I'm sure.

'Cause if they were, they'd

be sleeping in a manger, okay?

- Now, how soon can you have
- an ambulance over here?

20 minutes!

- People can die
- in 20 minutes!

- We're gonna die?
- We're gonna die?

Over my dead body.

- Come on, girls,
- I'm taking you.

Where's dad?

He's still at that banquet.

- Okay, give me your arm.
- Am I too heavy?

- No, no, don't worry...
- In the time of crisis,

- Superhuman strength
- takes over.

- Come on, superhuman
- strength, kick in.

Oh, whoa!

- Oh, whoa, girl, shift
- your weight, girl.

Shift your weight.

Okay, Tia, grab on.

- Oh, no, don't
- grab me there!

My side.

My side!

- My side!
- Oh, my back!

- Mom, we're not
- moving.

Oh, yes, we are.

We're going down.

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♪ Talk about a

two-way twister ♪

♪ shakin' up the family tree

with sibling synchronicity ♪

♪ never knew

how much I missed you ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let... you... go ♪

- Excuse me, sir, could
- I please go ahead?

- Look, lady,
- I was here first.

Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, I know, but my

daughters are in...


- I fell down
- and got a head injury.

- And my neck hurts,
- and I'm having trouble

Remembering things.


Oh, well, then,

I guess you forgot

that the doctor

already saw you.

He did?

Sorry, my mistake.

- Could you
- hurry it up?

- My babies are in
- pain, right, girls?

Pain... yes.

I'll need your health

insurance card.

Health insurance?


Who do we contact

for payment?

Hillary rodham Clinton.

I'm sorry, but I need

some kind of authorization.

- Look, miss thing, if you don't
- admit these girls right now,

- You're gonna authorize me
- to get ugly,

- And I am not pretty when I
- get ugly, right, girls?

Ugly... no.

- Lisa, I got here as
- quick as I could.

What's going on?

Nurse Kevorkian here

won't admit the girls.

Look, here's my

health card.

Thank you, sir.

How can twins have

different last names?

- Look, they were separated
- at birth, they were adopted.

- They found each other
- at the mall.

They're broke...

Now, you fix them!

The doctor will see them

in a moment.

- Ray, about the money,
- you know I'll...

- Don't worry
- about it.

- Just pay me back
- whenever you like.

- Uh, Tia Landry,
- tamera Campbell.

- Oh, right
- over here.

- And when can
- the doctor see them?

I am the doctor.


- You're kind of
- young, aren't you?

Well, look, don't worry.

I get that all the time.

- I like to think I'm mature
- for my age.

- Oh.
- How old are you?

None of your beeswax.

Can I see some I.D.,

Dr. Doogie?

Let the man

do his job.

- Okay, okay, let's see
- what the problem is.




You guys are having

pains in your side.

Now i'd like

to see some I.D.

Well, it looks like

acute appendicitis

on both of them.

Well, how serious is it?

- We should operate
- right away

- To avoid
- complications.

They're gonna cut us open?

- You know,
- I have

- A big exam I have
- to study for.

You better hurry...

She's hallucinating.


- prep these two
- for surgery

- And take them to
- O.R. three stat.

We'll take it from here.

- It's all right,
- tamera.

- It'll be okay...
- Don't think about it.

- If you need anything,
- I'll be right here.

- There's nothing
- to be afraid of.

- It's only
- minor surgery.

- You won't
- feel a thing.

Don't worry, baby,

mama's here.

- And anything you take out,
- I want to see!

- I don't care how
- bad it is, doc.

- Tell me the worst.
- Girl,

- The toilet bowl
- overflowed.

Ray, this is t*rture.

- I thought it was supposed
- to get easier as they got older.

You know, I...

- I remember bringing
- tamera home

- From the
- adoption agency.

- You won't believe
- what I bought her.

- A set of encyclopedia
- Britannicas.

Oh, I believe it.

- Yeah, I stayed up
- all night reading to her

About what was

then yugoslavia.

Oh, what a time

we had.

- I remember bringing Tia
- home for the first time.

- I wanted to buy her
- a little mobile,

- But my money
- was tight,

- So I made her one
- out of ritz crackers.

- Every morning,
- I made it.

- Every evening,
- I ate it.

- You know, it's nice
- to have someone

- To go through
- this with.

It sure is.

Yeah, well, enough of

that bonding, ray.

How you feeling, girls?

- Better.
- Better.


And don't feel bad

about having that scar.

- It's just proof
- you got your money's worth.

Let me see it.

Ooh, this

is fine work.


- Nice zigzag stitch,
- then finished off

- With a clean
- feather cross.

- I didn't know what to get
- from the gift shop,

- So I got, uh...
- Let's see, a Waldo's book,

A book of crossword puzzles,

- a wall street journal,
- ace bandage,

Two stuffed animals

and a bonsai plant

- that reads, "congratulations
- on your new hip."

Thanks, dad.

