02x11 - Field Trip

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sister, Sister". Aired: September 6, 1995 – May 23, 1999.*
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Starring Tia and Tamera Mowry as identical twin sisters separated at birth who are reunited as teenagers.
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02x11 - Field Trip

Post by bunniefuu »

- Today's the kind of day
- that every student dreams about.

Yeah, no classes.

- And we're not talking
- about a quick fix,

Like a fire drill,

or an assembly.

- Or when
- somebody barfs,

- And they throw that
- sawdust over it.

We're talking

about an all-day field trip.

But of course, we're

taking it seriously.

Oh, yeah.

We're looking at it as an

educational experience.



This is supposed

to be an educational experience.

We're not moving

till I find out who threw that.

- I did!
- -That's it!

You're all expelled.

Okay. Thank you.

Okay, let's quiet down, please.

Did somebody lose 20 bucks?

I thought

that would get your attention.

Ed is so cool.

- It's like
- he's not even a teacher.

Yeah. I love that he lets us

call him by his first name, ed.


Can I sit here and

reflect in your beauty?

No, thanks.

I'm eating.

Dang! She blew me off for

an egg salad sandwich.

All right, we're

on to the museum.

Now, Tia, tamera,

- well, how about if you
- make sure everybody's here?

Sure. Everybody here?


Everybody's here.

- You girls should go
- into teaching.

Thanks, ed.

♪ Talk about a

two-way twister ♪

♪ shakin' up the family tree

with sibling synchronicity ♪

- ♪ never knew
- how much I missed you ♪

♪ I ain't ever gonna

let... you... go ♪

Lisa, can we go home now?

I hate shopping.

Oh, come on, Terrence.

- Now today we're doing
- what I want,

- And tonight,
- we'll do what you want.


What time is sunset?

- Oh, come on, honey.
- Sit right down here now.

- Make yourself
- comfortable.

- Save up your
- strength.

- Okay, baby.
- And hold my purse.

Oh, no, no, not the purse!

Uh, this is not mine.

Uh... uh, it...

This is not mine.

It-it's not mine.

Hi. Can I ask you something?

This is not mine.

No, I was going to ask you

what your signature scent is.

Gee, uh, I don't know. Um...

Beer and potato chips?

You're so funny.

Well, I work out.

I-I mean, I-I work at it.

Mmm! This smell is you.

Well, that's exactly

who I want to smell like.


Well, look

who's shopping.

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

Uh, Lisa, honey.

I-I... uh...

Uh, you were pretty quick.

Yeah, so were you.

Hi. I'm latina.

Oh, nice meeting

you, latrina.

- Well, you'll let me know
- if you're interested.


I don't think I am.

Oh, I'm definitely not. No.


Lisa, honey,

your purse.

Thank you.

Lisa! Honey!

Up! Up! Up!

Uh, don't lollygaggle.

Now this was done

by a famous artist

who went insane

from eating his own paint.

- Now, does anybody know
- his nickname?


It was El greco,

but that was a good guess.

I love to be


And next,

we have ingres's

le grande odalisque.

How come she's naked?

I don't know, but I'm thinking

about going to art school.

Come on, guys.

Cool it!

Hey, hey, hey.

- Hey, there's no eating
- or drinking in here.

Now pick that up

and get moving.

Peekaboo, I see you.

"Peekaboo, I see you"?!

What am I, three?

Lisa, honey, I-I swear

I wasn't staring at her.

- Terrence, you were
- drooling so much,

- We could have
- water-skied home.

Hi, guys.


- And I hate
- that Cologne on you.

You're stanky!

Bye, guys.

Oh, come on, honey.

She was just trying to

sell me some new Cologne.


- Was this that salesgirl
- down at kressler,

- The one with
- the great...?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Ooh, mama!

Ray, you're not

helping me here.

Come on, Lisa.

It-it was totally innocent.

- Don't insult me,
- Terrence.

- I'd have more respect
- for you

- If you'd just be honest
- and admit it.

Don't do it.

Make a sharp left.

That bridge is out.

Okay, okay, may, uh...

Maybe I was looking at her.

I knew it! I knew it!

I knew it!

Man overboard.

No, no, no, no, no.

Okay, uh, I...

Oh, she...

- Okay, what
- happened was...

- She was
- flirting with me.

And I was just being polite,

so I was flirting back.

So, technically, i-i

was just, uh, flarting.

I got to write that one down.

Come on, Lisa.

- I-I swear, there was
- no human emotion there.

I-I was looking at her

the same way I would look

at a-a painting or

a-a sunset or a...

- Was she wearing that
- cute little black skirt?


Ooh, hurt me!

Ray, you're k*lling me here.

So, Terrence,

you like sunsets, huh?


- Well, you can just
- feast your eyes

- On this moon
- going over the mountain.


Oh... man!

I'm in trouble!

Oh, hey, man, it's...

It's not your fault.

Women don't understand

how a man functions.

- You know,
- you're-you're right, ray.


What don't they understand?

It's in our DNA.

- We're programmed to
- seek out attractive,

Young, leggy females.

It's our biological

need to procreate

so that the species

will survive.

Ooh, that was good, ray.

That was good.

All you did was

look, right?


Well, then you should get a

medal for your restraint. Ha!

You got it, buddy!

To look is just a

man's basic instinct.

Ooh, basic instinct.

I loved that movie.

The interrogation scene?

I got it on tape.

But we digress.


The point is, Lisa doesn't

know how good she's got it.

You know, ray,

you are absolutely right.

I'm gonna go in there

right now and tell her.




Nothing, honey.

She's beautiful.

Uh, but she can't

hold a candle to you.

In fact, she can't

hold anything.

Oh, man, it took me an hour

to think of that line.

I need help.

"Aklia, goddess of desire..."

"According to ancient

Egyptian superstition,

whoever possesses this statue

possesses the power of love"?!


- Okay, it's
- time to go.

Line up, single

file, and quiet!

Now, Roger!

Let's go!

Okay, okay.

Come on, Roger,

let's go.

Come on. Let's go.

Let's go. Ms. Little?

I could use some help over here.

Wish I had a

little gin in this.

- Hey, Tia, I found
- a soda machine.

- Great. I'm dying
- of thirst.

- Come on, let's
- stay together.

- Hey, ed, how about I take along
- some soup for the bus?

- Oh, don't - touch that!
- Whoa!

Oh, my gosh!

What you have done,

you stupid clowns?!

We're sorry.

We'll clean it up.

- No, no, no, no, no.
- You're both getting detention.

I told you, no food in here.

Now get on the bus!

But, ed...

Get on the bus now!

I can't believe that.

He's so mean.

Come on, tamera.

We've got to keep it

together, and we can't cry.

Make a funny face, Tia.

I'm about to blow.

That's not funny.

I know.

Quiet down, you little maggots!

Well, might as well drown

my sorrows in apple juice.


- Ms. Little, Ms. Little,
- I've got...

- Were you saving
- this seat?

No, my seats

are always open.

- You know, i'm
- kind of tired.

Do you mind if I rest

my head on your shoulder?


- Have you lost
- your contacts?

Do you mind?

My shoulder is your pillow.

Roger, what did you want

to tell me?

Absolutely nothing.

Did somebody die?


- Terrence and I
- reached an agreement.

Uh, yeah.

- I-I groveled
- and she agreed.

- Tell him
- what you said, Terrence.

- Well, yeah, I-I don't
- remember everything.

I do, I do.

- Terrence said, "there is
- no excuse for a man

- "to go chasing after
- everything in a skirt.

It's not like it's in

your DNA or anything."

That's interesting.

Oh, isn't he cute, ray?


- Yeah, he's
- adorable.

Ooh, I just love him so much,

I could just eat his face.


The whole world's

your smorgasbord, isn't it?