And if you get hungry,

- I ran out and I got you
- some real food.

What is it?


and hot wings.

- Thanks, mom,
- but can you

Just put it over

there for now?

- Ray, thank you for taking care
- of those hospital bills.

- I want you to know
- I'll pay you back.

No problem.

- No, no, no, I can't stand
- being in debt.


I insist.

Just give me a date.

Ten working days.

No, no, a date from inside

that fruit basket.

- And could you hand me
- the hot sauce from that bag?

Must you think of

food 24 hours a day?

Ray, when I'm nervous, I eat.

- It's not like food
- is the center of my life.

Yeah, well, I'm sorry.

- You know where I can get
- a cup of coffee?

- Uh, down that hall, right after
- the candy machine, turn left.

- Go three doors till you get
- to the sandwich machine.

Hang a right past the snack bar

- where they're selling cakes
- with the walnuts on them.

- Can't miss it,
- 'cause it's right next

- To the only soda machine
- that sells yoo-hoo.


- Uh, I don't know
- what's keeping him.

He should be here any minute.


- What are we - clapping for?
- You, pal... - You're on.

- What? No, you got
- the wrong guy.

- I'm looking for my
- daughter's room.

- Look, uh, we're kind
- of in a bind here.

We had a singer booked,

- but I guess he ditched
- the old folks.

- Do you think - you could help us out?
- Me?

I'd do it,

but I bathe them.

- Look, uh, i'm
- not a singer.

- We got a
- karaoke machine.

Come on, get some use

out of your rental.

Hey, pal, I own.

Ladies and gentlemen, let's give

a nice, warm welcome to...

- What's your name?
- Uh, ray Campbell.

- Look, I don't
- want to...

He's played all the hospitals

- in the Detroit
- metropolitan area.

You know him...

You kind of like him.

Ray Campbell!

I am not a singer.

I am not a professional.

I don't want to do this.

I don't...

Well, hello.

- I have a surprise
- for two patients

Who are doing just fine.

- Really?
- What is it?

Your appendixes.

Pretty cool, huh?

- Wow.
- Wow.

- Look at these
- weird colors.

Mine looks sad.


Are-are you okay?

- You look kind - of pale.
- Oh no, I'm fine.

- I... I just
- need a pail.

You know, girls, your...

- Your medical histories
- are amazing.

Oh, come on.

- You're just - saying that.
- No.

- You had the same
- childhood diseases

- At almost the exact
- same times,

- Except for
- the ringworm.

- Ew!
- Ew!

- That was her.
- That was her.

- How do you know
- all this, Dr. Bailey?

- Well, it's in
- your records.

- You were born right
- here in this hospital.

- We were?
- We were?

- Yeah, didn't you know that?
- Oh, yeah.

Guess they must have

painted the place.

- You mean they
- have all

Of our birth

information here?

Must be downstairs

in the file room.

I'll see you girls


- Oh, and, uh, as your doctor,
- I want you to know

- That I'll always
- be there for you.

I love my work.

Dr. Bailey,

you're wanted in surgery.

Why don't they just

leave me alone?


- if they really have all of our
- birth information here,

That means we can find the

names of our real parents.


- But don't you want to know
- who they are?

Well, I guess I've never really

thought about it that much.

- Really? I've always wondered
- what they were like.

I mean, were they cool?

Were they like the huxtables?

Were they like the bundys?

- Well, if they were
- like the huxtables,

- They would've never put us up
- for adoption.

- But maybe they didn't
- have a choice.

Look, I'm just saying

we should think about this.

Tamera, in no way, shape or form

do I want to be involved.


Keep an open mind.

♪ What's it all about,

Alfie-e-e-e ♪

♪ is it just in the moment

we li-i-ive ♪

What's your name, honey?

Oh, a little nervous, huh?

That's alright.

This song's for you.

♪ What's it all about when

we've thought it out ♪

♪ are we meant to take more

than we gi-i-ive ♪


- Ray, wha-wha-what's
- you doin' in here?

My second encore.

Boy, they ate up my

Sammy Davis, Jr.

- You know, I feel
- a lot of love in this room.

Yeah, a lot of liniment, too.

- I kind of got, you know,
- roped into this, but,

Hey, they love me.

Yeah, ray.

Yeah, ray, looks

like you k*lled.

Sir, are you okay?


Hey, well, do it

till you drop.

- You know, uh, ray, I think
- we should get out of here.

- But I haven't done
- my motown medley.

Let them enjoy the time

they have left, ray.

Okay, our show's over.

Drive safe. Peace out.

Come on, ray.

- Oh, ray?
- Hmm?

- Give that woman back
- her drawers.




I've been thinking about it.

About what?

- You know, who our
- real parents are.

- Actually, I've always thought
- about it a lot.

They could be anybody.

I really want to know

who they are.

So do I,

but I don't want to hurt

my mom's feelings.

I know, I know.

I've been thinking

about my dad, too.

- But we do have a right to know
- who our real parents are.

I just don't know

if we should do this.

- I think it's illegal.
- Look,

All we have to do is

find the file room.

I know this sounds silly, but...

I wish we had a sign

or something.

Come on, let's go.

- You think that's
- the sign?

- No, I just want
- to get outta here

Before he hits

the chorus.


Let's go.


There, that's better.

- I made my butt look
- too big.

Tia, would you...

- Ooh, me, too.
- Come on.

- We have to get back
- before they wake up.




- Roger, what're you doing
- here?

- Well, I was sitting here
- watching you guys.

Then I fell asleep.

And the next thing I know...

Well, this is the next thing

I know.

- Roger, you can't
- come with us.

- Yeah, this doesn't
- concern you.

Is that any way to treat me?

- I spent two hours
- in the gift shop

Picking something out for you.

- Oh, really?
- Where is it?

Hey, I didn't have any money.

- Okay, Roger,
- you're in.

- But don't try - anything weird.
- Yeah.

Okay, before we go we need to

synchronize our body clocks.

Well, how do we do that?

- Group hug.
- Forget it.

How 'bout one by one?

Dr. Cohen...

- Oh, Tia, this isn't
- gonna work.

- No one's gonna
- believe

- That this twerp works
- in a hospital.

Orderly, you're wanted

in surgery.


- No way!
- No way!

Uh, well, I'd really

like to help,

but I got a

heart transplant.

- And then I gotta bypass
- a gall bladder.

Then I'm playin' golf.

- Doctor killebrew's performing a
- breast enhancement surgery.

- He just needs
- a hand.


- Roger, how can you
- do this?

Hey, this is what I went

to medical school for.

Okay, we've just gotta

get to the file room.

- Okay, I got - an idea.
- Mm-hmm.

- I'll get on the gurney,
- and you push it.


- Because it looks
- like fun.

Someone's coming.

- What'll we do?
- What we always do.


Quick, let's duck

in here.

- Safe!
- Safe!

That you, nurse?

Uh, yes.


I'm ready for my

sponge bath.

- Ew!
- Ew!

He needs a car wash.

Come on, I'm getting

goose bumps!

Um, get started

without me.

I'll go find a box

of tide.

Wait! Wait!

I need my anti-fungal cream.

♪ Hush, little babies,

don't say a word ♪

♪ mama's gonna buy you

a mockingbird ♪

♪ if that mockingbird

don't sing ♪

♪ mama's gonna eat

your last hot wing. ♪

Aren't they cute, ray?



Oh, ray.

Oh, ray.

- Ray, your head
- is blooming.

- What, what? Are the
- girls all right?

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

How are the girls resting?

Oh, hi, Dr. Bailey.

- They're doing just fine.
- We want to thank you

- For everything - you've done.
- It's my pleasure.

Uh, by the way,

- if there's any discomfort,
- don't worry about it.

- I think I dropped my reading
- glasses in one of 'em.

- What? - What?
- Just kidding.

- Do you think you could be
- serious for just one moment?


You know, I'd appreciate it

- if you were just a little
- bit more professional.

Good one.

What's his problem?

Oh, ray, I don't know.

- You know, some people just
- don't take the time

- To stop and smell
- the roses.

And now let's take a

look at those new breasts.

Quick! Here!


Wow, we found it!

- Look at all these
- filing cabinets.

- Okay, let's start
- looking.

- You take this side, and
- I'll take that side.

Hey, a plan!

Well, here goes.

Are you nervous?

- Yeah, a little,
- but...

- We're gonna find the names
- of our real parents.

- Suppose they don't want
- to know who we are?

- Suppose they're out there
- right now

Trying to find us?

- You're right.
- We gotta do this.

- Yeah, this is no time
- for cold feet.

- Boy, there were a lot of
- dead people there.

- Do you think this is
- a bad hospital?

We better get back to the

room before they wake up.

- Yeah, but we gotta
- keep looking.

- Tia, we're not
- gonna give up.

- We're gonna find
- our real parents.

- Yeah. After all,
- we did find each other.

Hurry up, nurse.

- This poor guy has suffered
- severe trauma.

A little help here,


How you feeling, girls?

- A little better.
- A little better.

Tamera, you want me to

fluff up your pillow?

Thanks, dad.

Tia, can I get you some

cake or something?

- Sure.
- Okay.

- Ray, come on, let's go
- to the cafeteria.

Don't they need something

a little healthier?

- Oh, we'll get 'em
- some carrot cake.

Girls, I hope you know

how much we love you.

You're our whole world.

- Yeah, we're happy
- you're okay.

We'd be lost without you.

- I don't think we need to look
- anymore.


it'd be too tough to take care

of another set of parents.

Hit it!

- You, you know, when I
- threw that cummerbund,

- It was in the heat
- of the moment.

- You know, this is a
- very expensive tux,

And-and I own it.

- And, well, you see,
- that's-that's mine.

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