- Oh, Terrence,
- I couldn't possibly

Accept another bouquet

of flowers.

A car would be nice, though.

Hi, good afternoon.

Oh, well, hello.

Mrs. Henderson?


- Oh, no, no, no,
- they're two doors down.

- I'm sure she's home by now,
- 'cause it's cocktail hour.

- Well, I'm sorry
- to bother you.

- Oh, no, it's
- no bother at all.

No bother at all.





What was that?


- Oh, Terrence, i-i
- wasn't whoo-hooing.

- I was, I was
- wheezing.

- You know, all these flowers
- and all the pollen

- And everything, you know.
- No, no, no.

No, you were staring

at that guy's butt!

Terrence, come on, I got

- better things to do
- than to stare

At some strange guy's butt.

- Besides, his little pumpkin butt
- can't compare to yours, baby.


- So you were staring
- at his butt!

- Oh, oh, so you can
- slobber over some heifer,

But I can't glance

at some pants.

- All right,
- all right.

- All right, well,
- glance at these pants,

- Because they're
- out of here!

Well, I see you two lovebirds

- are pecking
- each other's eyes out again.

Oh, ray, life is cruel.




Life is good.

And I want each of you to know

that you're all

very special to me.

- Uh, number three,
- switch places with number five.

Tia, how did we end up

in detention?

Last week, honor roll,

this week, death row.

Uh, Tia, your future husband

wants a word with you.

Hey, after school,

you want to go for a ride?

I can steal a car.

No, it's okay.

We've got to Rob a bank.

There's Mr. Berry.

Don't look at him.

Don't look at him either.

Girls, can we talk

for a minute?

Um, we're kind of busy.

- Look, I really feel bad about
- what happened at the museum.

I thought we were friends.

The last thing you need

is a 30-year-old buddy.

You're 30?

Good hair piece.

Sit down.

- The thing you have
- to understand is,

I'm your teacher.

Forget it; It's no big deal.

I-I shouldn't have yelled.

Uh, it was a crazy day, and...

- This may sound
- kind of stupid,

But we thought

you were different.

Yeah, y-you were the first

teacher we ever really liked.

Get in there,

you little maggot!

Of course,

she was a close second.

I'm sorry I blew up.

I guess I'm human.

I'm sorry we messed up

at the museum.

- I guess we
- weren't thinking.

The thing is, I'm really glad

you girls are in my class.

So are we, ed.

So are we, ed.

You changed my life, ed.

Hi, Lisa.

How's it going?

Lousy, miserable, rotten.

Hmm, you seen

the TV guide?

I'm having a rough time.

Thank you for your support.

- All right,
- all right.

- I'm sorry,
- I'm sorry.

- Why don't I go make
- a couple sandwiches,

- And we can sit and talk
- about how all men are scum?

Oh, ray, it's like you're

the big sister I never had.

- Ooh, I hope this is Terrence
- coming to make up with me!

We'll be lovebirds again!

What you want?

Oh, Lisa, uh...

I-I'm sorry I got so upset.

I-I brought you

a little gift.

Oh, Terrence,

you should have.

- "Chippendale's
- erotic male dancers"?!

I just want you to know

that I-I trust you,

and I-I don't

mind looking...

Oh, June is

busting out all over.


- Maybe I should
- hold on to this.

- Oh, Terrence, honey,
- what are we gonna do now?

Both of us like

to window shop.

I don't know, baby.

- M-Maybe we just need to lay down
- some ground rules, you know?


Okay, okay, how about this?

- You can look, but when you look,
- you got to look at me first,

- So that you know and I know that
- the look is an authorized look

- And won't cause you
- any physical harm.

- 'Cause when you're
- looking at her,

- You're really
- thinking of me.

How about I take

you out to dinner

- and only
- look at you?


And I'll only look at you.

- But I might sneak a peek
- at that dessert cart.

Lisa, here's your sandwich...

Lisa, food!

Oh, no, she's been kidnapped.

Little appetizer.

- You finish
- your homework?

- Yeah, we did
- it in deten...


In de ten minutes

it takes to get to school.

Our top story tonight,

officials at the city art museum

are investigating the theft

of a priceless artifact...

Aklia, the goddess of desire.

We believe this to be the work

- of an international
- t*rror1st group.

- The act of leaving
- a beverage behind

Is an obvious

political statement.

Another exclusive.

- This theft is
- apparently the work

Of a criminal


Hide me!

I'm on the lam!

- Roger, what's
- going on?

Wait a minute.

You stole the statue?

You're a mastermind?

Surprised me, too.

Roger, how could you

do such a stupid thing?!

It was an accident.

- And I was gonna give it
- back, but I've been too busy

- Fighting off packs of women
- because of this dang statue.

Oh, come on, Roger,

that's a myth.

Roger is so cute.

He's so adorable.

Uh, get that away

from them.

You got to help me,

Mr. Campbell.

I can't go to jail.

- I can't even stand
- to shower in gym class.

- Well, why'd you
- come to me?

'Cause you're my best friend.

I am?

It's rough out there,

Mr. Campbell.

- Come on, ray,
- we have to help him.

- Yeah, 'cause
- if we don't,

- He'll be hiding out here
- all the time.

- Uh, come on, let's
- get to the car.

- Oh, I just had the best time
- with Terrence.

I'm so in love

with him, I...

Ooh, Roger, you are

looking so fine.


- Come on,
- I'll explain in the car.


You know, I'm kind of glad

to get rid of this.

- I've tampered with
- ancient erotic forces,

And I'm afraid,

not to mention exhausted.

I got to make one quick stop.

Where are

the police?

Hello? Hello?

- Ray.
- Hmm?

- I'm new at this
- crime business,

But I think the cops

are supposed to find you.

We have to find

somebody in charge.

Dad, can't we just

sneak the statue back?

Yeah, I do love

a good caper.

- Come on, there's
- no one here.


- Roger, have you
- learned your lesson?

- Yes, I have,
- Mr. Campbell, sir.

- Well, the important
- thing here...

Can we save the lecture

for the getaway?

- Okay, ray, the
- coast is clear.

Put it back!



Roger, are you okay?

I had the whole world in

my hands, and I lost it.

Will you forget about

that stupid statue?

- I can't.
- For the first time in my life,

I had women all over me...

And I was awake.

Don't you get it?

- It had nothing
- to do with aklia.

Then what was going on?

Well, one girl

happened to like you,

- and that made
- other girls like you.

Dang, women are shallow.

- And because you
- were confident,

- You didn't have to try so hard
- with those stupid pick-up lines.


- I thought "take off your blouse,
- it may be flammable"

Was a timeless classic.

Just be yourself.

- I mean, you're smart, you're
- cool, you're handsome.

I'm lying.

Come on, Roger.

Just try it.

Okay, no pick-up lines.

- I'm gonna be the best me
- that I can be.

Tyra, listen,

I like you,

- and I was wondering if
- you would go out with me.

That's very sweet, Roger,

but I have a new boyfriend.

- Did I mention that
- I'm a multi-millionaire,

- And I just got
- my pilot's license?

Sorry, Roger.

My heart is so broken

that my braids hurt.

Come on, Roger.

I mean, don't give up.

- There are plenty of girls
- who'd want to go out with you.

- How about you? - Maybe you
- Should give up.


- Come on, Roger,
- we're just kidding.

- Then you will
- go out with me?

- Okay.
- Sure.

- You girls are doing this
- out of pity, aren't you?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Then I should've

thought of this years ago.


I can't believe all the fuss

over this stupid little statue.

Yeah, I guess we all

got kind of crazy.

- I mean, how could this little
- thing have magical powers?


That's ridiculous.

- Like that old piece of stone
- could make anybody fall in love.

- People are
- so gullible.

- They'll believe
- anything.

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